Научная статья на тему 'The history monuments of the city Namangan'

The history monuments of the city Namangan Текст научной статьи по специальности «Строительство и архитектура»

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Ключевые слова
Namangan / Hujamning Qabri / Azizhuja medrese / Medrese / medrese Mulla Kirghiz / Mullah Bozor Ohund / mosque / history monument / Mavlaviy Mullahodji ishan

Аннотация научной статьи по строительству и архитектуре, автор научной работы — Sobirov Abror Robidjon O’Gli

The article is about architectural monument of the city Namangan.

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Текст научной работы на тему «The history monuments of the city Namangan»

Section 3. History and archaeology

27. Наша газета. - 1918, 13 августа. - № 13.

28. Бадриддин К,. Токатли эл тузимас//Мудофаза. - Тошкент, 2005. - № 4. - Б 37.

29. Материалы Всероссийских переписий 1920 г.//Перепись населения в Туркестанской республике. - 1. Вып. - С. 24.

30. Расулов А. Туркистон ва Волгабуйи Уралолди халкдари уртасидаги муносабатлар. - Тошкент: Универ., 2005. - Б. 164.

31. Рахимов М. История Ферганы. -Ташкент: Фан, 1984. -С. 33.

32. Аминов Б., Мирзададамов З., Алиева О. 1918-1920 йилларда Куконда очарчилик ва унинг окибатлари//Кукон аср-лар силсиласида. Республика илмий-назарий конференция материаллари. - Кукон. 2004 йил. 14 май. - Б. 274.

33. Туркестанская правда. - 1922, 4 октября. - № 4.

34. ФВДА, - Р. 435-фонд, 1-руйдат, 166-иш, 27-варак.

35. Красная Фергана. - 1921, 21 августа. - № 21.

36. Правда Востока. - 1964, 7 октября. - № 7.

37. ФВДА, - Р. 435-фонд, 1-руйдат, 207-иш, 11-варакнинг оркаси.

38. ФВДА, - Р. 435-фонд, 1-руйдат, 207-иш, 11-варак.

39. УзР МДА, - Р. 17-Фонд, 1-руйдат, 927-иш, 115-варак.

40. УзР МДА, - Р. 20-Фонд, 1-руйдат, 554-иш, 9-варак.

41. Ражабов К. К. Фаргона водийсидаги Истиклолчилик даракати (1918-1924 йиллар). Тарих.фан.ном. ... дис. - Тошкент, 1994. - Б. 43.

42. УзРМДА, - Р. 17-фонд, 1-руйдат, 938-иш, 5-варак.

43. Фунт-лот. podus- вазн, огирлик. 1. инглиз улчов тизимида асосий масса бирлиги. 1b билан белгиланади. 1 Ф. (савдода) = 0, 409512 кг. = 1 кадок. 2) рус улчов тизимида масса бирлиги. 1 Ф. = 0,40951241 кг. = 1/40 пуд.

44. УзРМДА, - Р. 17-фонд, 1-руйдат, 368-иш, 122-варак.

45. УзРМДА, - Р. 17-фонд, 1-руйдат, 948-иш, 3-варак.

46. УзРМДА, - Р. 17-фонд, 1-руйдат, 938-иш, 5-варак.

47. Мустабид тузумнинг Узбекистон миллий бойликларини талаш сиёсати: тарих шодидлиги ва сабоклари (1865-1990 йиллар). Маъсул мударрир Алимова Д. А. - Тошкент: Шарк, 2000. - Б. 246.

48. УзРМДА, - Р. 22-фонд, 1-руйдат, 54-иш, 15-16-варакдар.

49. ФВДА, - Р. 121-фонд, 1-руйдат, 122-иш, 1-4-вараклар.

50. УзРМДА, - Р. 17-фонд, 1-руйдат, 947-иш, 207-варак.

51. Суворов В. А. Туркестанский экономический район в первые годы НЭПА. - Ташкент: Фан, 1968. - С. 91.

Sobirov Abror Robidjon o’gli, The student of Namangan State University Uzbekistan E-mail: mirzo_ulugbek80@mail.ru

The history monuments of the city Namangan

Abstract: The article is about architectural monument of the city Namangan.

Keywords: Namangan, Hujamning Qabri, Azizhuja medrese, Medrese, medrese Mulla Kirghiz, Mullah Bozor Ohund, mosque, history monument, Mavlaviy Mullahodji ishan.

Namangan is one of the the most beautiful cities of Uzbekistan and differs its beautiful nature, unusual history sightseeing. The Clean faith, industry, probity — here is inherent quality of the inhabitants of this town. In Namangan are hitherto preserved plenty of history monuments. Many as ancient ruins, fortresses stayed under the ground, large temples referring to average age and many other are one of them. These buildings were a built by local skilful architects and in them there are their skill. Before present-day time, were preserved some of them, and has its especial importance.

