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Impact of Learning Models GiptuBan / Elaboration Theory Based / For Increase cognitive

Аннотация научной статьи по фундаментальной медицине, автор научной работы — Adina Sastra Sembiring, Abdul Hamid K., Sahat Siagian

This study aims to know the impact of learning models guitar classic gift ban based theory elaboration for increasing cognitive student. Procedure development of learning models Elaboration refers to the development model ADDIE consists of over 2 (two) stages. They are stage pre-development and stage development. Stage pre-development includes: analysis (analysis) and design (design), and moderate stage development include development (development), implementation (implementation), and evaluation (evaluation). The research design used at the stage This is a study quantitative experiment To compare the effectiveness of learning models elaboration with the usual model during this (direct instructions). Study This uses design study Posttest-Only Control Design To measure the effectiveness of the learning model Class elaboration experiment compared to class control uses comparison aspect mean value cognitive. Test effectiveness This compares results Study cognitive between class control with treat learning models direct instruction as many as 20 people and results Study cognitive class experiment with the treatment of learning models GiptuBan as many as 22 people. Before analyzing hypothesis test effectiveness, especially formerly perform an assumption test normality and homogeneity of data. The data normality test is known that sig. Results Study cognitive class control of 0.279 > 0.05 and the sig. results Study cognitive class experiment of 0.206 > 0.05. So we can conclude that the second outcome data group Study cognitive good class control and class experiment is normally distributed. Data homogeneity test is known that sig. The test of homogeneity of variances test results Study cognitive class control and class experiment of 0.534 > 0.05. So it can be concluded that the two groups of data on cognitive learning outcomes, both the control class and the experimental class, are homogeneous. Hypothesis Test is known that sig. Equal variances assumed on independent samples test for test results Study cognitive class control and class experiment of 0.001 <0.05, then Ha is accepted. So it can be concluded that there are significant differences in cognitive aspects of learning outcomes between the control classes compared to the experimental class in guitar courses. Test effectiveness product study is known that results Study aspect cognitive class experiment using the application of learning models GiptuBan obtain t value count of 3,654 more from mark t table 1.683, then Ha is accepted. It means results Study aspect cognitive on the application of learning models GiptuBan taller in a manner significant compared to with results Study aspect cognitive students on the application of learning models direct instructions.

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1 Faculty of Language and Art, Medan State University, William Iskandar Pasar V Indonesia adina@unimed.ac.id

© https://orcid.org/0009-0009-3598-1463 2 Faculty of Engineering, Medan State University, William Iskandar Pasar V Indonesia abdulhamidk1958@gmaU.com_ https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4335-5621 3 Faculty of Engineering, Medan State University, William Iskandar Pasar V Indonesia Sahat.sgn61@gmail.com

© https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7972-8886


This study aims to know the impact of learning models guitar classic gift ban based theory elaboration for increasing cognitive student. Procedure development of learning models Elaboration refers to the development model ADDIE consists of over 2 (two) stages. They are stage pre-development and stage development. Stage pre-development includes: analysis (analysis) and design (design), and moderate stage development include development (development), implementation (implementation), and evaluation (evaluation). The research design used at the stage This is a study quantitative experiment To compare the effectiveness of learning models elaboration with the usual model during this (direct instructions). Study This uses design study Posttest-Only Control Design To measure the effectiveness of the learning model Class elaboration experiment compared to class control uses comparison aspect mean value cognitive. Test effectiveness This compares results Study cognitive between class control with treat learning models direct instruction as many as 20 people and results Study cognitive class experiment with the treatment of learning models GiptuBan as many as 22 people. Before analyzing hypothesis test effectiveness, especially formerly perform an assumption test normality and homogeneity of data. The data normality test is known that sig. Results Study cognitive class control of 0.279 > 0.05 and the sig. results Study cognitive class experiment of 0.206 > 0.05. So we can conclude that the second outcome data group Study cognitive good class control and class experiment is normally distributed. Data homogeneity test is known that sig. The test of homogeneity of variances test results Study cognitive class control and class experiment of 0.534 > 0.05. So it can be concluded that the two groups of data on cognitive learning outcomes, both the control class and the experimental class, are homogeneous. Hypothesis Test is known that sig. Equal variances assumed on independent samples test for test results Study cognitive class control and class experiment of 0.001 <0.05, then Ha is accepted. So it can be concluded that there are significant differences in cognitive aspects of learning outcomes between the control classes compared to the experimental class in guitar courses. Test effectiveness product study is known that results Study aspect cognitive class experiment using the application of learning models GiptuBan obtain t value count of 3,654 more from mark t table 1.683, then Ha is accepted. It means results Study aspect cognitive on the application of learning models GiptuBan taller in a manner significant compared to with results Study aspect cognitive students on the application of learning models direct instructions.

