THE EVENTUAL MODEL OF THE ALGORITHM FOR DESIGNING THE LOGISTICS SYSTEM OF A PRODUCTION ENTERPRISE Текст научной статьи по специальности «Компьютерные и информационные науки»

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Аннотация научной статьи по компьютерным и информационным наукам, автор научной работы — Sumets Oleksandr

The logistics system is one of the most important subsystems of the production enterprise. This system is responsible for the timeliness and efficiency of logistics activities at the enterprise. Creating the logistics system for the company is based on solving a set of problems, where the development of an algorithm for its design is key one. The article proposes an eventual model of the algorithm for designing the logistics system of a production enterprise. The design algorithm was developed taking into account the activities of oil and fat industry enterprises. Structurally, the algorithm consists of three phases - the formation of an information array for the design of the logistics system, the design of the logistics system, the installation of the logistics system project at the enterprise. The optimal number of stages was substantiated for each design phase. According to the design stages, a list of works that must be performed in the process of project development and installation was described. Information on the time spent on each job at the stages of design and installation of the logistics system was provided. It is indicated that the development and installation of a logistics system at a manufacturing plant can take three to four months. The obtained research results are important for the top management of enterprises. They will allow to be guided in productivity of process of designing and installation of logistic systems. In the future, this will provide an opportunity to correctly draw up a logistics plan and adjust the development strategy of the enterprise. The material presented in the article is useful for researchers in terms of further consideration of improving existing or developing new algorithms and techniques for designing logistics systems of industrial enterprises.

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UDC 657.424 DOI: https://doi.org/10.46783/smart-scm/2021-9-5

JEL Classification: M21, P33, P45. Received: 29 September 2021

Sumets O.M. Doctor of Economics, Professor, Professor of The Integration Academy of Personnel Management (Ukraine)

ORCID - 0000-0002-7116-3857 Researcher ID - H-9132-2018 Scopus author id: 6507343164


Oleksandr Sumets. "The eventual model of the algorithm for designing the logistics system of a production enterprise." The logistics system is one of the most important subsystems of the production enterprise. This system is responsible for the timeliness and efficiency of logistics activities at the enterprise. Creating the logistics system for the company is based on solving a set of problems, where the development of an algorithm for its design is key one.

The article proposes an eventual model of the algorithm for designing the logistics system of a production enterprise. The design algorithm was developed taking into account the activities of oil and fat industry enterprises. Structurally, the algorithm consists of three phases - the formation of an information array for the design of the logistics system, the design of the logistics system, the installation of the logistics system project at the enterprise. The optimal number of stages was substantiated for each design phase. According to the design stages, a list of works that must be performed in the process of project development and installation was described. Information on the time spent on each job at the stages of design and installation of the logistics system was provided. It is indicated that the development and installation of a logistics system at a manufacturing plant can take three to four months. The obtained research results are important for the top management of enterprises. They will allow to be guided in productivity of process of designing and installation of logistic systems. In the future, this will provide an opportunity to correctly draw up a logistics plan and adjust the development strategy of the enterprise.

The material presented in the article is useful for researchers in terms of further consideration of improving existing or developing new algorithms and techniques for designing logistics systems of industrial enterprises.

Keywords: eventual model, logistics system, design algorithm, design phase, design stage, enterprise.

Олександр Сумець. «Евентуальна модель алгоритму проектування лог'ктично) системи виробничого пдприемства». Лог'!стична система являе собою одну '¡з найбльш важливих пдсистем виробничого п'!дприемства. Ця система eidnoeidae за своечаснсть i ефективн'!сть здйснення на п'1дприемств'1 лог'стично)' дiяльнoстi. Створення лог'1стично)' системи для пдприемства базуеться на вир'шенш комплексу завдань, де розроблення алгоритму ii проектування е ключовим.

