Научная статья на тему 'The formation of the concept of noosphere development of modern society in the conditions of information society'

The formation of the concept of noosphere development of modern society in the conditions of information society Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Voronkova Valentina

Analyzed the conditions of formation of the concept of noosphere development of modern society, based on ideas of V. Vernadsky about noosphere; justified categorical apparatus of the themes associated with the concepts “biosphere”, “noosphere”, the “noosphere thinking”, “academic governance” that is defined by a sphere of reason, morality and justice and are based on scientific and rational and moral and equitable basis; reveals the directions of optimization of policy, government, governance, which constitute the essence of the concept of noosphere development of modern society in the conditions of information society.

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Текст научной работы на тему «The formation of the concept of noosphere development of modern society in the conditions of information society»


Valentina Voronkova — Doctor of Sciences in Philosophy, Professor, Zaporozhye State Engineering Academy (Zaporozhye, Ukraine)

E- mail: valentina-voronkova@yandex. ru

Analyzed the conditions of formation of the concept of noosphere development of modern society, based on ideas of V. Vernadsky about noosphere; justified categorical apparatus of the themes associated with the concepts "biosphere", "noosphere", the "noosphere thinking", "academic governance" that is defined by a sphere of reason, morality and justice and are based on scientific and rational and moral and equitable basis; reveals the directions of optimization of policy, government, governance, which constitute the essence of the concept of noosphere development of modern society in the conditions of information society.

Keywords: noosphere, biosphere, noosphere philosophy of management, the concept ofthe noo-spheric development, noospheric management, V. I. Vernadsky, the information society.


The philosophy of noosphere development of the modern society was elaborated by V.I. Vernadsky who offered the concept of "stable social state of society based on noosphere" (this term was firstly used by T. De Chardin and E. Lerois). In the noosphere (or the sphere of mind) as in the ordinary biosphere takes place the closed circulation of substances that must be utilized and then to convert in its useful product. In these conditions the human being must not live at the expense of biosphere, the human being and its productive forces must become the part of noosphere that will continually exchange the substance with biosphere. So there appears the direction and the coordinated development of human being and environment that is called coevolution that is determined by abilities of the human intellect that must take over responsibility for the fate of planet. In supercomplex systems it is essentially impossible to regulate all elements of the processes so the system of management is not supercentralyzed, it must be based on the principles realized in biological systems with an influence on the strategy of development and specific integral characteristics. Noospheric way of development is presented as the natural one on the background of the impetuous growth of the role of science (or collective mind) in all spheres of the human activity. So in economy the time of introduction of the new achievements and creation of the new technologies gain the great importance. That is why nowadays it is necessary to improve the knowledge of biosphere phenomena and regularities of the human society[Bazaluk, 2014]. Today the humankind is faced with two ways of development that lead to:

1) noosphere that is to expansion of processes of coevolution in nature and society;

2) to self-distruction of civilization and planet as a whole.

© Valentina Voronkova, 2016

ISSN 2307-3705. Philosophy & Cosmology 2016 (Vol. 16)


The value of V. Vernadsky doctrine about biosphere and


V.I. Vednadsky (1863-1945) developed the modern doctrine about biosphere and noosphere which ideas became the base of the new leading directions of the modern mineralogy, geology and hydrogeology. He defined the role of organisms in geochemical processes. The value of V.I. doctrine about noosphere is that he revealed the geological role of life, living substance in the planetary processes, in creation and development of biosphere and all diversity of living beings in it [Bazaluk, 2014].

Among these living beings he distinguished the human being as a powerful geological force. The term "noosphere" itself does not belong to V.I. Vernadsky who during all his indefatigable potent activity worried about littering the literature with excessive words [Vernadsky, 1989]. This term was firstly used in 1926-1927 years in the articles of P. Teillard de Chardin and E.Lerois written after lection of V.I. Vernadsky on the problems of geochemistry and biogeochemistry in Sorbonne in 1922-1923years. In the doctrine of P. Teillard de Chadrin the term "noosphere" had a mystic sense. He used it as the synonym of "realm of the human mind". V. Vernadsky began to use the term "noosphere" only in the early 30ieth in the essentially another sense than its authors, in materialistic one. According to V.I. Vernadsky noosphere it is historically inevitable stage of biosphere development. Noosphere is a new geological cover of the Earth that can be created on scientific grounds. In 1926 year in the article "Ideas on the modern value of the history of knowledge" he wrote that biosphere created during the all geological time and stable in its balance begins to change more and more profoundly under an influence of the human scientific reflection. Noosphere is united organized sphere and all parts of it are harmoniously connected on the different levels and act in accordance with each other. Noosphere is a new state of some global super-system as a totality of the three powerful subsystems: "human being", "production" and "nature", as the three interrelated elements at the active role of subsystem "human being" [Vernadsky, 1991].

