TYPES AND FUNCTIONS OF DIRECTIVE SPEECH ACTS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
directive speech acts / uttered meaning / implicature / assertive / directive / comissive / interlocutor / interpret / директивные речевые акты / произносимое значение / импликатура / ассертивность / директивность / комиссивность / собеседник / интерпретация.

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Kuchkarova, Maftuna Dilmurod Kizi

The objective of this study was to classify the type of directive speech acts their contextual meanings and functions. The qualitative method was applied in this study. The data collection technique used was document study. The data were analyzed by using Miles Huberman data analysis. The study results showed that there were six types of directive speech acts.. They were directive speech acts of commanding, prohibiting, advises, asking, persuading, and allowing.

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Целью данного исследования было классифицировать типы директивных речевых актов по их контекстуальным значениям и функциям. В данном исследовании применялся качественный метод. . В качестве метода сбора данных использовалось изучение документов. Данные были проанализированы с использованием анализа данных Майлза Хубермана. Результаты исследования показали, что существует шесть видов директивных речевых актов. Это были директивные речевые акты приказания, запрета, совета, просьбы, убеждения и разрешения.


SJIF 2023 = 6.131 / ASI Factor = 1.7

3(3), March, 2023


Kuchkarova Maftuna Dilmurod kizi

Independent scientific researcher, Uzbekistan state world languages university, aishkhanna1991@gmail.com


The objective of this study was to classify the type of directive speech acts their contextual meanings and functions. The qualitative method was applied in this study. The data collection technique used was document study. The data were analyzed by using Miles Huberman data analysis. The study results showed that there were six types of directive speech acts.. They were directive speech acts of commanding, prohibiting, advises, asking, persuading, and allowing.

Key words: directive speech acts, uttered meaning, implicature, assertive, directive, comissive, interlocutor, interpret

Целью данного исследования было классифицировать типы директивных речевых актов по их контекстуальным значениям и функциям. В данном исследовании применялся качественный метод. . В качестве метода сбора данных использовалось изучение документов. Данные были проанализированы с использованием анализа данных Майлза Хубермана. Результаты исследования показали, что существует шесть видов директивных речевых актов. Это были директивные речевые акты приказания, запрета, совета, просьбы, убеждения и разрешения.

Ключевые слова: директивные речевые акты, произносимое значение, импликатура, ассертивность, директивность, комиссивность, собеседник, интерпретация.


Humans in their lives need communication to be able to interact with other people in their community. This communication can be done using language. (2: 14) states that language is a system of arbitrary sound symbols that humans use to communicate in interacting. When someone interacts with other people, language acts or speech acts occur. These activities lead to conversations and the exchange of information between speakers and speech partners. Thus, speech acts are language activities between speakers and speech partners in conveying a particular idea.

A speech act is one of the linguistic phenomena related to pragmatics. In this case, several figures have different views in defining speech acts. Searle (14: 22)


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states that speech acts are intended to influence speech partners through a speech. Yule (18: 47) says a speech act is an action that is pronounced through a speech. Meanwhile, Ibrahim (4: 109) defines speech as an expression of psychological situations and social acts to influence others. He also states that the speech act is an entity that is central in pragmatics, so that it is essential. Different views of experts in defining speech acts show how vital understanding the meaning of a speech is.

Speech acts as a form of communication, not an event that happens by itself but has a specific function and purpose that can persuade the speech partner to take action. However, sometimes the delivered speech can lead to various perceptions of understanding in the speech partner, while the speaker's intention only wants the speech partner to take a particular action. Therefore, Lubis (8: 89) says that knowing the speaker's intent is the same as the interest in knowing the speech partner; to whom the speech is delivered will clarify the meaning of the utterance because different recipients of the speech will have different meanings obtained. Thus it can be concluded that the meaning of a speech is not only determined by the only speech act as it is in the sentence being spoken. Ibrahim (4: 4) states that it is possible in every speech act, speakers speak a unique sentence because they try to adapt the speech to the context.

