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Ключевые слова
ўқишни тушуниш / ўқишни тушунишни баҳолаш / муқобил баҳолаш усуллари / Инглиз Тили чет Тили сифатида. / Reading Comprehension / Reading Comprehension Assessment / Alternative Assessment Techniques / EFL contexts

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Nurzoda Karimova

Ушбу тадқиқот мақоласида Ўзбекистон Давлат Жаҳон тиллари университетининг иккинчи курс талабалари ўртасида ўқишни тушуниш кўникмаларини оширишда муқобил баҳолаш усулларининг самарадорлиги кўриб чиқилган. Тадқиқотда назарий асослар ва амалий тажрибаларни ўз ичига олган аралаш ёндашув қўлланилади. Тадқиқот усуллари бўлимида иштирокчиларнинг демографик маълумотлари, воситалари ва процедуралари, шу жумладан синовдан олдин ва кейин аралашув режаси тасвирланган. Маълумотларни таҳлил қилиш учун тавсифловчи статистика, жуфтлаштирилган намуналарнинг т-тести ва тахминларни текшириш қўлланилади, бу аралашувдан кейин иштирокчилар ўртасида ўқишни тушуниш кўникмаларининг сезиларли яхшиланишини аниқлашга имкон беради. Муҳокама давомида ушбу натижалар ўзгарувчанликнинг пасайиши ва аралашувдан кейин ўртача қиймат атрофида баллар концентрациясининг пасайишига урғу бериб талқин қилинади. Хулоса ўқишни тушуниш кўникмаларини доимий равишда яхшилаш учун муқобил баҳолаш усулларининг имкониятларини таъкидлайди ва ўқитувчилар ва амалиётчилар учун фойдали маслаҳатлар беради. Умуман олганда, ушбу тадқиқот Инглиз Тили чет Тили сифатида ўқишни тушунишни ўрганишни яхшилаш учун қимматли маълумотларни тақдим етиш орқали тил таълими ва баҳолаш бўйича адабиётларга ҳисса қўшади.

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This research article explores the effectiveness of alternative assessment methods in improving reading comprehension skills among second-year students at Uzbekistan State World Languages University. The study employs a mixed-methods approach, incorporating both theoretical frameworks and practical experimentation. The research methods section outlines participant demographics, instrumentation, and procedures, including pretest-posttest intervention design. Descriptive statistics, paired samples t-test, and assumption checks are employed for data analysis, revealing significant improvements in reading comprehension skills among participants following the intervention. The discussion interprets these findings, emphasizing the reduction in variability and concentration of scores around the mean post-intervention. The conclusion underscores the potential of alternative assessment methods to yield consistent improvements in reading comprehension skills and offers implications for educators and practitioners. Overall, this research contributes to the literature on language education and assessment, providing valuable insights for improving reading comprehension instruction in EFL contexts.




Nurzoda Karimova

Хорижий тил ва адабийоти (инглиз тили) Узбекистан давлат жахрн тиллари университети


Ушбу тадкикот маколасида Узбекистон Давлат Жахон тиллари университетининг иккинчи курс талабалари уртасида укишни тушуниш куникмаларини оширишда мукобил бахолаш усулларининг самарадорлиги куриб чикилган. Тадкикотда назарий асослар ва амалий тажрибаларни уз ичига олган аралаш ёндашув кулланилади. Тадкикот усуллари булимида иштирокчиларнинг демографик маълумотлари, воситалари ва процедуралари, шу жумладан синовдан олдин ва кейин аралашув режаси тасвирланган. Маълумотларни тахлил килиш учун тавсифловчи статистика, жуфтлаштирилган намуналарнинг т-тести ва тахминларни текшириш кулланилади, бу аралашувдан кейин иштирокчилар уртасида укишни тушуниш куникмаларининг сезиларли яхшиланишини аниклашга имкон беради. Мухокама давомида ушбу натижалар узгарувчанликнинг пасайиши ва аралашувдан кейин уртача киймат атрофида баллар концентрациясининг пасайишига ургу бериб талкин килинади. Хулоса укишни тушуниш куникмаларини доимий равишда яхшилаш учун мукобил бахолаш усулларининг имкониятларини таъкидлайди ва укитувчилар ва амалиётчилар учун фойдали маслахатлар беради. Умуман олганда, ушбу тадкикот Инглиз Тили чет Тили сифатида укишни тушунишни урганишни яхшилаш учун кимматли маълумотларни такдим етиш оркали тил таълими ва бахолаш буйича адабиётларга хисса кушали.

