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Education & Pedagogy Journal
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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Igna O.N., Li B.

Introduction. In the current conditions of increasing globalization processes and digital transformation in all spheres of human activities, once-and-for-all education no longer meets society’s requirements for the quality of teaching personnel. In this context, integration in teacher education and professional development of teachers becomes one of the necessary and inevitable tasks of reform and modernization of the education system worldwide, largely due to the growing popularity and demand for the modern educational idea of lifelong learning. The practice of separating the idea of lifelong learning from the system of teacher education has hindered the effective improvement of the quality of teaching personnel. By the end of the XX century, however, China had already begun a comprehensive study of different systems integration, the process of teacher education, and professional development. Since then, there have been some experiences of integrating professional teacher education and development at the level of theory and practice, which need to be generalized and reflected upon. Objective. This study aims to analyze the status of integration trends in modern teacher education and professional development in China, characterize its main features, and identify the main problems. The materials of this study include academic papers on the problem area of the study (mainly Chinese scholars) and regulatory documents approved at the state level on education in China. The following research methods were used: Analysis of academic papers and documents on Chinese education policy, a study of the experience of integration into the teacher education system and professional development of teachers in China, synthesis, and generalization. Results and Discussion. Integration in the system of teacher education and teacher professional development in China enables the rational and reasonable design of the objectives and content of education at all stages of teacher professional development, maintaining its continuity and integrity, optimizing the use of educational resources and teaching materials, and promoting the improvement of the quality of teaching staff. Local authorities, higher education institutions, and teacher professional development institutes are the participants and subjects of this integration and contribute to its implementation in teacher education and professional development. This integration is mainly reflected in the integration of learning objectives, curricula, educational institutions involved in teachers’ professional development, and their certification, as well as in the assessment of educational resources. In the near future, the main tasks of integration in teacher education and teacher training processes in China will remain the promotion of productive professional communication, interaction, and cooperation at all levels of teacher education and among the various subjects of teacher education, the strengthening of the continuity of the goals and content of education, and the improvement of the quality of teachers working in the teacher education system. Conclusion. The main feature of integration in teacher education and teacher professional development in China is to focus on eliminating and reducing gaps in the professional teacher education process and promoting teachers’ continuous professional development. Integration as a resource for improving the quality of teacher education and development can be demonstrated mainly at the levels of the goals in the academic disciplines syllabuses and teacher education programs, educational institutions, teacher certification, and evaluation of educational resources and teaching materials. Eliminating and minimizing the problems and gaps of the above introduction requires further theoretical and empirical research.

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UDC 378

DOI: 10.23951/2782-2575-2023-2-5-20


1 2 Olga N. Igna , Li Bing

1 2 Tomsk State Pedagogical University, Tomsk, Russian Federation

1 onigna@tspu.edu.ru

2 lib187@nenu.edu.cn

Abstract. Introduction. In the current conditions of increasing globalization processes and digital transformation in all spheres of human activities, once-and-for-all education no longer meets society's requirements for the quality of teaching personnel. In this context, integration in teacher education and professional development of teachers becomes one of the necessary and inevitable tasks of reform and modernization of the education system worldwide, largely due to the growing popularity and demand for the modern educational idea of lifelong learning. The practice of separating the idea of lifelong learning from the system of teacher education has hindered the effective improvement of the quality of teaching personnel. By the end of the XX century, however, China had already begun a comprehensive study of different systems integration, the process of teacher education, and professional development. Since then, there have been some experiences of integrating professional teacher education and development at the level of theory and practice, which need to be generalized and reflected upon.

Objective. This study aims to analyze the status of integration trends in modern teacher education and professional development in China, characterize its main features, and identify the main problems.

The materials of this study include academic papers on the problem area of the study (mainly Chinese scholars) and regulatory documents approved at the state level on education in China. The following research methods were used: Analysis of academic papers and documents on Chinese education policy, a study of the experience of integration into the teacher education system and professional development of teachers in China, synthesis, and generalization.

