THE FEATURES OF COMPLEX SENTENCES IN CHINESE RUSSIAN-LEARNERS’ INTERLANGUAGE Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Zheng Qianmin, Shaklein Victor Mikhailovich

The study aims to figure out the features of complex sentences in Chinese Russian-learners’ interlanguage by analysing the examples of several complex sentences in Chinese students’ interlanguage. Interlanguage is considered as a constantly developing, consistent internal language system in the process of mastering a second language. At the same time, scientific achievements in the field of syntax are demonstrated in the study. Scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that singularity is proposed and analyzed as one of the features of complex sentences in Chinese Russian-learners’ interlanguage. As a result of the study, except for singularity, which is seen as one of the main features of complex sentences in Chinese Russian-learners’ interlanguage, the absence of the connective word «чтобы» in complex sentences where it should be used is determined as another feature of complex sentences in Chinese Russian-learners’ interlanguage when considering the structure of sentences. Meanwhile, the incorrect form of the verb in the subordinate clause after the connective word «чтобы» and the incorrect use of the gender, the number and the case of the connective word «который» in the subordinate clause are discussed as other features of complex sentences in Chinese Russian-learners’ interlanguage.

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фгрО(ТЮТО Филологические науки. Вопросы теории и практики Philology. Theory & Practice

ISSN 2782-4543 (online) 2023. Том 16. Выпуск 2. С. 507-511 | 2023. Volume 16. Issue 2. P. 507-511

ISSN 1997-2911 (print) Материалы журнала доступны на сайте (articles and issues available at): philology-journal.ru


Особенности сложных предложений

в интерязыке китайских студентов, изучающих русский язык

Чжэн Цяньминь, Шаклеин В. М.

Аннотация. Цель исследования - путём анализа нескольких сложных предложений выявить особенности интерязыка китайских студентов, изучающих русский язык. Интерязык рассматривается как постоянно развивающаяся, непротиворечивая внутренняя система языка, появляющаяся в процессе овладения вторым языком. Кроме того, в данной статье демонстрируются научные достижения в области синтаксиса. Научная новизна исследования заключается в том, что авторы выделяют единичность в качестве одной из основных особенностей сложных предложений в интерязыке китайских студентов, изучающих русский язык, и осуществляют её анализ. В результате исследования, помимо единичности, признанной одной из основных особенностей сложных предложений интерязыка китайских студентов, изучающих русский язык, при рассмотрении структуры предложений устанавливается другая особенность - отсутствие подчинительного союза «чтобы» в сложноподчинённых предложениях, где он должен быть использован. Также в статье уделяется внимание другим особенностям сложных предложений, свойственным интерязыку китайских студентов, изучающих русский язык, а именно: употребление неверной формы глагола в придаточном предложении после союза «чтобы» и ошибки в употреблении форм рода, числа и падежа союза «который» в придаточном предложении.


The Features of Complex Sentences in Chinese Russian-Learners' Interlanguage

Zheng Oianmin, Shaklein V. M.

Abstract. The study aims to figure out the features of complex sentences in Chinese Russian-learners' interlanguage by analysing the examples of several complex sentences in Chinese students' interlanguage. Interlanguage is considered as a constantly developing, consistent internal language system in the process of mastering a second language. At the same time, scientific achievements in the field of syntax are demonstrated in the study. Scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that singularity is proposed and analyzed as one of the features of complex sentences in Chinese Russian-learners' interlanguage. As a result of the study, except for singularity, which is seen as one of the main features of complex sentences in Chinese Russian-learners' interlanguage, the absence of the connective word «чтобы» in complex sentences where it should be used is determined as another feature of complex sentences in Chinese Russian-learners' interlanguage when considering the structure of sentences. Meanwhile, the incorrect form of the verb in the subordinate clause after the connective word «чтобы» and the incorrect use of the gender, the number and the case of the connective word «который» in the subordinate clause are discussed as other features of complex sentences in Chinese Russian-learners' interlanguage.


Close economic, political, cultural contacts between Russia and China in recent decades allow the rise of the number of Chinese students who learn the Russian language, as well as the number of Russian students who learn the Chinese language. In the process of acquiring a second language, language learners build their own language system, namely interlanguage. In previous decades, most recent researches specializing in interlanguage studies are focused on phonetic or lexical aspects; however, less attention is drawn to the syntactic aspect of interlanguage. Language learners use sentences, both simple and complex, to express their requirements and ideas, to achieve communicative goals. Therefore, it is relevant to research the features of complex sentences in Chinese Russian-learners' interlanguage.