The specificity of the philosophy of noosphere development

of modern society

The specificity of philosophy of noosphere development of the modern society is its interdisciplinary character, the presence of the modern theoretical conceptions oriented on the solution of humanistic social problems. The philosophy of the self-managerial principles is analyzed in the form of axiological, gnoseological and methodological principles refracted through humanistic and axiological factors of development of the modern society. The philosophy of noosphere management — the special type of the conscious human activity, the highest form of managerial activity and the human being is its center. The base of noosphere management is subject-subject management connected with formation of the subject-oriented world determined by the grounds of humanistic management [Voronkova, 2008.]. Philosophy of noosphere development of the modern society in all its spheres is the new field of philosophical knowledge that favors the growth of efficiency of modern society development in all spheres, determined by the leading role of management in the life of both society and individual in the context of the new


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challenges of globalization. Philosophy of noosphere development of the modern society as a synthesis of science and art, knowledge and experience, philosophy and ethics is a wide field of research for studying the problems of the modern society, understanding its nature in the different situations, because management runs through all system of interrelations in society.

Qualitative humanistic characteristics of managerial

process that favor the transition to the higher step of


In the context of philosophy of noosphere development of the modern society there was separated the concept of "cognitive management" that is used for intensification of the reverse connections of subject-subject management because of the necessity of the permanent monitoring of the influence of projected changes on effectiveness of the modern society as a whole. In this process management is considered as informative influence in which context information includes not only ready solution but the one determined by all initial structure of thetype of activity that carries out the managerial function. In professional practice of managers there were elaborated the great number of technologies but it have not any categorical grounds and give only mosaic picture on the level of research technologies and inductive knowledge. There must be separated some groups of cognitive management: 1) reflexive management that include promotion, branding and formation of cultural patterns mainly through the visual perception;

2) management of knowledge that combines the new types of knowledge (tests, data bases) and traditional knowledge (facts, methods, models, problems, tasks);

3) management by the means of communities (parties, social organizations, youth movements, internet-communities); 4) infrastructural management that includes the different social structures of education, physical training, art, leisure, corporations, networks; 5) normative management including legislation, religious and moral instructions, the standards of education, business, organization schemes and strategies.

The base of philosophy of noospere development of the modern society is the qualitative characteristics of management process, transition to the higher stage that demonstrates the general civilizational level, represents the universal connections and phenomena that demonstrate the qualitative development of the modern society in all spheres of activity — economic, political, social, cultural ones. That is why scientists argue that philosophy of noosphere management must be based on the quality of managerial solutions, achievement of the set aims ("tree of aims"). Philosophy of noosphere management develops in temporal dimension that takes into account space and time determined by mentality based on "living world" of the nation, society, state and individual. According to analysis in the conditions of global transformation of humankind the motives of behavior, axiological orientations, social and psychological virtues of individual and the relationship with itself, another individual, society, nature, are changed. Globalization favors disintegration of the stable social connections that leads to intensification of immigration tendencies, maladjustment of the modern person to the challenges of modernity and as the result to the increasing destabilization of the modern society, decline of life standards, social and psychological maladjustment of the modern

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person so the noosphere management is directed on overcoming the destructive phenomena and processes.

Scientific management and cognitive management as the

components of philosophy of noosphere development of the modern society

Philosophyofnoospheredevelopmentofthemodernsociety is based on scientific management and cognitive management because every time we must monitor the influence of noosphere on natural and economic processes, management paradigms. Scientists elaborated the social technologies of the cognitive management that is the base of philosophy of management and includes: 1) reflexive management; 2)management of knowledge; 3) management through communities (network communities, internet-communities); 4) management through the civil society (parties, social movements); 5) infrastructural management (social structures of education, science, youth and sport); 6) normative management (through legislation); 7) management of changes; 8) managements of organizational development; management of informative systems. The use of inadequate information (theory) leads to inadequate practice of management and inadequate managerial solutions in the conditions of informational society and globalization. Philosophy of the noosphere public administration means the totality of processes that combine three kinds of evolution — natural, social and activity ones. And the human being is its center as a "measure of all things" (Protagor).