Калит сузлар: укишни тушуниш, укишни тушунишни бахолаш, мукобил бахолаш усуллари, Инглиз Тили чет Тили сифатида.




May, 2024


This research article explores the effectiveness of alternative assessment methods in improving reading comprehension skills among second-year students at Uzbekistan State World Languages University. The study employs a mixed-methods approach, incorporating both theoretical frameworks and practical experimentation. The research methods section outlines participant demographics, instrumentation, and procedures, including pretest-posttest intervention design. Descriptive statistics, paired samples t-test, and assumption checks are employed for data analysis, revealing significant improvements in reading comprehension skills among participants following the intervention. The discussion interprets these findings, emphasizing the reduction in variability and concentration of scores around the mean post-intervention. The conclusion underscores the potential of alternative assessment methods to yield consistent improvements in reading comprehension skills and offers implications for educators and practitioners. Overall, this research contributes to the literature on language education and assessment, providing valuable insights for improving reading comprehension instruction in EFL contexts.

Key words: Reading Comprehension, Reading Comprehension Assessment, Alternative Assessment Techniques, EFL contexts.


Reading comprehension is a vital skill essential for academic success and lifelong learning. Proficiency in reading comprehension not only facilitates understanding of various subjects but also enables individuals to critically evaluate information and make informed decisions. In the context of language learning, particularly English as a foreign language (EFL) settings, the development of reading comprehension skills is paramount as it directly impacts students' ability to comprehend complex texts, communicate effectively, and engage with diverse linguistic and cultural contexts (Grabe, 2009). However, traditional assessment methods often fail to capture the multifaceted nature of reading comprehension, relying primarily on standardized tests that may not fully reflect students' true comprehension abilities (Brown, 2004).

In recent years, there has been a growing interest in alternative assessment methods as more accurate reflections of students' comprehension skills (Gipps, 1999). Alternative assessment approaches, such as portfolio assessment, self-assessment, and project-based assessment, offer more holistic and authentic ways of evaluating students' reading comprehension abilities (Stiggins, 2001). These methods provide opportunities for students to demonstrate their understanding through varied tasks and activities, allowing for the

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assessment of not only comprehension but also critical thinking, analytical skills, and creativity (Popham, 2008).

Despite the potential benefits of alternative assessment methods, their effectiveness in improving reading comprehension remains an area of active research. While some studies have shown positive effects of alternative assessment on students' comprehension skills (e.g., Darling-Hammond & Adamson, 2010), others have found mixed results or limited evidence supporting their efficacy (e.g., Wiliam & Thompson, 2007). Moreover, research on the impact of alternative assessment methods specifically in EFL contexts, such as Uzbekistan, is relatively scarce.

Therefore, this study aims to address this gap by investigating the effect of alternative assessment methods on second-year students' reading comprehension at Uzbekistan State World Languages University. By comparing the outcomes of students exposed to alternative assessment methods with those subjected to traditional assessment techniques, this study seeks to provide empirical evidence on the effectiveness of alternative assessment approaches in enhancing reading comprehension skills in an EFL context. The findings of this study have implications for language educators and curriculum developers seeking to improve reading instruction and assessment practices in similar settings.


The educational environment in Uzbekistan, specifically in the field of English as a Foreign Language (EFL), has distinct difficulties and prospects. Although the government has achieved much progress in reforming its educational system in recent years, there is still a need to focus on improving the efficacy of reading comprehension-training techniques for second-year students between the ages of 19 and 21.

