Jabrayilzade Sevinj Jamil - Jahid
Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University Baku Azerbaijan DOI: 10.24412/2520-6990-2021-31118-39-41 THE EFFECT OF USING INTERACTIVE TEACHING METHODS IN TEACHING THE DATABASE
There are some differences in teaching between traditional teaching methods and interactive teaching methods. The traditional method is knowledge-oriented, while the interactive method is personality-oriented. Interactive learning is based on active cognitive activity of students. This is a joint training with other participants in the educational process.
Keywords: lesson stage, information, interactive teaching method, search for answers, problem solving, motivation
The actuality of the subject. The interactive learning method focuses on the accumulation of knowledge through the regular use of forms of group and pair work. Lessons organized using this type of learning technology initially create motivation to solve the problem. Motivation is to ask a problem.
The interactive teaching method consists of several organically related stages. These stages can be grouped as follows: The first stage of the lesson is called "Motivation, problem solving". At the beginning of each lesson, you need to identify the problem in order to begin research. That is, a problem must be put around the topic. A real problem always creates a lot of hypotheses and assumptions, and in order to test them, research questions must first be formed. It is a matter of research that plays the role of a "guiding star" leading the discovery of new knowledge. According to the first mechanism of interactive learning, the existence of a problem is a key stage in the formation of students' cognitive activity [3, p.72].
So why do we call this stage of the lesson motivation? Motivation as a psychological factor is the driving force that activates any mechanism of action. The problem posed as motivation and the need to solve it act as a factor that motivates the thinking process to work in an active lesson and increases the cognitive activity of students.
The second stage of the lesson is called "Research". To solve the problem, it is necessary to find facts that confirm or refute the hypotheses, as well as help to answer the research question. This should be facilitated by a variety of activities that purposefully direct students to problem solving, including new information and new questions. It is in the process of learning new facts and searching for answers to these questions that the right conditions are created for thinking and finding new information.
Phase III of the lesson is called "Information Sharing". At this stage, participants exchange results and new information obtained during the research. The need to find an answer to the question motivates all research participants to actively listen to each other's
presentations. The presentation attracts some new information, and so far this information is incomplete and chaotic. It is at this stage that a new need arises - to come to a certain conclusion, it is necessary to systematize, systematize this knowledge, to find an answer to the research question. The main purpose of this stage is to acquaint all students with new facts and discoveries. Communication can only be effective if the class is focused on active listening and feedback [4].
The fourth stage of the lesson is called "Discussion and systematization of information". The purpose of the current stage is to systematize knowledge on the basis of new facts and to identify key connections to answer the research question. The material that the teacher needs to work on is in retail form. He must try to make a connection between these different facts in order to discover the main unifying idea and legitimacy. In this case, comparison, analysis and synthesis are used.
Phase VI of the lesson is called "Creative Application". The main criterion for acquiring knowledge is its creative application. A creative application strengthens knowledge, shows the student its practical meaning. Therefore, the teacher may, if possible, invite students to try to apply the knowledge they have acquired to solve certain problems or to find answers to new questions.
Stage VII of the lesson is called "Assessment" or "Reflection". Evaluation is a mechanism to improve any process. In order to be better, it is important to identify your shortcomings and achievements in a timely manner, and to identify what hinders and contributes to your success. The process of evaluating and analyzing students' learning activities should serve this purpose. Reflection is a reflection in the mind of an already completed process. Reflection of the learning process is one of the main mechanisms that allow to analyze and gain in-depth understanding of all stages of knowledge acquisition.
Motivation. If the driver who caused the accident fled the scene and witnesses could not say the number of the car, how to find it? (according to the color, brand of the car).
No, if someone can remember the make and color of the car (for example, a white Mercedes), how important can this information be in finding the car? (Information about all cars is one in the car inspectorate
collected at the source. Therefore, the name, surname, date of birth and
other information is easy to identify).
Research question:
1. What is a database and how is information stored in a database?
2. What are the main types of databases? Disruption of research. The task is built in a text
editor or spreadsheet processor (Table 1).
Table 1.
Creating a table in a text editor or table processor 1. Mita l'edaktorunda va ya c^dval prosessorunda asngitbiki cidvali quruo.
Nomra ni$am Mark a si R^ugi Buraxilis ili Qeydiyyat ili Sabibi
1 10BD123 "BMW" Qaia 1999 2000 Qarayev A.
2 90LX432 "Mercedes" Ag 2005 2007 Msmmsdli Z
3 IGONOlO -TOYOTA" Qinnizi 2007 2007 B aguzada E.
4 10UD324 "Mercedes" Gûmûçû 2000 2002 ivanovaA.
5 90JU725 "TOFAS" Qaia 2003 2004 Hacimuradov
Source: Mahmudzade R., Sadigov I., Isayeva N., 2017: p.85
Information exchange and discussion:
J Which column of the table identifies cars as single-valued?
1 How many cars were produced before 2005? If there were 1,000 entries in the table, what would you do to find that number quickly?
A database management system (DBMS) is a set of software tools for creating a database for storing, retrieving, and processing information.
