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Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Aghajanyan Martin A.

Анализируя программы реформ государственного управления в развитых странах, исследователи разработали систему новую государственного управления, основанную на сотрудничестве государства, общества и частного сектора. В современных процессах политического развития выработана новая система принципов решения проблем государственного устройства, позволяющая преодолевать вызовы и обеспечивать нормальное развитие политической системы. Концепция нового государственного управления основывается на эффективной работе экономики, неправительственных организаций и государственных органов, подчеркивая важность предоставления качественных услуг институтами государственного управления. Концепция нового государственного управления основана на эффективном применении следующих принципов: участие, децентрализация, эффективность представительной бюрократии, приверженность, готовность, инновационное отношение и новый гуманизм. Применяя эти принципы, институты системы государственного управления стремятся обеспечить гласность и прозрачность своей деятельности, демократизируя свои полномочия, обеспечивая повышение качества и уровня общественной жизни. Обобщая опыт внедрения новых принципов государственного управления в развитых странах, можно констатировать, что успех новой системы государственного управления зависит от администраторов низшего звена, работающих на государственной службе, в коммерческих и некоммерческих организациях, которые также играют важную роль во внедрении новых принципов гуманизма в деятельность правительства и тем самым в повышении доверия к ним со стороны общества.Վերլուծելով զարգացած երկրներում հանրային կառավարման բարեփոխումների ծրագրերը հետազոտողները մշակել են նոր հանրային կառավարման համակարգ, որի հիմքում դրված է պետություն- հասարակություն-մասնավոր հատված համագործակցությունը։ Քաղաքական զարգացման ներկա գործընթացներում պետական համակարգի հիմնախնդիրերի լուծման համար մշակվել են սկզբունքների նոր համակարգ, որը հնարավորություն է տալիս հաղթահարել նետված մարտահրավերները ապահովել քաղաքական համակարգի բնականոն զարգացումը։ Նոր հանրային կառավարման հայեցակարգի հիմքում դրվեց տնտեսության, քաղաքացիական հասարակության պետական կառավարման համակարգի ինստիտուտների բնականոն գործառնումը՝ կարևորելով հանրային կառավարման համակարգի մարմինների կողմից բարձրորակ ծառայությունների մատուցումը: Նոր հանրային կառավարման հայեցակարգի հիմքում դրված են հետևյալ սկզբունքների արդյունավետ կիրառումը՝ մասնակցություն, ապակենտրոնացում, ներկայացուցչական բյուրոկրատիայի գործունակության, նվիրվածության, պատրաստակամության նորարարական վերաբերմունք, նոր հումանիզմ: Այս սկզբունքների կիրառմաբ պետական կառավարման համակարգի ինստիտուտները ձգտում են ապահովել իրենց գործունեության հրապարակայնությունը, թափանցիկությունը՝ ժողովրդավարացնելով լիազորությունները, ապահովելով հանրային կյանքի որակի մակարդակի բարձրացում։ Հանրագումարելով զարգացած երկրներում նոր հանրային կառավարման սկզբունքների ներդրման փորձը` կարող ենք փաստել, որ նոր հանրային կառավարման համակարգի հաջողությունը կախված է հանրային ծառայություններ մատուցող, շահույթ հետապնդող չհետապնդող մարմիններում աշխատող ստորին օղակի վարչարարներից, որոնք կարևոր դեր են խաղում նաև կառավարության գործունեությունում նոր հումանիզմի սկզբունքների ներդրման դրանց միջոցով հասարակության վստահության բարձրացման գործընթացում:

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The Establishment of New Public Management Principles in the Process of Political Development

Aghajanyan Martin A.

Yerevan State University, Faculty of International Relations, Public Administration Department Master Student (Yerevan, RA)


UDC 351.323

Keywords: new public management, public policy, new humanism, administration, intergenerational solidarity, social justice, performance management.

Ъпр hiuii|uiij|iii l|iuniiii|ui|uhiiii uliqpnLÎi£Îih|ili liiuiiiniiiiniiLilp ршцшрш^шЬ qiii|iqiugiliiiii


Ыцш2шЬ]ши Ц^шрт^й U.