Keyword: Impact of Learning Models GiptuBan, Elaboration Theory Based, For Increase cognitive


To improve the quality of human resources and be able to compete in a global world, the thing that needs to be considered is the aspect of education. These human resources can only be formed through educational interaction between an educator and students. Education is learning that is carried out to channel knowledge, attitudes, and skills derived through teaching. Apart from being a value of attitudes and knowledge, education is also a means of transforming culture, technology, and art within it (Imran Akhmad, 2022) (R. Dewi & Verawati, 2021)


Art education is part of civilization that has There before man knows modern civilization, is its goal always to experience change. (Punzalan, 2018) said: "Arts education allows schools to provide the students with knowledge of ethics, see social realities and understand their rights and responsibilities." Art makes an effort to make school equip the student with knowledge about ethics, reality social, and understanding of rights and responsibilities answer. The important thing in education art includes education art bring several profits from various p. Some profit from education art is: advancing the imagination and creativity of students; making they For understand and express their view about the world around them; supporting students to make the decision and solve a problem; and advancing values concentration and tenacity. Art education has enabled the development of talent in art to generations' successors, whose goal for producing an expert in the field of art (artists). System education art at the start history, process Lots based to system Prentiss, studio, studio, then shift to system academic education. System education art This Still adheres to the principle of education in the art (education in art). System education art can be said to be an asset culture.

Development education art start talk No transmission art, however functioning art for its purpose utilize art as means/media for help grow to develop individual participant educate in framework prepare day front. This is what it is called with function art as asset education or function education art (education through art). this opinion (Gangi, 2018) that education art is business aware For prepare participant educate through activity guidance, teaching, and training to master the ability make art in accordance with must role he played. Art education aim to develop of Power awareness and sensitivity aesthetic (appreciation), power copyright (creativity), and giving chance subject educate for expression. Art when positioned in the world of education No effort For deliver participant related students with competence artistry or create subject educate as artist, however with competence maturity potency subject educational, social and cultural.

Art education need For characteristic more open, offer track or a useful learning model For life sustainable, and clarify the possibilities For generation young related matters with progress them and form identity make music them. Art education need lead to understanding to role art in life civilized and cultured human being, ability rate and experience meaningful art in framework life cultured, improve competence For exploring, uncovering, and communicating ideas, views, and feelings through the medium of art, help ability perception and sensitivity to various phenomenon social culture that grows and develops in society and its environment (Lestari et al., 2019) Study is very basic thing that is not Can free from life everyone. (Catterall Richard Chapleau John Iwanaga, 1999) said: " Learning is aimed to make individuals gain knowledge, abilities, attitudes and behaviors that are necessary for being a good person via values education ", learning aim For make individual obtain knowledge, skills, and attitudes required For be a good person through values education. Study is a complex internal process where involved in this internal process is all encompassing mentality realm cognitive and domain psychomotor (Gangi, 2021) say that: "learning is an enduring change in behavior, or in the capacity to behave in a given fashion, which results from practice or other forms of experience", learning is changes in behavior practice, or in capacity For behave with method particular, is generated in practice or experience other. There is a change Act in demand in self somebody is one sign that somebody has learnt. Change Act in demand the concerns Good characteristic changes knowledge (cognitive) and skills (psychomotor) as well as related values and attitudes (affective). (Herpratiwi, 2016) Studying is modification or confirm behavior through experience (learning is defined as the modification or strengthening of behavior through experiencing). According to understanding (Ayu, 2009), study is a process, an activity and not something results or purpose. Study No only given, will but more wide from that ie experience. Music is one branch close art relationship with sense hearing human (Zelika Salsabila, 2020) said that "Music is branch the art of discussing and defining various voice to in possible patterns understood and understood human". According to (Putu Sumartini et al., 2020), "Music is art disclosure idea through elemental sound basically form melody, rhythm, and harmony". Generated sound to disclose something idea in music can originate from voice man or originate from instrument music. According to (Ian Taufan, 2015) at the moment This music too become A need for human. More continue, (Abadi & Hadi, 2021) put forward that: "Music has magical powers. It can


transport you into an altered state, heal sickness, purify the body and mind, and work miracles in the nature", music own magical power, which can send We as if being in another world, healing disease, purify body and soul, and giving wonder about nature. For creators music, music become something overflow emotion soul, where feelings that are in the creator music delivered. For connoisseurs music, with hear appropriate music with atmosphere heart so hope that it can feel more relax and more ok. Delivery something work music can through instrumental and vocal music. Instrumental music is composition music without lyrics or or music vocals in form whatever. All music generated through tool music or instrument music. According to (Indrawan & Kustap, 2015) say that instrumental music is strain pure from tool music that is not accompanied by sound singer. Instrumental music is something recording music without exists lyrics accompanying song. Guitar is tool music melodic can generate notes and chords. Guitar got played as accompaniment song and also as solo instrument. Broadly speaking guitar can shared into two types, guitar acoustic and guitar electric. Acoustic guitar Can played without use Genre electricity, meanwhile guitar electric must use Genre electricity so you can produce sound. Instrument guitar played with method picked who has six fruit string or strings. (Komara et al., 2013) Guitar is tool most famous music around the world. Musical instrument This played with different ways according to type and type. Between that's all lots type guitar type guitar classic is one of them used especially For bring works music classic. Although thereby type guitar this is also normal used For a number of type music popular such as jazz, keroncong, pop, and so on. it in matter This naming classic on guitar Actually No related with type the music, though in fact so (depends from definition applied music), but rather solely as type guitar certain use strings nylon.