У стaттi запропонована евентуальна модель алгоритму проектування лог'!стичноi системи виробничого п '!дприемства. Алгоритм проектування розроблено з огляду на дiяльнiсть пдприемств

ол'ежирово'У галуз'1. Структурно алгоритм складаеться \з трьох фаз - формування '¡нформацйного масиву для проектування лог'1стично'У системи, проектування лог'1стично'У системи, iнсталяцiя проекту лог'1стичноУ системи на п'дприемств!. Для кожноУ фази проектування обфунтована оптимальна кльксть етапiв. За етапами проектування описано перелiк робт, як'1 обов'язково виконуються у процеа розробки /' '¡нсталяцУУ проекту. Наведена iнформацiя щодо витрати часу на виконання кожноУ роботи за етапами проектування /' '¡нсталяцУУ лог '!стичноУ системи. Вказано, що розробка I' iнсталяцiя лог'1стично'У системи на виробничому п'1дприемств'1 може тривати три-чотири мiсяцi. Одержан/' результати дослiдження е важливими для топ-менеджменту п'!дприемств. Вони дозволять ор'!ентуватися в продуктивной процесу проектування й '¡нсталяцУУлог'!стичних систем. У подальшому це надасть можливсть коректно скласти лог'!стичний план i скоригувати стратегiю розвитку п'!дприемства.

Наведений у статтi матер'шл е корисним для досл'дник'т в аспект/ подальшого розгляду питання удосконалення наявних або розроблення нових алгоритмiв / методик проектування лог '!стичних систем виробничих п '!дприемств.

Кпючов'1 слова: евентуальна модель, лопстична система, алгоритм проектування, фаза проектування, етап проектування, тдприемство.

Александр Сумец. «Эвентуальная модель алгоритма проектирования логистической системы производственного предприятия». Логистическая система представляет собой одну из наиболее важных подсистем производственного предприятия. Эта система отвечает за своевременность и эффективность осуществления на предприятии логистической деятельности. Создание логистической системы на предприятии базируется на решении комплекса задач, где разработка алгоритма ее проектирования является ключевой.

В статье представлена эвентуальная модель алгоритма проектирования логистической системы производственного предприятия. Алгоритм проектирования разработан с учетом деятельности предприятий масложировой отрасли. Структурно алгоритм состоит из трех фаз -формирование информационного массива для проектирования логистической системы, проектирование логистической системы, инсталляция проекта логистической системы на предприятии. Для каждой фазы проектирования обосновано оптимальное количество этапов. По этапам проектирования описан перечень работ, которые обязательно выполняются в процессе разработки и инсталляции проекта. Представлена информация о затратах времени на выполнение каждой работы по этапам проектирования и инсталляции логистической системы. Указано, что период разработки и инсталляции логистической системы на производственном предприятии может занять три-четыре месяца. Полученные результаты исследования важны для топ-менеджмента предприятий. Они позволят ориентироваться в производительности процесса проектирования и установки логистических систем. В дальнейшем это позволит корректно составить логистический план и скорректировать стратегию развития предприятия.

Приведенный в статье материал полезен исследователям в аспекте дальнейшего рассмотрения вопроса усовершенствования существующих или разработанных новых алгоритмов и методик проектирования логистических систем производственных предприятий.

Ключевые слова: эвентуальная модель, логистическая система, алгоритм проектировання, фаза проектирования, этап проектирования, предприятие.

Relevance of the problem. Ukraine's domestic enterprises, firms and companies. economy is currently experiencing many This has created a situation where shocks, which affects the activities of organizations are constantly in a position to

find ways to maintain a stable position in the market. Therefore, as practice shows, in recent years the top management of enterprises, firms and companies began to pay much attention to the creation and further development of logistics systems (LS). Scientists and practitioners are unanimous in the opinion that to achieve the productive work of enterprises requires a comprehensive project of improvements, which must organically combine the latest technologies and logistics development strategy. For the successful implementation of the logistics development strategy, a necessary condition is the creation of logistics systems in enterprises, which will be isolated and will have their own specific purpose and objectives.

Creating a logistics system for a functioning enterprise is based on solving a set of relevant tasks. The primary, or key, task in this aspect is to develop an algorithm for designing a logistics system.

