THE EVOLUTION OF SCIENTIFIC INTERPRETATIONS OF INNOVATION Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Ключевые слова
innovation / epistemology / experience / research / worldview / social idea / social consciousness / statism / market economy / entrepreneurship / capital / class conflicts / инновации / эпистемология / опыт / исследование / мировоззрение / социальная идея / общественное сознание / этатизм / рыночная экономика / предпринимательство / капитал / классовые конфликты

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Khodjaev Sardor Bokhodirovich

the article discusses the evolution of scientific interpretations of innovation, its connection with the social life and development of mankind and society. The views of medieval and modern thinkers and their philosophical observations and ideas are discussed. The role of these ideas and views in the development of society is revealed. Each period of human history has its own place, both individually and collectively, according to its importance. At each stage, the society, the people, has its own renewal under the influence of certain views, opinions.

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в статье рассматривается эволюция научных трактовок инноваций, их связь с общественной жизнью и развитием человечества и общества. Обсуждаются взгляды средневековых и современных мыслителей, их философские наблюдения и идеи. Раскрывается роль этих идей и взглядов в развитии общества. Каждый период истории человечества занимает свое место, как индивидуально, так и коллективно, в зависимости от его важности. На каждом этапе общество, народ обновляются по-своему под влиянием определенных взглядов, мнений.



THE EVOLUTION OF SCIENTIFIC INTERPRETATIONS OF INNOVATION Khodjaev S.B. (Republic of Uzbekistan) Email: Khodjaev578@scientifictext.ru



Abstract: the article discusses the evolution of scientific interpretations of innovation, its connection with the social life and development of mankind and society. The views of medieval and modern thinkers and their philosophical observations and ideas are discussed. The role of these ideas and views in the development of society is revealed. Each period of human history has its own place, both individually and collectively, according to its importance. At each stage, the society, the people, has its own renewal under the influence of certain views, opinions. Keywords: innovation, epistemology, experience, research, worldview, social idea, social consciousness, statism, market economy, entrepreneurship, capital, class conflicts.


Ходжаев Сардор Боходирович - старший преподаватель, кафедра теории построения демократического общества в Узбекистане, исторический факультет, Ургенчский государственный университет, г. Ургенч, Республика Узбекистан

Аннотация: в статье рассматривается эволюция научных трактовок инноваций, их связь с общественной жизнью и развитием человечества и общества. Обсуждаются взгляды средневековых и современных мыслителей, их философские наблюдения и идеи. Раскрывается роль этих идей и взглядов в развитии общества. Каждый период истории человечества занимает свое место, как индивидуально, так и коллективно, в зависимости от его важности. На каждом этапе общество, народ обновляются по-своему под влиянием определенных взглядов, мнений.

Ключевые слова: инновации, эпистемология, опыт, исследование, мировоззрение, социальная идея, общественное сознание, этатизм, рыночная экономика, предпринимательство, капитал, классовые конфликты.

The renewal of the Renaissance was not only due to spiritual and psychological factors, but also to the emergence of the first capitalist relations, the emergence of manufacturing-based production, the transition to new production processes by machine. True, it was not yet fully capitalist production, in wht lives, scientific discoveries, and works of such thinkers and creators as Lucie Pacholi (1445-1509), Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519), Johann Kepler (1571-1630), Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543), Paracelsus (1493-1541), Bernardino Telezio (1509-1588), Francesco Patricia (1529-1597), Jardono Bruno (1548-1600), and Thomas Campanelli (1568-1639) demonstrated the ability of the human mind to innovate, create, and discover unique things. It was they who proved in practice that man was endowed with the ability to discover new things and to comprehend the mysteries of existence. Their scientific and creative discoveries were innovations that changed traditional, theological notions. For example, Leonardo da Vinci proved that it is

possible to create innovations through experience, research, creative experiments, even if he did not study at any school or university. Professor V.V. Sokolov, Doctor of Philosophy, who studied his philosophical and artistic aesthetic heritage, wrote: It helps to understand the truth, to create something new, to understand the world ... The creator is not an unconscious description of nature, what he sees, an imitator of an objective being, his ability is to strive for unique novelty, individuality" [1]. According to expert estimates, Leonardo da Vinci made more than 100 scientific discoveries and discoveries, he constantly sought to create things that would help expand human thinking and capabilities [2].