Common techniques used in bring guitar classic covers method hold and way plays. Guitar held with help footstools, that is tool adjustable leg support arranged level the height. In sitting up chair without arm, left leg stepped on footstools temporary guitar placed on top thigh left. In position this, beside part on thigh left, there three elsewhere on the body holding player stability position guitar, that is chest (generally adjacent right), then point pedestal arm right in between wrists and elbows on the sides on board front guitar and parts in thigh right. pedestal arm hand right must can help fingers right free from voltage when pick strings. Temporary That arms and base palm hand left No recommended participate withhold neck guitar but need free from pressure. With thereby so will help movement fingers left For maneuver to left, to right, to up and to down, by free. Medan State University is one of them college the height of the country in North Sumatra. Medan State University campus has 7 Faculties consisting of from Faculty Education Sciences (FIP), Faculty of Languages and Arts (FBS), Faculty Knowledge Social (FIS), Faculty Mathematics and Science Knowledge Nature (FMIPA), Faculty of Engineering (FT), Faculty Knowledge Sports (FIK), Faculty of Economics and Postgraduate Programs. The Faculty of Languages and Arts has 5 Departments and 10 Study Programs, one of them is Major Sendratasik Music Education Study Program. Music Education Study Program For finish studies student must take credit load of 150 credits. Courses in the Music Education Study Program dominated by courses practice, for one that is eye studying Basic Guitar Instrument which weighs 2 credits. Eyes lecture studying Basic Guitar Instrument more emphasized to mastery practical with method play guitar with material guitar classic. Student directed For involved active in education for results expected learning fulfilled that is with exists change understanding attitude and behavior in demand as well as Skills play guitar. Here role a teacher or lecturer challenged For own capacity intellectual as well as ability analyze as part from ability basic must mastered. As a strategy for improve and maximize ability student in lectures Basic Guitar Instrument. So, student capable reach optimal results. kindly special student skilled play guitar classic both solo and group. However in fact, found problem tree in the learning process guitar foundation in Music Education Study Program The Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of Medan is lack of liveliness student in solve something problem because minimal business For develop method think (Gangi, 2018) say that: "barriers can block a person's ability to be educated. These barriers actually produce psychological and mental reactions", barriers learning can close talent somebody For educated, obstacles This can cause reaction particularly physically and mentally. The learning method used is learning conventional Where student not enough active and more passive. Student more Lots hear, remember, observe


and memorize what was said by the lecturer. So that potential in students No develop optimally. Success student can seen from ability practice and improvement results learn. increasing ability mastery student to presented material usually level achieved success will follow increased too. However the reality results Study student eye studying guitar preparation Still Far than expected. Courses guitar base This result oriented real shape practice. Practice done is play guitar classic in a manner individual. Play guitar should follow initial stages with introduction construction guitar, position play guitar, tuning, technique excerpt hand right, and notation. However reality in the field stages That No done. But direct to exercise play song without exists introduction construction guitar, how position play guitar, how how to tune, standardize technique excerpt hand right, read notation, interpretation, and technique supports used. After exercise song, lecturer end material without There is evaluation from lecturer about what 's new done, what advantages and disadvantages, lecturer No give input and suggestions, so what to do No Can evaluated. Expected achievement from eye studying guitar base No max, student No motivated For practice return material provided that resulted results obtained No satisfying. In case delivery material, lecturer Still use the old way ie with convey material lectures in a manner oral (lecture), discussion, without dig more in studied material. Trend read resulting textbook appearance boredom, laziness, lack believe self, from student For can Study more ok. cognitive theory become choice during This For applied in teach guitar. Cognitive theory more attach importance to the learning process than results Study That alone.