Philosophyofnoospheredevelopmentofthemodernsociety is based on synergetic and nonlinear understanding of the ways of overcoming the general civilization problems in which context it is possible an alternative transition from technogenic model of development when the human being is opposed to the nature to the coevolution model of social life that pay attention to the formation of noosociogenesis. Philosophy of the noosphere conception of management means that the policy, power and management are determined by the sphere of mind (noosphere), moral and justice, based on scientific and rational, moral and just ground, noosphere approaches to the social development. In the noospheric managerial organism of society every cell must be formed healthy to be firm to the dynamics of the cosmic life, mental curls, power influence from the other civilizations. Noospheric approach establish belief that on the top of development the human being is capable to create world in parallel with nature, not destructing the created world but favoring the harmonious interaction of all life factors [Voronkova, 2012].

Philosophy of noosphere development of the modern society is a humanistic sphere in which management is realized by the moral and just mind and global integral intellect. The criterion of the level of development and life quality of the human being is humanistic values and knowledge of person who live in harmony with surrounding nature and environment. In the context of noospheric functions of social management are separated: 1) ecological peculiarities, potential of the territory of population, assessment of the state of social and natural resources of the country in Earth biosphere (eco-); 2) ecological limitations (norms) in the methods of interaction with the nature — environmental friendliness of the territory of land, water, forest, city planning economy (techno-); 3) consideration of criteria of the safety of the territory at assessment of the state of the living


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environment of population (passport of the territory) and functions of the social institutions that regulate interaction with nature (-polis); 4) ethical, moral and just management. Philosophy of management as a new paradigm of management of the modern society development includes the model of strategy of development of Ukraine that is formed on the base of innovative model of development that is directly connected with formation of the "society of knowledge". The actual growth of negative effects in economy, an acuteness of social conflicts and political reactions in society is the result of the systemic defects of the state management, artificial balance of the state power structure in Ukraine and violation of the main constitutional rights and freedoms of people, neglecting the institutional factors of social development. The cited contradictions caused the high level of the social strain and formed the critical claim for transformation of the country. And just an inability to realize it using the present instruments of civil society led to the loss of the social legitimacy of social power institutions.

V.I. Vernadsky ideas about the development of harmonious relation in onto-socio-natural processes as the component of philosophy of noosphere development

Philosophy of the noosphere development of the modern society tries to realize the idea of V. Vernadsky about the development of harmonious relations in onto-socio-natural processes of the human activity on the base knowledge, religion and philosophy. The noosphere conception deals with an idea of the specific role of the human being in Universe as a single owner of mind and directed on formation of dialogue (polylogue) between people of the different cultural traditions, nations, religions, generations and genders. Every cell must be formed healthy in the social organism of the region as in the world-ontos-continuum to be firm to the dynamics of cosmic life, mental curls, power influence of the other civilizations. "Noospheric approach establishes belief that on the top of development the human being will be capable to create world in parallel with nature, not destructing the created world". Noosphere must be defined as the sphere of mind that favors harmonious interaction of all life factors that ensure the time-unlimited development of Humankind with its absolute functions — cognition of the Universe, life production and life arrangement development in the noospheric sphere that develops [Individual and society, 2011].

Noospheric economy of the region must be planned-market, intellectual, directly connected with science and education and it must form world-society-ecology from the point of view of the social or humanitarian policy with the human being as its center and creator of all the real. Economy with evolutional transition from the profit as the main functional of market and management, to the functional of life quality on the principles of planned development. The progress of noospheric life quality as the main indicator of noosphere-economic progress helps to individual to solve problems effectively, to make the rational choice, to generate innovative cultural matrices. Noosphere as the global optimized social and economic system must be considered as the complex of four interrelated subsystems: 1) natural (water, air, climate, flora, fauna); 2) economic (population, industry, agriculture, transport); 3) sociocultural (science, art, health protection, education, religion); ethnosocial (customs, traditions, mode of life, language).

