Научная статья на тему 'The evaluation mechanism of Russian Teacher Professional Development Model and its Inspiration for Teacher Education in China'

The evaluation mechanism of Russian Teacher Professional Development Model and its Inspiration for Teacher Education in China Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Russia / China / higher education / education reform / professional skills of the teacher / teacher professional development model / evaluation mechanism. / Россия / Китай / высшее образование / реформа образования / профессиональные компетенции преподавателей / модель повышения квалификации учителей / механизмы оценки.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Yu Hongyang

The purpose of the study is to identify a mechanism for evaluating the model of professional development of Russian teachers and the possibility of its application in China. Teacher education is the "mother machine" of education development, and the teacher's professional development model is a key issue in teacher education. The selection and identification of high-quality teachers is its key link. China is at a critical stage in teacher assessment reform. Analyzing the value of the evaluation mechanism of the Russian model of teacher professional development and the indicators of practical experience of its operation in combination with the actual state of teacher evaluation in China, it is proposed to formulate and build a rigorous teacher evaluation system, as well as to study practical methods for their evaluation. The novelty of the study lies in the enrichment of research on teacher professional development models, in the novelty of approaches to the mechanism for evaluating teacher professional development models based on a comparative research method for analyzing its value and operational initiatives. Practical measures such as the development of teachers' ability to value thinking and the cultivation of aesthetic taste, as well as the cultivation of practical, autonomous and professional teachers, will create an effective, integrated and innovative mechanism for evaluating the modern model of teacher professional development in accordance with the Chinese tradition of higher education. According to the results of the study based on the study of the system of professional development of teachers in Russia, the prospects for building a mechanism for evaluating the model of professional development of teachers in China were identified.

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Механизм оценки модели профессионального развития российских учителей и возможность применения в Китае

Цель исследования – в выявлении механизма оценки модели профессионального развития российских учителей и возможности его применения в Китае. Педагогическое образование – это "материнская машина" развития образования, а модель профессионального развития учителя является ключевым вопросом педагогического образования. Отбор и идентификация высококачественных учителей является его ключевым звеном. Китай находится на критическом этапе реформы оценки преподавателей. Анализируя ценность механизма оценки российской модели профессионального развития учителей и показатели практического опыта ее функционирования в сочетании с фактическим состоянием оценки учителей в Китае, предлагается сформулировать и построить строгую систему оценки учителей, а также изучить практические методы их оценки. Новизна исследования – в обогащении исследований моделей профессионального развития учителей, в новизне подходов по механизму оценки моделей профессионального развития учителей, основанных на сравнительном исследовательском методе анализа его ценности и оперативных инициатив. Практические меры, такие как развитие способности учителей к оценочному мышлению и воспитание эстетического вкуса, а также воспитание практичных, автономных и профессиональных учителей позволит создать эффективный, интегрированный и инновационный механизм оценки современной модели профессионального развития учителей в соответствие с китайскими традициями высшей школы. По результатам на основе изучения системы профессионального развития учителя в России выявлены перспективы построения механизма оценки модели профессионального развития учителей в Китае.

Текст научной работы на тему «The evaluation mechanism of Russian Teacher Professional Development Model and its Inspiration for Teacher Education in China»

Механизм оценки модели профессионального развития российских учителей и возможность применения в Китае

Юй Хунян, аспирант, Институт педагогики и психологии, Южный федеральный университет, Ростов-на-Дону;

Цель исследования - в выявлении механизма оценки модели профессионального развития российских учителей и возможности его применения в Китае. Педагогическое образование - это «материнская машина» развития образования, а модель профессионального развития учителя является ключевым вопросом педагогического образования. Отбор и идентификация высококачественных учителей является его ключевым звеном. Китай находится на критическом этапе реформы оценки преподавателей. Анализируя ценность механизма оценки российской модели профессионального развития учителей и показатели практического опыта ее функционирования в сочетании с фактическим состоянием оценки учителей в Китае, предлагается сформулировать и построить строгую систему оценки учителей, а также изучить практические методы их оценки. Новизна исследования - в обогащении исследований моделей профессионального развития учителей, в новизне подходов по механизму оценки моделей профессионального развития учителей, основанных на сравнительном исследовательском методе анализа его ценности и оперативных инициатив. Практические меры, такие как развитие способности учителей к оценочному мышлению и воспитание эстетического вкуса, а также воспитание практичных, автономных и профессиональных учителей позволит создать эффективный, интегрированный и инновационный механизм оценки современной модели профессионального развития учителей в соответствие с китайскими традициями высшей школы. По результатам исследования на основе изучения системы профессионального развития учителя в России выявлены перспективы построения механизма оценки модели профессионального развития учителей в Китае.