Analysis of recent research. Analysis of publications of research results of domestic and foreign scientists [1-10], which highlights the recommendations for the formation of the logistics system in enterprises and firms, provided an opportunity to identify unresolved issues of the general problem, namely:

1) at this time there is no description of the content of the LS design process;

2) the design phase of the LS is not clearly defined and described;

3) stages in each phase of LS design are not defined in quantitative and qualitative terms;

4) in the detailed description of works on designing of LS there are elements of generality and disregard of some important works, for example, maintenance of economic safety of LS, creation of system of registration, the analysis, control of logistic expenses within logistic system, substantiation of expediency of creation of LS at the enterprise, etc.

In addition, unfortunately, not all authors indicate in their publications for which

enterprise the algorithm can be applied - for one that is functioning, or for a new one, ie for one that is just being organized. However, these developments of scientists and practitioners are very useful and should be the basis for further research on this issue.

All the above indicates that the problem of creating a methodological apparatus for designing a logistics system at this point in time has not yet been resolved and it needs further study [12]. In solving this problem, from the author's point of view, the primary task for researchers is to work out an eventual model of the algorithm for designing and implementing a logistics system in the enterprise, taking into account its economic system, which has already been formed [11].

Formulation of the research purpose: construction of an eventual model of the algorithm for designing the logistics system of a production enterprise.

The main material and results of the research. Previous studies of publications on this issue have made it possible to conclude that an eventual model of the algorithm for designing the logistics system of a production enterprise is based on the classical approach to project development. Namely, it is formalized in accordance with the following procedures:

1) determination of design phases;

2) description of design stages for each phase;

3) determination of works that will be performed within each stage on a mandatory basis;

4) the choice of contractors and logistics to ensure the design process.

The clarity of the presentation of an eventual model requires detailing of each procedure.

Analysis of approaches to the design and implementation of logistics systems in industrial enterprises, published in [1-10], provided an opportunity to systematize all proposals and choose an algorithm that consists of three phases:

- phase 1: formation of an information array for the design of a logistics system;

- phase 2: design of the logistics system; These phases combine a certain number

- phase 3: installation of the logistics of stages that specify the direction and system project. content of project work (Fig. 1).

Figure 1. The main stages of the project development and implementation phases

Source: developed by the author.

In order to further implement these phases in practice, there is a need for a detailed description of an eventual model of the algorithm for designing and implementing a logistics system for a truly functioning production enterprise. For this purpose, within the framework of this study, a tabular form of information presentation was used (Table 1).

The implementation of the algorithm in practice involves its description in formulaic, verbal, graphical, tabular and algorithmic

ways. From the point of view of the author, in this case the decision on formalization of algorithm in the form of the multiblock scheme is made (fig. 2). A thorough analysis of the proposed algorithm indicates that it has all the necessary properties, namely: finiteness, mass, discreteness,

elementariness, determinism, efficiency and certainty. This makes it possible to state that the eventual model of the algorithm is quite suitable for practical implementation.

Table 1 - The main work of the process of design and implementation of the logistics system at the production enterprise_

Phase Number and name of the stage Name of the main works Work code

1 2 3 4

Stage 1. Analysis of the market 1. Analysis of suppliers and consumers, establishing the possibility of increasing their number Ph1.S1.W1

2. Competitors analysis Ph1.S1.W2

situation 3. Formulation of the purpose of creation of LS, formulation of the basic tasks LS Ph1.S1.W3

4. Analysis of outsourcing opportunities (external) Ph1.S1.W4

1. Analysis of the overall strategy of the enterprise Ph1.S2.W1

Phase 1 2. Analysis of the resource potential of the enterprise Ph1.S2.W2

Stage 2. Research 3. Assessment of the existing logistics infrastructure of the enterprise Ph1.S2.W3

of the possibility of the LS creating 4. Determining the level of logistics costs for the company and justification of expediency of creating the LS Ph1.S2.W4

5. Pre-selection of the type and kind of logistics system Ph1.S2.W5

6. Determining the main limitation (determinants) on the functioning of the LS Ph1.S2.W6

Stage 1. Preliminary assessment of the main characteristics of the designed LS 1. Forecasting the development of the LS Ph2.S1.W1