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Sphere of mind, moral, justice, spirit as the components of noosphere development of the modern society

Philosophy of the noosphere development of the modern society is a continually spreading in space and time sphere of mind and spirit that is a ground of vital activity of the modern civilization and its kernel is historical biosphere of the Earth. The time-unlimited vital activity of the Earth civilization is a result of harmonious interaction of humankind and biosphere, regulated index of the development stability (less than 1) and harmonious development within society itself that is detected with an index of social and economic disharmony (less than 10-15). Noosphere economy as an "economy of social intellect" is an educational economy where education is the "base of base" of material and spiritual reproduction of the human qualities, quality of educational services in society, quality of social intellect. Noosphere economy of the region is an economy based on noosphere technologies that attract subject to the sociocultural phenomena of given society. Noosphere economy as economic and socio-philosophical science includes the laws of the socioeconomic development of the separate regions taking into account the action of the law of energetic value, specific conditions of interactions of agricultural-natural-noospheric system with the regional peculiarities of manifestation of homeostatic mechanism of Biosphere and Earth. "Noosphere economy is an economic basis of socionatural evolution grounded on the social intellect and educational society" [Vernadsky, 2007].

Noosphere of development of the modern society as an

open system

Noosphere of development of the modern society as an open system revealing its immanent forces of development favors the reproduction of its components of social organism, formation of the cultural and axiological paradigm common to humankind as a whole. Development or evolution of the open systems (including complexly organized systems as the human mind or society in whole) progresses according to the objective laws universal for all Cosmos [Bazaluk, 2005]. Knowing the cosmic laws that regulate the world it is possible to pass through the crises with the smallest losses for the development of social whole. These laws of the open systems development are the laws of self-organization and "free freedom" in the point of bifurcation at the mode of sharpening. The development of noosphere economy will favor coevolution (that is coordinated evolution) which means that harmoniously organized society appears when the strategy of development of the Nature and the strategy of development of the Humankind does not contradict each other but coincide. Coevolution is a coordinated development of interacting elements of the one system that develops and saves its unity. The most promising types of development are the ones that presuppose rapprochement of two interrelated evolving systems but not the movement to the one general image (convergence). The aforesaid means the mutual adaptation that is the changes in one system initiate such changes in the other system and these changes does not lead to the negative or moreover unexpected consequences. At analogous interactions there is certain relative symmetry that means an equivalence of coevolving systems and presupposes in every system the set of potentially possible changes. Coevolution favors the conservation of diversity in system which elements


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coevolve that determines an unconditional coevolution of the system in the face of conflict development. According to V.I. Vernadsky our planet and Cosmos are considered as the unitary system where the life as alive substance binds the processes that take place on Earth with the processes of cosmic origin into the unitary whole [Bazaluk, 2005].

For today the modern scientific attainments allow to make some steps to formation of principle of the unity of energoinformative interaction of the nature and society and to create on this basis the number of normative and legislative acts that can become the determinative vector of cosmic thinking and world-view that will favor the development of civilization of XXI century [Vernadsrky, 2007; Bazaluk, 2005; Bazaluk, 2014].

Noosphere thinking as a node problem of noosphere


For today the noosphere thinking that is the node problem of noosphere genesis and conception of noosphere as a whole actively develops. Noosphere genesis is on the most difficult stage where must be made the choice of the main direction of development. In the limits of biosphere takes place the conflict between the various strategies one of them is a formation of the noospheric coat, quasibalanced further development of the humankind. But this strategy is resisted by the others including destructive ones so noosphere may be failed that is why it is necessary to form the noosphere thinking and world-view. There must be separated a few main directions in the noosphere thinking: planetary thinking, noobiogeocenosis formation, the understanding of noosphere genesis as a whole. The human being cannot grip by its mind all aspects of noosphere yet: its multidimensionality, complete hierarchic organization and self-development. The first fundamental task in the process of establishing noosphere is a formation of planetary thinking [Bazaluk, 2014].