Ьркшй^. щЪтшЦшй hшйш]uшp.шй, и^ршдцшфЬ- hшflшpЪщщJnlbbЪflft фш^щтЪт,

^шпш^шрйшй ршёй^ йшд^ишрпи (Ьркшй,


Udфnфшqlp. ЧЬр^йЬрЦ дшрдшдшй hp^pbhpniiï hшЬpuфЬ ^шпш^шрПшЬ ршрЬфп^тПЬЬр^ йршдрЬрр hЬщшqnщпqЬЬpp фш^Ь ЬЬ Ьпр hшЬpщфЬ ^шпш^шрПшЬ hшiïш^шpq, пр^ h^iïgniiï пр^шй t щЬштр^Ь-hшuшpш^ПLp)ПLЬ-iïшuЬш4np hшш4шô hшiïшqnpйш^дnlpJПLЬp: Ёшцшрш^шЬ qшpqшgiïшЬ ЬЬр^ш qnpйpЬpшgЬЬpnLiï щЬшш^шЬ hшiïш^шpqfr ^й^шЬ hшiïшp фшМЬ ЬЬ u^qpnLbgbhp^ Ьпр

hшiïш^шpq, npp ШшршЦпртр^Ь t шшфи hшqpшhшpЬl ЬЬш^шй ПшршшЬрш^ЬрЬЬрр к шщшЬп^Ь ршцшрш^шЬ hшiïш^шpq^ рЬш^шЬпЬ qшpqшgпLiïp: Ъпр hшЬpщфЬ ^шпш^шрПшЬ hщ|Ьgш^шpqfr h^iïgnLiï qp^bg щЬтЬитр^Ь, ршцшршд^ш^шЬ hшишpш^ПLp)шЬ к щЬшш^шЬ ^шпшЦшр^шЬ hшiïш^шpq^ frfrumfrmnLmfrhpfr рЬш^шЬпЬ qnpйшnЬпLiïp'1 ^шркпрЬпЦ hшЬpщфЬ ^шпш^шр^шЬ hшiïш^шpq^ ПшрП^ЬЬЬр^ ^nqtf^g ршрйрпрш^ йшпицтр^ЬЬЬр^ tornnLgnLiïp: ъпр hшЬpщфЬ ^шпшЦшр^шЬ hшJhgш^шpф h^iïgnLiï пр^шй ЬЬ №шк]ш1 u^qpnLfrgfrhpfr шрп^ьш^ьщ ^ршпт^ ^шиЬш^дтр^Ь, шщш^ЬЬщрпЬшдтк ЬЬр^иушдтд^ш^шЬ р^рп^ршт^шф qnpйnLЬш^ПLpJшk ЬфрЦшйтр^Ь, щшщршищш^ш^тр]шЬ к Ьпршршрш^шЬ фршрЬр^пШр, Ьпр hnL^^qtf: Uju и^рпШрЬЬр^ ^^ршпПшр щЬшш^шЬ ^шпш^шр^шЬ hшiïш^шpq^ ^burn^rnnLrnbbpp frqrnnLiï ЬЬ шщшЬп^Ь frpbbg qnpйпLЬhnLp)шЬ hpшщшpш^шJЬnLp)ПLЬp, pшфшЬg^^ПLpJПLЬp" dпqn^pqш4шpшgЬЬln4 фшqnpпLpJПLЬЬЬpp, шщшЬп^ЬпЦ hшЬpщфЬ прш^ к

