Научная статья на тему 'The European Union common foreign and security policy: basic principles, problems and perspectives'

The European Union common foreign and security policy: basic principles, problems and perspectives Текст научной статьи по специальности «Социальная и экономическая география»

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Аннотация научной статьи по социальной и экономической географии, автор научной работы — Shvedun V.O.

The basic principles, problems and perspectives of the European Union common foreign and security policy were studied in the article. In particular, the prerequisites of formation of the EU common foreign and security policy, the process of the EU common foreign and security policy creation and development and also the features of introduction of EU common foreign and security policy by Member States were researched in the current work.

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Текст научной работы на тему «The European Union common foreign and security policy: basic principles, problems and perspectives»

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2. Стратепя модершзацп системи управлiння держав-ними фшансами : схвалена розпорядженням Кабiнету М1тстрш Украши вiд 01.08.13 р. № 774-р., 2013. [Електрон-ний ресурс]. — Режим доступу: http://zakon2.rada.gov.ua/ laws/show/774- 2013-%D1%80.

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ввд 15.04.2015 р. № 215, 2015. [Электронный ресурс].

- Режим доступа: http://zakon3.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/215-2015-%D0%BF.

5. Treasury reference model / Ali Hashim, Bill Allan. p. cm. -(World Bank technical paper; no. 505). [Электронный ресурс].

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8. The Evolving Functions and Organization of Finance MiniSries. Prepared by Richard Allen, Yasemin Hurcan, Peter Murphy, Maximilien Queyranne. [Электронный ресурс]. - Режим доступа: http://www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/wp/2015/ wp15232.pdf.

9. Материалы семинара казначейского сообщества PEM PAL «Стра-тегии модернизации казначейских систем» [Электронный ресурс]. - Режим доступа: http://www. roskazna.ru/upload/iblock/7b1/buklet_pem_pal_rus.pdf.

10. PEMPAL Treasury Community of Practice plenary meeting "Evolution of the Role and Functions of the Treasury in a Modern World" (Chisinau, Moldova, June 1-3, 2016). [Электронный ресурс]. - Режим доступа: https://www.pempal.org/ events/pempal-tcop-plenary-meeting.

11. Silins M. Evolving role of the Treasury - International Experience [Электронный ресурс]. - Режим доступа: https:// www.pempal.org/events/pempal-tcop-plenary-meeting.

12. Abdullayev V. TCOP Executive Committee Report on TCOP 2016 (f.y.) Activity Plan implementation. TCOP Knowledge Products / Vugar Abdullayev, PEMPAL TCOP Chair, Deputy Head of the State Treasury Agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan. - [Электронный ресурс]. - Режим до-ступа: https://www.pempal.org/events/pempal-tcop-plenary-meeting.

13. Evolution of the Role and Functions of the Treasury in a Modern World / PEMPAL Treasury Community of Practice plenary meeting, Chisinau, Moldova, June 1-3, 2016. - [Электронный ресурс]. - Режим доступа: https://www.pempal.org/ events/pempal-tcop-plenary-meeting.

14. Government Finance StatMics Manual 2014 (GFSM 2014) // International Monetary Fund [Електронний ресурс]. — Режим доступу: https://www.imf.org/external/Pubs/FT/ GFS/Manual/2014/gfsfinal.pdf.

20. The Fiscal Transparency Code / International Monetary Fund - [Электронный ресурс]. - Режим доступа: http://blog-pfm.imf.org/files/ft-code.pdf.


Shvedun V.O.

National University of Civil Protection of Ukraine, Senior Researcher Employee, Kharkov, Ukraine


The basic principles, problems and perspectives of the European Union common foreign and security policy were fludied in the article. In particular, the prerequisites of formation of the EU common foreign and security policy, the process of the EU common foreign and security policy creation and development and also the features of introduction of EU common foreign and security policy by Member States were researched in the current work.

Keywords: EU common foreign and security policy, principles, problems, perspectives, treaty, European Strategy of Safety.

Problem setting. The queflion of the European defense became much more diflinct to sound in the agenda of the European policy in recently. It is connected especially with special activity of fleady and powerful group of the EU countries supporting high-quality flrengthening of EU common foreign and security policy and development of the European defensive potential. It is essentially important that the central place in this group is taken by the «Weimar triangle» (and now «The Weimar triangle +») which participants belong to number of «the key countries for the European defense». That's why the chosen research subject is of special interefl in modern conditions.

Analysis of recent researches and publications. Authors Stephan Keukeleire and Tom Delreux demonflrate the scope and diversity of the EU's foreign policy and show how areas such as trade, development, environment and energy are inextricable elements of it.

Authors examine the EU's key foreign relations - - with its neighbourhood and argues that the EU's foreign policy needs to be underwood not only as a response to crises and conflicts, but also as a means of shaping international flructures and influencing long-term processes [3].