The renewal of the next social development, the emergence of scientific innovations is associated with the Enlightenment (XVII-XVIII centuries). The Enlightenment believed in the power of human cognition, linking social development and renewal in society with subjective factors, paradigms such as science, enlightenment, knowledge, self-awareness. He advanced new ideas, approaches, and enlightenment ideas against old dogmatic views. Liberal democratic ideas about the rights of man to enlightenment, free living and creativity, free choice of type of work and place of residence, subordination of public administration to the public interest were an absolute novelty in the history of thought. The Early Enlightenment was the emergence of the machine industry in human history, the establishment of market relations, the spread of liberal democratic ideas in the social consciousness, the transition to competitive property relations and capitalist production, the recognition of the credit and banking system as a social sphere, the economy as a non-political sector, the judiciary, which protects human rights and freedoms, is associated with the emergence of views on the formation of state power divided into three branches [3].

Factors such as the market economy, entrepreneurship, the important role of private property in socio-economic life, the growing influence of capital on human activities and initiatives, urbanization, political modernization, democracy have created great opportunities for innovative research. Researchers such as R. Cantilon, A. Smith, F. Kene, A. Tugro, Y. von Tunen, Y. Schumpeter, L. Mizes, who lived in the XVIII-XIX centuries and studied some aspects and issues of innovative research in the field of economics, expressed important views on the problem.

According to R. Cantilon, there are specific, incomprehensible immanent laws of economic development. These laws are related to economic development, firstly, the introduction of scientific and technical innovations in production processes, secondly, the application of new methods of work that meet the needs of the market, population, and thirdly, training and attracting innovative forces to support entrepreneurship. The introduction of regimes of demand and needs of the population in the economy does not happen by itself, they require certain skills and knowledge related to a particular special economic and commodity exchange, organization of labor force. Most importantly, it is the dynamics of demands and needs, the shift in space, the constant search for new ways of self-action [5].

A. Smith's economic doctrine attracted the attention of all economists and sociologists of the XIX-XX centuries. His ideas of individualism and utilitarianism in the process of division of labor were the expression and reflection of innovations, changes in the English political economy [6]. What is important for us is that A. Smith was able to see the contradictions between capitalist production, first of all, the employer and the sideline worker, the differences between consumption and demand, the labor process and wages. The innovation he put forward was that manufacturing, machinery, and equipment would bring great benefits to their owners, increase labor productivity, and stimulate demand [7]. The growth of economic contradictions leads to social conflicts, as a result of which any scientific, technical, financial innovations become contradictory. If we proceed from this fundamentally important opinion of the economist, any innovation will not have a positive character, what is accepted as innovation today, innovation can later acquire an involutionary character, and even contradict reforms, changes. Unfortunately, A. Smith connects these contradictions with the labor process and economic factors. That is why E. Durkheim, when talking about A. Smith, first of all refers to him as "the founder of the theory of division of labor" [8]. In fact, revealing the serious features of the division of labor inherent in capitalist production was a systemic innovation. This aspect was first explored by Marx and showed its antagonistic features. It is true that Marx attributed this to the social revolution, which did not see the factors


that motivate man in private property, entrepreneurship and business, in which he forms creative and innovative activity. He linked all capitalist relations to class contradictions, and saw the elimination of these contradictions in the replacement of capitalist production with socialist (communist) production. However, it must be acknowledged that the relationship between private property, business and capital accumulation, and income generation encourages innovatio, but does not determine social justice, and even makes it a rule to measure a person, his potential and spirituality with the money he earns. It honors selfish aspirations, not social interests, but the priority of serving personal interests, the harmony of society, the traditions of communism. The relevance of these aspects, which Marx criticized and called for abandonment, and even forcible elimination, was confirmed by future socio-historical developments, which is why today Western scholars have begun to re-read Marx.

References / Список литературы

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6. History of Sociology in Western Europe and the USA. Textbook. Moscow: NORMA INFRA M., 1999. P. 74.

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8. Durkheim E. On the division of social labor. Sociology method. Moscow: Nauka, 1991. P. 43.

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