Abstract. In article the educational and methodical complex geography of the Zelenovsky area of west Kazakhstan region which is created on the basis of big regional and local history material is considered. Methodical providing the applied course is developed: manual, program, methodical grant and school and local history atlas.
Keywords: project, native land, educational and methodical complex, study of local lore, Kazakhstan patriotism.
Teacher of geography of the highest category, the member of Republican nominal school of U. Esnazarova Geography, Village Beles, Zelenov Region, West Kazahstan Oblast, Respublika Kazahstan
maiemer_71@mail. ru
"Between the Homeland and the native land there is a continuous communication. The love begins with the native district, extends then to borders of all country.
The love to the native land feeds love for the country. To learn the edge, to study it - means to fall in love with it even more deeply"
Studying of geography of the edge was included strongly into practice of schools. The main objective at its studying consists in cultivating feeling of love to our Homeland of pride of economic and cultural transformation of the native land, readiness to participate in its further development in pupils.
According to the proposal of the doctor of pedagogical sciences, the head of Republican nominal school on geography U. A. Esnazarova (Almaty) the My Native Land project is developed. The project provides creation of an educational and methodical complex on geography of the area, rural district, village; maintaining on their basis of scientific and practical work; participation in competitions of scientific projects of school students and teachers; development of tourist routes and work of protection of natural resources of the native land.
Work of school students on studying of the native land is means of formation of ecological, local history knowledge, education of the Kazakhstan patriotism. An effective development tool of ideas of pupils of the edge is the manual "Geography of the Zelenov region of West Kazakhstan oblast" [1:3-5].
Methodical providing an applied course is developed: program and methodical grant [2,3]. Except above listed, the school and local history atlas of the Zelenov region [4 is created: 95-98]. Therefore there is a possibility of creation of the educational and methodical complex (EMC) within regional and local history materials.
Synthesis of experience and the theory of creation of was EMC made in works of famous teachers - V.P. Bespalko, D. D. Zuyev, L.F. Grekhankina, U.A. Esnazarova and others. By D. D. Zuyev's definition, the educational and methodical complex represents the system of didactic tutorials in a concrete subject created for the fullest realization of the educational and educational tasks formulated by programs for this subject and serving to all-round development of the identity of pupils. Thus D. D. Zuyev introduces such term as an educational and methodical complex for designation of open system of didactic means for the first time - unlike the term a set which designates a full set, i.e. the closed system.
In practice, the local history principle perhaps fully to realize through creation and introduction of an educational and methodical complex, that is through regional and local history materials. Therefore the created EMC (figure 1) needs to be considered as:
- model of pedagogical process;
- set of the subject contents and cognitive activity;
- systemacity of process of training and education.
At the heart of structure of EMC within regional and local history material - methodical system which is based on the principles of humanitarization, individual and personal and competence-based approaches, a freedom of choice and nature conformity [4: 95-98].
Today still leading tutorials are the textbook, the manual. The manual - specially made materials which are used as a source of knowledge in addition to the textbook. Application of manuals in the course of training helps development of cognitive activity of school students, fixing of knowledge; promotes activization of independent cognitive activity of pupils [5, 225].
The manual "Geography of the Zelenov region of West Kazakhstan oblast " is created on the basis of big local history material [1]. In this manual the physiographic characteristic of the area is given: geographical position and its influence on the area nature, geological structure, relief and minerals, climatic features, placement of a surface water, characteristic of natural complexes, features of a steppe zone. The section of social and economic geography includes the chronicle of the area, materials about the population, economy, transport, social infrastructure, an ecological situation and natural recreational facilities of the area. The listed questions define system of knowledge which allow to form a geographical image of the small Homeland at school students, of an earth corner where they were born and live, allow to be proud of its progress and to worry because of failures. The manual "Geography of the Zelenov region of West Kazakhstan oblast" includes 124 pages, from them 104 pages of the printing text and the appendix: kartoskhema, statistical data in the form of tables, charts, schedules, photo inserts.
The manual is made at the high ideological and theoretical level, local history material is presented in it actually and specifically, communication of the theory with life is traced, the grant is written in public, clear language [6: 58-63].
The training program of an applied course - the document defining the main content of training in this course, the volume of knowledge which should be given to pupils. In it the purposes and problems of training, feature of the organization of occupations and a technique are formed, lecturing, carrying out interviews, debates, performance of practical works, independent work with the recommended literature, etc. is planned.
The program contains the explanatory note, the educational and thematic plan, requirements to the level of training of pupils, system of estimation of pupils, the list of references for the teacher and pupils. Subjects of blocks, subjects of lessons, a number of hours, types, forms of carrying out lessons, the list of the necessary equipment, the planned result, vocational guidance of pupils, intersubject communications are presented in the calendar and thematic plan [2,3].
