Научная статья на тему 'Models in higher individualized learning school of Europe'

Models in higher individualized learning school of Europe Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
higher pedagogical education / university concept indualizovannoe training / research and development activities / problem-based learning / research / educational technology / testing / высшее педагогическое образование / университет / концепция / индуализованное обучение / научно-исследовательская деятельность / проблемное обучение / исследование / педагогическая технология / тестирование

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Pogrebnyak N. N.

In this article the author examines the main conceptual approaches, which are the basis of scientific activity in the education system of the EU, forms and methods of individualized student learning in teacher training institutions in Europe, such as: small group work, problem-based learning and research, conducting creative debates modeling, mikroprepodavanie (model behavior modification) and dynamic model of skills development. A special place is occupied by the testing system as an aspect of educational technology (behavior modification model and dynamic model of skills development). The author focuses on the model of the so-called individual assistance, curriculum which is adapted to the needs of students.

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Модели индивидуализированного обучения в высшей школе Европы

В данной статье автор рассматривает основные концептуальные подходы, которые положены в основу научной деятельности в системе образования стран ЕС, формы и методы индивидуализированного обучения студентов в педагогических учебных заведениях Европы, в частности: работа в малых группах, проблемное обучение и исследование, проведение творческих дебатов, моделирование, микропреподавание (модель модификации поведения) и модель динамического развития умений. Особенное место занимает система тестирования как аспект педагогической технологии (модель модификации поведения и модель динамического развития умений). Автор акцентирует внимание на модели так называемой индивидуальной помощи, учебная программа которой приспособлена к потребностям студентов.

Текст научной работы на тему «Models in higher individualized learning school of Europe»

Ученые записки Таврического национального университета имени В.И. Вернадского Серия «Проблемы педагогики средней и высшей школы». Том 27 (66). 2014 г. № 3. С. 99-104.

УДК 38,015,647


Pogrebnyak N.N.

Krimsky Branch of the Federal Government's Budget Institutions of Higher Professional Education «Russian Academy of Justice», Simferopol, Crimea Republic, Russian Federation

E-mail: pogrebnyak70@mail.ru

In this article the author examines the main conceptual approaches, which are the basis of scientific activity in the education system of the EU, forms and methods of individualized student learning in teacher training institutions in Europe, such as: small group work, problem-based learning and research, conducting creative debates modeling, mikroprepodavanie (model behavior modification) and dynamic model of skills development. A special place is occupied by the testing system as an aspect of educational technology (behavior modification model and dynamic model of skills development). The author focuses on the model of the so-called individual assistance, curriculum which is adapted to the needs of students. Keywords: higher pedagogical education, university concept indualizovannoe training, research and development activities, problem-based learning, research, educational technology, testing.


In a market economy and global integration is extremely important, building up and storage of scientific potential of the country, as a pledge of stability and its importance among other countries. That is why, to any country aspiring to stability and an important role in international relations, there is a problem activating and building their own powerful scientific potential.

Analysis of scientific literature suggests that the issue of research training in the EU has always been the focus of many researchers. Researchers such as L. VUCHK , J. Dixie, A Jones, Manfred Bayer, Wolfgang Klafki, Dagmar Hansel, Herbert Flach, Friedrich Buchberger, Lillian Fried, Krista Pollman, F. Keller, M, Knight, and others have made significant contributions to the systematization of scientific knowledge. Their research papers describe the current state of teacher education and generalize the experience of European universities that train students in modern conditions of higher pedagogical education.


Today there are various models of individualized instruction in higher education in Europe, which are generally established based on convergence of different ideas psychological - pedagogical directions. They all recognize the humanistic orientation of scientific research, understanding of the student's personality - the researchers as a sovereign subject of scientific activities.

Leading universities in the EU tend to make everything that was available to students and convenient to study: developing a variety of courses, scientific - research programs, «the materials for self-education», etc.

Before you begin to study a particular course and select the appropriate forms and methods of scientific activities, teacher training institutions in Europe determine

individual needs of students and the goals they set for themselves. To this end, at the beginning of his scientific activity conducted surveys and interviews with students to determine why this scientific direction or course was chosen by them, and how it would be useful to them in future scientific - research activities. In European universities have long understood that students learn better theoretical material based on their own experience. To this end, in some European universities, students fill «profiles personal development of the student ,» diagnostic sheets, personal card of a different nature [1].

In higher education, the EU emerged of "open learning" where students could freely determine their scientific - research interests, and in dialogue with the teacher to express their point of view, to critically analyze scientific positions of the authors of various concepts. This has contributed to the development of critical thinking and personality of the student 's personality.

Such a system is the organization of training originated back in the 50s in England, and later found a large spread in Western European countries. An example of this may be a scientific study IE Unt, who believes «open learning» the main route to the formation of the individual student [7]. According to TI Corner, the essence of open learning -«maximum individualization» training, which allows to reach the set goals by adapting training, content, forms and methods of the level of development, needs and aptitudes of students [3].