For present-day time, in Namangan were built from hands of grew up in our area masters many of history monuments. Some ofthem “Hujamning Qabri" (XVIII age), “Azizhuja medrese” (the second half of XVIII age), mausoleum “Mavlaviy

Namangoniy” (begin ofXVIII age), madrasa “Mullah Kirghiz” (begins ofXX age), mosque “Atoullohon tura” (1915 yy.) and many others. One of such architectural monument is “Hujamning Qabri”, which is found on street Kuzagarlik [1, 20]. This mausoleum being monument in XVIII age, on its construction participated the most skilful master architects of that time, which decorated it with the most fine taste. For its embellishment is used carved ceramics, but this proves about that, as in that time was a method embellishment. The Threshold of the building is arch like, in the manner of small angular minaret. Facing of threshold and inside buildings decorated with colour, enamel glased tile. Beside the main door mausoleum is written “Amalii usto Muhammad Ibrohim ibn Abdura-him” that is to say “has Built the son of Muhammad Ibragim


The history monuments of the city Namangan

builder Abdurahim”. This mausoleum is considered as the most ancient amongst others in city of Namangan [2, 14].

The Second history monument Azizhodzha eshon was built near by mausoleum Hujamning qabri. But this medrese has built by the nephew of Ibragimhodji Azizhodja in the second half of XVIII age. During construction basically actively participated masters from Namangan — an architects. Medrese consisted of 24 rooms, one auditoriums, one small pantry and one mosques. Actions were conducted In rooms of medrese often on reading the gazelles [3, 36]. In such action were going to many students from other medreses. On meeting several times participated even the kokandian friend of Nadim Namangani, poet of the enlightenment of Muhammad Aminhodja Mukimiy [4, 56].

The Unusual mosque in Central Asia is considered the mosque of Atoullohon tura, which is located in the centre of mahalla “Sumalak guzar”, on Uychi street. The Mosque was built by grandson of Caliphs Abdulaziz (Majzub) Namangani, enlightened rich man of its time Atoullohon tura (folk named Otavalihon tura). Before that time instead of mosque was a cathedral mosque, which was known in Central Asia in XX age as inherent therefor decorations. But, because of fire in 1914 after earthquake, building has tolerated the significant damages. And hereon name to mosques Atoullohon tura is taken to build instead of old the new. Construction of new mosque begins since 1915, leading builder was a son of namanganian architect Ibragim Usta Kirghiz. The Main costs on the building materials has undertaken by Atoullohon. In 1918 appeared discords between Atoullohon and master Mullah Kirghiz, have temporarily suspended the construction of mosques. Passing several years, newly begins the construction and is brought before the end. But, in 1927 on decision of government of bolsheviks, fight began along the whole republic against religious faith and religious institutions. In effect this mosque Atoullohon tura was closed. Since 1929 building to mosques used by many organizations [5, 45].

One of the history monument of the city Namangan is medrese Mulla Kirghiz. Medrese is found in old part of town, on platform CHorsu and was built in 1910-1912 master Mullah Kirghiz. As of information, medrese was built three years. Medrese was built by bankrolls of the Mullah Kirghiz Mashraboy. The General area of medrese Mullah Kirghiz consists 600 sq. m. and has 43 rooms, as well as 3 greater domes. The Building was built from square-wave burned brick produced

by Mirzadadaboy and Toshboltaboy [6, 78]. Children learned basically in medrese from well-to-do family. The most deserving attention in construction of medrese is an auditorium in right part, building method, external and internal type. On they were built dome, but for lordships of the rooms above they were put opening. With 1970 on 1990 in medrese Mullah Kirghiz has its activity the regional division of society guarding history and cultural monument of Uzbekistan. As from the end 1990 on permit moslem governing of the Central Asia and Kazakhstan, was opened the islamic educational institution (medrese). This educational institution has its activity in 1991-1997 in building of the Mullah Kirghiz. But on edict of hokim (governor) city of Namangan medrese has interweaved into building of the former mosque Atoullohon tura (folk name the mosque is Gumbaz) and before present-day leads its activity. In building of the Mullah Kirghiz are work to reconstructions [7, 62].

Also one of the architectural monument is a mausoleum of Mavlaviy Namongoniy, which is located on right coast of north Fergana channel. About construction mausoleum there is no written sources. But on writing on internal wall of mausoleum, for the first time it is repaired in 1805. Coming from this record, we approximately can expect that reconstruction was organized approximately after 50 years that is to say in 1875. If so expect, that mausoleum was built before death ofMullahodja ishan. As well as, she was not mausoleum, but revenge pilgrimage. The Second reconstruction was realized by 1905 year that is to say after one hundred years. But some scientist expect that mausoleum was built in 1805-1806. As of in writings in the second reconstruction actively participated the carved master as Zakir Ahun, master Husayn and master Abdurazzak. In 1957 during reconstruction Namanganian poet has restored all writing on the wall of mausoleum. Founding on these record, on fringe of this mausoleum were buried three mentors and they are a descendant of Mavlaviy Mullahodji ishan [8, 21].

Except this cathedral Mullah Bozor Ohund were built in city Namangan (XVII age), mosque Mahdum Ishan (XVIII age), mosque Orifboy (1798), mosque Langar (1850), mosque Terakzor (1848), mosque Kurash-hona (1887-1888 yy.), mosque Alo boy (1912), Mosque Rajab Azimboy (1912), mosque Ishan SHayh (1913), mosque Otahonboy (1923) and many other architectural, history unusual monuments, which regrettably did not. Such monuments are bright and cultural heritage of our ancestors. The Study and study such monument, is for each debt of us.


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2. Азимов И. Фаргона водийсининг архитектура ёдгорликлари. - Тошкент: Узбекистан, 1986 йил.

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6. Рузибоев Т., Хржимирзаев М. Х|. Наманган области, - Тошкент: Узбекистан, 1981 йил.

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8. Саматов У Уста Киргиз излари издоши. - Наманган, 1999 йил.


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