The speech conveyed is interpreted based not only on what is being said but also on the context of the speech's situation. In connection with the context of the speech, Nadar (11: 6) says that context is crucial in pragmatic studies because the background of understanding possessed by speakers and speech partners can make interpretations of what the speakers mean when making speeches. Furthermore, Nadar, (11: 51) also states that the communication carried out by speakers and speech partners can run smoothly if both of them can understand the context of the conversation being carried out. By understanding the context of a speech, the meaning of a speech is easier to understand.


Pragmatics is a study that treats meaning as a relationship that involves three dimensions, and meaning is defined about language speakers or users (6, 1993: 8). Whereas Yule (18: 3) put forward four definitions of pragmatics, namely the field that examines the meaning of the speaker; a field that examines meaning according to its context; a field that exceeds the study of the meaning uttered, examines the meaning communicated or communicated by the speaker; a field that examines forms of expression according to the social distance that limits participants to engage in specific conversations. The same thing was conveyed by Wijana (17: 1) that pragmatics is a branch of linguistics that studies language structures externally,

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namely how linguistic units are used in communication. So the meaning that is studied in pragmatics is the meaning that is context-bound or examines the speaker's intention. This dichotomy of pragmalinguistics versus sociopragmatics is important as it looks at language use at two levels: how to use language grammatically correctly and how to use it socially appropriately (Ibrahim, 2020).

Verhaar (16: 14) says that pragmatics is a branch of linguistics about the structure of language as a means of communication between speakers and listeners and as a reference to language signs on the "extralingual" things being discussed. Furthermore, Purwo (12: 16) defines that pragmatics as an analysis of the meaning of speech using context-bound meanings while treating language pragmatically is treating language by considering its context when communication events occur. Pragmatics as one of the fields of linguistics, specializes in study of the relationship between language and speech context. As, Mey (13, 2003: 12) defines pragmatics that "pragmatics is the study of the conditions of human language uses as there determined by the context of society".

One of the areas of pragmatics that stands out is speech acts. Pragmatics and speech acts have a close relationship. It can be seen in the field the study. Broadly speaking, speech acts and pragmatics discuss about the meaning of the utterance according to the context. It corresponds to, David R and Dowty (in (13: 12), briefly explained that In fact, pragmatics is the study of direct speech or indirectly, presupposition, implicature, entailment, and conversation or conversational activities between speakers and speech partners.

Yule (18:55) explains that directive speech acts are a type of speech act used by speakers to instruct speech partners to do something. The speech act in question is an activity to communicate between the speaker and the speech partner, resulting in a response or action from a speech. Ibrahim (4:27) argues that "directive speech acts are an expression of the speaker's attitude towards the actions that will be carried out by the speech partner." A directive's speech act is constative with limitations on the content and proposition (actions to be taken are shown to the speech partner). However, directive speech acts can also express the speaker's intentions (wishes, hopes) so that the utterance or attitude expressed is used as a reason for action by the speech partner. The same view is expressed by the linguist Austin (1: 87) that directive speech acts are speech acts that have several effects through the listener's actions, for example, ordering, begging, asking, suggesting, requesting and ordering.

The speech act intended by the speaker influences the speech partner to perform specific actions, such as ordering, ordering, begging, advising, and recommending. Based on the description, it is concluded that directive speech acts are speech acts

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that express the speaker's desire for the speech partner to take action or action that the speaker desires. Based on the context of the action situation speech is divided into two, namely speech acts direct and speech act indirect. By formal based on the mode, sentence divided into news sentences (declarative), interrogative and interrogative sentences command (imperative). News sentence (declarative) is used to tell something (information); interrogative sentence to ask something, and sentence commands to express orders, invitations, request or beg (17, 1996: 30).