2. Determining the potential market boundary of the LS and transport network of customer service Ph2.S1.W2

3. Determining the cost of the project and installation of the LS at the enterprise Ph2.S1.W3

4. Estimation of the expected effect of the LS Ph2.S1.W4

5. Evaluation of the feasibility of designing the LS Ph2.S1.W5

Stage 2. Functional 1. Allocation of a strategic set of logistics functions that are necessary to maintain the competitiveness of the enterprise Ph2.S2.W1

design of the LS 2. Establishment (definition) of logistics functions that can be outsourced and which will be performed directly at the enterprise Ph2.S2.W2

Phase 2 1. Establishing the optimal structure of the LS of the enterprise: the choice of subsystems of the LS in accordance with the logistics purpose Ph2.S3.W1

Stage 3. Elemental design (structuring) of the LS 2. Formation of economic goals and objectives for each subsystem of the LS Ph2.S3.W2

3. Determining the adequacy of the technical and technological base of each subsystem of the LS Ph2.S3.W3

4. Establish the required level of interconnection between subsystems and links of the LS Ph2.S3.W4

5. Information linking of the LS subsystems Ph2.S3.W5

6. Formation of the system of registration, accounting, analysis and control of logistics costs of the enterprise LS Ph2.S3.W6

The end of the table 1

1 2 3 4

Stage 4. Organizational design of the LS 1. Systematization of conditions, factors and parameters that determine the organizational management structure (OMS) of the enterprise LS Ph2.S4.W1

2. Choice of OMS type of the enterprise LS Ph2.S4.W2

3. Formation of conditions for the OMS of the enterprise LS Ph2.S4.W3

4. The choice of the OMS design model of the logistics system Ph2.S4.W4

5. The choice of indicators for assessing the quality of OMS of the enterprise LS Ph2.S4.W5

6. Formation of a system of indicators for assessing the effectiveness of OMS of the LS Ph2.S4.W6

7. Estimation of OMS efficiency of the enterprise LS Ph2.S4.W7

8. Assessment of the synergistic effect of the OMS implementation of the functioning enterprise LS Ph2.S4.W8

9. Working out of measures to ensure the economic security of the enterprise LS Ph2.S4.W9

Phase 3 Stage 1. Identification of key indicators for the evaluation of the LS project 1. Determining the sensitivity of the LS Ph3.S1.W1

2. Determining the degree of usefulness of the LS Ph3.S1.W2

3. Determining the reliability of the LS Ph3.S1.W3

4. Evaluation of project effectiveness Ph3.S1.W4

5. Assessment of the economic security level of the enterprise LS Ph3.S1.W5

Stage 2. Planning the implementation of the LS project 1. Budgeting of the LS project Ph3.S2.W1

2. Drawing up a plan for the implementation of the LS project Ph3.S2.W2

3. Scheduling the implementation of the LS project Ph3.S2.W3

Stage 3. Direct implementation of the LS project 1. Launch of the LS project Ph3.S3.W1

Stage 4. Installation of auxiliary subsystems of the enterprise LS 1. Installation of logistics information system (LIS) Ph3.S4.W1

2. Installation of a system of registration, accounting, analysis and control of logistics costs Ph3.S4.W2

3. Installation of the economic security system of functioning of the enterprise LS Ph3.S4.W3

Source: compiled by the author.





Ph2.S1.W3 Ph2.S1.W4 Ph2.S1.W5

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Figure 2 - (sheet 2)

Figure 2 - (sheet 3)

Figure 2 - (sheet 4) Source: developed by the author.

In order to ensure the practical implementation of the proposed algorithm should provide a list and a brief description of the work to be performed within each stage of certain phases of design and implementation of the logistics system project for a functioning enterprise. A tabular

form was also used in the study to describe the work planned to be performed during the design of the logistics system. The proposed table provides information of the following nature: code, title and content of the work (Table 2).

