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Ключевые слова
patriotism / conference / spirituality / morality / Great Patriotic War / consciousness / responsibility / culture / патриотизм / конференция / духовность / нравственность / Великая Отечественная война / сознание / ответственность / культура

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — A.G. Mikhaylova

A system of values, including the spiritual and moral culture of a person, allows a person to successfully adapt to society. The model of service learning and the main directions of social service are presented as a method of teaching and organizing educational programs. It is recommended by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation for implementation in educational organizations. The stages of application of the service-learning model for the purpose of developing the spiritual and moral culture of students are described. The goals of organizing service are listed: personal needs, public order and state one. It is noted that the value of the service-learning model is in resolving the contradiction between the negative phenomena of society and the tasks of educational organizations in developing the spiritual and moral consciousness of young people. The authors offer extracurricular activities for the development, planning and implementation of social projects aimed at preserving and transmitting knowledge about the events of the Great Patriotic War for the purpose of spiritual and moral education of young people. The model of service learning implementation is achieved by: inclusion elements in the educational process that motivate students to carry out practical actions of their own choice that contribute to the study of spiritual and moral values, history and culture. The next stage comprises providing activities aimed at developing a person’s axiological potential (conferences, conversations, excursions, cleanup days, etc.). We recommend to conduct the patriotic conference on the basis of the museum historical and memorial complex to the heroic defenders of Sevastopol “35th Coastal Battery” and publish research results. The Service-learning model includes educational methods for developing social responsibility. The service-learning model has already been introduced into universities since September 2023 in accordance with the list of instructions of the president. It includes direct student involvement in solving social problems. The authors emphasize that the principle of service must be introduced into all educational subjects. In conclusion, the planned results of implementing the service-learning model in addressing issues of spiritual and moral education of youth are described. The quantitative results of service-learning model realization should be an increase in a number of participants in patriotic events, including ones from new regions. The following qualitative results are the productivity growth of students’ research activities in the field of history, their stable life position. Creating conditions for the development of youth spiritual and moral consciousness guarantees productivity in a person’s axiological potential formation.

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Система ценностей, включая духовно-нравственную культуру человека, позволяет личности успешно адаптироваться в социуме. Как метод обучения и организации образовательных программ представлена модель обучения служением, основные направления социального служения. Представлена модель обучения служением и основные направления социального служения как метода обучения и организации образовательных программ. Она рекомендована Министерством Просвещения Российской Федерации и Министерством науки и высшего образования Российской Федерации для внедрения в образовательных организациях. Описаны этапы применения модели обучения служением с целью развития духовно-нравственной культуры студентов. Целевыми установками организации служения являются личностные потребности, общественный и государственный заказ. Отмечено, что ценность модели обучения служением заключается в разрешении противоречия между негативными явлениями общества и задачами образовательных организаций по развитию духовно-нравственного сознания молодёжи. Авторы предлагают внеклассную деятельность по разработке, планированию и реализации социальных проектов, направленных на сохранение и передачу знаний о событиях Великой Отечественной войны с целью духовно-нравственного воспитания. Реализация модели обучения служением достигается за счет: включения в образовательный процесс элементов, мотивирующих студентов осуществлять по собственному выбору практические действия, способствующие изучению духовно-нравственных ценностей, истории и культуры; проведения мероприятий, направленных на формирование аксиологического потенциала личности (конференции, беседы, экскурсии, субботники и т. п.) и публикации результатов исследований в материалах конференции. Мы рекомендуем проводить патриотическую конференцию на базе музейного историко-мемориального комплекса героическим защитникам Севастополя «35-я береговая батарея» и публиковать результаты исследований студентов. Модель сочетает в себе учебную программу с социальной значимой деятельностью; инструмент, помогающий нести гражданскую социальную ответственность перед обществом. Модель обучения служением уже внедрена в вузы с сентября 2023 года в соответствии с перечнем поручений президента. Она предполагает непосредственное участие студентов в решении социальных проблем. Авторы подчеркивают, что принцип служения должен быть внедрен во все учебные предметы. В заключении описаны планируемые результаты реализации модели обучения служением в рамках решения вопросов духовно-нравственного воспитания молодежи. Количественными результатами реализации модели должно стать увеличение числа участников патриотических мероприятий, в том числе из новых регионов. Качественными результатами являются следующие: рост продуктивности исследовательской деятельности студентов в области истории, их устойчивая жизненная позиция. Ясно, что создание условий для развития духовно-нравственного сознания молодежи гарантирует продуктивность формирования ценностного потенциала личности.


