THE FUNCTION OF METALANGUAGE IN THE GRAPHIC COMMUNICATION Текст научной статьи по специальности «Компьютерные и информационные науки»

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Ключевые слова
metalanguage / graphic communication / numeronym / abbreviation / blending / shortening / lexicography. / метаязык / графическая коммуникация / нумероним / аббревиатура / смешивание / сокращение / лексикография.

Аннотация научной статьи по компьютерным и информационным наукам, автор научной работы — Komilov, J.K., Dehkonov, B.A., Ortikov, U.Kh.

The article is devoted to describe metalanguage functions of abbreviations and analyze them in the usage of graphic communication in the internet. Specifically, functions of metalanguage in linguistics, such as in the process using of shortened words, numeronyms, blendings and other types of abbreviations are discussed in the work.

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Статья посвящена описанию метаязыковых функций аббревиатур и их анализу в использовании графической коммуникации в Интернете. В частности, в работе рассматриваются функции метаязыка в лингвистике, такие как использование сокращенных слов, нумеронимов, блендов и других видов аббревиатур.



SJIF 2023 = 6.131 / ASI Factor = 1.7

3(4), April, 2023



J.K. Komilov, B.A. Dehkonov, U.Kh. Ortikov

Kokand branch of Tashkent state technical university

The article is devoted to describe metalanguage functions of abbreviations and analyze them in the usage of graphic communication in the internet. Specifically, functions of metalanguage in linguistics, such as in the process using of shortened words, numeronyms, blendings and other types of abbreviations are discussed in the work.

Key words: metalanguage, graphic communication, numeronym, abbreviation, blending, shortening, lexicography.

Статья посвящена описанию метаязыковых функций аббревиатур и их анализу в использовании графической коммуникации в Интернете. В частности, в работе рассматриваются функции метаязыка в лингвистике, такие как использование сокращенных слов, нумеронимов, блендов и других видов аббревиатур.

Ключевые слова: метаязык, графическая коммуникация, нумероним, аббревиатура, смешивание, сокращение, лексикография.


Metalanguage is a language used to discussed or describe other languages, it is a process that talks about language itself. Metalanguage is often used by linguists, educators, and researchers to analyze and understand the structure, rules, and patterns of language. Examples of metalanguage include terms such as "syntax," "morphology," "semantics," and "phonology," which are used to describe different aspects of language. In linguistics, metalanguage refers to language used to describe or analyze language. The function of metalanguage in linguistics is to provide tools and concepts for analyzing and understanding language. With metalanguage, linguists can discuss various features of language such as grammar, phonetics, and syntax, and identify patterns and rules that underlie these features. It is essential in the study of language and facilitates clearer communication and understanding among scholars.

It often refers to the language used to describe and talk about language. In graphic communication, metalanguage function refers to the use of words, symbols




SJIF 2023 = 6.131 / ASI Factor = 1.7

3(4), April, 2023

and visual language to communicate the technical aspects of graphic design and production. It allows people and other stakeholders to communicate effectively and precisely about the visual elements, composition, and technical requirements of graphic designs. It is essential in graphic communication because it helps to ensure that communication is clear and unambiguous. Metalanguage can include terms that are related to lexicography, semantics, internet communication production methods, and other technical aspects of graphic communication. By using metalanguage, people can convey information about visual elements and design compositions in a way that is easy for others to understand. It also facilitates the professional communication between language users and helps ensure that the final speech will be effective and accurate.


Communication of people happens in two ways: one of them is verbal communication and the next is visual communication. We often experience visual communication in most profound ways of our actions, feelings and beings. Albert Mehrabian considers that, 93% of communication is non-verbal. For instance, it is much easier to present a circle than to define it. Visual communication is a wide and commonly used in our life such as, graphic communication, fine arts, multi-media, dance and choreography, photography, interior design, textile design, fashion design, etc. In other words, art is used as a medium for conveying specific ideas and messages. Graphic communication is the "process of selecting and arranging artistic elements in order to bring about understanding and meaning sharing." (Afolabi, 2011)

Totem patterns were one of the first graphics in the globe in historical times. Lately, individuals use graphics to cut out on stone walls and caves. Nowadays, graphics have changed a medium for humans to make a conversation or express emotions. With the additional development of innovations, words were gradually created for recording or conversation. First characters similar to pictographs which are images abstracted from the view of the current objects illustrating to the graphs. They changed into the horizontal and vertical signs step by step that we use today. For this reason, graphics are improved with the necessity of people's life and production. However, the investigations on symbols has become a valuable issue since the 1990s. In this century, with the suggestion of visual communication in designing, most fashion designers understand that an acceptable design work requires an diverse expression to accurately present it with unique creativity. During the presentation, visual graphic language has an initial spot. Form development of utilizing graphic language is the proposal of the work to carry the intention. Similarly,


SJIF 2023 = 6.131 / ASI Factor = 1.7

3(4), April, 2023

creativity of graphic visualization in the process of designing is the key for workers to increase the visual communication grade and their own designing idea (Zhang, 2022).