Table 2 - Description of the work content on the design and implementation of _the LS project at the enterprise_

Work code The title of the work The content of the work

1 2 3

Ph1.S1.W1 Analysis of suppliers and consumers, establishing the possibility of increasing their number The market share for suppliers and consumers is determined; analysis of the potential of suppliers and consumers is performed; opportunities for their growth are forecasted; the degree of their loyalty to the enterprise and readiness for long-term cooperation is established

Ph1.S1.W2 Competitors analysis The market share for competitors is determined; their strengths and weaknesses are assessed and potential opportunities in the use of logistics are identified; the implemented logistics technologies are analyzed; logistics partners and intermediaries are determined; competitors' logistics indicators are analyzed, if it possible

Ph1.S1.W3 Formulation of the purpose of creation of LS, formulation of the basic tasks LS The economic system of the enterprise is analyzed; describes the logistics concept for the enterprise, on the basis of which the logistical purpose of creating a logistics system is formed, the main tasks for the logistics system are formulated

Ph1.S1.W4 Analysis of outsourcing opportunities The logistic activities (LA) realized at the enterprise are allocated; the analysis of expediency of performance of LA directly at the enterprise is carried out; selection of LA which are economically expedient to carry out by forces and resources of the enterprise is carried out; LA are established, which should be performed through the use of logistics outsourcing; the market of outsourcing services is analyzed and possibilities of involvement of outsourcing for performance of previously allocated LA are established

Ph1.S2.W1 Analysis of the overall strategy of the enterprise In terms of the overall strategy, an analysis of growth and support strategies is performed. Competitive advantages and opportunities of growth and support strategies are singled out

Ph1.S2.W2 Analysis of the resource potential of the enterprise The resource potential of the enterprise is analyzed, first of all the financial and personnel possibilities concerning the organization and realization of certain logistic activities are analyzed

Ph1.S2.W3 Assessment of the existing logistics infrastructure of the enterprise A detailed analysis of the main components of the enterprise infrastructure is performed. Namely, analyzes are performed: technical, technological, organizational and economic, in order to use them to perform certain logistics activities

Continuation of the table 2

1 2 3

Ph1.S2.W4 Determining the level of logistics costs for the company and justification of expediency of creating the LS In the general expenses of the enterprise logistic expenses are allocated. Their correlation with the general expenses is established on the basis of which the substantiation of expediency of creation of logistic system at the enterprise is carried out

Ph1.S2.W5 Pre-selection of the type and kind of logistics system Based on the analysis of the level of logistics integration of the functions performed at the enterprise, the appropriate level of logistics aggregation is established. Pre-selected for the organization logistics system with direct connections or tiered or flexible

Ph1.S2.W6 Determining the main limitation (determinants) on the functioning of the LS Price and non-price determinants of the logistics system of the enterprise are determined

Ph2.S1.W1 Forecasting the development of the LS The forecast of performance of concrete volume of works by logistic system of the enterprise for the future periods is carried out

Ph2.S1.W2 Determining the potential market boundary of the LS and transport network of customer service The expedient sizes (geographical territory) of the logistic range where implementation of logistic activity of the enterprise is planned are established

Ph2.S1 .W3 Determining the cost of the project and installation of the LS at the enterprise An estimate is made for forecasting the logistics system and installing it at the enterprise

Ph2.S1.W4 Estimation of the expected effect of the LS The effect of the functioning of the logistics system at the enterprise is predicted

Ph2.S1.W5 Evaluation of the feasibility of designing the LS According to the forecasted indicators of functioning efficiency of logistic systems expediency of its designing for the future periods is established

Ph2.S2.W1 Allocation of a strategic set of logistics functions that are necessary to maintain the competitiveness of the enterprise Selection of logistics functions and operations is performed. These are essential to maintain the competitiveness of the enterprise in the selected market segment

Ph2.S2.W2 Establishment (definition) of logistics functions that can be outsourced and which will be performed directly at the enterprise The logistic activities which will be carried out directly at the expense of possibilities of the enterprise, and the logistical activities which can be transferred for performance to other organizations are defined

Ph2.S3.W1 Establishing the optimal structure of the LS of the enterprise: the choice of subsystems of the LS in accordance with the logistics purpose On the basis of the selected logistic activities which will be carried out by the enterprise the necessary list of subsystems of logistic system is proved

Ph2.S3.W2 Formation of economic goals and objectives for each subsystem of the LS Economic goals and objectives are formulated for each subsystem of the logistics system in accordance with the logistics purpose of the enterprise

Ph2.S3.W3 Determining the adequacy of the technical and technological base of each subsystem of the LS The technical and technological base of the enterprise is analyzed and sufficiency of means for performance of the specific logistics subsystems defined by LA is established.