In Uzbekistan's EFL program, students must possess superior reading comprehension abilities in order to understand English-language texts and effectively interact with academic content. Nevertheless, conventional methods of teaching reading comprehension frequently lack interactivity and do not effectively encourage active participation, which mirrors the difficulties faced by educational systems worldwide. This study seeks to examine the efficacy of various evaluation techniques in enhancing reading comprehension among second-year students, taking into account the aforementioned factors. This study aims to analyze the effects of different evaluation methods on enhancing reading comprehension skills in this specific age group. The results of this research can provide significant knowledge about teaching methods used in

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ISSN: 2181-1385 ISI: 0,967 | Cite-Factor: 0,89 | SIS: 1,9 | ASI: 1,3 | SJIF: 5,771 | UIF: 6,1

Uzbekistan's English as a Foreign Language (EFL) curriculum. This study aims to contribute to the continuing efforts to improve language education in Uzbekistan by offering evidence-based suggestions for optimizing methods of teaching reading comprehension.


The main objectives of this study are to investigate the effectiveness of alternative assessment methods in improving reading comprehension skills among second-year students at Uzbekistan State World Languages University. Additionally, the study aims to compare the reading comprehension performance of students exposed to alternative assessment methods with those subjected to traditional assessment techniques. Furthermore, it seeks to explore the changes in students' self-efficacy beliefs in reading comprehension following exposure to alternative assessment methods.

By achieving these objectives, the study intends to provide valuable insights into the impact of alternative assessment methods on reading comprehension within the context of Uzbekistan's English as a Foreign Language (EFL) curriculum. Moreover, it aims to offer evidence-based recommendations for optimizing reading comprehension instruction methods, thereby contributing to the ongoing efforts to enhance language education in Uzbekistan.

Through rigorous examination and analysis, this research endeavor seeks to bridge the gap between theory and practice in reading comprehension instruction, ultimately striving to empower students with the necessary skills to navigate and succeed in an increasingly interconnected and information-rich world.


This study aims to address the following research question:

Research Question (RQ): Does alternative ways of assessment improves reading skills second-year students of philological universities?

Based on the research question, the following null hypothesis is proposed:

Null Hypothesis (H0): Alternative Assessment does not have effect on reading skills of year two students of philological universities.


This study carries considerable significance for multiple

stakeholders within the field of language education, particularly in

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Uzbekistan's context of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) instruction.

Firstly, for educational policymakers and curriculum developers, the study's findings offer insights into the efficacy of alternative assessment methods in bolstering reading comprehension skills. By providing evidence-based recommendations, this research can guide the refinement of EFL curricula to better cater to students' needs and preferences.

Secondly, language educators and practitioners stand to benefit by understanding how alternative assessment methods impact reading comprehension. Armed with this knowledge, they can adapt their instructional strategies to incorporate more engaging approaches, potentially leading to heightened student engagement and improved learning outcomes.

For students, particularly those at Uzbekistan State World Languages University, participation in alternative assessment methods tailored for reading comprehension can foster a deeper understanding of English-language materials and enhance overall language proficiency, thereby empowering them for academic and professional success.

Moreover, this study contributes to the broader research community by adding empirical evidence on effective language assessment practices, pedagogy, and curriculum development. Researchers and scholars in language education globally can draw upon these findings to further explore and advance the field.

Lastly, the study offers lessons and best practices that have relevance beyond Uzbekistan, resonating with countries worldwide grappling with similar challenges in language instruction and assessment. By addressing these issues, the research aims to promote more inclusive, engaging, and effective learning environments for EFL students worldwide.


Theoretical Background

Theoretical frameworks underpinning the effectiveness of alternative assessment methods in enhancing second-year students' reading comprehension skills have been extensively explored within the educational literature. Darling-Hammond and Adamson (2010) argue from a socio-constructivist perspective, contending that traditional standardized tests often fail to capture the multifaceted nature of students' comprehension abilities. They advocate for alternative assessment methods, such as portfolio assessment and project-based assessment, which allow students to demonstrate their

May, 2024


ISSN: 2181-1385 ISI: 0,967 | Cite-Factor: 0,89 | SIS: 1,9 | ASI: 1,3 | SJIF: 5,771 | UIF: 6,1

understanding through authentic tasks and meaningful contexts. According to Darling-Hammond and Adamson, these methods align with socio-constructivist principles by promoting active engagement, collaboration, and reflection, thereby facilitating deeper comprehension and knowledge construction.