Ключевые слова: Россия; Китай; высшее образование; реформа образования; профессиональные компетенции преподавателей; модель повышения квалификации учителей; механизмы оценки.

Цитировать: Yu Hongyang. The evaluation mechanism of Russian Teacher Professional Development Model and its Inspiration for Teacher Education in China // KANT. – 2023. – №2(47). – С. 428-433. EDN: ZIQSYA. DOI: 10.24923/2222-243X.2023-47.75

Yu Hongyang, Postgraduate student, Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology, Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don

The purpose of the study is to identify a mechanism for evaluating the model of professional development of Russian teachers and the possibility of its application in China. Teacher education is the "mother machine" of education development, and the teacher's professional development model is a key issue in teacher education. The selection and identification of high-quality teachers is its key link. China is at a critical stage in teacher assessment reform. Analyzing the value of the evaluation mechanism of the Russian model of teacher professional development and the indicators of practical experience of its operation in combination with the actual state of teacher evaluation in China, it is proposed to formulate and build a rigorous teacher evaluation system, as well as to study practical methods for their evaluation. The novelty of the study lies in the enrichment of research on teacher professional development models, in the novelty of approaches to the mechanism for evaluating teacher professional development models based on a comparative research method for analyzing its value and operational initiatives. Practical measures such as the development of teachers' ability to value thinking and the cultivation of aesthetic taste, as well as the cultivation of practical, autonomous and professional teachers, will create an effective, integrated and innovative mechanism for evaluating the modern model of teacher professional development in accordance with the Chinese tradition of higher education. According to the results of the study based on the study of the system of professional development of teachers in Russia, the prospects for building a mechanism for evaluating the model of professional development of teachers in China were identified.

Keywords: Russia; China; higher education; education reform; professional skills of the teacher; teacher professional development model; evaluation mechanism.

УДК 378.2


Yu Hongyang

The evaluation mechanism of Russian teacher professional development model and its inspiration for teacher education in China


Most countries in the world have made talent strategy the core strategy, which is an expression and response to adapt to the changes of the times. The implementation of a talent strategy is inseparable from high-quality education, and the root of developing high-quality education lies in high-quality teachers. The construction of an efficient, integrated and innovative teacher professional development model is an important issue in teacher education reform and an important guarantee for the training of high-quality teachers. As China is in a critical period of evaluation reform, how to assess the effectiveness of teachers' work in professional development activities and identify the effectiveness of teachers' teaching is an urgent issue to be considered in the evaluation mechanism of China's teacher professional development model. The Russian teacher professional development model evaluation mechanism has been effective in the changing educational era, and by learning from and exploring the Russian experience and initiatives, we hope to provide lessons for the Chinese teacher professional development model evaluation mechanism.

Research Methodology and Innovation Content

1. Research Methodology

The paper mainly uses the comparative research method, which is based on certain criteria to examine two or more connected things, and by comparing the different levels of each thing, the inner connection of things is derived and the essence of things is revealed [8]. In order to promote the long-term development of the evaluation mechanism of China's teacher professional development model, this paper draws on the relevant initiatives in Russia to provide a feasible path for the reform of China's model by comparing three dimensions: evaluation system, evaluation agency, and evaluation method.

2. Innovation Content

First, the novelty of perspective. Most of the literature analyzes teacher professional development models mainly from the perspectives of types and connotations, but this paper further enriches the research on teacher professional development models by starting from the evaluation perspective. Second, the novelty of the approach. While most of the literature on the evaluation mechanism of teachers' professional development models is mainly based on experiments and questionnaires, this paper adopts a comparative research approach to analyze its value and operational initiatives.