УДК 37.018



A.G. Mikhaylova

Sevastopol State University, Sevastopol e-mail: steba1971@mail.ru

A system of values, including the spiritual and moral culture of a person, allows a person to successfully adapt to society. The model of service learning and the main directions of social service are presented as a method of teaching and organizing educational programs. It is recommended by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation for implementation in educational organizations. The stages of application of the service-learning model for the purpose of developing the spiritual and moral culture of students are described. The goals of organizing service are listed: personal needs, public order and state one. It is noted that the value of the service-learning model is in resolving the contradiction between the negative phenomena of society and the tasks of educational organizations in developing the spiritual and moral consciousness of young people. The authors offer extracurricular activities for the development, planning and implementation of social projects aimed at preserving and transmitting knowledge about the events of the Great Patriotic War for the purpose of spiritual and moral education of young people. The model of service learning implementation is achieved by: inclusion elements in the educational process that motivate students to carry out practical actions of their own choice that contribute to the study of spiritual and moral values, history and culture. The next stage comprises providing activities aimed at developing a person's axiological potential (conferences, conversations, excursions, cleanup days, etc.). We recommend to conduct the patriotic conference on the basis of the museum historical and memorial complex to the heroic defenders of Sevastopol "35th Coastal Battery" and publish research results. The Service-learning model includes educational methods for developing social responsibility. The service-learning model has already been introduced into universities since September 2023 in accordance with the list of instructions of the president. It includes direct student involvement in solving social problems. The authors emphasize that the principle of service must be introduced into all educational subjects. In conclusion, the planned results of implementing the service-learning model in addressing issues of spiritual and moral education of youth are described. The quantitative results of service-learning model realization should be an increase in a number of participants in patriotic events, including ones from new regions. The following qualitative results are the productivity growth of students' research activities in the field of history, their stable life position. Creating conditions for the development of youth spiritual and moral consciousness guarantees productivity in a person's axiological potential formation.

Keywords: patriotism, conference, spirituality, morality, Great Patriotic War, consciousness, responsibility, culture.


A person's spiritual and moral culture is an assigned system of values that allows an individual not only to adapt to society successfully, but also exist in it without harm to oneself and other members. In the terms of the conflict between different value systems, the modern trend in the society development is the axiologization of the learning process. Axiology (the theory of human values) examines the connection of various values with cultural and social aspects and personality structure. Axiologization of education involves spiritual and moral culture formation of young people, represented in the integration of two important components (training and upbringing) into one media [2]. The solution to this problem is of particular importance within the framework of spiritual and moral education in terms of recent events [3].

There are contradictions between the negative phenomena of modern society and the tasks of educational institutions for the spiritual and moral education of modern youth, as well as "society's awareness of the importance of solving the problem of humanitarization of higher education and the lack of opportunities for the development of axiological attitudes of the individual" [2, p. 58].

The relevance of given article is due to the general objectives, directions and principles of education, training and upbringing, presented in the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation", in the orders of the Government of the Russian Federation: "Forecast of long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for the period until 2030"; "On the Strategy for the Development of Education in the Russian Federation for the period until 2025". The results of social projects implementation focused on spiritual and moral consciousness development are presented by means of Service learning model example [2; 3; 5].

The scientific novelty of the results of this study is in the fact that service learning model is proposed for the spiritual and moral culture development of youth, the results of the implementation of this model in the context of patriotic events are presented, which gives previously undocumented results, namely: the formed desire of students for spiritual and moral culture development, stable life position, self-determination of young people, sustainable motivation for success, developed humanistic needs, sense of duty and social responsibility" [3, p. 76].

The following practical significance of the paper is: there is a possibility of presented results application of implementing service learning model in the university. The service-learning model realization consists in the integration of two important components of the educational process (training and education) into one

media, achieved through volunteering in educational and extracurricular activities as an important connecting element [5].


The purpose of this study is to present service learning model through the example of the implementation of patriotic events as an organization of educational and teaching method programs.

Metodology of research

Theoretical and statistical research methods are used to describe the relevance of the service-learning model in the implementation of projects aimed at preserving and transmitting knowledge about heroic events.

The author's personal contribution to the study results is that means of service learning model were proposed aimed at person's spiritual and moral education in the context of patriotic events. The experience of implementing this methodology as a result of the spiritual and moral education of schoolchildren, students, cadets, as well as increasing the number of participants in patriotic events are presented.

results and discussion

The conceptual position of the service learning model deals with the fact that "learning" and "service" "have equal value, enhancing the results and significance of each component for all participants, and as a whole - for the results of the educational process, including the goals of learning and developing a responsible citizen" [5, p. 8].

