THE ROLE AND SOCIAL SIGNIFICANCE OF MEDIA LITERACY IN EDUCATION Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Ключевые слова
Media literacy / education / society / propaganda / information / globalization / technology / student / Internet. / Медиaгрaмотноcть / обрaзовaние / общеcтво / пропaгaндa / информaция / глобaлизaция / технологии / cтудент / интернет.

Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — F. Madrakhimova

In this article talks about the development of media literacy in the information society, its role in public life and education. The concepts of media literacy are defined. The modern need for the formation of media literacy skills is revealed. On the basis of pedagogical data, the author studied and analyzed the features of the development of media literacy in the information society on the basis of available scientific literature.

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В дaнной cтaтье говоритcя о рaзвитии медиaгрaмотноcти в информaционном общеcтве, ее роли в общеcтвенной жизни и обрaзовaнии. Определены понятия медиaгрaмотноcти. Выявленa cовременнaя потребноcть в формировaнии нaвыков медиaгрaмотноcти. Нa оcнове педaгогичеcких дaнных aвтор изучила и проaнaлизировaла оcобенноcти рaзвития медиaгрaмотноcти в информaционном общеcтве нa оcнове доcтупной нaучной литерaтуры.




Feruza Madrakhimova

Vice-rector of Tashkent State Pedagogical University, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) on

philosophical disciplines https://doi org/10.5281/zenodo. 6997627 Abstract: In this article talks about the development of media literacy in the information society, its role in public life and education. The concepts of media literacy are defined. The modern need for the formation of media literacy skills is revealed. On the basis of pedagogical data, the author studied and analyzed the features of the development of media literacy in the information society on the basis of available scientific literature.

Key words: Media literacy, education, society, propaganda, information, globalization, technology, student, Internet.



Аннотация: В дaнной cтaтье говоритcя о рaзвитии медиaгрaмотноcти в информaционном обще^ве, ее роли в обще^венной жизни и обрaзовaнии. Определены понятия медиaгрaмотноcти. Выявленa cовременнaя потребно^ь в формировaнии нaвыков медиaгрaмотноcти. ^ отове педaгогичеcких дaнных aвтор изучила и проaнaлизировaла ошбенно^и рaзвития медиaгрaмотноcти в информaционном обще^ве нa отове до^упной нaучной литерaтуры.

Ключевые слова: Медиaгрaмотноcть, обрaзовaние, обще^во, пропaгaндa, информaция, глобaлизaция, технологии, жудент, интернет.


Media literacy is an important requirement for every individual in the era of information inequality observed in the global media field, continuous information attack between different countries and regions, contradictions, and ideological conflicts. In the decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated January 28, 2022 "On the Development Strategy of the New Uzbekistan for 2022-2026", special attention is paid to the method of systematic integration of the media environment, increasing the camaraderie of information delivery. In recent years, in accordance with the process of large-scale democratic reforms and information globalization, great attention has been paid to the formation of media literacy in our country, especially to conveying and promoting it to students of higher education organizations through educational programs.

Today, almost all aspects of society's life, including the development of education, are difficult to control without the media. Due to the globalization of the information space and its openness, the flow of new knowledge, views, facts, and concepts is rapidly increasing, and the use of information spread through the media is becoming problematic. These processes directly affect the educational process.

The chaotic spread of various information makes it difficult for students of higher education organizations to think independently, to form their views and values, as well as to search for ways to organize the world of information in the minds of students, to develop and form a system of new methods and skills for dealing with information. In general, it is becoming


difficult to control the content of information in society today, as well as the ways and means of their distribution through the media.

In this regard, media literacy is especially important in protecting young people from various ideological threats and their minds being taken over by harmful information. Therefore, formation of media and information literacy competence among the younger generation remains one of the most important tasks of pedagogues.

Media literacy is, first of all, the functions of the media and other information services such as the library, archive, and the Internet in a society developing in the traditions of democracy, secondly, the conditions for media outlets and information services to carry out these functions, and thirdly, the conditions for the proper implementation of these functions; fourthly, the provided content and services include concepts such as tools for evaluating the quality of these functions.

These concepts allow users to consciously interact with social media channels. The knowledge gained through media literacy should develop critical thinking in students, which will create a basis for them to demand quality services from the media and other information providers.

Correct use of information provided by media and information sources today allows students to understand their need for information, find and own information, and evaluate its quality. In most cases, students who are consumers understand what they need to know in order to achieve this or that goal and focus their research on a certain result. Macalan, the applicant learns all the information about the rules of admission to the higher education institution. The student is interested in the courses and subjects or scientific research in the institution of higher education. It will be clear to the student why he should turn to this or that information channel. The choice is made based on the completeness of the message, the credibility of the source or the interest. But here too, the reliability of the source should be studied in depth.