Models used in the eyes studying Basic Guitar Instrument starts from warming up with play chromatic scale, drill with play etude, and closing (cover). Strategy used lead to expository namely learning strategies that emphasize to the delivery process material verbally from a lecturer to student with mean that students capable understand lesson optimally, or in other words deliver material with lecture .(Endriani et al., 2022) stated , embed this strategy as the term direct learning strategy (Direct Introduction) because the learning material, directly delivered to students (embedding this strategy as the term learning strategy direct (direct introduction) because material learning direct be delivered to student). And learning strategies applied demonstration For explain right material with technique play guitar classic. Various effort has done For increase quality lectures Basic Guitar Instrument in Music Education Study Program Good That election source Study in the form of media, and customized teaching materials with conditions and needs during This so that with new model development later can give refreshment, motivation to student in Study guitar. models to be developed in the eye studying Basic Guitar Instrument is developed a model that has used during This that is developed the GiptuBan model with steps that is Guitar Construction (construction guitar), Playing Position (position play guitar), Tuning (Guitar Stem), Basic Right-Hand Finger (technique excerpt hand right), and Notation (notation).

When done observation beginning to results ability play guitar on the eye studying guitar base university student specifically Music Education study program show ; (a) Achievements results Study eye student studying guitar base Still Not yet as expected or category low so that they must carry out remedial for reach precondition graduation eye studying guitar basic (b) Lecture process guitar basis in the study program education music Unimed , lecturer eye studying guitar base tend teach with the expository model . supportive practicum lectures guitar the base is also still minimal so effort activity practice eye studying guitar basis by the lecturer along student done What exist. (c) Other influencing factors achievement ability competence is student is background behind origin school start and experience different music so knowledge capital music they No evenly and less qualified. Implementation lectures guitar base Still activity centered centered teacher to lecturer, limitations source learn , as well facility supporters activity practice Study guitar still basic Far from standardization practice guitar .(Punzalan, 2018) said : "It has been understood that to design learning activities, the teachers need to take students' learning background and differences into consideration", has understood that For designing activity learning , teachers need understand background behind students and differences character so you can considered .


Impact of Learning Models GiptuBan Based on Elaboration Theory For Increase cognitive Student

Learning models expected alternative can repair results Study student is developing learning models GiptuBan on the eyes studying guitar preparation. this in accordance with opinion (L. V. Dewi et al., 2019), influence model development against enhancement activity study on learning music, which results development of this model can increase results Study 58 % dam 41.6% is determined by factors other. Study results is change Act act on yourself someone who can observed and measured in form knowledge, attitudes, and skills (Rukmana et al., 2018). Change the can interpreted as happening further improvement and development Good than before. Success student in Study influenced by two factors that is internal factors and factors external. Factor of in self student including intelligence, training, motivation, condition health, as well condition the five senses especially sight and hearing, discipline self, and independence. Temporary outside factors self students (external) include factor family consists from method parent educate, relations between member family, circumstances economy family and background behind culture. External factors other consists from method teaching, curriculum, relations lecturer with students, relations student with student others, the lecture model applied by the lecturer in give material education, environment campus and the media. Lecturer sued must capable choose method appropriate education with condition student Because every student own different characteristics that also affect results Study student.

Elaboration originate from the word Elaboration can translated as development material learning For make so learning That more meaningful for student. Elaboration theory is theory about design learning with base argument that lesson must organized from simple material lead to complex expectations with develop understanding in more context meaning so that develop into integrated ideas. Elaboration theory predict method organizing teaching with follow order general to special. Order general to special This started with displays the epitome then elaborate existing parts in the epitome detail. Context always showed with displays synthesis in a manner gradually. each integrated strategy components to in the elaboration model, can traced from theory theory teaching that has developed before.

Elaboration models is as method For organize learning started with gift framework content and principal the topics taught. With method like this is expected elaboration model learning can strengthen ability student with always hook each subsection to part more context wide the epitome or framework contents. Learning models elaboration is a learning model with characteristics learning demand liveliness student through activity possible elaboration practice as well as identify every related elements with material (Wulandari, 2020). Learning models elaboration is a leaning learning model to the same two sides importance, ie process and outcome sides teaching and learning. First phase in the learning process teach is with showing parts mainly on the eyes lesson or field taught studies. Learning Models Elaboration have syntax namely: (1) Presentation Content framework ; (2) Elaboration stage first ; (3) Giving summary synthesis external; (4) Elaboration stage second ; (5) Giving summary and synthesis external .(Hamidi et al., 2011) say that: elaboration theory has the following values: (1) it values a sequence of instruction that is as holistic as possible, to foster meaning-making motivation; (2) it allows learners to make many scopes and sequence decisions on their own during the learning process; (3) it is an approach that facilitates rapid prototyping in the instructional development process, and; it integrates viable approaches to scope and sequence into a coherent design theory.