The strategic priorities of the Russian Federation Program "Development of Education" include "strengthening traditional Russian spiritual and moral values, culture and historical memory" [1, p. 5]. The main direction of higher education is the inclusion o"elements that motivate students to carry out practical actions of their own choice, contributing to the study of spiritual and moral values, history and culture in the educational process" [3, p. 79]. Real patriotism "differs with its dignity, everyone's deep awareness of the inextricable one's own destiny with the fate of the Fatherland" [11, p. 4].

As a method of organizing educational programs, the service-learning model has already been implemented since September 2023 in accordance with the instructions of the President" [3, p. 100] to universities. The service learning model involves the implementation of scientific research work of young people.

The proposed model of service learning is aimed at achieving results in mastering personal, subject educational programs and is carried out in forms other than educational ones [5].

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There are a large number of variations of "methods of service learning: involving students in social service, volunteering programs: volunteer structures that unite students to participate in socially significant volunteer activities, etc. [3, p. 90]. We offer extracurricular activities for the development, planning and implementation of social projects [2; 3]. The implementation of service learning model is achieved in stages (Table 1). Table 1 Implementation stages of service learning model

Stages Features

Primary (Cognitive) "Elements inclusion in the educational process that motivate students to carry out practical actions" [2, p. 60] of their own choice with the aim of creating research.

Implementations (Research work) Research work of schoolchildren, students and cadets based on the preservation and transfer of knowledge about the events under the guidance of educators, "studying archival documentation, visiting museums, memorial places related to the events of the Great Patriotic War" [3, p. 196]. Realization of various patriotic events aimed at developing the spiritual and moral culture of the individual. The purpose of the patriotic conference is "to attract the attention of schoolchildren, students, and cadets to the problem of preserving values; nurturing a sense of pride for one's country" [2, p. 60], to issues of ethnoculture in the system of spiritual and moral education of youth [12].

Final (reflection) Presentation of research works within the framework of a patriotic conference on the basis of the museum historical and memorial complex to the heroic defenders of Sevastopol "35th Coastal Battery". Publication of conference materials [4; 6-10]. Awareness of the importance of the work done, planning future research.

In 2023, students and cadets explored not only the problems of preserving and transmitting knowledge about historical events, but also issues related to a special military operation [2; 3]. The involvement of students in various types of activities to acquire a system of social roles, as well as the use of a service learning model based on humanistic educational technologies, ensures the formation of a stable life position. There are the following practices for introducing the service learning model into the educational process: 1. Formation of a pool of social projects.

2. Design of an educational module, which includes a social project and educational blocks related to this project.

3. Cooperation between the educational organization and public organizations.

The service-learning methodology, as an opportunity to enhance the student's influence on their own education by increasing personal status, provides reflection on the practice-oriented content of the material being studied.

The proposed service learning model can be introduced not only into subject teaching, but also into extracurricular activities, which are characterized as educational activities aimed at achieving the planned results.


Thus, the following patterns of the process of a spiritual and moral person's formation have been identified: personality development in the educational process; conditionality of the educational process; stimulation. The following advantages of the proposed service-learning model compared to existing approaches:

1. Realization of patriotic events in the context of implementing service learning model ensures the effectiveness (quantitative and qualitative) of students' research activities based on an analysis of history; attracts the attention of young people to the problem of preserving moral values.

2. A feature of the service learning model is that it contributes to the formation of both a sought-after professional and a citizen with a stable spiritual and moral position.

3. Service-learning technology involves the participation of young people in the implementation of social projects aimed at preserving and transmitting knowledge about historical events. The relevance of implementing the service-learning model is in society's demand for the social universities' role, as well as in the education of a spiritual and moral personality.


1. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 26, 2017. No. 1642 "On approval of the state program of the Russian Federation "Development of Education". - URL: http://ivo.garant.ru/#/document/76808180/paragraph/1:0 (date of access: 20.08.2023).

2. Mikhaylova, A. G. A Model of service learning (by the example of the patriotic conference) / A. G. Mikhaylova // Educational resources and technologies. - 2023. - No. 3 (44). - Pp. 58-65.

3. Mikhaylova, A. G. Preservation and transmission of knowledge about events of the great patriotic war: a model of service learning. Section 6 / A. G. Mikhaylova // Humanitarian horizons : collective monograph. - Sevastopol : Sevastopol State University, 2023. - Pp. 76-103.

4. Potemkin Readings : Collection of materials from the V International Scientific Conference / Edited by G. V. Kosova, E. E. Boytsova, V. V. Khapaeva [and others], Sevastopol, 2021. -Sevastopol : Sevastopol State University, 2121. - 209 p. - URL: https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=45751490&selid=45751551 (date of access: 20.08.2023).