Results and Discussion. Integration in the system of teacher education and teacher professional development in China enables the rational and reasonable design of the objectives and content of education at all stages of teacher professional development, maintaining its continuity and integrity, optimizing the use of educational resources and teaching materials, and promoting the improvement of the quality of teaching staff. Local authorities, higher education institutions, and teacher professional development institutes are the participants and subjects of this integration and contribute to its implementation in teacher education and professional development.

This integration is mainly reflected in the integration of learning objectives, curricula, educational institutions involved in teachers' professional development, and their certification, as well as in the assessment of educational resources. In

the near future, the main tasks of integration in teacher education and teacher training processes in China will remain the promotion of productive professional communication, interaction, and cooperation at all levels of teacher education and among the various subjects of teacher education, the strengthening of the continuity of the goals and content of education, and the improvement of the quality of teachers working in the teacher education system.

Conclusion. The main feature of integration in teacher education and teacher professional development in China is to focus on eliminating and reducing gaps in the professional teacher education process and promoting teachers' continuous professional development. Integration as a resource for improving the quality of teacher education and development can be demonstrated mainly at the levels of the goals in the academic disciplines syllabuses and teacher education programs, educational institutions, teacher certification, and evaluation of educational resources and teaching materials. Eliminating and minimizing the problems and gaps of the above introduction requires further theoretical and empirical research.

Keywords: pedagogical education in China, Chinese teachers, integration, integration in pedagogical education, integration in teacher professional development

For citation: Igna O.N., Li Bing. Key Features of the Integration in Pedagogical Education and Teachers' Professional Development in China. Education & Pedagogy Journal. 2023;2(6):5-20. doi: 10.23951/2782-2575-2023-25-20


In the rapidly developing modern world, once-and-for-all education does not always meet the requirements of the state and society for the quality of teachers. In this regard, integration in teacher education processes has become one of the most important trends in the reform and development of the education system in many countries.

As early as 1972, E. James, in his "Report of Committee of Enquiry into Teacher Education and Training," demanded that the educational ideology of "lifelong learning" should be applied in the practice of teacher education and introduced the concept of integration in the process of teachers' professional development [1]. Furthermore, at the XLV International Educational Conference organized by UNESCO in Geneva in 1996, it was stated that training teachers who can adapt to social change had become a real challenge for the world of teacher education [2].

In the current century, integration is considered one of the most important foundations for the formation of an effective mechanism for training a competitive specialist. It is considered that the formation of such a specialist in the conditions of higher education is carried out in stages, depending on the opportunities to accelerate the integration processes. At the beginning (stage 1), the university is considered only an educational institution where the emphasis is on teaching. Later (stage 2), the university becomes an educational and scientific institution. Then there is an integration of the university with its educational and scientific activities with the institutions of science and industry (stage 3). And finally, inter-college educational, research, and industrial centers are formed (stage 4 is the highest stage of the integration process) [3, p. 152].

The main types of integration in education include:

• unproductive, preproductive, productive integration, quasi-integration (classification according to the quality of the integrated system);

• complete and partial integration, disintegration (classification according to the presence of the necessary components of an integrated system);

• episodic, periodic, and systematic integration (classification according to the temporal characteristics of the integrated system);

• sectoral, intersectoral, and allied integration (classification according to the types of integrating entities) [4, p. 30].

According to researchers, the classic manifestation of integration in the field of higher professional education is the unification and consolidation of organizations through their merger and accession, which leads to the emergence of hierarchical systems of interaction [5]. There are two types of integration transformations: classical integration, which involves mergers and acquisitions, and quasi-integration, which means the pooling of resources to carry out joint projects. As a result of the implementation of one of the integration options, the nature of the relationships between the subjects changes, "there is an agreement on complementary resources and key competencies and their further use" [5, pp. 117-118]. These types of integration seem to be characteristic of most educational systems worldwide.