Elaboration theory own values as following: (1) appreciate order holistic instruction maybe, for push motivation; (2) allows participant educate For make Lots scope and decision order Alone during the learning process; (3) is facilitating approach making prototype fast in the development process instructional, and; That integrate decent approach _ For room scope and sequence to in theory coherent design. More carry on (Bridges, 2016) says: elaboration involves learners either creating examples or studying provided examples and the research provides evidence that either type may or may not be an effective generative learning strategy. Elaboration involve participant educate Good in make example nor learn examples and research prove that one of them Possible or No Possible become generative learning strategy. Develop learning with existing paradigms in elaboration aim For reach results progressive and capable learning lift potency student. (Apriliana, 2021) revealed: "


Students with specific goals and aspirations were more likely to find success in their academic pursuits ", students who have objective special and aspirational certain more tend succeed in matter academic. Student goals guitar in the Music Education Study Program, Medan State University is to be proficient play guitar Good in a manner of practice nor theory. Designed learning with targeted models and strategies For develop potential and purpose Study student will produce something achievement good study. A number of study scientific related to learning models guitar (Michael Sugianto Panggabean, 2021) explain that Learning guitar classic method yamaha more can form creative soul that can make performance Study more high, besides That learning guitar in implementation learning can walk with good and earn optimal results when shared through specification age, this intended so No happen gap in abilitym reception material nor results Study (Ian Taufan, 2015).(Punzalan, 2018) explain that studies guitar classic can useful and growing creativity and behavior innovative from learning That alone .(Gangi, 2021) explain that game taught guitar to student besides can increase cognitive participant teach , game guitar this is also capable made as eye search in Century front , diera waves globalization which is not uncertain , then it is considered that game guitar This can made business success participant educate in the future.


Second Level Headings

Procedure development of learning models Elaboration refers to the development model (Sugiyono, 2010) ADDIE which consists over 2 (two) stages, viz stage pre development and stages development. Stage pre-development includes: analysis (analysis) and design (design), moderate stage development covers development (development), implementation (implementation), and evaluation (evaluation). flow chart study can seen in Figure as following:



1 ■ > —'


Figure 1. ADDIE Development Model Blog

Analysis the effectiveness of learning models learning models elaboration using trial data field from results Study student based on test. Study This use design one group pretest-posttest. The research design used at the stage This is study quantitative experiment For compare the effectiveness of learning models elaboration with the usual model during this (direct instructions). Study This use design study Posttest-Only Control Design For measure the effectiveness of the learning model Class elaboration experiment compared to class control use comparison aspect mean value cognitive. With thereby design study can depicted as following:

Table 1. Experiment Design Pretest-Posttest Control Group Design

Group Pre-test Treatment Post-test

R eskperimen O 1 X O 2

R kontrol O 3 O 4


R eskperimen = Group experiment taken in a manner random R kontrol = Group control taken _ in a manner random


01 dgulungn 03 = Group experiments and groups control

given a pre-test

02 = Post-test on groups experiment after given

learning with using learning models Elaboration 04 = Post-test on groups control after given learning

with using learning models conventional X = Treatment in the form of learning using models

learning Group elaboration experiment

For see There is the effectiveness of learning models elaboration used t-paired test with criteria show There is difference average from every trial. Before do a t-paired test, assumptions classic normality and homogeneity fulfilled.


Procedure development used in study This is ADDIE, with stages Analysis (Analysis), Design (Design), Development (Development), Implementation (Implementation), and Evaluation (Evaluation). In a few stages in study the own characteristics and Measures adopted from ADDIE. Analysis the effectiveness of learning models elaboration using trial data field from results Study student based on results test, use see level cognitive from student after given a learning model guitar classic giptuban based theory elaboration done is as following:

Test effectiveness This done in two steps, namely trials group small namely 6 students eye studying guitar, and trials group large (trial field) in 2 classes student eye studying guitar. For trial group big done with 2 treatments different, namely 1 class as class control with treatment of learning models direct instruction as many as 20 students, and 1 class as class experiment with treatment of learning models GiptuBan as many as 22 students.


Study results cognitive student is score combined between mark task routine, task posttest. Cognitive assessment done based on book guide developed learning. As for the cognitive from trials group small as following:

Table 2. Descriptive Study Results Statistics Cognitive Small Group

Valid 6

N missing 0

Means 83,33

Median 85

Mode 85

Range 15

Minimum 75

Maximum 90

Based on Table 2. above is known that results Study cognitive trials group small obtained the mean value is 83.33, the mode is 85, the median is 85, the range by 15 with mark smallest by 75 and value highest of 90. Next distribution frequency results Study cognitive trials group small as following:

Table 3. Distribution Frequency of Learning Outcomes Cognitive Small Group Trials

frequency percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

75.00 1 16.7 16.7 16.7

80.00 1 16.7 16.7 33.3

Valid 85.00 3 50.0 50.0 83.3

90.00 1 16.7 16.7 100.0

Total 6 100.0 100.0


product and results Study

Based on Table 3. above is known that results Study cognitive trials group small dominated by a score of 85 by 3 people (50%). this mean on trial group small, learning model GiptuBan give results Study in a manner belonging cognitive ok. Learning Outcomes cognitive Class Control

Study results cognitive student is score combined between mark task routine, task product and posttest. Cognitive assessment done based on book guide developed learning. As for the results Study cognitive from trials _ group big on class control as following:

Table 4. Descriptive Study Results Statistics cognitive Class Large Group Control

Valid 20

N missing 0

Means 79.00

Median 80.00

Mode 80.00

std. Deviation 5,525

Range 20.00

Minimum 70.00

Maximum 90.00

Based on Table 4. above is known that results Study cognitive trials group big class control obtained mean value is 79, mode is 80, median is 80, standard deviation of 5.525, range by 20 with mark smallest by 75 and value highest of 90. Next distribution frequency results Study cognitive class control as following:

Table 5. Distribution Frequency of Learning Outcomes cognitive Class Large Group Control

No intervals Frequency Frequency Frequency Relatively Cumulative

1 70-74 3 15 15

2 75-79 4 20 35

3 80-84 8 40 75

4 85-89 4 20 95

5 90-93 1 5 100

Amount 20 100

Based on Table 5. above can explained that 3 students (15%) have results Study under average score, 4 students (20%) results learn was on an average score, and 13 students (65%) had results study above average score.

Furthermore For clarify the result data Study cognitive student class control served visually the histogram in Figure 1.


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Figure 1. Histogram of Learning Outcome Scores cognitive Class Control

Learning Outcomes cognitive Class Experiment

Study results cognitive student is score combined between mark task routine, task product and posttest. Cognitive assessment done based on book guide developed learning. As for the results Study cognitive from trials group big on class experiment as following:

Table 6. Descriptive Study Results Statistics cognitive Class Large Group Experiment

Valid 22

N missing 0

Means 85.00

Median 85.00

Mode 85.00

std. Deviation 5.11766

Range 20.00

Minimum 75.00

Maximum 95.00

Based on Table 6. above is known that results Study cognitive trials group big class experiment obtained the mean value is 85, the mode is 85, the median is 85, standard deviation of 5.117, range by 20 with mark smallest by 75 and value highest of 95. Next distribution frequency results Study cognitive class experiment as following:

Table 7. Distribution Frequency of Learning Outcomes cognitive Class Large Group Experiment

No intervals Frequency Frequency Relatively Frequency Cumulative

1 75-79 1 4.5 4.5

2 80-84 6 27.3 31.8

3 85-89 9 40.9 72.7

4 90-93 4 18.2 90.9

5 94-95 2 9.1 100.0

Amount 22 100

Based on Table 7. above can explained that 7 students (31.8%) have results Study under average score, 9 students (40.9%) results learn is on an average score, and 6 students (27.3%) have results


study above average score. Further more For clarify the result data Study cognitive student class experiment Histogram data is presented in Figure 2.

Figure 2. Histogram of Learning Outcome Scores cognitive Class Experiment

Test the Effectiveness of Learning Outcomes cognitive Class Control and Experiment in Guitar Course

Test effectiveness This compare results Study cognitive between class control with treat learning models direct instruction as many as 20 people and results Study cognitive class experiment with treatment of learning models GiptuBan as many as 22 people. Before analyze hypothesis test effectiveness, especially formerly perform an assumption test normality and homogeneity of data as following:

Table 8. Normality Test Learning Outcome Test Cognitive One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test

HB Control HB Experiment

N 20 22

Parameters Means 79.00 85.00


Std 5,525 5.117


absolute 0.222 0.222

Most Extreme Positive 0.178 0.227


Negative -.222 -.182

Kolmogorov- 0.992 1,066

Smirnov Z

Asymp Sig. (2- 0.279 0.206


Based on Table 8. above is known that sig. results Study cognitive class control of 0.279 > 0.05, and the sig. results Study cognitive class experiment of 0.206 > 0.05. So that can concluded that second outcome data group Study cognitive Good class control and class experiment is normally distributed. Next, the results of the second data homogeneity test group the as following:


Table 9. Homogeneity Test Learning Outcome Test Cognitive Test of Homogeneity of Variances

Levene Statistics Df1 Df2 Sig.

0.393 1 40 0.534

Based on Table 9. above is known that sig. test of homogeneity of variances test results Study cognitive class control and class experiment of 0.534 > 0.05. So that can concluded that second outcome data group Study cognitive Good class control and class experiment is homogeneous. After second assumption test test results Study cognitive fulfilled, next hypothesis testing is carried out effectiveness with results as following:

Table 10. Hypothesis Test effectiveness Learning Outcome Test cognitive

Independent Samples Test

Levene's Test For Equality Of Variances T-Test For Equality Of Means

F Sig Q Df Sig (2- Mean std. Error 95 %

tailed) Differences Difference Confidence

Interval of



Lower Upper

Equal 0.393 0.534 - 40 0.001 -6.00 1,642 -9,318 -2,681

Variances 3,654


cognitive Equal Variances

Not Assumed

Based on Table 10. above is known that sig. equal variances assumed on independent samples test for test results Study cognitive class control and class experiment of 0.001 <0.05, then Ha is accepted. So that can concluded that there is difference results Study aspect significant cognitive between class control compared to class eye experiment studying guitar.