Realistic background: the value of the evaluation mechanism of the Russian teacher professional development model

The teacher professional development model is an important part of the Russian teacher education system, and the quality of teacher professional development is directly related to the quality of teaching and learning, as well as to the overall process of modernization of education [3]. How to identify the effectiveness of the work of professional development of teachers is a guarantee of the model of professional development of teachers, which contains a great value of the times for the promotion of individual professional development of teachers, the quality of the teacher community, and the quality of education. For individual teachers, evaluation is a value judgment of individual teachers' development, a communication platform and a natural barrier for teachers to understand the objective world. The teacher professional development model emphasizes both the integration of the general theory, the professional theory of education [7], and the theory of teaching practice that teachers have learned before working and the concept of applying the theory to practice after working, which requires the introduction of an evaluation mechanism, which is an individual examination of teachers' own professional development. This requires the introduction of an evaluation mechanism, which is an individual review of teachers' professional development, not only to know the strong degree of theories they have learned before working, but also to urge teachers to grasp the value direction of the reasonable use of theories into practice after working, to promote the development of teachers' professional learning power, to develop the value consciousness of self-learning, to improve teachers' individual teaching practice ability, and to strengthen the concept of “learning and living until old age”.

The concept of lifelong learning. For teachers, evaluation is the “mirror” that drives the pursuit of teaching excellence between teachers and teachers, and teachers bear the dual responsibility and mission of teaching and educating people. The evaluation mechanism, on the one hand, is a way of screening out teachers who are not only qualified to teach, but also to teach. Therefore, the evaluation mechanism is, on the one hand, to screen out teachers who pursue excellence and become role models for the teacher community, so as to inspire other teachers' passion for teaching and learning through the power of role models, and on the other hand, to urge teachers who are comfortable with the status quo to know their own shortcomings and dare to advance to the realm of excellence. This encourages teachers to easily manage their teaching work, enhances the quality of the teaching community, meets the needs of different teachers for professional development, and strengthens the perception and recognition of their status as teachers. For the field of education focusing only on theoretical learning for pre-service teacher professional development or only on teaching practice for post-service teacher professional development, neither can fulfill the contemporary task of integrating pre-service and post-service teacher professional development models. Therefore, the introduction of the evaluation mechanism is a guarantee of the integration of the pre-service and post-service teacher professional development models, a driving force for the continuous development of teachers, the selection of competent and qualified teachers, the promotion of the overall level of teaching quality development, and the transmission of the tradition of steady progress in the reform of teacher education in Russia.

In the process of modernization of Russian education, the evaluation mechanism of the teacher professional development model is constantly updated, mainly through a strict system of regular teacher evaluation, diversified teacher evaluation institutions, and effective teacher evaluation methods, which combine to promote the efficient operation of the evaluation mechanism of the teacher professional development model.

1. A rigorous system of regular teacher evaluations

The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation uses the Professional Standards for Teachers' Activities as a benchmark for the development of policy documents devoted to the evaluation of teachers, including, inter alia, the "Procedure for the accreditation of teachers in the Russian Federation" and the "Methodology for the evaluation of teachers' skill levels", both of which support the criteria for the evaluation mechanism of the teacher professional development model. The state documents on teacher evaluation specify that teachers are required to take an evaluation of their competence for their current position every five years. The purpose of the evaluation activities is to test or examine whether teachers are competent to perform the professional requirements specified in the primary or advanced teaching qualifications, and the form of the evaluation is based on a written examination, including a complete lesson plan prepared by the teacher independently within three hours, a written test of practical educational and pedagogical problem solving, etc. [5]. For writing lesson plans, the Federal Ministry of Education and Science specifies the requirements for writing lesson plans in detail. First, by writing lesson plans, the teachers are examined whether they have clear teaching objectives and tasks in mind [2], whether they have learned to take into account the characteristics of students and classroom features and use appropriate organizational methods to bring students quickly into the classroom topic. Second, for the new teaching materials, the reviewers focused on the teachers' proficiency in mastering the course content, the focus on the teachers' form and method of implementing the new materials, the concern of stating the new materials, and how to effectively raise the interesting point of students' active learning. For the written test of solving practical teaching problems, teachers were evaluated on the following aspects: first, the ability to set goals and tasks for educational and teaching activities [6]. Secondly, the ability to motivate students. Third, the teacher's ability to organize teaching activities. Each primary evaluation index is subdivided into ten evaluation indexes, and the primary and secondary evaluation indexes together grasp the teacher's knowledge, teaching skills, and teacher's subjective spirit, which facilitate the teacher's accurate grasp of the national education policy in student training, continuously improve the individual teacher's knowledge, methodological ability, and mastery of modern teaching techniques, etc. And promote the individual teacher's professional growth.

