THE DEVELOPMENT OF MUSEUMS IN THE UPDATED UZBEKISTAN Текст научной статьи по специальности «История и археология»

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Аннотация научной статьи по истории и археологии, автор научной работы — Musayeva D.A.

This article will talk about the attention paid to the objects of independence and cultural heritage in recent years, in particular about the development of museums, the work carried out for the development of the industry, the huge results achieved at exhibitions and competitions at the international level and museums located in the regions of the Republic, which are currently operating.

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Musayeva D.A. phase 3 student Namangan State University



Annotation. This article will talk about the attention paid to the objects of independence and cultural heritage in recent years, in particular about the development of museums, the work carried out for the development of the industry, the huge results achieved at exhibitions and competitions at the international level and museums located in the regions of the Republic, which are currently operating.

Keywords: memorial, exhibit, scientific thinking, motivation, exposition, civilization, archaeology, catalog.

During the happy years of independence, the attention to museums, among many other areas, increased even more. Paying tribute to the numbers, in particular, the number of museums in the care of the state in the next 10 years is 140. Of these, there are 75 museums of history, 23 Museums of local lore, 10 Fine Arts koshonas, 20 memorial institutions, 8 museums of literature, 4 museums of nature. At the moment, there are more than 1 million 600 thousand exhibits in these. [1]

It is the same fact that they say that beauty saves the world. Human beings are always striving for beauty, unable to live without being able to appreciate it without feeling beauty.

Among the many ancient peoples of the world, the Uzbek people also have a unique and suitable place, position. Since ancient times, the people's psyche has created works of applied art that embody living conditions. Naturally, folk works of Applied Art, which are the product of material culture, are inherited from one stage of social life to another, becoming an incomparable cultural wealth of generations. Museums also attach importance to kata in increasing the spiritual, moral maturity, worldview, spiritual and spiritual maturity of the growing younger generation, not only the representatives of the younger generation, but also the whole society. Taking into account such important aspects, additional orders on strengthening spiritual and educational work among students and students of Republican higher and secondary-special, vocational and secondary educational institutions adopted in June 2002, and on this basis, the decision, event plans and instructions of the regional authorities provided ample opportunities for establishing a strong connection between museums and educational institutions and for.

The State Museum of the history of the Temurians, opened in Tashkent on October 18, 1996, has become a major historical and cultural monument and a

center of scientific thought in relation to the educational and spiritual work carried out in Uzbekistan. The exhibits of the museum are of very kata historical value, including the clothing of the Timurid army and ordinary warriors, musical instruments, equipment typical of that time, Amir Temur, Babur manuscripts, the astranomic devices of Ulugbek and other cultural assets.

In the same year, on September 1, 1996, The Olympian Museum of Fame, unique and unique in Asia, was opened in Tashkent.This museum is not only limited to displaying the successes and medals that Uzbek athletes have achieved in various prestigious international competitions, but also serves as a center for the development of sports movement in our country and another important factor - a lesson school for young sports enthusiasts, a source of motivation. Museums like this have been established in many of our republic.

Fire poet Boborahim Mashrab museum opened in May 1992 in Flower City Namangan. In September 1992, a museum was opened in the Khonka District of the ancient Khorezm region, consisting of unique, unique and unique masterpieces named after Khojikhon Boltaboyev, a famous performer of national classical music and Kular, founder of the Khwarazm hofiz school, founder of the SANA'timiz Dargah. The Museum of ancient Khwarezmian Applied Arts and history was also opened in Kohna Uchganch in the same month.The expositions of this museum are made up of about three thousand different exhibits - historical documents, household utensils used by the ancient khwarezmians, sewing and carpet products, various osori-atiqas, weapons of Labor.

In November 1992, for the first time in the history of Uzbekistan, a museum of ironwork was opened in Bukhara. The House-Museum of the Islamic poet Nazar son of the people's bakhshisi, opened in December 1992 in the city of Oqtosh, Samarkand region, received the first guests.

Today, more than 510 museums are working in large and small cities, districts of the Republic, showing the glorious and honorable, historical and cultural masterpieces of the people. The role and importance of museums in the spiritual and moral maturation of society, in the Enlightenment of the masses of the general population, especially the younger generation, is invaluable. Almost 29 years ago, the example of a river in which our people have gained independence is spiritually inflating and moving forward from the path of independence. Hur, who in a short time passed the milestone of recognition and attention, proud praise, and realized his historical identity, today feeds Uzbekistan with the eyes of the most developed countries of the world. Every Uzbek living in Uzbekistan is happy with his marriage today, his eyes are shining with happiness and gratitude.

It is known that our land is one of the most ancient settlements and centers of world history and civilization. Hundreds of priceless archaeological architects and written monuments preserved on the territory of the Republic, examples of Applied Art and folk art - all this is a rich and unique historical spiritual heritage

of our people. To study this heritage, to preserve it avidly and to convey to future generations a cradle and integrity is our duty and duty of contemporaries, representatives of the future generation, honorable and responsible at the same time. "The preservation and repair of unique historical monuments created by the Uzbek people and which remain our national heritage is a very important part of our spiritual program. This national wealth has inherited us from our ancestors, consequently, we must preserve it as avidly as an eyeball and hand it over to future generations, " said I.A. Karimov spoke at the first session of the Supreme Assembly. Indeed, in our Republic, more than 7 thousand monuments, including 2, 500 monuments of Architects, more than 2, 700 monuments of Archaeology, more than 1, 800 monumental works of art, have been placed under state protection. Currently, on the basis of scientific research work, the preservation and repair of certain monuments in all regions of Uzbekistan, even in remote districts, has been transferred to the restoration of entire architectural complexes and historical centers of kohnan cities.

In recent years, according to the decrees of our head of State Shavkat Mirziyoyev, research on fundamental scientific problems has been established in the museum, the reforms carried out in this regard have paid off.

In short, the fact that we can count many achievements and successes in a short time in the development of all spheres in the changing Uzbekistan is an equally pleasing situation for all of us. The development of museums is also boldly moving towards the supas of progress, in tune with the time of intense development. Museums on this honorable and responsible path you-he needs our help. Because now there are unique treasures of history that we enjoy, and in their ancient wealth there is also the right of the future generation. It is our duty and duty to convey it to generations in an impeccable and unshakable, polished state. Let's head out of a collar on this glorious road and be on the belt. This history is mine, this history is yours, this history is ours and this history is ours.


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