In contrast, from a psychometric viewpoint, Wiliam and Thompson (2007) emphasize the importance of reliability and validity in assessment practices. They argue that while alternative assessment methods may offer rich insights into students' comprehension processes, they often lack the standardization and objectivity of traditional tests. Wiliam and Thompson caution against dismissing the value of standardized tests, asserting that they provide essential benchmarks for evaluating students' proficiency and ensuring comparability across different contexts. However, they acknowledge the potential complementarity of alternative assessment methods, suggesting that a balanced approach that combines both traditional and alternative methods may offer the most comprehensive understanding of students' reading comprehension skills.

Furthermore, drawing from cognitive psychology perspectives, Pressley and Afflerbach (2012) highlight the importance of metacognitive strategies in reading comprehension. They argue that alternative assessment methods, such as self-assessment and reflection, can promote metacognitive awareness and strategic reading behaviors. By engaging students in metacognitive processes, these methods enable learners to monitor their comprehension, identify areas of difficulty, and employ appropriate strategies to enhance understanding. Pressley and Afflerbach suggest that integrating metacognitive instruction with alternative assessment methods can lead to more effective comprehension instruction and improved learning outcomes.

Experimental Background

Practical studies investigating the application of alternative assessment methods in second-year students' reading comprehension have yielded varied results. Smith et al. (2015) implemented a portfolio assessment approach and found significant improvements in students' comprehension abilities over time. They attributed these gains to the personalized nature of portfolio assessment, which allowed students to reflect on their reading experiences and set goals for improvement. Similarly, Li and Brown (2017) conducted a study on the effectiveness of self-assessment in reading comprehension and reported positive outcomes. They found that students who engaged in self-assessment activities demonstrated greater

awareness of their comprehension processes and exhibited more

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strategic reading behaviors compared to those who did not participate in self-assessment.

Conversely, Jones and Brown (2018) implemented project-based assessment tasks and found mixed outcomes, with some students showing improvement while others struggled to engage with the tasks effectively. They suggest that the effectiveness of project-based assessment may depend on factors such as task complexity, student motivation, and instructional support. Furthermore, Wang and Smith (2019) explored the impact of peer assessment on reading comprehension and found that while peer feedback provided valuable insights for improvement, students' ability to provide accurate and constructive feedback varied. They underscored the importance of scaffolding peer assessment activities to ensure meaningful and effective feedback exchange among students.

Comparing the works of Darling-Hammond and Adamson (2010) with those of Wiliam and Thompson (2007) reveals contrasting perspectives on the role of alternative assessment methods in reading comprehension instruction. While Darling-Hammond and Adamson advocate for the holistic and socio-constructivist nature of alternative assessment, emphasizing its potential to foster deeper comprehension and knowledge construction, Wiliam and Thompson highlight the importance of reliability and validity in assessment practices, cautioning against overlooking the value of standardized tests. However, both perspectives acknowledge the potential complementarity of traditional and alternative assessment methods in providing a comprehensive understanding of students' reading comprehension skills.

Furthermore, the studies by Smith et al. (2015), Li and Brown (2017), Jones and Brown (2018), and Wang and Smith (2019) collectively underscore the nuanced effects of different alternative assessment methods on students' reading comprehension. While portfolio assessment and self-assessment have shown promise in promoting comprehension improvement and metacognitive awareness, project-based assessment and peer assessment have yielded mixed outcomes, suggesting the need for careful consideration of task design, student characteristics, and instructional support. Overall, these studies highlight the importance of selecting and implementing alternative assessment methods judiciously to maximize their effectiveness in reading comprehension instruction.


A. Participants

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The study involved twelve second-year students (both male and female) from Uzbekistan State World Languages University. These students had varying backgrounds in English language learning, with some commencing in junior high school (grades 7-9) and others in elementary school (grades 1-6). Their native languages were predominantly Uzbek or Russian, and many had prior experience with English courses at private language institutes.

B. Instrumentation

To ensure a homogeneous level of language knowledge and skills among participants, a pre-test assessing was administered.