The methodical grant "Geography of the Zelenov region of West Kazakhstan oblast" consists of four parts: the general recommendations about lessons, practical works and excursions, the safety rule when carrying out excursions, approximate subjects of creative works of pupils and the appendix [2,3]. The educational, educational and developing tasks are accurately defined, the
technique of studying of regional material on examples of concrete subjects is developed, the attention is focused on the purposes, the contents, the EMC resources and questions of the organization of educational activity of pupils.
The EMC important resource is the school and local history atlas of the Zelenov region -systematic meeting of local history material in 16 kartoskhemakh with the short characteristic of natural components, the population and economies of the area. The made kartoskhema are intended for school and a wide range of the population and can be used as reference materials for economic questions in area economy [7: 4-6].
In the course of local history research huge material gathers. Graphic presentation is necessary for deep understanding of its essence. One of the means of graphic presentation used is aware "Geography of the Zelenov region of West Kazakhstan oblast", - a kartoskhem, demanding from pupils of creative approach. Kartoskhem is the simplified card deprived of a cartographical grid which contents is strictly limited to the elements important for understanding of its plot. Cartographical generalization - process of selection of the subjects and the phenomena shown on the card, generalization of their tracings (contours), allocation of characteristic details, and also quantitative and qualitative characteristics for the purpose of display of the most essential, typical properties and characteristics of the district. On a kartoskhema minor details are eliminated, come to light essential, than its informative essence [8 amplifies: 210].
Creation and demonstration the kartoskhy does study of local lore attractive to pupils. "Nothing can stimulate so pupils to work, as the review of results of this work, belief in their use and usefulness; equally as nothing can spoil so even well begun business as such situation when results of the work done earlier it isn't visible anywhere or they lie without any use", - N. N. Baransky [9 wrote: 110-111].
Kartoskhy in study of local lore it is necessary for successful creation:
- it is clear to imagine those main evident graphic forms in which the studied material has to be embodied;
- to be able to find and collect primary sources for creation of graphic material;
- to think over a rational form of the organization of works on the kartoskhemy.
Kartoskhy we apply a modeling method to creation. We will understand creation, the analysis and transformation of the cartographical works considered as models of real objects and processes for the purpose of their use for acquisition of new knowledge of these objects and processes as cartographical modeling. Kartoskhema is an auxiliary graphic material. They are well remembered, with their help real elements of an environment are associated with a cartographical basis. Kartoskhem has to draw attention of pupils, cause desire to read it, to awake creative thought of the researcher.
The applied course on regional local history material is based on physical, economic and social geography of Kazakhstan and is continuation of more detailed studying of the concrete region of Kazakhstan, represents great opportunities for formation at school students of love to the small Homeland, the relation to the nature as to national wealth. UMK at an applied course will be coordinated with a course of geography of the Republic of Kazakhstan as has system structure, realizes the methodical principles of scientific character, greening of the educational contents, historicism, updating, the differentiated approach, keeps idea of integrity, an integrated approach and availability.
The analysis of the maintenance of EMC shows that in it the formation foundation at each pupil of system of knowledge of an originality of the native land that promotes education of youth, not indifferent to the small homeland, is laid. Local material isn't end in itself, and serves as the link promoting deeper assimilation, fixing of that knowledge, skills which are provided by a basic component of education [10: 118-120].
Proceeding from an objective of this research, the basic conceptual provisions EMC within regional local history material which are as follows were defined:
- EMC on patriotic education of seniors assumes the personal focused education and education as which understand, first of all, change of the attitude towards the pupil, respect for his personality, cooperation with it and the new technology of training capable to change quality of training and education in general.
- EMC on regional material assumes change of a way of the organization of educational process - creation of conditions in which the pupil will be able to choose the way of knowledge according to the personal features, the purposes and preferences.
- EMC within regional material focuses pedagogical process on strengthening of a practical orientation of training of geography, aimed, first of all, at increase in durability of the formed abilities of pupils as indicator of quality of geographical education.
The pupil is given opportunity stage-by-stage, intelligent, without rupture of logical communications of educational knowledge when their practical activities become a link between them, reality and fundamentals of science.
In summary I want to tell that studying of the native land has huge value for development of the identity of the school student. Fine in the nature gets into soul and improves it, fills with love to the native earth. The great writer Gabit Musirepov told remarkable words: "On the earth there is no edge better than where you were born".
Therefore studying of the native land is the most important factor of formation of system of universal values: careful attitude to the nature, revival of interest in history and culture of the people, a uvadzheniye to memory of ancestors, national traditions.
Confirmation to it are words of the president of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Abishevich Nazarbayev: "" The mankind is faced by three global tasks today: it is a defense of peace, protection of spirituality and protection of the nature. All of them are the main conditions of our further existence. Each of them isn't stout one without another. Providing the future depends on these three beginnings and not only Kazakhstan, but also the whole world.
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