The term "information" here has many definitions, and it is information that has been collected, processed and interpreted and presented in a user-friendly form. Information concept has been given different definitions by many scholars. According to Macalan, Norbert Wiener, "information is a description of the content from the outside world, which we attach to it and it to our imaginations." Information is a concept that "changes us". Information is a concept that "reaches the mind of an individual and increases his knowledge"; "Information is information presented in a form that is meaningful to those who receive it and has actual or potential value for current or subsequent actions or decisions." The need for information in the Incans is precisely the need to obtain information necessary for the performance of certain social roles and tasks. Media literacy is necessary to understand the reliability of information received today. Especially nowadays, there is an extremely wide and diverse collection of information materials, content and resources.

Their accuracy, reliability, and value vary, especially on the Internet. In addition, this information is available in various forms, i.e. text, images, statistical data, electronic or printed forms, and can be obtained through online databases, portals, virtual and real libraries, document collections, databases, archives, museums, etc.

In addition, the quality of this information is an important factor, and a media expert can distinguish it from correct information to incorrect information. Information-savvy incons know how to collect, use, synthesize, and organize information based on ethical rules and standards. In


the same field of education, it is very important for students to have the ability to process information. These competencies can be applied in any educational context, including educational and professional settings or self-development.

In higher education institutions, students should develop the following skills in information and media literacy: That is, first of all, to understand their information needs, which information source should be used when determining information sources: Internet information, books or television? Which of the following sources should be used: primary, secondary or tertiary? Where should I look for information? Who should I turn to for help? How to determine the reliability and truthfulness of information in the analysis of information quality? Information Curation, Protection and Archiving: How to Organize Information from Multiple Information Sources? What is camaraci about using information ethically? It is necessary to develop the skills of how to act in order to prevent copyright infringement of information creators.

Generally, ectetic and creative skills refer to the ability to perceive, create, and interpret media content creatively. By creating media content, students can develop these skills. Interactivity skills are manifested in the ability to communicate through media and perform various media roles. These skills can be developed through education and practice. Interactivity skills demonstrate a willingness to express one's thoughts and opinions.

Critical analysis skills refer to the ability to interpret and understand the significance of a variety of media content using a variety of analytical tools. These skills are best developed by exploring a variety of media content and genres. Safety skills are manifested in the ability to get out of difficult situations and prevent them. Safe use of virtual space means protecting personal space and refraining from harmful content and communication. Media literacy means the ability to be active and knowledgeable while fulfilling one's civic responsibilities, to be able to receive, create, analyze and evaluate media texts, to understand the socio-cultural and social content of modern media.

In the process of formation of media literacy among students of higher education organizations, it is necessary to dwell on their direct relationship with the media. The connection of students with the media is of particular importance in their free speech, diversity, intercultural communication, tolerance and in the management of the country, responsibility. In this, it is necessary to help students to communicate continuously with each other, to spread messages, ideas and information, to ensure that all members of the society have access to information, to establish dialogue between the participants of various social processes, to form a sense of responsibility and unity for the future of the country in the students and young people, It is to provide various opportunities and opportunities for self-realization, to express cultural identity, to ensure transparency of social life, to perform the functions of a social partner that respects the values of diversity, to ensure the protection of cultural interests.

Today, another goal of media education, media literacy, and the desire to study media culture is the creation of information that contains ideological threats, to understand the reasons for its spread, and to be able to evaluate it with a proper understanding of the purpose of this kind of information that is distributed for commercial, financial, economic, spiritual, and cultural purposes. .

The student's ability to work with information, search for information, distinguish, process, organize, and understand the content of information is one of the important skills. Because it is in this way that the culture of information consumption is formed among students.


Taking into account that students often visit the Internet, efforts should be made to further enrich the national information system and resources on the Internet.

It is also necessary to support the recognition of media literacy as an educational value in national educational standards. It is important to apply the basic principles, approaches, and appropriate indicators of media literacy to the content of social education through the formation of educational goals and inclusion in the curriculum of subjects. Today, it is necessary to speed up the process of introducing media literacy and information culture subjects into the curricula of higher education institutions. It is in accordance with the goal to include the requirements and skills in the field of media literacy and information culture in the "Developing Job Directory".

At the same time, it is necessary to strive to enrich the content of useful sites in the Uzbek language, having studied the experiences of strengthening national information sources in the global space in order to protect students from information attacks on the Internet. After all, the process of social modernization in modern society, the processes of formation of civil society, of course, are inextricably linked with the media culture and media literacy of a person living in the 21st century.


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