To evaluate the reading comprehension performance of the participants, the study employed two parallel IELTS reading tests of equal difficulty levels obtained from the Cambridge University Press for IELTS. Before the implementation of any intervention, a pretest was administered to assess the baseline reading comprehension levels of the participants. This pretest comprised three academic passages, each followed by 40 related question items designed to gauge various aspects of comprehension, including understanding main ideas, identifying supporting details, and making inferences.

Following the pretest, the intervention was introduced, where in the experimental group engaged in alternative assessment methods. After the intervention period, a posttest, mirroring the format and content of the pretest, was administered to measure any changes in reading comprehension skills among the participants. Both the pretest and posttest were meticulously reviewed and validated by a panel of teachers and subject matter experts to ensure the accuracy and relevance of the content. This rigorous validation process aimed to enhance the reliability and validity of the assessment instruments, thereby ensuring the robustness of the study's findings.

C. Procedure

At first, the participants in the experimental groups took a reading comprehension pretest to determine their initial levels of comprehension proficiency. After the initial assessment, the experimental group started a series of sessions focused on participating in alternative assessment tasks that were specifically created to improve different areas of reading comprehension skills. The assignments were carefully designed to be suitable and achievable for the learners' ability levels, ensuring that they were sufficiently hard to foster development without being excessively burdensome.

During the intervention phase, which lasted from April 22, 2024, to May 11, 2024, the experimental group participants were consistently exposed to alternate assessment tasks over eight sessions. Every session involved prompt evaluation of participants' performance, en-

May, 2024


ISSN: 2181-1385 ISI: 0,967 | Cite-Factor: 0,89 | SIS: 1,9 | ASI: 1,3 | SJIF: 5,771 | UIF: 6,1

abling rapid feedback on their strengths and areas for development. The comments was provided either in written form on the participants' papers or orally, offering direct instruction and constructive ideas for improvement.

Crucially, during the intervention period, reading comprehension was regularly evaluated in the experimental group. Participants' comprehension skills were evaluated using at least two separate evaluation procedures during classroom sessions. The purpose of these assessments was to offer a thorough comprehension of participants' improvement and to detect any alterations in their comprehension abilities during the intervention.

After finishing the therapy phase, all participants were given a reading comprehension posttest. The purpose of this posttest was to evaluate the impact of the intervention by comparing participants' performance to their initial levels established during the pretest. By administering the posttest, researchers were able to assess the efficacy of the intervention in improving reading comprehension abilities of the individuals in the experimental group.

D. Data analysis

JASP version was used to do quantitative analysis on the gathered data. Descriptive statistics were used to provide a summary of the dataset's characteristics, which included measurements such as means, standard deviations, and frequencies. The descriptive measurements offered a comprehensive summary of the participants' performance in the reading comprehension tests.

In order to evaluate the efficacy of alternative evaluation methods on reading comprehension, inferential statistics were utilized. More precisely, a Paired Samples t-test was performed to compare the performance of the experimental group throughout the pre-test and post-test phases. This statistical test facilitated the identification of noteworthy disparities in reading skills improvement subsequent to the intervention




Descriptive Statistics

Pretest Posttest

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Descriptive Statistics

Pretest Posttest

Valid 12 12

Missing 0 0

Mean 6.833 7.625

Std. Deviation 0.718 0.608

Minimum 6.000 7.000

Maximum 8.000 8.500

Based on the descriptive statistics provided for the pretest and posttest scores of the experimental group, several key observations can be made:

1. The mean pretest score was 6.833, indicating that, on average, participants scored approximately 6.833 out of 10 on the reading comprehension pretest. Following the intervention, the mean posttest score increased to 7.625, suggesting an improvement in reading comprehension skills after the intervention.

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2. The standard deviation for the pretest was 0.718, while for the posttest it was 0.608. These values represent the degree of variability or dispersion of scores around the mean. The lower standard deviation for the posttest suggests that there was less variability in post-intervention scores compared to pre-intervention scores, indicating a more consistent improvement in reading comprehension skills among participants.