Continuation of the table 2

1 2 3

Ph2.S3.W4 Establish the required level of interconnection between subsystems and links of the LS The level of interrelation (information, financial, organizational, technological) between subsystems and links of logistic system is established

Ph2.S3.W5 Information linking of the LS subsystems The information linking of the subsystems of the logistics system between itself and between the services of the enterprise is formed

Ph2.S3.W6 Formation of the system of registration, accounting, analysis and control of logistics costs of the enterprise LS Responsibility centers are organized. The system of registration, accounting, analysis and control of logistics costs of the enterprise through the centers of responsibility is being worked out

Ph2.S4.W1 Systematization of conditions, factors and parameters that determine the organizational management structure (OMS) of the enterprise LS A matrix of conditions, factors and parameters is formed. These are crucial for building the organizational structure of management of the logistics system of the enterprise

Ph2.S4.W2 Choice of OMS type of the enterprise LS The type of OMS for the enterprise LS is substantiated

Ph2.S4.W3 Formation of conditions for the OMS of the enterprise LS Requirements to OMS of the enterprise LS concerning reliability of its functioning are formulated

Ph2.S4.W4 The choice of the OMS design model of the logistics system The model of designing OMS of the enterprise LS is reasoned

Ph2.S4.W5 The choice of indicators for assessing the quality of OMS of the enterprise LS Indicators of assessment of quality of functioning of OMS of the enterprise LS are substantiated

Ph2.S4.W6 Formation of a system of indicators for assessing the effectiveness of OMS of the LS The system of indicators of an efficiency estimation of OMS of the enterprise LS is formed

Ph2.S4.W7 Estimation of OMS efficiency of the enterprise LS A preliminary assessment of the OMS effectiveness of the enterprise LS is performed

Ph2.S4.W8 Assessment of the synergistic effect of the OMS implementation of the functioning enterprise LS The synergistic effect of the OMS of the LS implementation at the enterprise is determined

Ph2.S4.W9 Working out of measures to ensure the economic security of the enterprise LS Measures are being developed to ensure the economic security of the enterprise LS, taking into account the external environment and the position of the enterprise in a particular market segment

Ph3.S1.W1 Determining the sensitivity of the LS The sensitivity index of the logistics system is determined. It is evaluated and analyzed

Ph3.S1 .W2 Determining the degree of usefulness of the LS The numerical value of the utility indicator of the LS is determined. It is evaluated and analyzed

Ph3.S1.W3 Determining the reliability of the LS Reliability indicators of the LS are calculated. Their evaluation and analysis is carried out

Ph3.S1 .W4 Evaluation of project effectiveness The effect of the functioning of the LS is determined.

Ph3.S1 .W5 Assessment of the economic security level of the enterprise LS The level of economic security of the enterprise LS is determined

Ph3.S2.W1 Budgeting of the LS project The budget for the project is drawn up taking into account the level of reliability and economic security of the LS

Ph3.S2.W2 Drawing up a plan for the implementation of the LS project A detailed plan for the implementation of the LS project is being drawn up

The end of the table 2

1 2 3

Ph3.S2.W3 Scheduling the implementation of the LS project The schedule of implementation of the LS project according to the established terms is made

Ph3.S3.W1 Launch of the LS project Putting into operation of the LS project

Ph3.S4.W1 Installation of logistics information system (LIS) Installation of LIS and its adjustment to the organizational structure of enterprise management

Ph3.S4.W2 Installation of a system of registration, accounting, analysis and control of logistics costs Establishment of the system of registration, accounting, analysis and control of logistics costs and its adjustment to the general system of accounting of expenses of the enterprise

Ph3.S4.W3 Installation of the economic security system of functioning of the enterprise LS Implementation of measures to organize the economic security of the enterprise LS in the general system of the enterprise

Source: compiled by the author.

