Научная статья на тему 'The development of creative scientific activity of students in foreign higher education'

The development of creative scientific activity of students in foreign higher education Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
science / creative activity / creative ability / university / national system of education / individualized approach / the scientific elite / the education system / научная деятельность / творческая активность / творческая способность / университет / национальная система образования / индивидуализированный подход / научная элита / система образования

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Pogrebnyak N. N.

On the basis of analysis of the scientific literature the idea and essence of scientific-research of students in the European universities were determined. The problem of forming of scientific-research skills in pedagogical theory and practice was generalized. The necessity of application of the scientific-research method in education as a base of forming of scientific-research skills by the future scientists was grounded. The leading scientific approaches to classification of basic characteristics that a creative scientist must posses for the scientific-research activities are revealed and the essence of the phenomenon under study as well as the component-functional structure of the scientific-research activity are revealed in the article .

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Развитие творческой научной деятельности студентов в зарубежной высшей школе

В данной статье автор рассматривает проблему творческой научной активности и индивидуальноличностных возможностей студентов в европейских университетах. Формирование творческих способностей автор рассматривает как способ реализации потребности студентов в творческой активности, социальную и психологическую защиту их интересов применительно к сегодняшней социально-экономической ситуации. Развитие творческих способностей у молодых людей позволяет им не только осознать свою сопричастность к культуре своего народа, но и активно участвовать в ее обогащении, а национальные системы образования все в большей мере концентрируют внимание на таких вопросах, как ранняя диагностика и развитие способностей учащихся на основе индивидуализированного подхода к обучению, ранняя профессиональная ориентация, организация эффективной системы непрерывного образования.

Текст научной работы на тему «The development of creative scientific activity of students in foreign higher education»

Ученые записки Таврического национального университета имени В.И. Вернадского Серия «Проблемы педагогики средней и высшей школы». Том 27 (66). 2014 г. № 4. С. 92-98.

УДК 39,015,768


Krimsky Branch of the Federal Government's Budget Institutions of Higher Professional Education "Russian State University of Justice"

E-mail: pogrebnyak70@>maiLru

On the basis of analysis of the scientific literature the idea and essence of scientific-research of students in the European universities were determined. The problem of forming of scientific-research skills in pedagogical theory and practice was generalized. The necessity of application of the scientific-research method in education as a base of forming of scientific-research skills by the future scientists was grounded. The leading scientific approaches to classification of basic characteristics that a creative scientist must posses for the scientific-research activities are revealed and the essence of the phenomenon under study as well as the component-functional structure of the scientific-research activity are revealed in the article . Keywords: science, creative activity, creative ability, university, national system of education, individualized approach, the scientific elite, the education system.


The problem of development of creative abilities of students in the process of scientific activity - a complex and multifaceted problem that requires a theoretical understanding, search novih methods and approaches, the nomination of constructive ideas and their validation.

The urgency of the problem is confirmed by repeated appeals to her scientists who conducted the analysis and synthesis of both domestic and foreign experience. Questions of a creative personality, tvrcheskih abilities, creative thinking consecrated in his works Andreev V.I., Bogdanova O.G., Vergasov V.M., Zhuravlev G.E., Zagvyazinsky V.I, Zeleeva V.P, Obukhova N.P, Ponomarev E.Y, MG Yaroshevskiy M.G.

The search for effective forms and methods from the point of view of the development of creative abilities of higher school students are devoted Akulinicheva V.M, Vlasova K.P., Galagan A.I, Kagermanyana V.S., Kvitkinoy L.G., Krinetskogo I.I, Momot, A.I., Solomonova A.A, Tarasyuk L.N., Hoteenkova F., Chusa A.N.



Education in Europe has traditionally was of universal nature, which largely explains the unified and coherent system of values in terms of religion and ideology. Interest in national identity first appeared in zpohu Enlightenment and developed in the XIX century. In the middle of the XX century values such as national traditions and characteristics established as a general principle in education.