The database management system is as follows:
L creation of database structure;
L filling the database with data;
r editing (changing) the data in the database;
r visualization of information
r provides [1, p.96].
Creative application. A "Graduates" table is cre-
ated for high school graduates in accordance with the
following structure. Which of the following fields can be taken as a key? What are the missing areas in the table?
Diploma series and number Surname Name Father's name Graduated high school
HC 015361 Mammadli Günay Orxan BDU
BM 345612 Samadov Vüsal Zamiq BDU
AC 190392 Quluzada Günay Kamal AzTU
... ... ... ... ...
Homework. Information about the objects belonging to a certain group is given as follows:
1. 001, Babayev, Agshin, Ali, 15.03.1962, engineer
2. 003, Tahirzade, Nazrin, Osman, 24.05.1974,
3. 006, Jamilli, Tural, Mammad, 03.12.1990, programmer
Identify which group the data may belong to and name the group. Name each field given in quotes and display the information in tabular form.
Evaluation. Students are assessed on their ability to present information.
Evaluation criteria: interpretation, database creation
Level I
It is difficult to interpret the essence of a database management system. Has difficulty creating a new database file in Access
Level II
Explains the essence of a database management system with the help of a teacher. . Creates a new database file in Access with the help of the teacher
Level III
Makes small mistakes when interpreting the essence of a database management system. . Makes small mistakes when creating a new database file in Access
Level IV
Correctly interprets the essence of a database management system. Creates a new database file in Access.
Generalization and conclusion.
Hierarchical and network models are considered early models and are not currently used, and the databases created in those models are rare today. The disadvantages of hierarchical and network databases are that their schemes are very complex and rigid. While the procedure for changing the data depends on the
physical organization of the data, such models are not completely independent of the software. In other words, if you need to change the structure of the data, you also need to change the software. Currently, a more modern relational model is used.
Certain pedagogical criteria are needed to understand the structure of an interactive lesson in a systematic way and to determine whether it is appropriate for the purpose of the lesson. What are the main events at each stage? and what should be achieved as a result of each stage? questions should indicate this criterion. Interactive teaching methods involve a wider interaction between teacher and student. Students actively interact not only with the teacher, but also with each other in the learning process. At the same time, students not
only combine the learned material, but also learn new materials, acquire new knowledge, skills and habits.
1. Mahmudzade R., Sadigov I., Isayeva N. METHODICAL TEXTBOOK on the subject of Informatics for the 10th grade of secondary schools, Baku Publishing House, Baku-2017, p.208.
2. Mahmudzade R., Sadigov I., Isayeva N. TEXTBOOK on Informatics for the 10th grade of secondary schools, Baku Publishing House, Baku-2017, p.208.
3. Sultanov RL, Characteristics of active learning methods, opportunities and ways of their use Scientific works of the Institute of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Volume 85, № 6, 2018, p.71-74.
Antoniv A.A., Kotsyubiychuk Z. Y., Banul B.Yu., Makhrova E.G., Andrushchak B.S. Bukovynian State Medical University
Антотв А. А., Коцюбшчук З.Я., Банул Б.Ю., Махрова £.Г., Андрущак Б.С.
Буковинський державний медичний утверситет
В статтг висвтлет новгтн! тдходи щодо оргашзаци та якостг навчання внутршньо'1' медицини з роздшом клШчна фармакологгя шляхом впровадження сучасних технологш викладання. Метод коопера-тивних груп дозволяе створити учбову спшьноту студентгв, як володтть певними знаннями та навич-ками i готовi отримувати нов1 знання в процесг стлкування один з одним, сумкно'1' п1знавально '1 дгяльностг. Спонукае студентiв до самостшног роботи: можливостi вести тформативний пошук, вiдбирати дос-товiрнi джерела тформацп, адаптувати наявну iнформацiю до конкретноi клiнiчноi ситуацИ.
In the articles lighted up the newest approaches are in relation to organization and quality of studies of internal medicine with a division clinical pharmacology by introduction of modern technologies of teaching. The method of co-operative groups allows to create the educational association ofstudents that own certain knowledge and skills and ready to get new knowledge in the process of commonunication from each other, compatible cognitive activity. Induces students to independent work: possibilities to conduct an informing search, take away the reliable sources of information, adapt present information to the concrete clinical situation.
Ключовi слова: освiтнiй процес, внутрШня медицина, клШчна фармакологiя, ттерактивт технологи навчання.
Keywords: educational process, internal medicine, clinical pharmacology, interactive technologies
Introduction. Discussion is a free verbal exchange of knowledge, ideas or thoughts between the trainer and group members [1-3]. Discussion as a method of training tends to be limited to one question or topic and is built in a certain sequence. The discussion for many concerns the emotional sphere of the group members. However, it should not turn into a heated debate. An important element of the discussion is the demonstration of one's own views on a particular issue.
During the discussion, the possibility of interrupting each other is completely excluded: one speaks - the others listen [3-5].
The purpose of the study: to optimize and improve the teaching of internal medicine with clinical pharmacology using modern teaching methods.
Results and discussion. An important problem of higher medical education in Ukraine is to bring it in line with standards, taking into account national characteristics, traditions and mentality. The priority