Philosophy of noosphere development of the modern society as a most wide synthesis of economic and humanitarian knowledge must to reveal the principles and laws of noosphere economy in the region that acts in the realm of the homeostatic mechanisms of biosphere and planet as a whole. The noosphere economy structures the constructs of spiritual economy where economic behavior of "economic individual" must pressupose the primacy of spiritual needs over material ones. V. Vernadsky paid attention to the fact that economy is a phenomenon of the spiritual life because of the freedom of creation. Noospheric and spiritual conception proclaim as its main aim the formation of managerial art that is the totality of the state (public) aims directed on the effective and qualitative managerial solutions. The main function of noosphere thinking is ensuring of integral unity, safety and prosperity of citizens at the expanse of the skillful leadership and effective management. While society always must overcome dissipative structures there must be elaborated an adaptive mechanism of self-organizing system at the expanse of cooperative connections and space organization to survive at the different ideological influences and to resist the establishment destruction.

Philosophy of noosphere development of the modern society is a totality of processes that combine three types of evolution — natural, social and properly active one with the human being as its center and measure of all things. First of

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all the noosphere thinking must be formed on the base of scientific management, must be ground on the synergetic and nonlinear understanding of the ways of overcoming general civilizational problems in which context it is possible to make the alternative transition from technogenic model of development where the human being is opposed to the nature to coevolutionary model of humankind existence that pays attention to the formation of noosociogenesis [An image of human being, 2012].

Noospheric functions in the regional management

Philosophy of noosphere development of the modern society means that policy determined by the sphere of mind (noosphere), moral and justice is based on scientifically-rational and morally-just ground, on noospheric approaches to the society development. Noosphere of the modern society is a humanistic sphere of management where the management realizes by the morally-just mind and the global integral intellect. The criterion of development level and human life quality is a humanistic values and knowledge of the person who live in harmony with surrounding nature and environment. In the context of elaborating noospheric function of the social management must be taken into account: 1) ecological peculiarities, potential of the territory of population, assessment of the state of socionatural resources in Earth biosphere (eco-); 2) ecological limitations (norms) in the ways of interaction with nature — environmental friendliness of the territory of land, water, forest city planning economy (techno-); 3) consideration of criteria of safety of the territory in assessment of the state of living environment of population (passport of the territory) and functions of the social institutions that regulate interaction with nature (-polis).

Philosophy of noosphere development of the modern society testifies that noospheric functions of the power institutions as a guarantee of preservation of environment, ecological safety of population are realized in ecotechnopolis of the territorial settling of the state — institutional model of biospherically-compatible economy in the specific condition of planet. As a world-view ecotechnopolis of population it is the noospheric function of institutions of the stable life support of generations, safe vital activity of society and stability of the state economy. Practically ecotechnopolis it is a noospheric function of harmonization of interaction of population and living environment in the nature management of generations in the region of Earth biosphere. [Vernadsky, 1989]. It includes all complex of knowledge about noosphere, laws and tendencies of its formation and development and also the doctrine about transition of civilization to the "stable society" and "stable state". Noospherology is considered as a part of future that pays attention to survival of the humankind by the way of development of the moral humanized and ecologized mind, formation of noospheric collective intellect on the base of informatics. The ensuring security is a base of the stable development in formation of noosphere that is realized mainly by the rational measures, the newest information-intellectual technologies. On the one hand it is a question of the use of natural mechanisms (as natural safety, biological stabilization and regulation of environment) that must to be included in the sphere of interaction between the nature and society. On the other hand harmonization of this interaction must be reached using rationally-spiritual mechanisms that optimally organize the social


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activity and transfer it on intensively-coevolutionary way of development that in sum ensures the general safety and strategic stability. Especially in noosphere may take place the systemically-synergetic synthesis of all components not only in society as such that is considered as noospherically-global totality but also in its interaction with nature, the earthly and cosmic one. Moreover in the relation to cosmos in prospect the safety must be ensured as the result of formation of cosmonoosphere where the global safety is guaranteed in its external, geocosmic and properly cosmic variants which the famous Ukrainian scientist O. Bazaluk talked about. [Bazaluk, 2005; Bazaluk, 2014].