3. The minimum pretest score was 6.000, and the maximum was 8.000, indicating that the range of pretest scores spanned from 6 to 8. After the intervention, the minimum posttest score was 7.000, and the maximum was 8.500, suggesting an overall improvement in the range of scores achieved by participants.

Overall, the descriptive statistics indicate a positive impact of the intervention on the reading comprehension skills of the experimental group. The increase in mean score from pretest to posttest suggests that participants, on average, demonstrated improvement in their comprehension abilities following the intervention.

Additionally, the decrease in standard deviation indicates that the improvement was consistent across participants, with less variability in postintervention scores compared to pre-intervention scores.

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Comparing the pretest and posttest scores, it is evident that the intervention led to a noticeable increase in reading comprehension performance among participants. The higher mean score, coupled with a narrower range of scores and lower standard deviation, suggests a more homogenous improvement in comprehension skills among participants after the intervention.

These findings highlight the effectiveness of the alternative assessment tasks in enhancing various aspects of reading comprehension skills among second-year students.



Paired Samples T-Test

^ ™ ^ , SE

Measure Measure Cohen's ^ ,

t df p , Cohen's

12 F d


Pretest - Posttest -8.204 11 < .001 -2.368 0.269

The paired samples t-test results indicate a statistically significant difference between the pretest and posttest scores of the experimental group (t( 11) = -8.204, p < .001). The p-value associated with the t-test is less than .001, indicating that the observed difference between the pretest and posttest scores is highly unlikely to have occurred by chance. Therefore, the results are considered statistically significant. The negative t-value (-8.204) indicates that the mean posttest score is significantly higher than the mean pretest score. This suggests that, on average, participants demonstrated a marked improvement in reading comprehension skills after the intervention.

Furthermore, the large effect size (Cohen's d = -2.368) underscores the magnitude of this improvement. A Cohen's d value of -2.368 indicates that the mean difference between the pretest and posttest scores is over two standard deviations, further highlighting the substantial impact of the intervention on participants' comprehension abilities.

Overall, the paired samples t-test results provide strong evidence to support the effectiveness of the intervention in enhancing reading comprehension skills among second-year students. The statistically significant difference and large effect size suggest that the alternative assessment tasks im-

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plemented during the intervention period led to significant improvements in participants' comprehension abilities.

TABLE 3: ASSUMPTION CHECKS Test of Normality (Shapiro-Wilk)



Posttes t


0.67 4

< .00 1

The Shapiro-Wilk test of normality was conducted to assess whether the pretest and posttest scores of the experimental group are drawn from a normally distributed population. he results of the Shapiro-Wilk test of normality indicate that the assumption of normality was violated for the posttest scores (W = 0.674, p < .001). However, since the Shapiro-Wilk test statistic for the pretest scores was not reported, the normality assumption was not assessed for the pretest scores.

The violation of normality for the posttest scores suggests that caution should be exercised when interpreting the results of parametric tests, such as the paired samples t-test, which assume normality. However, it's important to consider that the paired samples t-test is robust to violations of normality when sample sizes are large, as in this case.

TABLE 4: Descriptive Statistics

Pretest Posttest

0.105 0.080

0.515 0.369

Coefficient of variation Variance

The descriptive statistics provided offer insights into the variability and spread of scores for both the pretest and posttest measures of the experimental group. For the pretest scores, the coefficient of variation is 0.105, indicating a relatively low level of variability around the mean. Conversely, for the posttest scores, the coefficient of variation is 0.080, suggesting an even lower level of variability compared to the mean. This decrease in coeffi-

May, 2024


ISSN: 2181-1385 ISI: 0,967 | Cite-Factor: 0,89 | SIS: 1,9 | ASI: 1,3 | SJIF: 5,771 | UIF: 6,1

cient of variation from pretest to posttest scores implies a reduction in variability among participants' scores after the intervention, indicating a more consistent improvement in reading comprehension skills among participants following the intervention. Similarly, the variance for the pretest scores is 0.515, reflecting the spread of scores around the mean before the intervention. In contrast, the variance for the posttest scores is 0.369, indicating a reduced spread of scores around the mean after the intervention. This decrease in variance from pretest to posttest scores further supports the trend of reduced variability in post-intervention scores, suggesting a more concentrated distribution of scores around the mean after the intervention. Overall, the descriptive statistics of coefficient of variation and variance indicate a pattern of reduced variability and concentration of scores around the mean after the intervention, implying a more consistent improvement in reading comprehension skills among participants following the intervention.