In addition, the national identity is inextricably linked to human creativity, with spsobnostyami anew perceive different phenomena and situations, with the ability to develop their own views and opinions, with heuristic thinking. Development of creative abilities and individual personality features is an indispensable prerequisite for the

realization of self and identity in a particular socio-cultural environment, an indicator of its intellectual, moral and aesthetic development. Formation of creativity can be seen as a way to implement the needs of students in creative activities, social and psychological protection of their interests in relation to the current socio-economic and ethno-political situation. Development of creative abilities in young people enables them to not only recognize their ownership to the culture of its people, but also to actively participate in its enrichment.

By the end of the 80s in the world development has become clearly showing a pattern: the place of any country in the international division of labor, its specific position are increasingly dependent on two determining factors - the quality of training and the conditions that create a state for the disclosure and use of their potential abilities and opportunities in the workplace.

As published in the UK government document "National Curriculum" explicitly states: "We must constantly raise the level of education at least as fast as it grows in the countries opposing" [1, p.2-3].

Essentially we are talking about forming a specialist scientific thinking on the development of his creative abilities. To solve this problem, the full expansion of the independent work of students, their active participation in research activities.

The most important goal of education today - give specialist training is not only necessary, but also the base of skills for study throughout their professional lives. "Learning to be" - as defined strategy of Modern Education Commission of UNESCO in the early 70s. Scientific and technical progress, paving the way civilization of the XXI century, apparently, promises power and performance to those who can better than others to develop their higher intellectual ability - the ability to analyze, synthesize, evaluate, and flexibility of mind and creativity [2, p. 28].

Make such a conclusion allowed a comparative analysis of the results of research of foreign and domestic scientists devoted the identification criteria of creative behavior (R.Elbert) parameters of mental abilities and creative talent (Yu.Lompsher,

D.Bogoyavlenskaya), conditions for the formation of a creative personality qualities (B . and P.Holleran), signs of creative activity (R.Gullash, E.Rou, K.Koks), the characteristics of productive scientists (A. Luk, and R.S.Mensfild T.Busse, D.MakKinnon, H.Tsukerman,

E.Meyman, John. And I.Karl, Dzh.Gilmor, Dzh.Holton).

In different countries, there is a significant difference both in the education systems, and in the educational and scientific creativity of students. For example, in the UK only 15% of the young people enter universities, while in Germany, the figure is 30% in France, 35% of [3, p.290], and in Japan - 32.4% [4, p. 18].

The second group includes four European countries - Austria, Ireland, Italy and Spain. They have a similar system of higher education and are very different from other countries in involving young people in education. This group may also include Greece and Portugal.

Third, a large group includes most of the countries of Northern and Western Europe: Belgium, France, Germany and the United Kingdom.

The fourth group consists of three Western European countries - Denmark, the Netherlands and Switzerland, characterized by very Visoko level of public expenditure, the per student.

Thus, within Europe there are considerable differences in the systems of higher education due to the geographical location as well as the same potential countries. Comparative analysis and synthesis of innovative pedagogical experience of different countries, the identification of specific approaches to the content, methods, means of training given an opportunity to highlight the background and trends of development of solutions to the problem of scientific creativity of students.

Recently there is a growing direct cooperation between European universities. For example, seven universities in Strasbourg, Mulhauze, Basel, Freiburg and Karlsruhe have created the European Confederation of Upper Rhine to the development of common training courses, joint research centers and student exchange - researchers [10, p.18].

The cooperation of universities with state authorities is primarily concerned with financial matters. In this regard, the practice is indicative of Sweden, where each region has its own university, closely linked with the region, but the decision of such questions in each country depends on the traditions, the general level of education, the relationship between state and regional authorities, etc. [15, p.1-9].