Ukraine on the way to noosphere

Ukraine as an independent state with the great natural, economic, cultural and intellectual capital is interested in improvement of European architecture of safety. In conditions of globalization we are faced with more complicated problems connected with unstable equilibrium states in the policy, economy and society. Chaos, order and self-organization in both nature and society appear in correspondence with the laws of complex dynamic systems. What conclusions in management of complex systems must be done at enterprises, firms and administrative structures? In the management of complex socioeconomic systems that need the development of noosphere thinking must be taken into account: transition from the linear to nonlinear dynamics; self-organization and dynamics in nature and society; self-organization and dynamics in economy and society; self-organization and dynamics in computed, informative and communicative systems; self-organization and dynamics in management of enterprises and administrative systems; self-organization and dynamics in globalization epoch. The countries and nations are also complex socioeconomic and sociocultural systems which development is based on the laws of nonlinear dynamics. The nonlinear dynamics means that these processes in all details cannot be managed centrally. So it is necessary to recognize opportunely the moments of instability and the possible parameters of the order that can dominate in the global tendencies of development. Scientists assure that we can influence on nonlinear dynamics and nonlinear processes. In the conditions of nonlinear dynamic development of the free markets enterprises and organizations must transform and self-organization is necessary to cope with the growing complexity of nonlinear development.

Philosophy of noosphere development as a new field of philosophical knowledge

Philosophy of noosphere development of the modern society is a new field of philosophical knowledge and favors the growth of efficiency of development of the modern society in all spheres. Its appearance is caused by the determinative role of management in the both social and individual life in the context of the new challenges of globalization. Philosophy of the noosphere public management as a synthesis of the science and art, knowledge and experience, philosophy and ethics is a wide research field for studying the modern society, understanding of its nature in the different situations because the management runs through the all system of relations in society. The specificity of the philosophy of noosphere public management is its interdisciplinary character, the modern theoretical conceptions

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oriented on the humanistic problems of society. Philosophy of noosphere public management plunges into the culture that determines the development of managerial principles and is analyzed in the format of axiological, gnoseological and methodological principles that are refracted through humanistic and axiological factors of management. Philosophy of noosphere public management it is a specific type of the rational human activity with the human being as its center. In the base of philosophy of noosphere public management — the subject-subject rational public management connected with formation of subject-subject world determined by the principles of humanistic management [Voronkova, 2008].

So the base of philosophy of noosphere public management is qualitative humanistic characteristics of managerial process, transition to the higher step that demonstrates the general civilizational level, represent universal connections and phenomena that demonstrate the qualitative development of the modern society in all spheres of vital activity — economic, politic, social, spiritual. That is why the certain group of scientists says that philosophy of noosphere public management must be based on the quality of managerial solutions that are grounded on the achieving of the set aims ("tree of aims"). Philosophy of noosphere public management develops in the temporal diension that takes into account spaceand time determined by mentality based on the "living world" of the nation and individual. According to an analysis in the conditions of global transformation of the humankind the motives of behavior, axiological orientations, social and psychological virtues of the individual and its relations to itself, the other individual, nature, society, are changed [Individual and society, 2011].

Globalization effects on disintegration of the stable social connections that leads to intensification of immigration tendencies, maladjustment of the modern person tothechallengesofmodernityandastheresulttotheincreasingdestabilizationofthe modern society, decline of life standards, social and psychological maladjustment of the modern person. Philosophy of noosphere public management must be based on the scientific management and cognitive management because every time we must monitor the influence of noosphere on the natural and economic processes of managerial paradigm.

As a conclusion we must notice that scientists elaborated certain social technologies of cognitive management that is the ground of philosophy of noosphere thinking and include: 1) reflexive management; 2) management of knowledge; 3) management through communities (network communities, internet-communities); 4) management through public society (parties and social movements); 5) infrastructural management (social structures of education, science, youth and sport); 6) normative management (through legislation); 7) management of changes; 8) management of organizing development; management of informative systems. Because the use of inadequate information (theory) leads to inadequate practice of the public management and inadequate managerial solutions in conditions of information society and globalization.

So the base of conception of noosphere development of the modern society is the development of mind, moral and justice, spiritual values and knowledge of person who live in the harmony with environment. In the future noospheric civilization intellectually-spiritual and morally-cultural forms of activity will gain the determinant development comparing with materially-energetic ones forming


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the sphere of mind by noosphere genesis. The sphere of mind must also influence on globalization rationalizing it according to the morally-just principle and favoring harmonization of relations in the system "individual-nature-society". The formation of the mind sphere transforms into the global process that V. Vernadky talked about. He thought that biosphere must gradually transform into noosphere.

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ISSN 2307-3705. Philosophy & Cosmology 2016 (Vol. 16)


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