In today's world, integration in teacher education and teacher professional development has become global, and training teachers to meet the demands of educational development and reform has become an important task for every country. China is no exception, as the current status of its education system shows an incredibly high development rate in all fields and indicators. In recent years, the country has implemented a large number of reforms and stands out for its effectiveness. For example, the number of universities and students has increased rapidly. Higher education has shifted from the elite to the masses, the population in higher education has increased, and the proportion of Chinese students who have studied in foreign universities and returned has increased. Chinese universities have received international recognition; the best have made it into the top 100 influential international rankings. This proves the appropriateness and justification of the educational reforms implemented in China in recent decades [6, pp. 89-90].

Now there is a trend of unified education development throughout China, including the central and western regions, to improve the quality of education and the general level of education through the popularization of upper secondary education and the development of lifelong learning [7, p. 162], and this is where education plays an important role.

In modern China, teacher education specifically "trains talents in the field of education and contributes to individual development and social progress" [8, p. 7]. It is regarded as a driving force, a resource for both the state's social development and economic prosperity. Professional development of teachers refers to the process of sustainable growth of teachers not only in terms of their professional competencies but also in terms of their intelligence, experience, mentality, and worldview based on learning, practice, and reflection. [9]. The

teacher is a constantly developing personality, and his or her development is continuous. Every event in teachers' professional development is interconnected and interactive, i.e., what happens at a certain stage of development is determined by previous events, lived and conscious experiences, and also plays a crucial role in future events [10, p. 19]. It can be concluded that teachers' professional development should not be a one-time event limited to a certain period of time but a continuous and lifelong process. The preparation of teachers who are willing and able to continuously learn, improve, and research should be based on the pedagogical concept of "lifelong learning." A profound reform of teacher education is being carried out in accordance with the goal of creating a system of continuous professional development for teachers. In this regard, the requirement for teacher education integration and professional development has been established.

The modern teacher education system in China has traditionally consisted of two parts: university teacher education (pre-service teacher education), i.e., preparation for the teaching profession, and postgraduate teacher education (inservice teacher education), i.e., professional retraining after graduation. It should be emphasized that for a long time, these two parts of teacher education in China were "clearly separated from each other and not connected, which led to irrational use of educational resources and inefficiency in improving teachers' professional quality" [11]. In 1996, in order to follow and analyze the leading trends in the development of teacher education worldwide and improve its own teacher education system, the document "Some Issues on the Reform and Development of Teacher Education" published by the Ministry of Education of the PRC clearly pointed out the need to improve the teacher education system and link the university teacher education system with the teacher training system [12]. This was the first time an official state document of China formulated the idea of creating a continuous professional development system for teachers in China, which became an impetus and stimulus for further theoretical studies and practical implementation of the above idea.

In this regard, since the end of the XX century, Chinese educators have begun to comprehensively study the problems of integration in teacher education and teacher professional development in China, both theoretically and practically, and some significant results have already been achieved. For example, the logic and directions that characterize the creation of a teacher education integration system [13], the problems in creating a teacher education integration system in the new era and the ways to solve them [14], the importance of teacher education integration and the ways to implement it [15], have been described. Nevertheless, it is difficult to claim that all aspects and problems of the above integration issues have been wholly and sufficiently solved in China.

This study aims to identify the main features of integration in teacher education and teacher professional development in China, analyze its key elements, and identify existing problems based on the study and analysis of scientific, pedagogical, and methodological works on the research problem.

Material and methods

The methodological basis of this study was the scientific publications of scholars from China and other countries, as well as official documents on education in China. The following methods were used in the implementation: theoretical analysis, generalization of scientific and educational literature to clarify the concept of "integration" in professional teacher education and professional development of teachers in China; study, analysis, and generalization of the key elements and existing problems in the process of integration of professional education in China.

Integration processes in the education system are a hot scientific and educational research topic in many countries, including China. Based on their scientific research and educational experiences, many scholars have defined the concept of "integration" in terms of teacher education and professional development.