2. Diverse teacher evaluation agencies

The periodic evaluation system is the basis for evaluating teachers' competence in their current positions, and this system is implemented and supervised by teacher evaluation bodies. First, the teacher evaluation body mainly consists of an evaluation committee and sub-evaluation committees in each state and locality. The evaluation committee is composed of the state, ministries, and regional and state educational management agencies, and the chairman is the head of the educational management agency, and the evaluation members include education, pedagogy, socio-professional unions, parents, and prominent members of society, in addition to allowing representatives of enterprises, organizations, and executive rights management agencies to enter the evaluation committee and exercise the right to evaluate, expanding the interests of multiple subjects of teacher evaluation and reflecting a pluralistic teacher evaluation body. Second, while the procedures for teacher evaluation bodies are rigorous, they allow workers without teaching or working experience to apply, expanding the breadth of the group of audited teachers. First, by exchanging conversations with the audited teachers, both the knowledge structure of the subjects they teach, their teaching methods, and their experience and ability to prepare students for educational work are assessed, as well as their ability to engage in creative educational activities. Second, by diagnosing or examining the psychological state of teachers and workers, and the results of their educational and teaching activities. Finally, the teacher application, the teacher's daily performance, and the state and quality of conversation with the teacher are considered comprehensively, and the corresponding teacher rank and honor are awarded, with a validity period set at five years, which indicates that the teacher audit is not lifelong but phased, requiring teachers to base on their own professional needs, to continuously enhance the teaching efficacy of individual teachers, and to promote their continuous professional development.

3. An effective way to evaluate teachers

The Russian way of evaluating teachers emphasizes practical results, first, by innovating the way of self-evaluation. Based on the evaluation criteria, teacher-related evaluation agencies set indicators for teacher self-assessment, setting a total of 72 indicators such as I am willing to go to class with my students, and determine the corresponding regression equation for calculating the results, highlighting the comprehensiveness, multilevel, and accuracy of evaluating teachers, in line with Russia's modernized teacher philosophy of adhering to the developmental, democratic, and humanistic nature of teacher education, and highlighting the practitioner of the modernized teacher philosophy role [9]. Secondly, teachers need to choose from five evaluation slots according to their actual situation, which subdivides the teacher evaluation options and is closer to the actual working state of teachers, highlighting the effectiveness and authenticity of the evaluation. At the same time, through teachers' self-evaluation, teachers can clearly recognize their strengths in education and teaching activities, so that they can effectively explore their potential for professional growth. Second, the expert evaluation method was innovated. With the help of the teacher evaluation regression model initially developed, each evaluation expert is required to assign scores to assess the six indicators of the evaluation regression, a process that is free from the control of related interest groups and shows the independence of expert evaluation. In addition, teacher self-identification is a reference or supplementary information for expert evaluation. [5] If there is a large score difference between the teacher's self-appraisal and the expert's appraisal results, the expert panel, the teacher in question, and the leading agency will re-evaluate the teacher based on the teacher's professional evaluation criteria to ensure the accuracy of the evaluation results.