Today, in developed countries, the general trend is the convergence of learning science and industry, the pursuit of an integrated, interdisciplinary approach to solving problems, the search for new, optimal forms, among which are becoming increasingly important regional unification comprehensive educational and industrial organizations. They operate under the so-called "Technopolis", which represent the concentration of a specific territory of research laboratories and technology firms, grouped, usually around major universities - within these zones is an intensive exchange of scientific, technical, and production ideas.

Creation science and technology parks has an important place in the scientific and economic policies of Western countries and sayazyvaetsya with development of this form of interaction between education, science and industry, based on the complete solution of a number of problems, especially in the field of high technology, the interaction of the research capacity of universities public and private research research institute and laboratories.

Organization of science parks as one of the goals is to ensure continuous loop "learning - research - industrial production."

"Science Parks" first appeared in the United States. The first one was organized In 1951, by 1981 there were already 27, and now their number is equal to a few dozen. In the late 70's science parks were established in European universities. In this connection easier and employment of graduates, who in the period of study knotted ties with firms located in the "park" and can provide a place for future work [11, p.192].

Science and Technology Park has the status of a legal entity and is used to accelerate the transfer of scientific, technological and innovative capacity of higher education institutions, research centers, institutions, enterprises and organizations. They are part of the scientific enterprise, without which no intellectual market.

Germany has published a monograph on the history of research, the present state and prospects for the future, where it was convincingly shown that "no technique is ultimately no substitute for a bright personality of the scientist, his individuality with a wealth of ideas, imagination and creative way of thinking" [12, p.5].

Realizing that the talent is there a reliable means of progress, profit, in the West are aiming to the education system to function correctly, and talented people in the field of science, technology and management is spreading.


In recent decades, foreign school conducted an intensive search for rational ways, on the one hand, the general training of youth, on the other - the intensive care the most talented students. For example, in Germany, established Service viyavleniyu and development capabilities of the most gifted students of today are 8 centers on the selection and assistance to talented students and young scientists. In this task, the importance given to the further development of a differentiated system of schools, some of which provide short-term training of a wide number of students, while others are intended for the preparation of the scientific elite.

The problem of training of the intellectual elite, in particular, in terms of selection of students who can perform scientific work at the limit of their capabilities and talents with high scientific results are of particular relevance in all countries of the world. Changing requirements for training, make the national education system increasingly focus on issues such as early diagnosis and the development of students' abilities based on an individualized approach to learning, early professional orientation, the organization of an effective system of continuous education, etc.

To date, in foreign countries have developed two basic ways (or system) forming an intellectual elite. One way, which is characterized by a fairly clear distribution of students in the early stages of their life on the types and levels of training depending on their degree of mental development, implemented in the UK, France, Germany and most other Western European countries.

In Germany, by large firms funds have long turned to the concept of selecting highly talented. It was suggested to go towards the creation of elite private schools following the example of Harvard, Stanford et al. Under the motto "Higher technical developments via a private elite", which reflects the high demand concerns in highly qualified personnel [13, p.76].

In Sweden, for example, tend to co-education students with rights of individual choice of training programs in accordance with their aptitudes and abilities.

Institution of higher education like no other, is the unity of the conditions of study and research which are joined in one person [6, p.76-78]. It was in high school learning is expressed through the formula of "work on the study and research."

For example, studies conducted in five German universities in the late 80s, showed that the question: "How do you come to a decision to defend his thesis?" Response was received, which indicated that the main motive (on average 83% respondents) had an interest in scientific work and scientific papers. For the majority of the respondents of

their work is in connection with a major research project or research interests of their teachers [7, p.18-19].

For foreign higher schools is becoming a characteristic that the scientific activities of the students acquire the status equal to the basic forms of training sessions (lectures, seminars, practical and laboratory classes). Furthermore, productive scientific activity increasingly permeates the main elements of the educational process and becomes its defining feature.

In connection with this we come to the question that include foreign scholars in the concept of "scientific activity of students."