Emphasis on theoretical concepts deserves individualized learning activity principle in science student, as a result of which new innovative technologies in the professional training of students, based on the humanization of their consciousness. Thus, for the effective implementation of individualized learning model in the process of mastering the content of education, the main task is to organize the communication strategies of the teacher and the student, in particular: 1) from the perspective of achieving educational goals, when arranged in a certain relationship of teacher and student actions aimed at achieving the desired student results; 2) from the viewpoint of humanistic psychology, that is, the concept of the autonomy of the student emphasizes interpersonal communication and good feeling in the process of scientific research, but the interaction is not correlated with the achievement of specific research results. In the European system of education today has developed special model of training of university teachers and tutors to communicate and understand students - researchers, as well as specific procedures organizing interaction strategies in individualized learning systems [6].

Today is a very common type of scientific activity is to conduct interviews with teachers - professionals in order to identify the value of scientific knowledge in the scientific direction for practice. In high school, EU scientists think that ignoring the personal dimension of teaching profession actually hinders the process of humanization of education in general and higher education in particular, and progress in the professional formation of who we train, can be judged only in the case when the conditions have been created for personal fulfillment students - researchers, and that was a feature of all innovation projects «new wave», united within the personalist direction of teacher educatio[8].

Organization of scientific work based on personal experience accounting students -researchers, as well as their individual characteristics contribute to enhanced creative

thinking and development by - present individual research strategies every future scientist. Preference is given to the forms and methods, which are based on an individual approach, in particular: small group work, problem-based learning and research, conducting creative debate, simulation, etc. mikroprepodavanie.

It is important to emphasize that researchers prefer to use the concept of individualization in European universities a method such as a lecture, in which there are some elements of individualization. For example, the students - the researchers propose to research diary (barniny journal), where after each lecture, the student writes down his thoughts and opinions with respect to listen to the information or write one - minute papers (thought for one minute). This kind of activity helps the teacher to evaluate the degree of assimilation of scientific material, and students - researchers secure new scientific information [9].

Discussion method develops students' ability to explain and defend their point of view, to exercise their individual characteristics, to be active participants in the discussion, have the same level of awareness and joint scientific purposes.

Special place in the scientific activity of students is the work in small groups, as it is for a small number of students going on the successful assimilation of scientific material, free, casual atmosphere and comfort for each student - researcher. Small groups consist of 5-8 students and classified:

1) the duration of the work - on time, which provide jobs for more than 15 minutes. (Short - Lived Clusters) and long (Long - Lived Clusters);

2) Function - on problem groups, «brainstorming», «aquarium».

Subject Group provides a solution of the problem situation, in which the work is done «tet - a - tet» and the student can freely express their scientific point of view, the motivation to link itself with an interest in scientific research. Accordingly, the foreign scientists distinguish between two types of students: «impulsive» and «reflectors». First collect the information for the most rational approach for a quick fix and are even able to offer some solutions to the problem. Second, considering the scientific material, collect it in large quantities, and compare data taken with the most positive solution. Thus, both types of students have their own advantages and disadvantages, but it would be advisable to combine different types of students' efforts to solve common scientific problems. While developing the personal qualities of the student takes place in interaction - free communication, and his personality is different thanks to the work in the problematic group.

Fairly common on university departments teaching method is the "aquarium", which provides for the separation of groups on the micro-groups of 3-4 students in each (A, B, C), which solve a particular scientific problem, and summarizes the work of the head, making a resume. Important for this method is an element of assessment, in particular, a number of indicators assessed personality traits students - researchers. Thus, analyzing the procedural customize software in the system of the future expert scientific activities attracted the attention of affective learning methods (term K.H.Guvera) combining pedagogical role and situation [4].

Method of role-playing games - it is sufficient to investigate the problem and scientific - pedagogical literature there are various interpretations of this method:

- modeling, playing a problematic situation, in which a mandatory element is the solution of scientific problems (L. Jones, K. Livingstone);

- training session at which the re-enactment of situations in order to solve a specific research problem (J. Dixie);

- the reception of free improvisation within a given situation (L.VUCHK);

- as a scientific exercise simulating real situations (M. Night).

As the analysis of foreign literature, the modeling method is a unique method of productive formation of students' readiness to solve real scientific - research problems in a relatively short period of time. This method allows you to personalize the scientific research, the study provides an opportunity to modify depending on the individual needs of each student [2]. It should be noted that today it is a fairly common form of organization of scientific activity of students in the universities of Europe. Thus, modeling

- an imitation of the real activity of the teacher - mentor in certain artificially recreated scientific - pedagogical situations, elements of which are intellectual abstraction and simplification. We draw attention to the main stages of modeling:

- preparation of a scientific experiment, problem statement;

- own scientific experiment;

- analysis of the scientific experiment, its description [10].

At Stanford University, has developed this form of work as (microteaching) and, of course, has been recognized in all European countries, the best method of scientific activity. Mikroprepodavaniya basis is a division of classes in a number of simple components, and student - researcher conducts classes on the subject of specialization within a certain time a small group of students [12 , 65-71 ] . Mikroprepodavaniya method aimed at personal mastery of professional skills and it is based on this method has developed a model of behavior modification (behavior modification approach) and the dynamic model of skills development (dynamic skills approach) [ 5 ] .