Пш^шрпш^ ршрйршдт^: -^шЬpшqпLiïшpЬln4 qшpqшgшй Ьр^рЬЬртП Ьпр hшЬpщфЬ ^шпш^шр^шЬ и^ртЬрЬЬр^ ЬЬрпрПшЬ фпр^ ^шрпд ЬЬр фшишЬ!, пр Ьпр hшЬpщфЬ ^шпш^шр^шЬ hшiïш^шpq^ hш2пqnLpJПLЬp ^ш^Цшй t hшЬpщфЬ йшпицтр^ЬЬЬр tomnLgnq, 2шЬтор hЬшшщЬqпq к ^ьшшщьппд ПшрфЬЬЬртП ш2^шшпд ишпр^Ь оцш^ Цшр^шршрЬЬр^д, прпЬр ^шркпр qbp ЬЬ ^шцт^ Ьшк ^шпш^шртр^Ь qnpйпLЬhnLpJПLЬпLiï Ьпр hпLiïшЬfrqtffr и^ртЬрЬЬр^ ььрпрпшь к qpшЬg П^пдпЦ hшuшpш^ПLp)шЬ 4итшЬтр]шЬ ршр&ршдПшЬ qnpйpЬpшgпLiï:

^шЬqnLgшpшnbp, Ъпр hшЬpщфЬ ^шпш^шршк hшЬpщфЬ ршцшрш^шЬтр^к Ьпр hnL^^qk Цшр^шршртр^к ^р^ьпььр^ hшtfhpш2faпLpJПLk ипд^ш^ш^шЬ шpqшpпLpJnLЬ, ^шшшрпдш^шЬ^ ^шпш^шрш^:

Установление принципов нового государственного управления в процессе

политического развития

Агаджанян Мартин А.

Ереванский государственный университет, факультет Международных отношений,

магистр кафедры Государственного управления (Ереван, РА)


Аннотация. Анализируя программы реформ государственного управления в развитых странах, исследователи разработали систему новую государственного управления, основанную на сотрудничестве государства, общества и частного сектора. В современных процессах политического развития выработана новая система принципов решения проблем государственного устройства, позволяющая преодолевать вызовы и обеспечивать нормальное развитие политической системы. Концепция нового государственного управления основывается на эффективной работе экономики, неправительственных организаций и государственных органов, подчеркивая важность предоставления качественных услуг институтами государственного управления. Концепция нового государственного управления основана на эффективном применении следующих принципов: участие, децентрализация, эффективность представительной бюрократии, приверженность, готовность, инновационное

Регион и мир, 2022, № 2

отношение и новый гуманизм. Применяя эти принципы, институты системы государственного управления стремятся обеспечить гласность и прозрачность своей деятельности, демократизируя свои полномочия, обеспечивая повышение качества и уровня общественной жизни. Обобщая опыт внедрения новых принципов государственного управления в развитых странах, можно констатировать, что успех новой системы государственного управления зависит от администраторов низшего звена, работающих на государственной службе, в коммерческих и некоммерческих организациях, которые также играют важную роль во внедрении новых принципов гуманизма в деятельность правительства и тем самым в повышении доверия к ним со стороны общества.

Ключевые слова: новое государственное управление, государственная политика, новый гуманизм, управление, солидарность поколений, социальная справедливость, управление производительностью.

The public administration system, comprised of multilevel relations, includes public administration bodies, the private sector, and civil society. Public administration is based on state, society, and private sector partnerships, where each actor has an impact on the effective functioning of the system.

In the 1970s and 1980s, a new approach to public administration was formed within the framework of the new public management. The concept of new public management is based on the effective operation of the economy, nongovernmental organizations, and governmental agencies, emphasizing the importance of the provision of high-quality services by public administration institutions [1, pp. 100-117]. Thus, the precondition for the development of the political system was not the mechanical reform of the traditional model of public administration but the targeted transformation of the state, society, and private sector cooperation, which is aimed at overcoming internal and external challenges. The concept of new public management is based on the effective application of the following principles: S participation, S decentralization,

S the capability of representative bureaucracy, S commitment, willingness, and innovative approach,

S new humanism.

The new public management system ensures all forms of participation while applying these principles, as it guarantees the active involvement of citizens in the affairs of government [2, pp. 201208]. Thus, in developed countries, reforms are regularly carried out from above to establish and effectively apply the principles of public administration. In other words, public administration bodies carry out continuous reforms, taking into account the demand and supply of the social market. In developing countries, meanwhile, reforms are being carried out from the bottom. In this case, the possibility of being tempted by revolutions is much greater for the society, to which the ruling circles of the state system must be able to respond equally so that the society does not give in to those temptations and finds itself in marginalization.

