THE USE OF INTERACTIVE TECHNOLOGIES IN TEACHING ENGLISH TO PART-TIME STUDENTS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Ismatov Asliddin Fazliddin O‘G‘Li

The article substantiates the importance of introducing interactive teaching methods in the educational process. The main focus is on teaching English to part-time students.

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We also believe that it is very effective for a teacher to use authentic regional texts in the process of forming the socio-cultural competence of future foreign language teachers which contain a linguistic picture that forms ideas about the culture of another country. From students' point of view, the effective formation of socio-cultural competence of students in the process of learning a foreign language should pay close attention to specific pedagogical principles, such as the principle of consistency, clarity, consciousness and creative activity, practical orientation training taking into account individual characteristics, educative training. The full list of pedagogical conditions for the formation of socio-cultural competence of future foreign language teachers includes the following: first, the formation of students' knowledge in the field of culture, national realities, customs and traditions and also the etiquette norms and norms of behavior of the country of the language being studied, secondly, the improvement of students' knowledge about the cultural features, the history of the country.

Third, the formation of the skill of everyday intercultural communication, fourth, the orientation of the educational process to the development of an adequate perception of foreign language culture by students and mutual understanding of members of other cultural types. Based on the content of the term "socio-cultural competence" [2, p. 39], we also identified a number of structural components that contribute to understanding the importance of forming this set of knowledge, skills and abilities of students.

Let's take a closer look at each of these components: the information component corresponds to the list of socio-cultural knowledge that emphasizes the need for the formation of a stable cognitive interest. Summarizing the above, it should be noted that the development of socio-cultural knowledge, skills and abilities, which entails the ability and readiness of future foreign language teacher can not be effectively reached to without observing a number of pedagogical conditions of the educational process of higher education. Thus, in this article, we have identified the organizational and pedagogical conditions, as well as identified a number of structural components in the aspect of the formation of socio-cultural competence of future foreign language teachers.


1. Kushneruk S. Two days in the life of leaders: world-modelling potential of political event // The European Proceedings of Social & Behavioral Sciences (EpSBS). WUT2018. IX International Conference «Word, Utterance, Cognitive, Pragmatic and Cultural Aspects», 2018. P. 466-475.

2. Baronenko YeA., Skorobrenko I.A. Rol' sovremennykh informatsionno-kommunikatsionnykh tekhnologiy v obuchenii inostrannym yazykam // Informatizatsiya obrazovaniya i metodika elektronnogo obucheniya: Materialy II mezhdunarod. nauchnoy konferentsii. CH. 2. Krasnoyarsk, 2018.


Ismatov Asliddin Fazliddin o 'g 'li - Teacher of English,


Abstract: the article substantiates the importance of introducing interactive teaching methods in the educational process. The main focus is on teaching English to part-time students. Keywords: interactive methods, problem-based learning, discussion, training.

At the present stage of the development of society, knowledge of the English language is becoming very important. There is no need to convince anyone of the need to learn a foreign language, life itself testifies to this. TV shows are conducted in English, scientific literature is published, modern songs are played and foreign films are shown, in addition, instructions for various household appliances are written in English, etc. But to make the language learning process more effective, we need to use interactive learning methods.

The use of interactive forms of learning when working with part-time students has a number of advantages, namely: Involving students in learning process will be no longer as passive listeners, but as active participants; it will increase the motivation of this category of students to study the subject; students will master modern technical training tools; formation and development of skills of independent work on the search for information and the productive use of the acquired knowledge in practice will be concentrated on, as well [1, c. 19].

Moving on from generality to specificity of this teaching and learning method, let's consider a number of interactive teaching techniques which will help to achieve the planned goals - to increase the effectiveness of the educational process:

1. Discussion in groups. Discussion in groups is usually conducted on a specific topic and it is aimed at finding the right solution and achieving a better understanding. Group discussions contribute to a better assimilation of the material being studied. At the first stage of the group discussion, part-time students are given a task for a certain time, during which they must prepare a reasoned, detailed answer. At the second stage, such discussions with the teacher lead to group solutions.