5. Service learning: A manual / Edited by O. V. Reshetnikova, S. V. Tetersky. - Moscow : AVC, 2020. - 216 p.

6. Sevastopol-Stalingrad: One war, one story. dedicated to the Great Victory : materials and reports of the All-Russian scientific and practical conference of schoolchildren, students, graduate students and young scientists. - Sevastopol : Humanitarian and Pedagogical Institute of the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "Sevastopol State University", 2017. - 164 p. - URL: https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=29902860&selid=30004669 (date of access: 20.08.2023).

7. Sevastopol-Stalingrad: one war, one story. Dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the Victory in the Battle of Stalingrad : materials of the II All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference of scientists, teachers, specialists and practitioners, graduate students, undergraduates, students and schoolchildren. - Sevastopol, 2018. - URL: https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=35550275 (date of access: 20.08.2023).

8. Sevastopol-Stalingrad: one war, one history: materials of the IV All-Russian scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 76th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War. - Sevastopol : Sevastopol State University, 2021. - URL: https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=46552051&selid=46552187 (date of access: 20.08.2023).

9. Sevastopol-Stalingrad: one war, one history: materials of the V All-Russian scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 77th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War. - Sevastopol : Sevastopol State University, 2022. - URL: https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=49589783 (date of access: 20.08.2023).

10. Sevastopol-Stalingrad: one war, one story. Dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the Battle of Stalingrad : materials of the VI All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference, Sevastopol, 2023. - Sevastopol : Sevastopol State University, 2023. - 211 p. - URL: https://www.elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=54130814&selid=54130856 (date of access: 20.08.2023).

11. The annual Presidential Address to the Federal Assembly. - URL: http://kremlin.ru/events/president/news/70565 (date of access: 10.07.2023).

12. Zakiryanova, I. A. Ethnoculture in the system of spiritual and moral education / I. A.Zakiryanova, A. G. Mikhailova // Bulletin of the Kemerovo State University. Series: Humanities and social sciences. - 2023. - V. 7, No. 1 (25). - Pp. 21-29.


А.Г. Михайлова

Севастопольский государственный университет, г. Севастополь e-mail: steba1971@mail.ru

Система ценностей, включая духовно-нравственную культуру человека, позволяет личности успешно адаптироваться в социуме. Как метод обучения и организации образовательных программ представлена модель обучения служением, основные направления социального служения. Представлена модель обучения служением и основные направления социального служения как метода обучения и организации образовательных программ. Она рекомендована Министерством Просвещения

Российской Федерации и Министерством науки и высшего образования Российской Федерации для внедрения в образовательных организациях. Описаны этапы применения модели обучения служением с целью развития духовно-нравственной культуры студентов. Целевыми установками организации служения являются личностные потребности, общественный и государственный заказ. Отмечено, что ценность модели обучения служением заключается в разрешении противоречия между негативными явлениями общества и задачами образовательных организаций по развитию духовно-нравственного сознания молодёжи. Авторы предлагают внеклассную деятельность по разработке, планированию и реализации социальных проектов, направленных на сохранение и передачу знаний о событиях Великой Отечественной войны с целью духовно-нравственного воспитания. Реализация модели обучения служением достигается за счет: включения в образовательный процесс элементов, мотивирующих студентов осуществлять по собственному выбору практические действия, способствующие изучению духовно-нравственных ценностей, истории и культуры; проведения мероприятий, направленных на формирование аксиологического потенциала личности (конференции, беседы, экскурсии, субботники и т. п.) и публикации результатов исследований в материалах конференции. Мы рекомендуем проводить патриотическую конференцию на базе музейного историко-мемориального комплекса героическим защитникам Севастополя «35-я береговая батарея» и публиковать результаты исследований студентов. Модель сочетает в себе учебную программу с социальной значимой деятельностью; инструмент, помогающий нести гражданскую социальную ответственность перед обществом. Модель обучения служением уже внедрена в вузы с сентября 2023 года в соответствии с перечнем поручений президента. Она предполагает непосредственное участие студентов в решении социальных проблем. Авторы подчеркивают, что принцип служения должен быть внедрен во все учебные предметы. В заключении описаны планируемые результаты реализации модели обучения служением в рамках решения вопросов духовно-нравственного воспитания молодежи. Количественными результатами реализации модели должно стать увеличение числа участников патриотических мероприятий, в том числе из новых регионов. Качественными результатами являются следующие: рост продуктивности исследовательской деятельности студентов в области истории, их устойчивая жизненная позиция. Ясно, что создание условий для развития духовно-нравственного сознания молодежи гарантирует продуктивность формирования ценностного потенциала личности.

Ключевые слова: патриотизм, конференция, духовность, нравственность, Великая Отечественная война, сознание, ответственность, культура.

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