The contributions of Bezen Balamir-Coskun analyze challenges and prospects posed by countries neighboring the EU and the effectiveness of EU policy in dealing with these agendas [1].

Allocation of parts of a common problem unresolved earlier. Despite of multiple researches concerning the EU common foreign and security policy insufficiently fludied there are queflions which describe its principles, problems and perspectives.

Paper objective. Considering flated above, the purpose of this article is fludying of basic principles, problems and perspectives of the European Union common foreign and security policy.

The following tasks were set and solved in the work for achievement of an effective objective:

- Studying of prerequisites of formation of the EU common foreign and security policy;

- Studying of process of the EU common foreign and security policy creation and development;

- Studying of features of introduction of EU common foreign and security policy by Member States.

Paper main body. The European Union has an own common foreign and security policy that allows the EU to act and work as a unit in international problems. The EU Member States have a great influence and potential if act together as the European Union, but not separately in the international and global world.

The Maaflricht Treaty about creation of the European Union which has been signed on November 1, 1993 was the flart to forming of EU common foreign and security policy as one of fundamental fields of activity (three «support»). The powerful incentive to development of EU common foreign and security policy was given by awareness by EU countries of the inability resolving the conflicts in Europe without participation of the USA. The lessons of crisis in Kosovo of autumn 1998 - spring 1999 led to further consolidation of efforts of Europeans within on a fixed basis which began to include a military component since June, 1999.

The European Union «codified» the views of safety in the document «European Strategy of Safety», founded political, military and flaff flructures of on a fixed basis on a fixed basis, and also passed to independent carrying out of peacekeeping operations in Europe and beyond its limits in 2003. It should be noted that value of this component quickly increases in the international activities of the EU. The full analysis of these activities, including possible participation of the European Union in resolving of the conflicts, assiflance to the countries with transitional economic and political syflems, anti-terrorifl and migration policy of the EU, requires underflanding of specifics of functioning of inflitutes of and activities of EU common foreign and security policy [4].

The Treaty of Lisbon of 2009 was the key inflrument in formation of European diplomatic relations. According to the Treaty the pofl of the EU High Representative for foreign affairs and security policy combined with the pofl of the vice-chairman of the European Commission was created. Accordingly, the European diplomatic service - the European external action service was created.

The main goals of the EU common foreign and security policy are the following:

- Peacekeeping and flrengthening of the international security according to the principles of the Charter of the UN;

- Support of international cooperation;

- Development and flrengthening of democracy, rule of law;

- Respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms.

The EU is one of the main participants concerning the solution of international problems, beginning from global warming and finishing with the conflict in the Middle Eafl. Use of diplomacy which is supported, as required, with commercial intercourses, giving help, maintenance of safety and defense is the basis of the EU common foreign and security policy. It is necessary for settlement of the conflicts and achievement of the international mutual [2].

The EU plays an important role on the international scene, and its influence grows as EU Member States make more and

more joint decisions in the field of foreign policy concerning economy, trade and finance.

The EU maintains partnership with all key players on the international scene including new ones which have own views of the world and interefls. The EU aims at that mutual interefls and benefits were the cornerflone of these partnership, and each of members had rights and duties. The EU regularly holds summits with the USA, Japan, Canada, Russia, India and China. The cooperation of the EU with these and other countries covers many fields of activity, including education, environment protection, safety and defense, fight againfl crime and respect for human rights [3].

The peacekeeping EU Missions are situated in some hot spots of the world, for example, in Georgia. The EU Mission for observation in Georgia watches a situation and provides the humanitarian assiflance to the persons moved as a result of armed conflict. In December, 2008 the EU has deployed the contingent from 1900 employees of police and judicial authorities (the mission of EULEX in Kosovo) there for providing the law in Kosovo.

The EU has no regular army. Therefore it is necessary to rely on its forces for:

- Performance of joint operations on disarmament;

- Performance of humanitarian and rescue operations;

- Providing consultations and help in military queflions;

- Conflict prevention and implementation of peacekeeping activity;

- Performance of problems of combatant forces at crisis regulation, including peacekeeping and flability after the conflicts.

All these tasks can promote fight againfl terrorism including support of the third countries in fight againfl terrorism in their territory.

The EU has flarted realization of 23 civil and military missions on 3 continents for lafl decade. These military missions have been developed as the answer to various crisis situations, beginning from peacekeeping in the Province of Aceh, affected from a tsunami, and finishing protection of refugees in the Republic of Chad and fight againfl piracy at coafl of Somalia and the Horn of Africa.

The European Union can also carry out operations of quick response with use of two acting time single fighting groups numbering 1500 people at the same when receiving approval of the EU Council.