Научная статья (original research article) | https://doi.org/10.30853/phil20230076

© 2023 Авторы. ООО Издательство «Грамота» (© 2023 The Authors. GRAMOTA Publishers). Открытый доступ предоставляется на условиях лицензии CC BY 4.0 (open access article under the CC BY 4.0 license): https://creativecommons.Org/licenses/by/4.0/

One of the main tasks of the study is to review the definitions of the term "interlanguage" in Russian and foreign linguistics. To summarize and analyse the features of complex sentences in Chinese Russian-learners' interlanguage is another important task of the study.

The following research methods are used to accomplish the tasks of the study: distributive analysis method, component analysis method, method of formalization and comparative method.

The oral and written language materials of two groups of 42 Chinese students who study Russian language in Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, namely a number of complex sentences in these Chinese students' interlanguage, are obtained by the authors from teacher-designed classroom tests and after-class assignments and used as language materials of the study.

The definitions of the term "interlanguage" in Russian and foreign linguistics is being clarified, which provide a theoretical background for this study. The term "interlanguage" was originally proposed and used by the American linguist L. Selinker (1969) in the article "Language Transfer". In his work "Interlanguage", he gave the definition of the term "interlanguage" - "interlanguage refers to the language between the native language and the target language" (Selinker, 1972, p. 210), in other words, according to V. M. Shaklein and O. M. Zheng (Шаклеин, Чжэн Цяньминь, 2017), interlan-guage is a language system, which is regarded as a mediation between the first (native) and a second (foreign) language.

The study has its significant practical value. The collected language materials can be used in courses and scientific seminars on the theoretical, comparative terminology "interlanguage" in universities and colleges. At the same time, the results of the study provide useful suggestions in the process of educational and methodological activities -in classes of second language acquisition, especially in classes teaching the Russian language to Chinese students. The achieved results of the study can be used in the process of compiling textbooks and teaching materials of the discipline of Russian language or applied linguistics (methods of teaching foreign languages).

Results and Discussion

It is extensively accepted that the study of a foreign language is a creative process, but not just a mechanical memorization of the constructs of another language. In this process, language learners try to build their own language system, which is almost close to the foreign language being studied, but never achieve the native speakers' level. This system is defined by such terms as «интерязык» (Рогозная, 2009, с. 17), «интеръязык» (Пилипчук, 2005, с. 7), «промежуточный язык», «межъязычие», «межъязыковая система» (Залевская, 2013, с. 25) in Russian linguistics. In this article, we use one of them, namely "interlanguage" (интерязык), since its definition, in our opinion, reflects the property of this linguistic phenomenon to the maximum extent and is also most often used in relevant scientific researches.

S. V. Pilipchuk (Пилипчук, 2003), based on his analysis of L. Selinker and many other researchers, concludes that interlanguage, or "intermediate language", is a permissible stage of mastering a foreign language, which allows students to solve some current problems of cognition and communication. According to N. N. Rogoznaya (Рогозная, 2009), interlanguage can be understood as a special language system, which arises in the process of learning a second language and is in an intermediate state of competence, developing in a state of dynamics to the perfect level of proficiency of a foreign language. Thus, interlanguage can be considered as an intermediate self-developing dynamic substance in individual speech.

As it is known, "in the process of acquiring a foreign language, learners often make common or similar mistakes, which is caused by transfer - interference from their native language. For example, in the process of learning Chinese, Spanish students make certain types of errors, whereas Korean students make others. A similar situation is observed in the process of Chinese students learning Russian. The study of scientific and methodological literature on this issue suggests that these similar errors can be represented as interlanguage in the process of mastering a foreign language" (Zheng, 2020, p. 197). One of the main purposes of studying a second language is to communicate with native speakers in this language. Nevertheless, using a single word or phrase is hard to make ourselves clearly understood. Proficiently outputting sentences, including simple sentences and complex sentences, makes it more possible to achieve communicative goals.

According to E. M. Tulapina, E. S. Inozemtseva (Тулапина, Иноземцева, 1991, с. 17), complex sentence is a communicative, polypredicative unit, the structural schemes of which represent a combination of simple sentences (predicative constructions) based on the use of syntactic connectives (compositional, subordinate, non-connective). From their point of view, the structures of complex sentences, as well as phrases, can be complicated, that is, form on the basis of different connectives or a repeated use of one connective.