2. Training. Training is a form of interactive learning that aims to develop interpersonal communication skills and professional communication behavior. The advantage of the training is that all participants are actively involved in the learning process. The teacher conducting the training must have psychological and pedagogical knowledge and be able to skillfully use it in the learning process and know the methods of obtaining information collect and present it to the participants as well as influence their behavior and their attitudes

3. Discussion. During the discussion, participants should discuss problems publicly or freely exchange knowledge, opinions, and ideas on controversial issues. Its essential feature is the combination of discussion and clash of different points of view and positions.

Discussion is a person-centered learning experience. It is characterized by active interaction of students with each other. The advantage of the discussion is that it shows how well the group understands the problem. While implementing this method the first stage is the adaptation of the participants to each other, through which we can formulate the problem, the goals and rules of the debate. The second stage involves the participant's speech, their answers to questions. And the third stage is the analysis of the results of the discussion, coordination of opinions and views, joint formulation of decisions and their adoption. During the discussion, students can either complement or oppose each other.

4. The method of "brainstorming". This is a fairly popular method of solving problems by stimulating creative activity. According to this method, the teacher invites a group of students to give as many answers to the question as possible. "Brainstorming" takes place in three stages. At the first stage, the group is faced with a problem. Participants for each other the students make suggestions in a precise and concise manner, and the teacher writes down their ideas on a blackboard or poster without any comments. At the second stage, these ideas are discussed and points of view are exchanged. At this stage, the group needs to find a way to use or improve their ideas. At the third stage, the group shows presentation of the results of the work. For

5. Problem-based learning. In the context of problem-based learning, it is not only the problem of education or the problem that is important, but also the skillful presentation of questions by the teacher. Questions in the process of organizing students' activities will help teach them to reproduce the information received from memory and perform reproductive actions. As a result, it will stimulate the creative thinking of the trainees, allowing them to discover and acquire new skills [2, c. 103].

Thus, the considered methods are aimed at improving the efficiency of mastering the material studied by students, and encouraging them to study and master new knowledge. These methods can be used not only with part-time students in classes in a foreign language (English), but also for studying other subjects in any educational institution with different levels of education.


1. Safonova L.YU. Primeneniye interaktivnykh form obucheniya: Metodicheskiye ukazaniya. Velikiye Luki, 2015. 39 s.

2. Shaydarova O.G. Ispol'zovaniye interaktivnykh metodov i priyemov pri obuchenii gruppovomu obshcheniyu na angliyskom yazyke // Inostrannyye yazyki: lingvisticheskiye i metodicheskiye aspekty: Mezhvuzovskiy sbornik nauchnykh trudov. Vypusk 33. Tver': TGU, 2015. S. 101-107.


Жураева Ирода Хусниддин кизи - преподаватель, кафедра теоретических дисциплин английского языка, Узбекский государственный университет мировых языков, г. Ташкент, Республика Узбекистан

Аннотация: в статье раскрывается понятие «языковая компетенция». Показаны этапы работы с текстом.

Ключевые слова: текст, этап, студент, английский язык, знание, навык.

Языковая компетенция - это многогранное понятие, которое подразумевает владение определённым набором знаний, умений и навыков, позволяющих осуществлять иноязычную речевую деятельность в соответствии с языковыми нормами изучаемого языка в разных сферах деятельности. Понятие «языковая компетенция» можно толковать как динамическое сочетание знаний и практических навыков. Это способность человека использовать иностранный язык в профессиональной, научной деятельности и в социальной коммуникации.

Для студентов, изучающих иностранный язык как специальность, правильно сформированная языковая компетенция является необходимой составляющей их будущей профессии [1, а 32].

В методике обучения иностранным языкам существуют различные средства формирования языковой компетенции. При их выборе необходимо принимать во внимание определённые требования: содержание учебного материала должно создавать ситуацию осознания познавательного процесса, носить научный характер (предлагать условия для развития мыслительных способностей более высокого уровня); осуществлять синтез знаний (их обобщение и эффективное использование в конкретной профессиональной ситуации и вызывать интерес).

Среди большого многообразия средств обучения текст является одной из основных учебно-методических единиц. Поскольку преподавание иностранных языков базируется, в основном, на работе с текстом. В нём содержатся лексические и грамматические единицы, состоящие из фонетических и графических единиц. Значит, «применение в процессе изучения иностранного языка текстов различной тематики, в том числе и аутентичных, позволяет усовершенствовать грамматические навыки учащихся, разнообразить их лексический запас, повысить мотивацию, заинтересованность в предмете» [2, а 110].

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