The EU aims at flrengthening of relations with Belarus, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine. The EU offers these countries essential financing and prospect of the conclusion of free-trade agreements if they undertake political and economic reforms for democracy flrengthening.

The EU reviewed the European policy of the neighborhood after «The Arab spring» 2011 to express solidarity with those who flood up for democracy. This policy developed for the purpose of flrengthening of the relations of the EU with its neighbors in the Eafl and the South, offers political association, economic integration and increase in mobility. The EU gives versatile support to international efforts on peace-making in the Middle Eafl. Achievement of the two-flate decision as a result of which the Paleflinian flate will exifl side by side with Israel is the purpose of the EU. The EU works with the UN, the USA and Russia within «quartet» for assiflance to both parties in reaching of agreement.

The same active role the EU plays, heading negotiations with Iran which purpose is to convince Iran to close up the nuclear program. The EU also flrengthens the relations with the regional organizations, especially in Asia and Latin America. «Expanded partnership» is counterbalanced with economic, political, social and cultural aspects of the relations.

The supreme body making decisions in the EU is the European Council which contains Heads of States and Governments of EU Member States. The meetings of the European Council take place four times a year. Members of the European Council determine the principles and the general directions of policy.

The role of the EU High Representative consifls in ensuring bigger coordination of foreign policy of the EU. He presides over monthly meetings of Council for foreign affairs in which Minivers of Foreign Affairs of EU countries participate, attends meetings of the European Council and reports concerning foreign policy [1].

The majority of decisions concerning common foreign and security policy are accepted unanimously, i.e. by the unanimous majority of EU Member States (and by the weight of their voice in Council for foreign affairs).

The European external action service gives support of activities of the EU High Representative. It is also diplomatic service of the European Union and has network from more than 130 representations and offices worldwide. The task on promotion and protection of European interefls is assigned to them. The European external action service closely cooperates with the European Commission and the Miniflries of Foreign Affairs of EU Member States.

The regulations concerning common foreign and security policy are situated in Chapter V of the Agreement on the European Union. The EU common foreign and security policy succeeded the European political cooperation; also creation of the general defensive policy aimed providing of joint syflem in the long term was planed.

The purposes of this second support of the EU are fixed in Article 11 of the Agreement on creation of the European Community and are implemented by means of the special legal inflruments. The EU has the new tool, so-called general flrategy since the Amflerdam agreement signing (1999). The Council can make decisions by the qualified majority on the queflions concerning EU common foreign and security policy under certain conditions now. Thus, the European Council of EU common foreign and security policy continues to develop after signing of the Amflerdam treatment practically with each meeting [2, 3].

The common position within EU common foreign and security policy serves for improvement of cooperation and coordination. The Member States mufl represent this Common position which is unanimously accepted by Council and to be guided by it in all the actions.

In the Treaty of Nice (2001) it is told that it is possible to resort to means of an expanded cooperation in the sphere of the EU common foreign and security policy under certain conditions for implementation of common actions or change of common position. However the possibility of an expanded cooperation is excluded in military queflions or queflions of defensive policy.

General flrategy entered by the Amflerdam Treaty is the legal inflrument of the EU common foreign and security policy.

In article 13 of the Agreement on the EU it is told that the European Council defines the principles and main directions of the EU common foreign and security policy and chooses General flrategy of EU actions in the spheres concerning important common interefls of Member States.

Conclusions and suggeflions.

1. Studying of prerequisites of formation of the EU common foreign and security policy gave an opportunity to make a conclusion that they are connected especially with special activity of fleady and powerful group of the EU countries supporting high-quality flrengthening of the EU common foreign and security policy and development of the European defensive potential

2. Studying of process of the EU common foreign and security policy creation and development gave an opportunity to make a conclusion that the Maaflricht Treaty about creation of the European Union which has been signed on November 1, 1993 was the flart to forming of the EU common foreign and security policy. Than the Treaty of Lisbon of 2009 was the key inflrument in formation of European diplomatic relations. According to the Treaty the pofl of the EU High Representative for foreign affairs and security policy combined with the pofl of the vice-chairman of the European Commission was created. Accordingly, the European diplomatic service - the European external action service was created.

3. Studying of features of introduction of the EU common foreign and security policy by Member States showed that the EU Member States have a great influence and potential if act together as the European Union, but not separately in the international and global world. The Member States mufl represent the Common position of the EU foreign and security policy which is unanimously accepted by Council and to be guided by it in all the actions.


1. Balamir-Coskun B. (2009) The European Union and Its Neighbors. London: Universal-Publishers.

2. Holland, M. (1994) European Integration: From Community to Union. London: Pinter.

3. Keukeleire S., Delreux T. (2014) The Foreign Policy of the European Union. Belgium Palgrave: Macmillan.

4. Sjursen H. (1997) The EU Common Security and Defence Policy. New York: Panos Koutrakos.

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