In the Russian language, according to the methods of formation and the relationship between the clauses, complex sentences can be classified into three main types: a compound sentence, a subordinative compound sentence and a complex sentence without conjunctions (connectives). According to S. E. Kryuchkov, L. Yu. Maksimov (Крючков, Максимов, 1977, с. 10-11), the classification of a complex sentence in the Russian language and the relationship between different types of complex sentences can be represented by the following figure (Figure 1).

By analysing the corpus, which is collected in the process of teaching the Russian language to Chinese learners, the authors come up with the following features in Chinese Russian-learners' interlanguage: singularity; absence of the connective word «чтобы» in the subordinate sentence; incorrect form of the verb in the subordinate sentence after the connective word «чтобы»; incorrect form of the gender, the number and the case of the connective word «который» in the subordinate clause.

Figure 1. Classification of complex sentences in the Russian language

1. Singularity of the structure of complex sentences in Chinese Russian-learners' interlanguage In Chinese Russian-learners' interlanguage, the structure of complex sentences is single, since it is difficult for them to understand as well as to use various structures of complex sentences in Russian. In this regard, in two-verb sentences in Chinese Russian-learners' interlanguage, the conjunction «m» and other connectives are most often used instead of using the adverbial participle. Comparing the examples in Table 1 gives us a convincing proof.

Table 1. Examples of the structure of two-verb sentences in Russian and in Chinese Russian-learners' interlanguage

The structure of two-verb sentences in Russian The structure of two-verb sentences in Chinese Russian-learners' interlanguage

Прочитав учебник по испанскому языку, он включил телевизор. *Он прочитал учебник по испанскому языку и потом включил телевизор.

Крепко пожав мне руку, научный руководитель сказал: «Удачи Вам!». *Научный руководитель крепко пожал мне руку и сказал: «Удачи Вам!».

Солдат расстроился, вернувшись c фронта. *После того, как солдат вернулся c фронта, он расстроился.

Увидев преподавателя, студент вежливо поздоровался. *После того, как увидел преподавателя, студент вежливо поздоровался.

In Table 1, we can see that when there are two or more than two verbs in one sentence, Chinese Russian-learners try to avoid using the adverbial participle, since it is hard for them to choose the correct form of the adverbial participle, the result of which makes the structure of complex sentences in Chinese Russian-learners' interlanguage single.

2. Features of the use and functioning of the connective «чтобы» in complex sentences with subordinate clauses of purpose in Chinese Russian-learners' interlanguage It is well known that the connectives «что/чтобы» are widely used in various structures of complex sentences, structures of complex sentences with these connectives differ not only in the nature of the expressed meanings, but also in the use of verb-predicate forms in the subordinate clause (Самосенкова, Литвинова, 2005, с. 201).

A large number of difficulties for Chinese Russian-learners are caused by the structure of complex sentences with the connective «чтобы», the use of which is associated with the semantics of the verb being propagated in a verbal sentence, or the structural features of the entire complex sentences. Activation of the structure of complex sentences with the connective «чтобы» in Chinese Russian learners' speech occupies an important place in the study of complex sentences with a subordinate explanatory clause. Therefore, complex sentences with the connective «чтобы» express various modal meanings: request, command, advice, permission, motivation, desire, necessity, etc.

In complex sentences with subordinate clauses, the goals in Chinese Russian-learners' interlanguage are observed: firstly, sometimes the connective «чтобы» is not used, since such sentences are expressed by two verbs without conjunctions in Chinese; secondly, the verb form in the subordinate clause, which is incorrectly used after the connective «чтобы». Analysing the examples in Table 2, we can identify the features of complex sentences with the connective word «чтобы».

Table 2. Examples of complex sentences with the connective word «чтобы» in Russian and in Chinese Russian-learners' interlanguage

Complex sentences with the connective word «чтобы» in Russian Complex sentences with the connective word «чтобы» in Chinese Russian-learners' interlanguage

Учитель посоветовал Игорю, чтобы он поступил в МГУ. Учитель посоветовал Игорю, чтобы он поступит в МГУ. Учитель посоветовал, чтобы Игорю поступить в МГУ.

Она читает новости каждый день, чтобы лучше изучать русский язык. Она читает новости каждый день, чтобы лучше изучает русский язык.