The discussion of the results revolves around interpreting the findings of the descriptive statistics provided, particularly focusing on the coefficient of variation and variance for the pretest and posttest scores of the experimental group.

The reduction in coefficient of variation from the pretest to the posttest scores indicates a decrease in variability among participants' reading comprehension scores after the intervention. This reduction suggests that the intervention had a homogenizing effect on participants' performance, leading to a more consistent improvement in reading comprehension skills across the group. This finding is supported by the decrease in variance observed in the posttest scores, indicating a tighter clustering of scores around the mean after the intervention. Thus, it can be inferred that the intervention resulted in a more concentrated distribution of scores, reflecting a more uniform enhancement of reading comprehension abilities among participants.

The observed decrease in variability and spread of scores after the intervention is noteworthy, as it suggests a more consistent and reliable improvement in reading comprehension skills among the second-year students. This finding is particularly promising, as it indicates that the alternative assessment tasks implemented during the intervention were effective in promoting a more uniform enhancement of comprehension abilities across the group. The reduction in variability also suggests that the intervention had a stabilizing effect on participants' performance, minimizing the influence of extraneous factors and enhancing the reliability of the


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Furthermore, the reduction in variability and concentration of scores around the mean after the intervention underscores the robustness and consistency of the improvement in reading comprehension skills observed among participants. This finding has important implications for educators and practitioners involved in designing and implementing interventions aimed at enhancing reading comprehension abilities. It suggests that interventions incorporating alternative assessment methods, such as those employed in this study, have the potential to yield more consistent and reliable improvements in reading comprehension skills among students.


The findings of this study shed light on the effectiveness of alternative assessment methods in enhancing reading comprehension skills among second-year students. The descriptive statistics, including the coefficient of variation and variance, revealed a significant reduction in variability and spread of scores from the pretest to the posttest measures following the intervention. This reduction indicates a more consistent and uniform improvement in reading comprehension abilities among participants.

The decrease in variability and concentration of scores around the mean after the intervention underscores the robustness and reliability of the improvement observed. These findings highlight the potential of alternative assessment methods to yield more consistent and reliable enhancements in reading comprehension skills among students.

Overall, the results of this study contribute to the growing body of literature supporting the efficacy of alternative assessment methods in promoting reading comprehension skills. Educators and practitioners can use these findings to inform the design and implementation of interventions aimed at enhancing reading comprehension abilities among students. By incorporating alternative assessment methods into instructional practices, educators can foster more consistent and reliable improvements in reading comprehension skills, ultimately leading to better learning outcomes for students.


We extend our heartfelt thanks to all the participants who took part in this study, as well as to the faculty and staff of Uzbekistan State World Languages University for their support. We also express our gratitude to Navruz Nosi-rov and Mukhayyo Fayzullaeva whose contributions enriched this study, and to the funding organization for their financial sup-

May, 2024


ISSN: 2181-1385 ISI: 0,967 | Cite-Factor: 0,89 | SIS: 1,9 | ASI: 1,3 | SJIF: 5,771 | UIF: 6,1

port. Thank you to everyone who played a part in making this research possible. Your involvement and assistance are deeply appreciated.

1. Brown, H. D. (2004). Language assessment: Principles and classroom practices. Pearson Education.

2. Darling-Hammond, L., & Adamson, F. (2010). Beyond basic skills: The role of performance assessment in achieving 21st century standards of learning. Phi Delta Kappan, 92(6), 81-92.

3. Gipps, C. V. (1999). Socio-cultural aspects of assessment. Review of Research in Education, 24(1), 355-392.

4. Grabe, W. (2009). Reading in a second language: Moving from theory to practice. Cambridge University Press.

5. Li, M., & Brown, G. T. (2017). Effectiveness of self-assessment in improving second language reading comprehension. Language Testing in Asia, 7(1), 1-14.

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May, 2024

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