For example, Qiu Xiuhua and Xun Yuan state in their publications that integration in education is a response to the long-standing problem of the lack of close connection between the different phases and stages of education and between pedagogical theory and practice in China. Integration in teacher professional development is a process that aims to create a system of continuous professional development for teachers that improves the quality of education and teaching personnel. Many researchers believe that integration in teacher education means the integration of learning objectives, curricula, and levels of education [16, p. 17].

Integration in teacher education refers to the continuous promotion of teachers' sharing of all the available educational resources. Changing the understanding of traditional once-and-for-all education and reviewing its appropriateness are already the most important basis for the integration of teacher education. In addition, integration can be realized by "integrating learning objectives, curricula, learning processes and standards, models, and learning effectiveness evaluation to effectively reorganize and build a new system of teacher education and train more teachers to meet the needs of social development" [18, p. 63].

Gao Shuren and Song Dan believe that the integration of teacher education is, in a sense, a form of comprehensive and in-depth education reform that promotes scientifically sound and rational development of teacher education and optimizes the distribution of educational resources. It aims to explore new development relationships and models in teacher education and coordinate the development of education in its various stages. The integration of teacher education requires "the implementation of pedagogical activities based on integrated learning objectives and the law of educational development to enhance the effectiveness of teacher education" [19, p. 18].

In China, many scholars believe that integration in teacher education means that the education system must be regarded as a continuous process in which the stages and parts are closely related and influence each other. The teachers' professional development patterns must be considered when designing the goals and content of training in the different stages of education.

In the education system, each training phase is independent and continuous at the same time. The main task in the integration of teachers' professional development is to regulate the relationship between the stages and continuity [20, 21]. And here, we can talk about the need to maintain a harmonious balance in observing the stages and continuity, that is, their harmonization.

Some Chinese scholars believe that integration is a new model for reforming teacher education. According to them, "lifelong learning" is the guiding ideology of integration in teacher education, which determines the overall design of curriculum and learning content and links all levels together. Their goal is to coordinate educational resources and change the current state of division and gaps in the education system. Integration in teacher education means an integrated and perfect education system in which each part has its own characteristics and advantages in training teachers who can meet the demands of society [22, 23].

Many Chinese researchers agree that there are two kinds of integration in teacher education and professional development: internal and external. Internal refers to integration within a discipline, field, or type of pedagogical activity, while external means creating a common educational space, integrating different types of educational institutions, integrating different disciplines, types of pedagogical activity [24-26].

Results and discussion

1. The Essence of Integration in Teacher Education and Teacher Training in China

From the analysis of the scholarly works (especially the Chinese ones), it can be concluded that integration in modern teacher education and teacher training is an absolutely indispensable prerequisite for teachers' professionalism and their continuous professional development, as well as the main trend, a kind of guarantee of success for the reform and development of the teacher education system in China.

Integration in teacher education and teacher professional development is implemented based on the educational ideology of "lifelong learning." Accordingly, it must conform to the principle of the need to combine, accumulate and optimize educational resources. Furthermore, it must contribute to creating a coherent, transparent system of teacher education characterized by integrity, rationality in the structure of the educational process, logic and scientificity of content, continuity, distinct stages, consistency in the organization of educational activities, and rationality in management.

In particular, integration in teacher education and teacher professional development is reflected in the following points.

First, teacher professional development is seen as a continuous, holistic process in which all phases of teacher education, including university and postgraduate pedagogical training, must be integrated, interconnected, and coordinated. This coordination should be transparent and comprehensible for all educational subjects. Secondly, it is important to respect and appreciate the peculiarities of teachers' professional development at each stage, to design and

precisely formulate the goals, contents, and objectives of training at each stage, and to determine the methods and technologies by which they can be achieved. Third, the system of teacher education should be strengthened. In the process of professional development of teachers, pedagogical and general higher education institutions, special organizations (institutes, centers) for retraining and continuing education of teachers, schools, and local authorities are actively and jointly involved. They all interact, cooperate for mutual benefit and use their advantages and opportunities, show genuine interest, and join forces to improve the quality of teachers.