Next, if reviewed based on the average value of the results Study cognitive class experiment of 85 more big from class control by 79, then can concluded that results Study cognitive class experiment more tall in a manner significant compared to results Study cognitive class eye control studying guitar. So that in a manner whole can concluded hypothesis the effectiveness of learning models theory GiptuBan on courses guitar classic in study This fulfilled and tested truth in results Study aspect cognitive student.


In part put forward discussion results research, namely 1) validity test results students, 2) renewability product and 3) effectiveness product. Research results this is very reasonable when noticed characteristics that exist in the learning model GiptuBan. kindly theoretical development of learning models GiptuBan done For achievements necessary learning mastered student that is knowledge, attitudes and skills and application technique good guitar in eye studying guitar classic inside class, so enabling processes and results learning student will more ok, Following This will explained about linkages results research obtained, linkages with theory learning and results relevant research.

Stage Analysis, on stage analysis is step beginning Which done in develop model learning constructive. Stage analysis need Which done in study This concerns need material learning, model

- 38.82 0.001 -6.00 1,648 -9,334 -2,665



And process learning, as well as characteristics great student. Stage analysis need in study This focus on need material learning, model And process learning, as well as characteristics great student. Based on results analysis need material study, is required document comprehensive guitar. In addition, assessment learning patterns and processes as well as characteristics style Study student based on results observations and documents conclude that lecturer supporters is lecturers who are competent in their field and innovative in give documentation. However, lecturer Not yet capable create good atmosphere in the learning process. Lecturer too focus in give material and practice Not yet maximum, participation and activity student Not yet widespread in a manner maximum. Learning materials provided form textbook yet worth. Although material learning and theory relatively easy For understood, however in the practice often student difficulty For apply theory For train guitar.

Results observation Also show that great student more Lots listen, memorize, observe And remember What Which be delivered by lecturer. By Because that, potency Which There is on great student No developed in a manner optimal. Success great student can seen from ability actual And enhancement performance academic. The more big ability great student in control material Which delivered, so the more big also level performance Which achieved. However on in fact, results Study great student on subject guitar Still Far in lower hope. Lesson guitar classic This directed on results real in form practice. Its practice including play guitar classic in a manner individual. Play guitar must follow steps Which started with introduction construction guitar, position play guitar, tuning, technique pick hand right, And notation. however, in the practice step This Not yet taken. But direct to exercise play song without exists introduction construction guitar, how position play guitar, how how to tune, standardize technique excerpt hand right, read notation, interpretation, and technique supports used. After train song, lecturer end lectures without There is evaluation about What Which new just done, What excess And drawback, lecturer No give input whatever, so that No possible For evaluate What Which Already done. About presentation material, lecturer Still use method long that is share material (lecture), discuss in a manner oral. Based on description analysis need from model problems and learning processes as well as characteristics style Study student such, then can concluded that Guitar course requires a capable learning model increase understanding, skill and character. One of them taken with using learning models GiptuBan.

Design Stage. Based on analysis need so product designed research other than the learning model GiptuBan, is product the resulting research For support form model books, textbooks, books guide lecturers and books guide student. Product beginning research that has designed, then validated by experts. Validation held For get contributions and valid information in effort development of learning models GiptuBan. Validation results developed instruments and products in study This form giving criticism and expert advice given moment validation become input for researcher For revise fourth product the.

Stage Development. At stage development done in two steps ie carry out due diligence product or validation product study ie validation textbook, validation model book, validation book guide lecturer and validation book guide reviewed students from aspect design, materials and media from 3 experts. Second, instrument test test results Study aspect cognitive.

As for the summary due diligence results fourth product research and development based on results evaluation validation third expert the is as following :

Table 11. Summary of due diligence Product

No Product Average Value Information

Aiken's validation

Design Material Media

1 Textbook _ 0.881 0.871 0.823 Valid Type High

2 Model Book 0.875 0.851 0.827 Valid Type High


No Product Average Value Aiken's validation Information

Design Material Media

3 Lecturer Handbook 0.858 0.847 0.833 Valid Type High

4 Student Handbook _ 0.839 0.839 0.820 Valid Type High

Based on Table 11. above concluded that fourth product study This form textbooks, model books, books guide lecturers and books guide student fulfil level appropriateness product at a high level. this Because Aiken's V average score each aspect product study is at category 0.8 - 1. Furthermore second is a test instrument test results Study form aspect cognitive, affective and psychomotor through validation expert with results as following:

Table 12. Summary of due diligence Instrument Learning Outcome Test Aspect Cognitive

Through Expert Validation

No Aspect Aiken's Average Validation Value Information

Presentation Fill Construction Language

1 cognitive 0.833 0.889 0.833 0.833 Valid - High

2 Affective 0.889 0.889 0.833 0.833 Valid - High

3 Psychomotor 0.833 0.833 0.889 0.833 Valid - High

Based on Table 12. it is known that in a manner general test results Study Good aspect cognitive, aspect affective, and aspect psychomotor the is worthy For used with level appropriateness product at a high level. this Because Aiken's V average score each aspect product study is at category 0.8 - 1.