The problem of scientific activity of students the most thoroughly developed in the works of the German scholar Z.Kilya: "The scientific activity is understood by us as an activity in which students learn scientific topics that:

- Serve the implementation of educational goals and prepare students for their future careers,

- Provide training in the writing of scientific papers,

- Lead to personal and socially useful results,

- Are reflected in the degree and course papers, abstracts, in the results of scientific student circles, as well as other research studies [5, p.10].

Continuing to develop a range of scientific issues "science - research - scientific activity of students," Z.Kill notes that the scientific activity of students as the integrating component part of the educational process is in terms of high school specific and necessary form of student activities. He emphasizes that scientific activity is related to the research and the requirements of social practice and requires independent, conscious and / in increasing measure / creative actions over time / usually long /. The activities of the student must be considered and investigated in the context of its inclusion in the educational process, and especially - in the aspect of her personality-educational or educational effectiveness [14, p.32-34].

Fully taking all of the above features of scientific activity of students, another German scientist Ya.Olberts gives in his thesis research the following definition: "The scientific activity - it is an independent and increasingly, creative learning and applying knowledge, skills and methods of social relations in the educational process on the basis of solving scientific problems that serve their special education and personal development, and possibly also lead to socially useful results. "Next Ya.Olberts indicates similarity of essential features of self and independent scientific activity; while therebetween there are layered differences. This applies in particular: 1) the degree of autonomy that takes in the framework of scientific activity more creative nature; 2) compliance with the requirements of practice problems; 3) The importance of immediate results; 4) the degree of responsibility and 5) associated with all this intensity guidance during all phases of the solution to the problem [9, p.119-128].

In his monograph Z.Kil gives a brief and precise definition of scientific activity, characterizing it that the student / staff or student / relatively wide, intense and with a focus on results has been the subject of scientific / research topic, research problem or task /, possibly based of scientific or practical needs. At the same time develops a relatively high degree of autonomy, creativity and conscious of responsibility [8, p.38].

Recommendations adopted by the International Conference of the OECD, in a special chapter, "The place of research in higher education" emphasizes that research constitute a vital element of higher education, they allow you to engage in research activities of students.


Thus, the experience of other countries shows that a genuine socio-economic well-being is achieved through technological advances and breakthroughs in science, engineering and technology is made, usually as a result of the intellectual revolution, when the fore the idea of science and education as of the most important links of culture, a powerful factor in human development, the formation of his intellectual capacity, use it in accordance with their abilities and interests of each premises gifted, talented person in the place of the creative process, where it can fully reveal. Status of high school in each country can be represented as a complex function of many variables, including the socioeconomic realities and national and historical traditions. Thus, a direct borrowing someone else's experience is impossible in principle. As practice shows, in particular, and the Russian experience, mechanical transfer of the experience of others in different sociocultural conditions never resulted and may not lead to worthwhile results.


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Погребняк Н.Н. Развитие творческой научной деятельности студентов в зарубежной высшей школе /Погребняк Н.Н// Scientific Notes of Taurida National V.I. Vernadsky University. - Series: Issues of Secondary and Higher School Education. - 2014. - Vol. 27(66), No.4. - P. 92-98.

В данной статье автор рассматривает проблему творческой научной активности и индивидуально-личностных возможностей студентов в европейских университетах. Формирование творческих способностей автор рассматривает как способ реализации потребности студентов в творческой активности, социальную и психологическую защиту их интересов применительно к сегодняшней социально-экономической ситуации. Развитие творческих способностей у молодых людей позволяет им не только осознать свою сопричастность к культуре своего народа, но и активно участвовать в ее обогащении, а национальные системы образования все в большей мере концентрируют внимание на таких вопросах, как ранняя диагностика и развитие способностей учащихся на основе индивидуализированного подхода к обучению, ранняя профессиональная ориентация, организация эффективной системы непрерывного образования.

Ключевые слова: научная деятельность, творческая активность, творческая способность, университет, национальная система образования, индивидуализированный подход, научная элита, система образования.

Поступила в редакцию 22.10.2014 г.

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