In the process of offline communication metalinguistic episodes are presented higher retention (73.3%) language acquisition during the discussion of peers. Discussing linguistic knowledge with students and teachers not only present the linguistic difficulties faced by the learners but also have the possibility to support wide amendment of the source in their personal memories. The special graphic characteristics of the metalinguistic episodes also show chances for the students to increase their knowledge (Kitade, 2008).

As a consequence, metalanguage is transformed into a practical tool of critical negotiation even it is first utilized as a theoretical item simply for illustrating the systems of graphic communication. The collection of the metalanguage at this grade is presented on equal usage of systems of the contribution which, stemming from the decoding action as deconstruction and as reconstruction of the interactive parts and relations of the spatial arrangement, configure a flexible functional frame of application and additional research and improvement in the domain of different representation of discourse within the pedagogy of Multiliteracies. This involves the requirement for implementation of metalanguage for the form of programs making the instruction of literacy, for the reason of reconstruct the modal feature of conversation and enable the emergence of supplementary interrelation to which the verbal and the visual mode are liable. What seems to preoccupy us and which requires further investigation, lies in the question as to what degree the educators are supplied with the appropriate means to evaluate the meanings created by students in different modes at the moment when the school system focuses exclusively on the verbal mode (Papademetriou, Makri, 2015).


Metalanguage function of abbreviations in internet communication works as a shortcut to convey a longer message or phrase, saving time and effort required for typing or speaking full words. For instance, abbreviations like LOL (laugh out loud), BTW (by the way), OMG (oh my god), BRB (be right back), and TTYL (talk to you later) have become part of internet slang, enabling users to express emotions, information, and intents quickly and conveniently.

The metalanguage function of shortening words in internet communication is to create a sense of informality, speed, and efficiency. It also helps to convey a sense of familiarity and belonging within a group of online communicators who use similar


SJIF 2023 = 6.131 / ASI Factor = 1.7

3(4), April, 2023

shortened forms. Shortened forms are commonly used in online conversations, social media, and text messages to convey emotions quickly and effectively. Additionally, this practice helps to keep up with the fast-paced nature of online communication and saves time and effort in typing out long phrases or sentences.

Numeronyms, also known as digitonyms, are words made up of numbers or a combination of letters and numbers. They serve several metalanguage functions in internet communication:

1. Efficiency: Numeronyms are highly efficient in conveying information in a concise and faster way. They allow communicators to convey a message using fewer characters, reducing the time and effort required to type or read a long word or phrase.

2. Clarity: Numeronyms can also contribute to clarity in communication. They help avoid confusion and ambiguities that might arise when using long words or phrases, especially in cases where abbreviations or acronyms could be unclear or have multiple meanings.

3. Jargon: Numeronyms can also function as jargon or insider language in some online communities. They can serve to identify members of specific groups or communities and convey a sense of belonging or connection.

4. Creativity: Finally, numeronyms can also be used creatively in online communication to add humor, irony, or sarcasm to a message.

One of the type of abbreviated words considered as blending. Before discussing the function of blending it could be better to know about general understanding of it. Blending refers to the process of combining two words to create a new one. In internet communication, blendings are used to create new words that reflect the fast-paced, informal nature of online communication. Blendings are used to express complex ideas in a concise manner or to create new buzzwords that reflect emerging trends in online culture.

The metalanguage function of blendings in internet communication is to create a new vocabulary that reflects the changing nature of online discourse. Blendings help to create a shared language among online communities and to establish a sense of belonging and identity. By using blends, internet users can communicate their ideas quickly and efficiently, without the need for lengthy explanations or qualifications. Blendings also serve as a way to express humor and playfulness in online communication. Many blendings are created for comedic effect, either to poke fun at a particular trend or to create a humorous take on a serious topic. Blendings can also be used to establish a sense of irony, by combining two words that are seemingly contradictory or incongruous.


SJIF 2023 = 6.131 / ASI Factor = 1.7

3(4), April, 2023


In summary, the metalanguage function of graphic communication refers to the use of precise language and visual symbols to communicate linguistic aspects of graphic words and production. It enables communication between language users to be clear, concise, and professional. For example, numeronyms are a valuable addition to the metalanguage of internet communication, offering a range of benefits and functions that can enhance the clarity, efficiency, and creativity of online interactions. Blendings in internet communication serve a metalanguage function by creating a new vocabulary that reflects the changing nature of online discourse. They help to establish a sense of identity and belonging among online communities and can be used to express humor, playfulness, and irony. Therefore, abbreviations can also help in maintaining brevity and clarity in communication irrespective of language barriers. Their usage depends on the context and relationship between the involved parts. Abbreviations can be seen in informal or casual conversations, social media platforms, and online forums.


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7. Zhang B., Graphic Language Representation in Visual Communication Design Based on Two-Way Long- and Short-Memory Model, Hindawi, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2022.

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