As mentioned above, teacher education integration in China can generally be divided into internal and external integration. Internal integration in teacher education means integrating various elements of the teacher education system, such as the setting of learning objectives, the implementation of the curriculum, the implementation of the educational process, the teaching staff, and the use of various educational resources. External integration, in turn, means connecting different levels of teacher education and creating a common educational space between the participants; it emphasizes the close relationship between the systems of the university teacher education process and general education, cooperation between university teachers and school teachers.

2. The Main Actors of Integration in Teacher Education and Teacher Training in China and Their Role

It is common knowledge that undergraduate teacher education in modern China is usually conducted at higher educational institutions. However, postgraduate training, more precisely, retraining of teachers, is carried out during summer vacations (based on interactions, cooperation with schools, or on behalf of the local government), in special organizations for teacher training, and on weekends directly in schools (taking into account the timetable, school program). At the request of the Ministry of Education of the PRC, the retraining for each teacher is conducted for three years and must include at least 360 teaching hours.

The main participants in professional retraining are local government, universities, teacher professional retraining organizations, and schools. The local government is usually responsible for the teacher contingent (sufficient number, appropriate structure, high quality of training, required qualifications). Therefore, participation in the professional development of teachers is fully in line with the interests and requirements of the government and society. At the same time, the local government can also support teacher education and professional development integration. These are, for example, the current education policy and official regulations for education, which formulate the main directions, general objectives, content guidelines, and requirements for teacher education integration, and determine each participant's responsibilities in this integration. It also provides the necessary means, various material resources, and platforms for communication and cooperation. It can be concluded that the government plays a leading role in building a holistic

mechanism for integrating the continuous professional development of teachers in China.

Higher educational institutions such as pedagogical universities, institutes, and other universities, as important participants in the integration of teacher education, usually provide good theoretical support and guidance for the interaction process in this integration and provide excellent and one of the best teaching staff. In addition, universities usually design and develop the main curricula and teaching materials for teacher education integration.

Unlike universities, teacher education organizations and schools are less involved in the design of teacher education curricula and more often act only as "executors" in the integration of teacher education [10]. In this regard, the practical needs, professional requirements, and general interests of teachers and schools regarding educational content in professional development programs are often ignored in the creation and design of teacher education integration curricula. This should be recognized as a significant problem affecting the quality of professional development and teachers' motivation for professional development.

3. Key Elements of Integration in Teacher Education and Professional Development in China

These elements include the definition of integrated educational goals, the creation of an integrated system of curricula, the certification of teacher qualifications, the integration of educational institutions involved in teacher education (universities, teacher training institutions, and schools), and the integration of educational resources. In the following, we analyze these elements of integration in teacher education using the popular "U-G-S" model (i.e., "university," "government," and "schools") as an example.

(1) Integration of the goals of teacher education and teacher training

The goals of teacher education are a specification of the educational goals of various educational institutions at all levels (colleges, institutes, universities, and teacher training institutions). The formulation of teacher professional development goals is usually influenced by such factors as social needs, reforms and development of general education, and types of schools. Taking into account the specifics of teachers' professional development at each stage, the formulation of teacher education goals should correspond to the main patterns of teachers' professional development.

The integration of the goals of teacher education in China is mainly reflected in the fact that the goals of teacher education for undergraduate and postgraduate studies are related to each other but also emphasize the most important parts of each stage of teachers' professional development to form a meaningful sequence of stages. The overall goal of teacher education is to produce highly professional teachers capable of lifelong learning and research. University education aims to provide a professional (mainly theoretical) foundation for future teachers of all subjects. The curriculum contains pedagogical ideas and concepts that form the basis for achieving educational goals and designing and implementing pedagogical activities. The system of

teacher education curricula determines the quality of teacher education and thus directly impacts it. Strengthening the relationship and promoting the interaction between teacher education curricula at all levels is the core of integration in teacher professional development [27].