Visions of the future: Implications for the evaluation mechanism of China's teacher professional development model

1. Develop a rigorous teacher evaluation system

The development of a rigorous teacher evaluation system is the primary basis for guiding and regulating the evaluation mechanism of the teacher professional development model and the main basis for evaluating teachers' educational and pedagogical activities. The main motivation for the steady progress of the Russian model of teacher professional development is the establishment of a rigorous teacher evaluation system, which serves as a guiding marker for evaluating the training of teachers for induction and in-service development. Based on this, China should learn from Russia's experience in teacher evaluation mechanisms, first, by strengthening the state's call for teacher evaluation systems. Under the guidance of China's teacher evaluation value of «building moral character» [10], the state should strengthen the effectiveness of its directives on teacher evaluation, comprehensively plan and guide the reform of China's teacher professional development model evaluation, and promote the institutionalization and orderliness of the teacher professional development model evaluation mechanism through legislation or directives. Second, localities should be allowed to develop teacher evaluation systems that meet their realities. Using national standards for evaluating teachers as benchmarks, develop scientifically sound evaluation systems that are consistent with local teacher development, such as requiring teachers to design scientifically sound lesson plans within three hours, teach new lessons within one hour, etc., and implement practical evaluation initiatives for each locality that reflect the distinctiveness of each locality's evaluation of teachers, as well as the care of individually differentiated teachers, to ensure quality specifications for teacher preparation and teacher development.

2. Building a pluralistic teacher evaluation institution

It is an important aspect of the “enter the threshold” for teacher training and “rise threshold” for teacher development. First, it is important to clarify the functional positioning of teacher evaluation. The introduction of multi-interest evaluation bodies, such as government agencies, schools, and parent committees, can lead to certain value-oriented biases, which require the clarification of multiple teacher evaluation bodies, and the positioning of teacher competency as a point of reference that can point to both the promotion of teacher professional development and the subjective learning needs of students. Second, it is important to integrate the interests of multiple actors in teacher evaluation [11]. To change the “monopoly” of a certain evaluation body, it is recommended that To change the “monopoly of discourse” of one evaluation body, it is recommended that independent teacher evaluation centers be established at each level of the country, provinces, municipalities and that education experts, universities, primary and secondary schools, communities, parent committees, teacher training institutions, and other evaluation bodies be introduced, so that the teacher evaluation center can exercise supervisory authority and the rest of the parties can exercise evaluation authority, clarify the responsibilities of each party, actively mobilize the initiative of all social parties, and provide strong support for the evaluation mechanism of the teacher professional development model.

3. Exploring ways to evaluate teachers' practice

Exploring teacher practice evaluation approaches is an important form of implementing evaluation mechanisms for teacher professional development models, and is an important evaluation tool or initiative for measuring teacher preparation and teacher development. Russia, influenced by traditional educational ideology, places special emphasis on teachers' practical ability and makes teachers' professional practice ability the focus of evaluation [4]. Given the Russian teacher practice evaluation approach, China needs to explore and innovate from the teacher self-evaluation approach and value-added evaluation approach. First, explore the teacher self-evaluation approach [12]. In China, teacher evaluation is mainly an external evaluation method, and teacher self-evaluation is only an ineffective “accessory”. This requires the organization of experts and scholars to construct indicators, evaluation equations, and models that are consistent with local teacher training and development, and to make the promotion of teachers' professional development the value orientation of teacher evaluation in China. Second, the value-added evaluation approach is explored [1]. The value-added evaluation focuses on teachers' self-growth and development and is a longitudinal evaluation approach. In the contingent state, the evaluation of teachers' teaching practice is a value-added evaluation that can judge the state of teachers' knowledge and teaching at the beginning of their training with the state of teachers' knowledge and teaching at their in-service development, so that teachers can perceive the sense of achievement and value of self-development, and also reflect on teachers' self-deficiencies, find the gaps that need to be filled, and continuously pursue higher value goals to achieve The purpose of teacher evaluation is to “promote improvement through evaluation”.


China is in a critical period of teacher evaluation reform, and how to identify and select high-quality teachers is the core issue of evaluating teachers' professional development. What kind of teacher professional development model evaluation mechanism can return to a rational value orientation needs to learn from the experience and practices related to teacher evaluation mechanism in Russia, from establishing a strict evaluation system, constructing a pluralistic evaluation institution, exploring practical evaluation methods, and We should continue to adjust, optimize and innovate China's teacher professional development model evaluation mechanism in three aspects, improving the motivation mechanism of teacher growth, which will help China avoid the risks of teacher professional development model evaluation mechanism, improve the ability of teacher professional development integration, and manifest the effectiveness and vitality of evaluation.


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