Studying the political development processes in post-Soviet countries, theorists of the "third wave" concept of democratization began to develop alternative ways to establish new public management principles in post-Soviet countries in order to overcome the crisis of political development. At different stages of political development, various reforms of the public administration system have taken place, the results of which are diverse and equivocal as the implemented reforms are continuous in developed countries and situational in developing countries. The G8 countries re-analyzed the need to modernize the institutions created in the decentralization process and put forward new models for streamlining the public administration system, considering such political developments ineffective [3, pp. 118-119]. The implementation of the new public management principles presupposes the quality assurance of state governance democratization, tolerance, coexistence, intergenerational solidarity, social dialogue, good governance, and "new humanism" [4, pp. 445-456]. The structural domains of the new public management are still being adjusted due to the increase in living standards.

In the context of the new public management, the following characteristics are paramount in the radical reforms initiated in the field of administration:

1. In new public management, it was necessary to focus on achieving results, not adapting to the situation.

2. The new public management must take advantage of market competition in the provision of goods and services in order to ensure outcomes. In this process, state agencies should at first reorganize to function similarly to private organizations that make money by selling goods and services.

3. In the new public management, effective market relations address the needs of the citizens, who are treated compassionately by implementing stress management,

4. The government pursues a secure policy of providing public goods and services, so it "manages" and not "steers." Furthermore,

governments, in conjunction with non-profit organizations and agencies, pursue a security policy that combines the interests of both themselves and other actors.

5. The government should respond equally to emerging changes without clinging to a pre-adopted agenda. With these considerations in mind, some principles of traditional administration (centralized employee management, hierarchical staff management, elaboration of financial estimates, auditing of accounts, agency funds distribution) are no longer intended to provide and evaluate results.

6. New public management as a result of the modernization of society is more flexible, relying on citizens' innovative and initiative characteristics [5, pp. 22-74].

Thus, some provisions of this new approach to public administration are the result of the normal development of society. In this respect, the approaches of Plato, Hobbes, Machiavelli, Jefferson, as well as the public and state governance theorists, who have developed the "golden rule" of governance in the relations of revolution and counter-revolution, center and periphery, hero and antihero, elites and masses, are remarkable. This golden rule implies that the public interest is the common good. The public interest realization forces decision-makers to adopt effective and efficient public policies guided by intergenerational solidarity, social dialogue, and competitive participation. Taking these principles as a starting point, Herbert Kaufman views them as a mechanism of establishing representation, political neutrality, competence, and executive leadership. In Kaufman's approach, the aforementioned values are at the forefront of the various periods of new public management [6, p. 296].

New public management presupposes better (more efficient or more economical) governance, as it is based on the social justice concept [7, pp. 488520]. The social justice-seeking process provides a practical normative basis for public administration. Like other eternal values, social justice creates new forms of security, ensures the spread of humanistic observations, promotes public health, as well as satisfies various social needs. In fact, if classical public administration answers the following questions: how to offer more diverse or quality services using existing resources (efficiency), or how to maintain the level of services using less money (savings), then the new public management, including the first two questions, works within the framework of the following question: does this service contribute to the promotion of social justice? The tendency of the new public management for social justice presupposes a strong administrative or

executive government. The policy-making power of the existing administrative departments in public administration systems is constantly growing and being assessed [6, p. 297].

On this account, the new public administration effectively enhances competition and efficiency, thus initiating a process in which public policy, expanding its scope, includes the provision of services, the award of tax rebates, and credit guarantees to taxpayers, regardless of their level of solvency. It should be emphasized that the success of the public administration system mainly depends on lower-level administrators working in public service rendering, for-profit or not-for-profit organizations, summarizing the experience of introducing new public management principles in developed countries. The lower-level administrators also play a central role in introducing new humanism principles in the functioning of the public administration system and in the process of raising public confidence through them. According to the new humanism, public policy enables the citizens to respond to the challenges of the time through continuous education and self-education; and preserve their identity from mechanical assimilation, subjugation, submission, social and psychological poverty.