The Ministry of Education of the PRC issued the "Teacher Education Curriculum Standards" (2011) and "Professional Standards for Teachers" (2012) documents, which are regarded as the basis for building an integrated teacher education curriculum system. In addition, the characteristics of different levels of education (preschool education, elementary education, general secondary education), levels of educational programs (bachelor's, master's, and postgraduate), and developmental levels (pedagogical university education, activity as a prospective teacher, the activity of an experienced teacher, and finally a teacher researcher) should be taken into account when building teacher education curricula.

(2) The integration of educational institutions that train teachers is an important link in achieving the set goals and implementing curricula for the professional education of teachers. Therefore, the local government, universities, schools, and teacher education institutions collaborate and participate in teacher education and professional development.

The integration of educational institutions is realized by strengthening the overall coordination and management with the help of the local government. In the "U-G-S" integration model, the local government, both as a government agency and as an observer, coordinates the relationships among all participants, provides political and financial support, monitors the fulfillment of its duties and responsibilities by all participants, and protects their rights and interests. As designers and central participants in this integration, universities create a common structure and curricula and provide schools and teacher education institutions with the necessary theoretical guidance and training materials. In addition, both schools and teacher training institutions provide a basis for implementing pedagogical practices and educational experiments in universities, identifying teachers' needs for improving their professional skills, and actively organizing teachers' retraining participation [28].

(3) Integration of teacher qualification evaluation. Teacher qualification evaluation is an important part of the integration of professional education and is closely related to teachers' professional development. China has had a teacher qualification certification system since 1995, which has played an essential role in regulating teacher recruitment standards, promoting professional development, and improving the quality of university teacher education [29]. Certification of teachers' qualifications takes place every five years and is organized by the local education authority. The teacher must first submit an application and other necessary documents to the educational institution where they work so that the teacher's qualification category can be reviewed and approved. Then they submit all the documents to the local education authority. The main content of teacher qualification evaluation is as follows: Teachers' professional ethics and professional knowledge, skills and abilities, innovation ability, reflection, and research ability. The integration of

teacher qualification evaluation focuses not only on the quality of teachers in the initial stage but also on the development of teachers (I, II, III, and the highest category) in accordance with the requirements of different specialties, different education systems and all stages of teachers' professional development.

(4) Integration of educational resources. Integrating educational resources in teacher education aims to optimize their distribution at different educational levels and in different educational institutions to increase the efficiency of their use. In this context, in integrating educational resources, it is necessary to create a mechanism for the management of these educational resources in order to overcome the limitations in their distribution and use. Furthermore, in the information society, it is necessary to fully use modern information technologies to create network resources for professional education and online learning platforms to effectively use existing resources and maximize teachers' continuous professional development.

Teachers and faculty are critical human resources that must be rationally "leveraged" in teacher professional development. Universities that train teachers can invite experienced and outstanding teachers into their classes to participate in university teacher education and share their own practical experiences with students. In a common educational space, teachers and students (future teachers) can attend classes in a school and gain comprehensive knowledge and understanding of the teaching profession and the current state of general education, as well as strengthen the connection between the knowledge acquired in theory and practical activities in schools.

4. Current Challenges in the Practice of Integration in Teacher Education and Professional Development in China

Although the integration processes in teacher education in China have achieved some results in practice, there are still many problems for a number of reasons.

In China, university teacher education and teacher professional development have long been independent and had little to do with each other. In recent years, however, an integrated education space has gradually emerged here, consisting of pedagogical institutes and universities, general higher education institutions, teacher training organizations, and schools. However, most of these actors are not sufficiently aware of the goals and importance of cooperation and association, and they also lack awareness of joint activities (their necessity and potential) in the implementation of teacher education. They are practically separated in the process of professional training of teachers [30]. Many pedagogical institutes and universities have created departments for the professional retraining of school teachers. However, even these departments have little connection with the faculties or institutes that implement "pedagogical training" because they are located in different administrative systems of higher education institutions. Again, this disrupts the continuity of teachers' professional development and does nothing to improve the quality of teachers in China.