Stage Implementation. After fourth product study is said to be valid, then stages next is apply product research on users that is lecturers and students. There are two kinds of tests carried out in stages implementation namely the feasibility test and effectiveness test on users and students. Due diligence product study form user done with use validation expert user as many as 4 people. As for the summary due diligence results user from fourth lecturer expert in the field guitar classic is as following :

Table 13. Summary of due diligence Product from User

No Product TCR (%) Information

1 Textbook _ 83 Very Worth it

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2 Model Book 82 Very Worth it

3 Lecturer Handbook 83 Very Worth it

Based on Table 13. above is known that in a manner whole that product textbooks, model books and books guide lecturer fulfil level appropriateness from user (lecturer) field eye Classical Guitar course.

As for the summary due diligence results user from fourth lecturer expert in the field guitar classic is as following :

Table 14. Summary of due diligence User Product Student Small Group (6 people)

No Product TCR (%) Information

1 Textbook _ 83 Very Worth it

2 Model Book 82 Very Worth it

3 Student Handbook _ 84 Very Worth it

Based on Table 14. above is known in a manner whole that product textbooks, model books and books guide student fulfil level appropriateness from user students on trials group small consisting of 6 students eye Classical Guitar course.


Table 15. Summary of due diligence User Product Student Large Group (22 people)

No Product TCR (%) Information

1 Textbook _ 83 Very Worth it

2 Model Book 82 Very Worth it

Student Handbook


Very Worth it


Based on Table 15. above is known in a manner whole that product textbooks, model books and books guide student fulfil level appropriateness from user students on trials group large consisting of 22 students eye Classical Guitar course. After due diligence from sector user has done and have level eligibility that is at a very feasible level, then furthermore effectiveness test was carried out . Analysis effectiveness covers results Study student subject guitar earned classic of the total score mark cognitive (NK) against product (task routine, task product, and posttest). Difference the average value of the results Study This indicate that learning model GiptuBan give more impact. Good to results Study aspect cognitive student compared to learning models direct instructions.

Comparison results Study aspect cognitive between class experiments that apply learning models GiptuBan with results Study class control that applies the learning model direct instructions can seen from histogram image as following:

100 95 95

90 JX) 90 90 90

90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0

Figure 3. Histogram of Learning Outcomes Aspect cognitive Class Experiments and Classes Control in Classical Guitar Course

Based on Figure 3. above Can observed that hitogram results Study aspect cognitive class experiments that apply learning models GiptuBan moretall compared to with a histogram of results Study aspect cognitive student class control that applies the learning model direct instruction on the eyes studying guitar classic. This clear shown in the colored histogram bars blue in class experimental whole more tall compared to colored histogram bars class red control. Stage Evaluation. Analysis of effectiveness test data use independent sample test For compare results Study aspect cognitive, affective and psychomotor class experiments using learning models GiptuBan with class control that uses the learning model direct instruction on the eyes studying guitar classic. Hypothesis test its effectiveness This use tool help SPSS data analysis with condition statistics namely normality and homogeneity tests. normality data is known whole data group has mark Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) > 0.05, then can concluded that whole data groups are normally distributed, data homogeneity is known whole data group has mark Sig. > 0.05, then can concluded that whole homogeneous data group. Based on fulfillment assumption test results in the form of tests of normality and homogeneity, then furthermore done a series of hypothesis tests For see effectiveness test results with results as following, is known that results Study aspect cognitive class experiment using application of learning models GiptuBan obtain t value count of 3,654 more from mark t table 1.683, then Ha is accepted. It means results Study aspect cognitive on the application of learning models GiptuBan moretall in a manner significant compared to with results Study aspect cognitive students on the application of learning models direct instructions.



Possible conclusion put forward researcher in learning model research GiptuBan This produce a number of conclusion based on results study namely:

1. Research and development This produce product learning model book GiptuBan, book guide lecturer, book guide appropriate students and textbooks used in learning Classical Guitar course .

2. Learning models GiptuBan developed _ proven effective give significant impact on the results Study student on the aspect cognitive, compared with results Study student class eye control studying guitar classic


Based on the results of the research conducted, it is hoped that it will be able to be developed further with the aim of adding scientific sources that have many innovations in choosing learning models with use theory purposeful elaboration For increase aspect cognitive student in do learning guitar classic.


Thanks for the research to all involved parties in retrieval of research data that has been researcher stack based on results the researcher 's analysis do .


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