THE CONSTRUCTION OF A LIFELONG LEARNING EDUCATION SYSTEM FOR ALL CHINESE PEOPLE Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
Lifelong learning education system / self-system / community system / base system / образование / непрерывное обучение / система образования с непрерывным обучением / самосистема / система сообщества / базовая система

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Li Xin

To build an education system of lifelong learning for all Chinese people is an important goal for the development of China's education in the new era. This paper describes the current people's understanding of the concept of lifelong education, analyzes the difficulties encountered in the current construction of lifelong learning education system for all Chinese people and proposes that we can promote the construction of the system by creating "self-system", improving "community system" and expanding "base system".

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Построение образовательной системы непрерывного образования является важной целью развития образования в современном Китае. В статье описываются концепции непрерывного образования, анализируются трудности, с которыми сталкиваются субъекты образовательного процесса, и предлагаются новые пути развития для построения системы путем создания "самосистемы", улучшения "системы сообщества" и расширения "базы системы".



Li Xin (Shandong iJLl^ Liaocheng ИЙФ, ChinaФФА&ЙЖ1), doctoral student, 329606180@qq.com

Abstract: To build an education system of lifelong learning for all Chinese people is an important goal for the development of China's education in the new era. This paper describes the current people's understanding of the concept of lifelong education, analyzes the difficulties encountered in the current construction of lifelong learning education system for all Chinese people and proposes that we can promote the construction of the system by creating "self-system", improving "community system" and expanding "base system".

Key Words: Lifelong learning education system, self-system, community system, base



Ли Синь (провинция Шаньдун, город ЛяочЭн, Китай), докторант, 329606180@qq.com

Аннотация: Построение образовательной системы непрерывного образования является важной целью развития образования в современном Китае. В статье описываются концепции непрерывного образования, анализируются трудности, с которыми сталкиваются субъекты образовательного процесса, и предлагаются новые пути развития для построения системы путем создания "самосистемы", улучшения "системы сообщества" и расширения "базы системы".

Ключевые слова: образование, непрерывное обучение, система образования с непрерывным обучением, самосистема, система сообщества, базовая система.

In February 2019, the Central Committee of Communist Party of China and the State Council issued China's Education Modernization 2035, in which building a modern education system that serves lifelong learning for all is set as the main goal of China's education development in 2035. It promises that the building of a modern lifelong education system for all people will be finished in 2035. By the year, our society will become a learning-oriented one in which everyone learns, people can learn anywhere and anytime they want.

At the 4th Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee held in October 2019, "Building an education system that serves lifelong learning for all" was taken as the core topic for the development of China's education. Therefore, building an education system that serves lifelong learning for all is an important goal of China's education development in the new era.

I. The Concept of an Education System of Lifelong Learning for All Chinese People

A lifelong education system is a system that can meet the social members' needs for lifelong learning and is beneficial to learners' learning. In such a system, learners can learn at any time, at any stage and at any place in their life according to their own needs. The concept of a learning society is a social form category, and from the perspective of social development, it emphasizes that education should be open to all and all people's learning rights should be protected. Education and learning from traditional schools should be expanded to all social levels, all organizations and all people, and should meet the requirements of social members in various stages of their life learning. A society should be a learning society and learning should be socialized, which is a significant symbol for social progress and also a vital direction for the future of social development.

The construction of a lifelong education system and a learning society is a dynamic process, and the comprehensive realization of lifelong learning concept is the result of the highly-developed human civilization.

II. One-sided Understanding of the Education System of Lifelong Learning for All Chinese People

At present, there are still some noteworthy problems in understanding the system of a lifelong education. Firstly, the national education system and a lifelong education system are regarded as

two paralleled systems. And still some people may think lifelong education is the sum of education implemented in other places besides school education. While some take the lifelong education system as the plus of national education and continuing education.

With these one-sided understanding, people tend to place school education outside the lifelong learning education system and take the promotion of lifelong learning as the responsibility of education outside schools, thus the role of school education in the establishment of lifelong learning education system will be greatly overlooked. At the same time, these one-sided understanding is not conducive to promoting the cohesion and integration of all kinds of education.