Due to the lack of effective communication and information sharing among the various parties involved in teacher education, they tend to focus on their current tasks in determining the purpose and content of education, resulting in a lack of consistency and uniformity in educational objectives and curriculum content at all stages of teacher professional development. Moreover, in the implementation of teacher education in China, there has long been a problem of focusing on theoretical knowledge and neglecting practical skills and abilities, especially in the professional retraining of teachers, resulting in the inability to meet the practical needs and desires of teachers, which is contrary to the original intention of organizing the professional retraining of teachers.

In such retraining, there is also a problem with the quality of the teaching staff conducting it. A retraining teacher must have not only a high level of theoretical knowledge but also a deep understanding of and research into practical activities in general education. However, teacher training is mainly carried out by university teachers. Although they have extensive and rich theoretical knowledge, they usually lack the necessary and effective practical experience in school teaching. Therefore, they cannot use the theoretical knowledge to analyze teachers' problems in school practice. This leads to insufficient efficiency in teachers' professional development and demotivation and does not fully contribute to their professional development.

Promoting effective communication and interaction between all stages of teachers' professional development and various learning participants, strengthening the continuity of teacher education content, and improving the quality of teacher education are among the most important tasks to further enhance integration in teachers' professional development in the future.


The integration of teacher education and teacher professional development in China is carried out due to the state's and society's increased demands on the professionalism of teachers, their continuous professional development, and the influence of the foreign educational ideology of "lifelong learning." Therefore, the integration of teacher education in China aims to create a system of continuous teacher education in which each stage is relatively independent but also integrated and connected with other stages to improve the staging and continuity of teacher education.

In integrating teacher education, local authorities, universities, schools, and other educational institutions are actively involved and play their respective roles. Integration in teacher education is mainly reflected in integrating learning objectives, curricula, educational institutions, teacher qualification certification, and educational resources. However, due to various subjective and objective reasons, there are still many issues with such integration in China. One of them is the lack of effective communication and sharing of important information at different stages of teacher training in educational institutions. This leads to weak continuity in the goals and content of teacher education. In addition, there is a lack of highly qualified teaching

staff who can provide professional, continuous teacher education and training in theory and practice.


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Information about the authors:

Olga N. Igna, Doctor of Education, Professor, Department of Romano-Germanic Philology and Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages, Institute of Foreign Languages and International Cooperation; Senior Researcher of the Research Laboratory for the Quality of Scientific and Pedagogical Studies, Tomsk State Pedagogical University (ul. Kiyevskaya, 60, Tomsk, Russian Federation, 634061). E-mail: onigna@tspu.edu.ru

Li Bing, postgraduate student, Institute of the Development of Pedagogical Education, Tomsk State Pedagogical University (ul. Kiyevskaya, 60, Tomsk, Russian Federation, 634061).

E-mail: lib187@nenu.edu.cn


1 2

Ольга Николоаевна Игна , Ли Бинг

1 2 Томский государственный педагогический университет, Томск, Россия

1 onigna@tspu.edu.ru

2 lib187@nenu.edu.cn

Аннотация. Введение. В современных условиях нарастания глобализационных процессов, цифровой трансформации во всех сферах деятельности человека единовременное и окончательное образование (once-and-for-all education), то есть «раз и навсегда», уже не отвечает всем требованиям социума и государства к качеству педагогических кадров. В данном контексте интеграция в педагогическом образовании и профессиональном развитии педагогов становится одной из необходимых и неизбежных задач реформирования, модернизации системы образования во всем мире, что во многом связано также с ростом популярности, востребованностью современной образовательной идеологии «обучение в течение всей жизни». Сложившаяся и реализуемая продолжительное время в системе китайского педагогического образования практика ее разделения от системы профессионального развития учителей препятствовала эффективному повышению качества педагогических кадров. Однако уже в конце XX в. в Китае началось всестороннее изучение вопросов интеграции систем, процессов образования и профессионального развития педагогов. С тех пор здесь сложился определенный опыт интеграции профессионального педагогического образования и развития на уровнях и теории, и практики, который требует обобщения и осмысления.