On the way to achieve a high level of professionalism of the main criterion level students with the knowledge of the theoretical material is their ability to design scientific knowledge acquired within the scope of practice. To this end, future professionals in European universities offer the following tasks:

- to attend the class of their scientific field and infer how different schools in this area affect the methods of scientific research;

- determine methodical ways in which to implement the principles of stimulation of creative activity, in particular: a study of sources of information; detailed study of a particular object; emotional message about their scientific discoveries; references to specific statements of researchers; finding connections between different theories and ideas );

- forecasting, otgadka results followed by validation of hypotheses;

- the continuation of creative activity in pozauditorny time.


Consider testing system as an aspect of pedagogical technologies in European universities. Western scientists believe that there may exist common curricula and requirements for all students, without exception. Some of the training programs should be

adapted to the abilities of those who are engaged in scientific - research work. According to the European universities are organized groups with the same coefficient of scientific mental endowments established by means of intelligence tests. Conducting tests and structural analysis of the results is very valuable for the qualitative and quantitative evaluation of personality traits to predict academic performance of each individual student - researcher.

At some universities, the EU attitude to test learning system is not unique, but despite the criticism, today there are more and new theoretical ideas reinforcement efficiency testing. One example is the test system based on the theoretical concept of two types of thinking: the productive and reproductive and have two scales: 1) contains the job performance of which is associated with a simple reproduction of knowledge; 2 ) the type of tasks that require the synthesis and integration of the information obtained. The purpose of the tests is not a prediction of success of students in scientific - research activities and the definition of what kind of help you need to provide the student to direct his scientific work in the right direction and to plan an individual program of scientific research in accordance with the process of assimilation of scientific information by each student.

It should be noted that the test methods are widely used in some models of scientific activity, in particular: the program individually - the designated training (IPI - Individually Prescribed Instruction), based on repeated testing. Another model is the so-called individual assistance (IGI - Individually guided instruction), a training program which is adapted to the needs of the student (Plan - Program for Learning in Accordance with needs). The authors of these programs consider individualization research individually -oriented training program that includes the distribution of course materials into separate parts, a multiple choice and control by the student - researcher pace of scientific activity [11].

Most Western scholars believe that over the last 50 years it was the most perfect model of learning. According to this model, the students mastered the task, and then experimented on models, putting them into practice under the guidance of a teacher -mentor and further - the observation of these models in action. Later his learning model proposed American educator and psychologist F. Keller as general didactic principle system of educational process in higher education, which has been recognized in the West.

Keller program covers four phases of scientific activity: learning terms, understanding the purposes and principles, the acquisition of theoretical knowledge. In the second phase, students have withdrawn conceptual positions on the theory, and the third phase - the rise of knowledge on a high level of comprehension, analysis, synthesis and evaluation. The final phase - is engaging students in individual research - creative activity.

Thus, the plan Keller allows creative students to quickly experiment to cope with the proposed scientific material, if not successful, in any case, at the level of learning and understanding.


Comparative analysis, systematization and generalization of different theoretical approaches and concepts regarding interpretation of the concept of individualization of learning leads to several important conclusions: individualization of the learning process

in the education system of the EU is historically permanent character. Western European scientists under individualization understand all forms and methods to account for the individual characteristics of the person in training.

Analysis of the scientific and educational literature on the current state and prospects of development of teacher education leads to the conclusion that the student - the researcher is seen as an educated, able to reflect the personality. He humanistic oriented, ready to research activities. These qualities are intended to form the university. Graduate School of the EU is able to achieve this goal, because it is a progressive change through deep customize the learning process, based on the conceptual approaches of humanistic (personalist) and neopragmastichnogo (or scientific - competent) trends in education.


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Погребняк Н.Н. Модели индивидуализированного обучения в высшей школе Европы /Погребняк Н.Н. / Ученые записки Таврического национального университета им. В.И. Вернадского. Серия: «Проблемы педагопки средней и высшей школы». - 2014. - Т. 27(66), № 3. - С. 99-104. В данной статье автор рассматривает основные концептуальные подходы, которые положены в основу научной деятельности в системе образования стран ЕС, формы и методы индивидуализированного обучения студентов в педагогических учебных заведениях Европы, в частности: работа в малых группах, проблемное обучение и исследование, проведение творческих дебатов, моделирование, микропреподавание (модель модификации поведения) и модель динамического развития умений. Особенное место занимает система тестирования как аспект педагогической технологии (модель модификации поведения и модель динамического развития умений). Автор акцентирует внимание на модели так называемой индивидуальной помощи, учебная программа которой приспособлена к потребностям студентов.

Ключевые слова: высшее педагогическое образование, университет, концепция, индуализованное обучение, научно-исследовательская деятельность, проблемное обучение, исследование, педагогическая технология, тестирование.

Поступила в редакцию 01.05.2014 г.

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