THE IMPACT OF TECHNOLOGY ON MODERN ENGLISH Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
technology / English / vocabulary / grammar / global language

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Nuryyeva H.

This article discusses the influence of technology on the English language, specifically the impact on its vocabulary and grammar. It also examines the role of technology in promoting English as a global language and the challenges it poses for non-native speakers.

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UDC 372.881

Nuryyeva H.


Turkmen National Institute of World Languages named after Dovletmamed Azadi

Turkmenistan, Ashgabat


Abstract: This article discusses the influence of technology on the English language, specifically the impact on its vocabulary and grammar. It also examines the role of technology in promoting English as a global language and the challenges it poses for non-native speakers.

Key words: technology, English, vocabulary, grammar, global language

The rapid advancement of technology has transformed our lives and has had a significant impact on all aspects of society. The English language is no exception, as it has been influenced by new inventions and innovations that have led to a change in its vocabulary, grammar and even orthography. This article explores the ways in which technology has shaped modern English and its implications for native and non-native speakers alike.

Technology isn't just shaping our world; it's reshaping our language too. English, like a river carving its path through a changing landscape, adapts and evolves under the relentless influence of technology. This impact is multifaceted, weaving through vocabulary, grammar, and even communication styles.

First, consider the vocabulary explosion. New words like "selfie," "emoji," and "cryptocurrency" emerge seemingly daily, reflecting the technological innovations they represent. Existing words morph, acquiring new meanings: "tweet" once chirped on a bird's tongue, now it flits across social media feeds. Acronyms and abbreviations, like

"LOL" and "BTW," pepper online discourse, creating a shorthand understood by digital natives.

Grammar isn't spared either. Emojis stand in for punctuation, sentence fragments fly freely in texts, and the once-sacrosanct capitalization rules bend on digital platforms. This isn't a decline, but an adaptation. Informal communication thrives in the fast-paced online world, demanding efficiency and brevity. But fear not, formal English thrives too, holding its own in academic and professional settings.

Communication styles also transform. Technology fosters immediacy and informality. Texting, instant messaging, and social media encourage brevity and emotional expressiveness, often conveyed through emojis and emoticons. The line between written and spoken language blurs as voice notes and video calls gain prominence. While some lament the "dumbing down" of language, others see a vibrant linguistic exchange, reflecting the interconnectedness of our age.

But technology's impact isn't without its challenges. Misinformation spreads at lightning speed, fueled by echo chambers and confirmation bias algorithms. Nuance and context often get lost in the digital ether. The overuse of abbreviations can hinder clear communication in formal settings.

So, where does this leave us? Are we witnessing the disintegration of language, or an exciting evolution? Perhaps both. Technology's influence is undeniable, pushing language to adapt and innovate. The key lies in recognizing that different contexts demand different registers, and appreciating the richness and variety that technology brings to our linguistic landscape. We must remain active participants, using technology responsibly and advocating for clear, respectful communication across all its forms. As technology continues to evolve, so too will English, navigating the complexities of our digital age, forever weaving a tapestry of words that reflects the world we live in.

One of the most noticeable changes in modern English is the incorporation of technical terms into everyday conversations. With the advent of new technologies, such as smartphones, tablets, and virtual reality devices, we have seen the emergence of numerous words and phrases that describe these products and their functions. For

example, words like "app," "smartphone," and "social media" have become part of our daily lexicon, and they are often used without understanding their original meanings.

Another area where technology has impacted English is in grammar. As the internet and social media platforms have become more popular, a new form of communication has emerged known as "text speak" or "instant messaging." This informal style of writing uses abbreviations, acronyms, and emoticons to convey meaning quickly and efficiently. For instance, "LOL" has become a popular way of expressing laughter, and "BRB" is used to mean "be right back."

Technology has also impacted the way we write in English. With the proliferation of digital devices, spell checkers and grammar checkers have become essential tools for ensuring accuracy and clarity in written communication. This has led to an increased emphasis on correct spelling and grammar, especially among professional writers and editors.

English, exploring specific examples and potential consequences:


• Specialized technical terms: Alongside everyday terms, technology creates specialized vocabulary in diverse fields, from "blockchain" in finance to "machine learning" in AI. These terms enrich the language for specific communities but can create communication barriers for outsiders.

• Global influence: English absorbs words from languages worldwide, reflecting the interconnectedness of technology. "Hashtag" comes from Arabic, "selfie" from Korean, and "meme" from Greek. This cultural exchange enriches the language but raises questions about ownership and cultural sensitivity.

• Slang and jargon: Online communities develop their own slang and jargon, like "stan" for an ardent fan or "ghosting" for disappearing in online communication. These terms provide an identity marker but can exclude those unfamiliar with the context.

Grammar and Syntax:

• Creative punctuation: Emojis and emoticons add emotional nuance but don't follow traditional punctuation rules. This challenges the rigidity of formal grammar but raises concerns about ambiguity and clarity.

• Blurring of registers: Informal language creeps into formal writing due to digital communication habits. While it can make writing more relatable, it's crucial to maintain appropriate register depending on the context.

Communication Styles:

• Rise of asynchronous communication: Texting, email, and social media create asynchronous communication, where responses don't happen in real-time. This allows for reflection and revision but can lead to misunderstandings due to lack of immediate feedback.

• Group dynamics: Online platforms facilitate group communication, leading to new forms of collaboration and knowledge sharing. However, echo chambers and online anonymity can amplify negativity and hinder constructive dialogue.

• Accessibility and inclusivity: Technology tools like text-to-speech and speech recognition software make communication more accessible for people with disabilities. This promotes inclusivity but raises ethical concerns about data privacy and potential biases in these tools.

Challenges and Opportunities:

• Misinformation and bias: Algorithms and echo chambers can amplify misinformation and confirmation bias, posing a threat to critical thinking and informed decision-making. It's crucial to verify information and be aware of these potential biases.

• Digital divide: Access to technology varies globally, creating a digital divide that can exclude certain communities from participating in the new communication landscape. Bridging this gap is essential for ensuring equitable access to information and opportunities.

• Language learning and education: Technology offers new tools for language learning but requires pedagogical shifts to effectively integrate them. Education systems need to adapt to prepare students for the evolving communication landscape.

In addition to its effect on English vocabulary and grammar, technology has played a major role in promoting English as the global language of communication. The internet, in particular, has made learning English more accessible and affordable for people around the world. However, this has also created challenges for non-native English speakers, who must adapt to the constantly changing landscape of English language usage.

To sum up, technology has had a profound impact on modern English, shaping its vocabulary, grammar, and orthography in myriad ways. While these changes can be challenging for both native and non-native speakers, they also present opportunities for learning and growth in the ever-evolving English language.


1. Baron, N. S. (2008). Always on: Language in an online and mobile world. Oxford University Press.

2. Thurlow, C. & Marder, L. (2017). Language and social media: A reader (Routledge Explorations in Language and Social Interaction). Routledge.

3. Androutsopoulos, J. (2018). Digital Sociolinguistics: A Critical Introduction. Edinburgh University Press.

4. Crystal, D. (2004). English as a Global Language (Second Edition). Cambridge University Press.

Нурыева Х.


Туркменский национальный институт мировых языков имени Довлетмаммета


Туркменистан, г. Ашхабад


Аннотация: В данной статье рассматривается влияние технологий на английский язык, в частности влияние на его словарный запас и грамматику. В нем также рассматривается роль технологий в продвижении английского языка как глобального языка и проблемы, которые он создает для тех, для кого он не является родным.

Ключевые слова: технологии, английский язык, лексика, грамматика, глобальный язык.

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