Azimova N.F.
Abstract: the author deals with listening comprehension. Listening is receptive form of speech activity. Comprehension of speech while listening mainly based on auditory feelings. Keywords: clustering, redundancy, performance variables, colloquial language, rate of delivering, stress, interaction.
The process of comprehension depends on ability to maintain distinctively perceived segments of speech. By perceiving, we reproduce what we hear in the form of inwardly speech. Listening comprehension is imposible without working of speech motor analyzer. Of course internal speaking requires ability to speak in this language. Understanding of sounding speech in the moment of comprehension, is accompanied by intellectual activity, which includes recognizing of speech means and interpretation of the content. Interpretation occurs in the result of auditory feeling interaction in the moment of comprehension.
The process of comprehension depends on ability to maintain distinctively perceived segments of speech. By perceiving, we reproduce what we hear in the form of inwardly speech. Listening comprehension is impossible without working of speech motor analyzer. Of course internal speaking requires ability to speak in this language. Understanding of sounding speech in the moment of comprehension, is accompanied by intellectual activity, which includes recognizing of speech means and interpretation of the content. Interpretation occurs in the result of auditory feeling interaction in the moment of comprehension.
The understanding speech by listening is closely connected with speaking expression of thoughts by means of learning language. The important role in the central regulation of speaking, belongs to dynamic stereotypes, which occur due to multiply listening comprehension. In the result of this, the using of language means is implemented automatically, without special arbitrary efforts. Speaking accuracy is controlled by the speaker himself in two ways: through listening and by kinesthetic feeling of own framing speech movement. The actuation of speaking begins from excitations, which are formed in speaking centre because of remnants.
Consequently, speaking is impossible without preceding listening, as an insurance can be just that, what was taken while reception.
Therefore when teachers design lessons and use techniques for practicing listening skills several special characteristics of spoken language needed to be taken into consideration. H .D .Brown in his book "Teaching by Principles" indicated several factors which make listening difficult. This factors hghly affect the processing in speech and can block comprehension. The following characteristics of a spoken language were shown by D.H. Brown [1, 156].
1. Clustering. Sentence is considered to be as the basic unit of organization in written language. In spoken language, memory limitations and learners' urge to desire for clustering, speech is devided into smaller groups of words.
2. Redundancy. Unlike written language, spoken language includes a lot of redundancy. For instance, in conversation learners can come across rephrasing, repititions, elaborations and phrases like "I mean" and "you know", here and there.
3. Reduced forms.
As there a lot of redundancy in spoken language, there many reduced forms as well. Reduction can be phonological (djeetyet? "did you eat yet?"), morphological (contractions like "I'll"), syntactic (elliptical forms like, when will you be back?" Phone!). These
reductions cause significant difficulties, especially to those who use to learn full forms of the English language.
4. Performance Variables.
There are hesitations, false stars, pauses and corrections are common in spoken language except planned spoken discourse such as speeches, lectures, etc. learners need to learn to listen for meaning in the midst of all destructing performance variables.
5. Colloquial language. For learners especially who learned Standard English it can be difficult to colloquial language, because many dialogues and monologues contain idioms, reduced forms, shared cultural knowledge and slang.
6. Rate of Delivering. Listener may not always have opportunity to stop the speaker: therefore, learners need to be able to understand language delivered at different rates of speed.
7. Stress, rhythms and intonation.H. Brown mentioned that the prosodic features of the English language are very important for comprehension. Stress and intonation patterns are important for interpreting information which may include sarcasm, endearment, insult, praise, etc.
8. Interaction. Interaction plays great role in listening comprehension. Conversation is especially good means of interaction such as negotiation, clarification, attending signals, turn taking, maintenance, etc. In short, learning to listen to respond and to continue chain of listening and responding.
Listening is a reception of foreign language by listening followed by different types of difficulties, among them are: absence of clear division between sounds in words, and between words in sentences: sounds which are not used in native language, discrepancy of writing to pronouncing the word; difference of rhythmic and melodic peculiarities to utterance in different languages; rapid rate of speech; absence of visual aid. There are many methods for improving listening skills and jigsaw teaching technique is recognized as one of the most efficient. Jigsaw method can be used in variety of ways but mostly it is used for the acquisition and presentation of new material, review, or informed with each other.
To sum up, teachers have great role to help listeners to cope with the problem they come across. Teachers need to take into consideration the factors which make listening difficult and try to avoid this kind of problem.
1. Brown D.H. "Teaching by Principles: An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy",
Pearson Education, 2007. P. 154-156.
Азимова Назира Фаттохевна - преподаватель, кафедра иностранных языков, Бухарский инженерно-технологический институт, г. Бухара, Республика Узбекистан
Аннотация: в данной статье говорится о способах перевода фразеологических единиц. Приведены точки зрения исследователей о проблемах перевода фразеологических единиц в целом. А также говорится о сохранении эмоциональных и стилистических значений фразеологизмов при переводе. Ключевые слова: перевод, метод, фразеологизм.