Substantiation of decisions related to the use of the described algorithm for designing a logistics system, as well as the selection of the most efficient types of work at each stage can be performed with varying degrees of depth and detail. The latter is determined not only by the source information possessed by the designer and its reliability, but also by the knowledge of the project team (consultants, specialists of the enterprise) with the tools of the work and the availability of sources of project funding.

When developing projects, an important issue is the time spent on the planned work. Also, in order to focus on the time budget for the development of a logistics system project in the course of the study on the example of oil and fat industry enterprises were set (forecast) time that can be spent on the work at each stage. The results of this study are given in table. 3.

From the table 3 it follows that the process of designing and installing a logistics system can be carried out in an average of 143 days. Therefore, if a decision is made on the organization of the logistics system in the oil and fat industry, the top management should focus on a period of 3-4 months. This time can be reduced if some design work is done in parallel. However, this is decided purely in a particular case.

Presented in table 3 deadlines for the execution of works related to the design and installation of the logistics system are

approximate. Their values may vary depending on the scale of production, enterprise structure, availability of information system and qualified specialists in the field of logistics. However, the value of such information is that thanks to it, the top management of the enterprise will focus on the productivity of the process of designing and installing a logistics system. In the future, this will provide an opportunity to correctly draw up a logistics plan and adjust the development strategy of the enterprise as a whole.

Conclusions. The author's approach to realization of development process of the logistic system project of the industrial enterprise and its practical realization is published in the article. This approach is formalized in the form of an eventual model of the algorithm for designing of the enterprise logistics system. According to the algorithm, the phases and stages of designing a logistics system are described; the types of work that must be performed within each stage are detailed.

The proposed algorithm for designing and implementing a logistics system of a manufacturing enterprise does not claim to be exhaustive of this scientific problem, although it may be a contribution to the formation and development of the methodological apparatus for designing logistics systems. In addition, the material presented in the article is useful for

researchers in terms of further research to algorithms and techniques for designing improve existing or developed new logistics systems of industrial enterprises.

Table 3 - Estimated values of time for work related to the design and installation of the enterprise LS_

Phase Number and name of the stage Work code Time, days*

Phase 1 Stage 1. Analysis of the market situation Ph1.S1.W1 4

Ph1.S1.W2 6

Ph1.S1.W3 1

Ph1.S1.W4 3

Stage 2. Research of the possibility of the LS creating Ph1.S2.W1 3

Ph1 .S2.W2 5

Ph1 .S2.W3 3

Ph1 .S2.W4 6

Ph1 .S2.W5 2

Ph1.S2.W6 3

Phase 2 Stage 1 Preliminary assessment of the main characteristics of the designed LS Ph2.S1.W1 2

Ph2.S1.W2 2

Ph2.S1.W3 4

Ph2.S1.W4 1

Ph2.S1.W5 1

Stage 2. Functional design of the LS Ph2.S2.W1 2

Ph2.S2.W2 3

Stage 3. Elemental design (structuring) of the LS Ph2.S3.W1 4

Ph2.S3.W2 1

Ph2.S3.W3 5

Ph2.S3.W4 3

Ph2.S3.W5 7

Ph2.S3.W6 6

Stage 4. Organizational design of the LS Ph2.S4.W1 5

Ph2.S4.W2 2

Ph2.S4.W3 3

Ph2.S4.W4 2

Ph2.S4.W5 2

Ph2.S4.W6 1

Ph2.S4.W7 1

Ph2.S4.W8 1

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Ph2.S4.W9 3

Phase 3 Stage 1. Identification of key indicators for the evaluation of the LS project Ph3.S1.W1 3




Ph3.S1.W5 1

Stage 2. Planning the implementation of the LS project Ph3.S2.W1 5

Ph3.S2.W2 3

Ph3.S2.W3 2

Stage 3. Direct implementation of the LS project Ph3.S3.W1 14

Stage 4. Installation of auxiliary subsystems of the enterprise LS Ph3.S4.W1 7

Ph3.S4.W2 4

Ph3.S4.W3 4

Note. *) Average value. Source: compiled by the author.


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