Цель исследования состоит в том, чтобы проанализировав состояние тенденции интеграции в современном педагогическом образовании и профессиональном развитии педагогов в Китае, охарактеризовать ее ключевые характеристики и обозначить наиболее значимые проблемы.

Материалы данного исследования включили научные работы в проблемном поле исследования (преимущественно китайских ученых), документы об образовании в Китае, утвержденные на государственном уровне. Применялись следующие методы исследования: анализ научных трудов, документов, регламентирующих образовательную политику Китая; изучение опыта интеграции в системе педагогического образования и профессиональном развитии учителей Китая, синтез и обобщение.

Результаты и обсуждение. Интеграция в профессиональном педагогическом образовании и профессиональном развитии педагогов в Китае предусматривает рациональное и обоснованное проектирование целей и содержания обучения на всех стадиях профессионального развития педагогов, сохранение их преемственности, целостности, оптимизацию использования образовательных ресурсов и средств обучения, содействие повышению качества учительских кадров. Местное руководство, учреждения системы высшего образования, институты профессиональной

переподготовки школьных учителей являются полноправными участники, субъектами данной интеграции, по-своему способствуя ее реализации в педагогическом образовании и профессиональном развитии учителей.

Названная интеграция в основном отражается в интеграции целей обучения, учебных программ, образовательных учреждений, которые участвуют в профессиональной подготовке учителей, их аттестации, а также в оценке образовательных ресурсов. Основными задачами интеграции в педагогическом образовании и профессиональном развитии учителей в Китае в ближайшее время будут оставаться содействие продуктивному профессиональному общению, взаимодействию и сотрудничеству на всех стадиях профессионального развития педагогов и между различными субъектами педагогического образования, усиление преемственности целей и содержания образования, повышение качества преподавателей, работающих в системе профессиональной переподготовки учителей.

Заключение. Основная характеристика интеграции в педагогическом образовании и профессиональном развитии педагогов Китае состоит в ее направленности на ликвидацию, сокращение разрывов, лакун в процессе профессиональной педагогической подготовки, а также на стимулирование непрерывного профессионального развития педагогов. Интеграция как ресурс повышения качества педагогического образования и развития прослеживается преимущественно на уровнях целей рабочих программ учебных дисциплин и образовательных программ подготовки учительских кадров, образовательных учреждений, аттестации педагогов и оценки образовательных ресурсов, средств обучения. Устранение и минимизация проблем и пробелов обозначенной ингтрации требуют дальнейшего теоретического и эмпирического исследования.

Ключевые слова: педагогическое образование в Китае, китайские учителя, интеграция, интеграция в педагогическом образовании, интеграция в профессиональном развитии учителей

Для цитирования: Igna O.N., Li Bing. Key Features of the Integration in Pedagogical Education and Teachers' Professional Development in China // Education & Pedagogy Journal. 2023. Вып. 1 (5). Р. 5-20. doi: 10.23951/27822575-2023-2-5-20

Информация об авторах:

Игна Ольга Николаевна, доктор педагогических наук, доцент, профессор кафедры романо-германской филологии и методики обучения иностранным языкам Института иностранных языков и международного сотрудничества, главный научный сотрудник научно-исследовательской лаборатории качества научно-педагогических исследований Томского государственного педагогического университета (ул. Киевская, 60, Томск, Россия, 634061). E-mail: onigna@tspu.edu.ru

Li Bing, аспирант Института развития педагогического образования Томского государственного педагогического университета (ул. Киевская, 60, Томск, Россия, 634061).

E-mail: lib187@nenu.edu.cn

Submitted February 18, 2023

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