In order to establish the education system of lifelong learning for all Chinese people, the function of modern national education system must play its role, and modern national education system should become the main body of lifelong learning education system. The system is never the simple sum of all kinds of educations like traditional school education, adult education, continuing education and informal education. Under the guidance of lifelong learning idea, reconstruction with its intrinsic consistency, relevance and sustainability, the construction of lifelong education system, can definitely make the school and all kinds of education institutions function well and the potential of all the learners will be fully developed.

IH How to build an education system for lifelong learning for all Chinese people The establishment of lifelong learning education system is a responsible social system engineering, which needs at least the following four aspects: learners with lifelong learning concept and certain learning ability, educational structures and institutions that provide lifelong education for members of society, establishing policies and systems conducive to lifelong education (learning); The development level of educational informatization.

In order to put these conditions into practice, we can promote the construction of the system by creating the "I system", improving the "social system" and expanding the "base system".

(1) Creating a "Self-system" for Self-directed Learning

The establishment of "self-system" is the "first priority" to build a lifelong learning education system. The so-called "self-system" refers to the "self-directed learning system", in which all people can learn anywhere they want and anytime they hope. Self-directed learning is also called "self-planned learning". It contains three meanings: one is self-planning, that is, planning their own learning. The second is self-goal - goals vary from person to person, therefore, there are some people studying for survival, some for love, and some for self-realization. The third is the learning process. Individuals should be able to control their entire learning process, such as the selection and construction of knowledge information or self-reflection.

The successful construction of "self-system" needs three foundations: first, the investment of a large number of "self-directed" learning resources; second, the establishment of "self-oriented" learning salon; the third is to cultivate qualified "self-directed" learning instructors.

(2) Promoting the "Community System" for Lifelong Learning

In the "self-system" of self-directed learning, some learners may not be satisfied, and they still have the need of "organized learning". It is therefore important to improve "community systems".

"Community system" refers to the construction of community education system and social training system. The community education system mainly caters to the retired population, and mainly includes three types of institutions - community schools, urban universities for the aged and rural schools for the old. The social training system is mainly for social workers, aiming to promote the development of industry and the improvement of individuals' professional abilities. The social training system is closely related to individuals' work and shows a strong professionalism. In recent years, the "community system" has exposed the problems of weak foundation and lack of stable teachers, thus, the overall quality is not high. In view of this, this paper puts forward the following three suggestions: first, improve the sense of responsibility and mission of community education and social training institutions, and implement the principle of standardization, high quality and full coverage. At the same time, establish the evaluation index system and build various training institutions at all levels (from the central to local) with different standards, and third, innovate the "Internet" training system.

(3) Expand the "Base System" of School Education

The "base system" is the formal school system from kindergarten to higher education (general schools and vocational schools). As the name implies, the "base system" is the foundation of a high-rise building. Schools need to shift from simply teaching students book knowledge to focusing on laying a foundation for lifelong learning. The basic tasks of elementary school education should do its utmost to respect, protect and develop children's innate interests and enthusiasm in learning. In the whole learning process, it is necessary to "continuously" cultivate the consciousness and ability of individuals to participate in lifelong learning, so as to lay a foundation for their learning after ending their normal school education.

In addition, efforts should be made to realize "all-together learning for old and young", so as to realize the openness of school education and also to achieve lifelong education (Wu Zunmin, 2015). At the same time, college adults' education or continuing education colleges should change their training mode and reform their curricula to respond to the concept of lifelong learning. The government should also focus on transforming TV universities and vocational universities into open universities and making them the backbone for lifelong education.

It should be noted that although China has made positive achievements in promoting the concept of lifelong learning and promoting the construction of lifelong learning education system for all Chinese people, there are still many problems and deficiencies. First, the society and leaders at all levels need to deepen their understanding of the importance and systematization of lifelong learning. Second, the connection of general education, vocational education, continuing education and other levels of education is not enough; Third, the legislation of lifelong education lags behind, the policy is not perfect, and there is a lack of effective incentive mechanism; Fourth, due to the lack of a quality evaluation and monitoring system, the quality of lifelong learning still needs to be improved; Fifth, the technology, means and methods required by the lifelong learning education system are still relatively backward.


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A STUDY ON THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN TEACHERS' ACHIEVEMENT MOTIVATION AND BURNOUT Sun Jinwei (Henan MS, Zhengzhou - №JH, China^^AS^ffiS), doctoral student, 1968068632@qq.com

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