A speech, in addition to functioning to say or inform something can also be used for doing something called illocutionary speech act. An illocutionary act is a speech act that usually identified by the sentence explicit performative, this speech act usually related to giving permission, thank you, command, offer, and promise (2,: 53). In particular Searle (14:163-166) describes illocutionary acts into five types of acts speech, namely: (1) assertive, (2) directive, (3) commissive , (4) expressive , and (5) declarative sentence.

Ibrahim (4: 27) says that directive speech acts can express the speaker's intent (wishes and hopes) so that the speech or attitude expressed is used as a reason for acting by the speech partner. This speech aims to make the speech partner take action according to the wishes of the speaker.


Those directive acts can be stated in various language form and depend on the context. The determiner context in real communication covered background, participant, topic, and language variation being used. The directive act form consisted of imperative, declarative and interrogative. Imperative has the intention to ask the hearer does something as intended by the speaker. The declarative sentence has meaning to inform something toward the hearer. Meanwhile, the interogative sentence has meaning to enquire something to interlocutor (Rahardi, 2010).

The study found that the types of directive speech were ordering, ordering, suggesting, prohibiting, asking and notifying. The same research was also carried out by Meilantina & Siritman (9), which discussed the English Speech Act of Directive In Class Interaction using the Spradley theory. Then using the ethnographic method of communication based on social phenomena in terms of directive illocutionary speech acts. The findings showed that the realization of directive speech acts is more dominant. The forms of a question which have functioned as pragmatic to convey the directive act are: a question to ask for information, a question to ask confirmation, a question to test, and a question to express advice.

The function of the directive act is oriented to receive the message. Various research based on the class interaction shows the type of directive act of speech act

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variation, which usually used in interaction.

Directive Speech Acts of Commanding

The directive speech act of command was a speech act conveyed by the speaker to his speech partner to take any action by what the speaker expects.

As a result of research following types and functions of directive speech acts are identified:

Directive speech acts of prohibiting

The directive speech acts of prohibiting were acts of speech that exist, so that speech partners do not take actions that speakers do not desire.

Directive speech acts of advising

The speech act of the directive advising is a speech act intended so that the speech partner can be influenced by what is conveyed by the speaker so that the speech partner can be better.

Directive speech acts of asking

The directive speech act of asking is a speech that is conveyed to the speech partner so that the speaker gets something, or the speech act that is put forward to ask the speech partner to convey a message to others.

Directive speech acts of persuading

The directive speech act of persuading was a speech act intended by the speaker so that the speech partner provides information.

Directive speech acts of allowing

The directive speech act of allowing was the speaker's speech act, which allows the speech partner to take action.


The directive speech and its meaning is depend on a community speech indexicality and concept. Indexicality is able to analyze the meaning in the core of language activity entirely because it related to the understanding the concept and the acceptance in particular community (8, 17). In a speech that happens in a film, both physically intentionally or unintentionally there is a speech act commanding addressed to partners say to do something. For doing this activity at least there are two parties involved, namely: speakers and interlocutors, and often parties third is also involved. Rahardi (13: 79) defines command sentence as a sentence that contains the intent to rule or ask the interlocutor to do something as the speaker wants. The strategies used by speakers in submit a commanding speech can't regardless of the underlying context, the context of the place, the context of the situation, and time context. Orders submitted by the speaker relating to something what's on their mind at that time so the role of context is very support the success of

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the speech expressed by the speaker.

The way people perform the directive speech is able to marked from their language features. One of the delivery vehicles ideas, ideas, messages, thoughts, feelings, and personal desire is audio media visuals in the form formal or informal situation such as in daily conversation, poetry, film, and so forth. Some scholars in their research show that there two types of speech act of command, that is, direct and indirect. The direct commands comprise (1) usual command indicated by basic verb; (2) request command; (3) invitation command; (4) ordering commands; (5) compelling command; and (6) prohibition command. By contrast, indirect commands consist of the following modes (1) questioning, (2) asking, (3) rejecting, (4) advising, (5) expressing facts, (6) involving other people, (7) and praising. The types of context used are (1) temporal, (2) situational. (3) spatial, and (4) existence of surrounding people.