As it is seen in Table 2, in Chinese Russian-learners' interlanguage, the verb form in the subordinate clause is often chosen incorrectly - the infinitive of the word is used when the subjects of the main and subordinate clauses are different; or the conjugation of the verb according to the gender, number of the subject is used when the main and subordinate clauses are coincident.

However, in accordance with the rules of Russian grammar, in complex sentences with the connective word «чтобы», when the subject of the main and subordinate clauses is the same, the infinitive of the verb is used in the subordinate clause; when the subjects of the main and subordinate clauses are different, the past tense form of the verb is used in the subordinate clause.

3. Features of the use and functioning of the connective word «который» in complex sentences with subordinate determinants in Chinese Russian-learners' interlanguage According to its grammatical features, the connective «который» is a pronoun, it agrees in gender and number with the noun being defined in the main clause, and its case depends on the verb-predicate in the subordinate clause, that is, which member of the sentence it is in the subordinate clause, what syntactic function it performs (Форманов-ская, 1977, с. 9). Some examples of the features of the gender, number and case of the connective «который» in Chinese Russian-learners' interlanguage can be seen in Table 3.

Table 3. Examples of the gender, number and case of the connective word «который» in Russian and Chinese Russian-learners' interlanguage

The gender, number and case of the connective word «который» in Russian The gender, number and case of the connective word «который» in Chinese Russian-learners' interlanguage

Покажите мне, пожалуйста, ту книгу, о которой ты мне говорил. *Покажите мне, пожалуйста, ту книгу, которую ты мне говорил.

В Китае очень много вкусных блюд, о которых китайцы не слышали. *В Китае очень много вкусных блюд, которых китайцы не слышали.

It is shown in Table 3 that in Chinese Russian-learners' interlanguage, the gender, the number and the case of the connective «который» mainly depend on the noun in the main clause, since Chinese Russian-learners consider the connective «который» as a dependent word, which is more closely related to the noun in the main clause.

From the above discussion, it is evident that the incorrect use of the gender, the number and the case of the connective «который» is regarded as one of the features of complex sentences in Chinese Russian-learners' interlanguage.


As a result of the study, the authors come up with the following conclusions.

By reviewing the definitions of the term "interlanguage" in recent studies in Russian and foreign linguistics, the authors summarize some common points of view: interlanguage is a constantly developing, consistent internal language system, which is different from the native language and the target language, in the process of mastering a second language.

By analysing the collected language materials, the authors sum up the following features in Chinese Russian-learners' interlanguage:

1. One of the main features of complex sentences in Chinese Russian-learners' interlanguage such as singularity is discussed, especially taking into account the structure of sentences aspect.

2. The absence of the connective word «чтобы» in the subordinate sentence and the incorrect form of the verb in the subordinate sentence after the connective word «чтобы». In complex sentences with subordinate clauses, some features and functioning of the connective word «чтобы» in Chinese Russian-learners' interlanguage are observed: firstly, sometimes the connective word «чтобы» is not used, since such sentences are expressed by two verbs without connectives in Chinese language; secondly, the verb form in the subordinate clause is incorrectly used after the connective word «чтобы»: the infinitive of the verb is chosen when the subjects of the main and subordinate clauses are different; or the conjugation of the verb according to the gender, number of the subject is used when the main and subordinate clauses are coincident.

3. The incorrect form of the gender, the number and the case of the connective word «который» in the subordinate clause. In Chinese Russian-learners' interlanguage, the gender, the number and the case of the noun in the main clause determine the gender, the number and the case of the connective word «который».

In the study, the features of complex sentences in Chinese Russian learners' interlanguage are not considered from the dynamic point of view. Further research perspectives should focus on the possibility of studying the development of interlanguage at different stages of Russian language acquisition, in other words, the chance of tracking the dynamic features of interlanguage.

Источники | References

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Информация об авторах | Author information



Чжэн Цяньминь1

Шаклеин Виктор Михайлович2, д. филол. н., проф. 1, 2 Российский университет дружбы народов, г. Москва

Zheng Qianmin1

Shaklein Victor Mikhailovich2, Dr

1 2 Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Moscow

1 toujie@mail.ru, 2 vmshaklein@bk.ru

Информация о статье | About this article

Дата поступления рукописи (received): 08.12.2022; опубликовано (published): 28.02.2023.

Ключевые слова (keywords): русский язык; интерязык; сложные предложения; единичность; союз; Russian language; interlanguage; complex sentences; singularity; connective word.

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