The new public management develops variables such as good governance, advocacy, leadership responsibility, and transition to constitutionality. The above-mentioned values have been considered as the basis of humanism subject to various interpretations since the Renaissance. In other words, it is a common value system that ensures the progress of human existence and ontology.

In the 21st century, traditional humanism is complemented by a new humanism, which by its standards aims to solve the problem of social justice, which is systemically important for the existence and development of humanity. This expresses the innovative nature of the new humanism as hitherto the humanistic ideological conceptions were not directly aimed at the self-preservation of the global society by eliminating the existing threats through its systematic activity and result evaluation management. Changes in the world require mutual understanding, the conditions necessary for peace, in other words, the development of a new humanism, which is not only theoretical but also practical, focused not on the search for values but the implementation of concrete development programs and their visible results. To be a humanist today means to adopt the traditional knowledge of the field in the modern world, which is an ongoing process. The humanistic ideology presupposes a common set of values of ontology,

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making individuals part of a whole society, a member of a community where social justice, mutual respect, knowledge of community values, cooperation, new unity prevail. This new humanism presupposes an understanding of the environment, understanding the effects of climate change (droughts, desertification, rising water levels, etc.) on millions of people, reaching out to those in need of emergency assistance [8, pp. 8-10]. That is why the new humanism presupposes the construction of bridges in the north-south and west-east direction, which will contribute to the global community formation, including the provision of competitive education, the promotion of network scientific cooperation, and the dissemination of information technologies for the exchange of ideas.

All this presupposes the development of a statebuilding culture. The experience of decentralization and local government reform in the former socialist states shows that there are still administrators of the "Perestroika" era in the field of governance. A generational change is indeed taking place, but the spirit of Soviet bureaucracy in the administration has not yet disappeared. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, a network of high-ranking national and local government officials and public administrators governed the newly independent government system. In fact, the first generation of new democrats collaborated with the nomenclature, which had real decision-making power and a function of accountability to the citizens was superficial. In the context of the democratic transition, when new administrators emerged, the Soviet nomenclature, using existing connections and acquaintances, integrated into a socially innovative area. It defended the process of liberal-democratic reform while also advocating the establishment of new public management principles.

Strengthening democratic structures, the rule of law, respect for human rights, and fundamental freedoms are the basic principles of EU-Armenia relations. The political crisis following the 2008 presidential election underscores the strengthening of the democratization process and the adoption of European values in Armenia's political system and governance. Decent progress towards the principles and values of democracy, the rule of law, and respect for human rights are central preconditions for improving contractual relations within the framework of the Eastern Partnership. Improving the rule of law and good governance, reducing corruption, and strengthening state institutions can contribute to socio-economic development, including Armenia's investment climate amelioration.

Improving public financial management is a chief element in ensuring public administration

effectiveness and efficiency, which increases transparency and public accountability at all levels of government and secures the potency of the fight against corruption. Progress in public financial management is one of the preconditions for budgeting. The democracy strengthening should be accompanied by the subsequent promotion of the citizens' rights and participation in decision-making and the establishment of greater state control over state structures at all levels. The EU support will assist in further promotion of freedom of speech and freedom of the press while also improving the electoral processes [9, p. 13]. It is noteworthy that good governance is considered in the UN Development Programmes 1995-1996 as an overcoming factor in the political development crises. In order not to re-enter the crisis of political development, it is necessary to conduct results-based management in the areas of new public management, planning the systemic operation of security policy.

Thus, by applying the new public management principles, the public administration system seeks not only to democratize its legislative powers by ensuring accountability and transparency but also to influence political decision-making with a view to improving the quality of public life. The complex set of these actions is carried out for the purpose of ensuring effectiveness and efficiency of public policy, in which the interested citizens consciously pursue the establishment of the principles of good governance: participation, transparency, justice, control, results-based management, strategic foresight.


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