Setia (15) stated that the translator not only must master the source language (SL) with good; but they also have to have comprehensive understanding of areas of knowledge covered by the SL text. That is, every social, cultural and emotions that need to be included in target language (TL) must be understood correctly. The same certain awareness needs to be presented for TL, so matters relating to the arrangement of certain words and phrases, taboo expressions, local expectations, and so on can be calculated carefully because translating is not just transfer or change BS to BT, however more than that.

On the other hand, there are many kinds of equivalence real, some of which can work on a certain level of practical function. The success of a translation process is very important depending on the purpose of the translation, whose results reflect people's needs who need it. A translation that flexible, rough and useful (rough-andready translation) of a letter can sufficient to provide the information accurate. A scientific text translation need super careful attention to meaning, but not to aesthetic forms. Literary works requires careful consideration sensitive to form and content. concerning religious texts, especially books holy must meet at least two criteria, which is always contradictory because of the criteria one looking back (background history) and the other looking to the future (the future) in front of his followers). First, the translation must be historically accurate, precisely represents the meaning which is at the original source, as long as this is can be identified, and incorporated into tradition separate religion. The second, the translation must be acceptable to the user the translation - which in practice understandable, aesthetically pleasing, and able to connect with current trends, especially in religious thought, social pressures, andlanguage change. Actually, nothing translations that meet the needs of the above-

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mentioned factors, and mostly in one certain factors are controversial. CONCLUSION

Language communication is not merely words and sentence symbols, but it is a product in the certain context which constitutes basic unit of language communication. Local language in directive act covered: (1) Command and imperative form, (2) interogative or question, (3) declarative or statement. The functions of local language in the directive act are (1) Prohibitive function, (2) suggestive function, and (3) requestives and permissive function. The typical of local language which used is characterized by regional language and its dialect. The directive speech act intends to produce the effect through a certain action by the interlocutor. The directive act represents (1) speaker's command to the interlocutor, (2) in the form of declarative, interrogative, command, suggestive and refusal, and(3) directive act form is characterized by politeness device. For the reader, hopefully, it can utilize the result of the study to use it in daily communication in conveying the meaning to the interlocutor. Besides, a speaker and an interlocutor must understand speech act to communicate better.

Utterances are not the only function to inform something, but also to conduct something. One of speech act which can be used in social interaction process is directive utterances. Those directive speech acts produce the certain effect through an action from the interlocutor.

Searle states that the directive is the utterances addressed to an interlocutor to make him/her doing something in (as cited in Arani, 2012). The directive act also functions as imperative or request from the speaker to the interlocutor to do a certain action. The directive act as a speech act which expresses speaker intention can be expressed pragmatically in a declarative form. In this case, language can be used to persuade others, emotion, feeling or behavior. As stated by Searle (as cited in Bilbow, 2002), speech act can be grouped into five categories, directive, in which the speaker commands or requests the interlocutor to something. The directive speech act constitutes speech act that aimed to produce a certain effect in the form of action done by the interlocutor in accordance to the speaker intention.

Those directive acts can be stated in various language form and depend on the context. The determiner context in real communication covered background, participant, topic, and language variation being used. The directive act form consisted of imperative, declarative and interrogative. Imperative has the intention to ask the hearer does something as intended by the speaker. The declarative sentence has meaning to inform something toward the hearer. Meanwhile, the interrogative sentence has meaning to enquire something to interlocutor (Rahardi, 2010). In detail,

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SJIF 2023 = 6.131 / ASI Factor = 1.7 3(3), March, 2023

Ibrahim (1993) explains about the classification of the directive acts, namely requesting, question, requirement, prohibitive, and permissive.


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