THE DEPENDENCE OF THE PROJECTION STRUCTURE ON SOME TYPES OF TEAM SPORTS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Bondarchuk Olesya Alekseevna

The analysis of social representations of students of the physical education university, studying in the specialization of sports games, is carried out in this paper. Volleyball, basketball, handball, badminton and tennis players were involved in the project as probationers. The identification of these social representations performed using the projective technique named as "House. A brief description of qualitative methods, including content analysis, is given.

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Bondarchuk Olesya Alekseevna

Lecturer at the Department of Psychology, Faculty of Social Sciences National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek


Бондарчук Олеся Алексеевна

преподаватель кафедры "Психология " факультета социальных наук Национальный университет Узбекистана имени Мирзо Улугбека

Annotation. The analysis of social representations of students of the physical education university, studying in the specialization of sports games, is carried out in this paper. Volleyball, basketball, handball, badminton and tennis players were involved in the project as probationers. The identification of these social representations performed using the projective technique named as "House. A brief description of qualitative methods, including content analysis, is given.

Аннотация. В данной работе проводиться анализ социальных представлений студентов физкультурного университета, обучающиеся по специализации спортивные игры. В число испытуемых вошли: волейболисты, баскетболисты, гандболисты, бадминтонисты и теннисисты. Выявление этих социальных представлений проводилось с помощью проективной методики «Дом». Дается краткая характеристика качественным методам, в том числе контент- анализу.

Keywords: qualitative methods, projection ranks, internal and external motivation, associations, accentuation.

Ключевые слова: качественные методы, ранги проекций, внутренняя и внешняя мотивация, ассоциации, акцентирование.

Topicality .Among the works devoted to sports, social ideas that are formed in a person under the influence of practicing a certain sport are rarely studied. The identification of these ideas will help to determine what are the motives for choosing a particular sport. Also, this work can show what are the similar and what are the distinctive features in understanding the important components of their sport that students distinguish and what role they assign to the team.

Qualitative research in psychology is gaining the greatest popularity due to the high validity and content value of the results obtained during interaction with the subject, and supplemented with data using a more flexible survey system - interviews. As S. Kvale says: "a research interview is a moment of constructing knowledge" (Kvale, 2003, p. 6). In the process of doing research we tried to find out from the respondents what they understood by the "basic" words that they used to describe their sport.

Our work is devoted to the analysis of the results obtained using the associative drawing "House". The associative drawing "House" is well suited for respondents of different ages, social status, level of education, nationality and religion.

The essence of this method is the image of the house, which is associated with an object or phenomenon, and in our case with the sports that the respondents are engaged in: handball, basketball, volleyball, tennis, badminton. The central point of this technique is to analyze the ideas of the subjects, hidden and contained in the plot of the drawing, as well as additional elements and details (Straus A., Corbin D, 2007, p. 104).

The choice of this problem lies in the fact that our interest is focused on the features of the projective perception of individual sports by students of the specialization: "Sports games".

The aim of the study is to identify projections regarding their sport among athletes.


1. Categorization of drawings into groups with similar generalized characteristics.

2. Analysis of the projection structure depending on the sport.

The object of the study was the 3rd year students of the Faculty of Sports Games.

The subject was the students ' projections.

Our study involved 29 respondents - 3rd year students of the Faculty of Sports Games aged 20-25 years. Among them are six volleyball players, basketball players, handball players, badminton players and five tennis players. Of these, 15 are women and 14 are men. In this study, social representations were identified from projections, so we analyze these representations through the projections that we received. The procedure consisted of three stages: a direct image of the house, a recording of the association directly by the respondent, and an interview. In turn, the data consists of three types: drawing, associations, and explanations taken from interviews.

For ease of analysis, the explanations taken from interviews and associations will not be differentiated and studied separately, but we will present the analysis of these results in the form of a projection structure.

To analyze the drawings, the following categories were used, which are characteristic of each of the objects of the method: the presence of sports equipment; signs of a residential building, a beautiful view of the house, and the color scheme.

This kind of category was highlighted because the plot or idea of the entire drawing included the students ' knowledge of their sport. In turn, smaller categories related to individual details and characteristics of the drawings were highlighted, since they differ in content in different drawings on the one hand, and in principle can be differentiating indicators of drawings of houses on any topic.

The following is an analysis of the similar features of the depicted houses.

Table Nol.

Distribution of the number of respondents by categories identified in the analysis of the figures.


Category volleyball basketball tennis handball badminton Total

quantity quantity quan-tity quantity quantity

Sports equipment 6 6 5 6 6 29

Signs of a residential building 6 6 12

Beauty of the house 6 4 6 16

Color scheme 6 6 12

The description of this table is given below:

- all drawings have sports equipment. It can be seen through: a sports field located behind the house; a grid stretched between the houses; a large garden as a symbol of a large playground. As you might expect-this reflects the focus of individuals on sports activities;

- in the images of basketball and volleyball players, you can see signs of a residential building. This is clearly evident from the curtains drawn on the windows and the flowers on the windowsill, as well as the presence of a car in the garage. In the interview, the respondents described the elements of a residential building as people who are both representatives of their team and rivals. In addition, the basketball players additionally reflected the opposing team through the color scheme, just as the handball players did. Most likely, the reason for this differentiation of these sports lies in the fact that they are similar in their team structure;

- badminton players, volleyball players and some basketball players celebrate the beauty of their sport. Perhaps this is due to the fact that some students involved in these sports focus on external characteristics, and the rest on internal ones.

Below, using the Sturgess method (Shorokhova, 2015, p. 29), we put down the ranks, i.e., the place that the student assigned to a particular projection, i.e., to a social representation. Thus, we have obtained: projections with the first rank, which form the core of the social representation, the transformation zone-projections with the second or third rank, the periphery of the social representation-projections with the lowest frequency of occurrence and the third rank.

For ease of perception, we will present the projections that were evoked in students during the "Home" projection technique and the place or rank that the athlete assigns to them in the form of a table.

Table No.

2. Results of the "House" projective technique.__

Sport Total

Projections volleyball basketball tennis handball badminton

qty rank qty rank qty rank qty rank rank

My team 4 3 5 1 6 1 15

Opposing team 4 2 4 3 6 3 14

Rules 6 1 5 2 6 2 6 1 23

Convenience 4 1 6 2 10

Site 4 1 4 3 8

Beauty 6 3 4 1 6 3 16

Popular 4 3 4

Not for everyone 4 2 4

Calmness 2 3 2

Tennis: "My Team" acts as the core of the projections evoked by tennis players. In the drawing, it is shown through the foundation and strong walls. By it, athletes understand the strength of their team, which can be seen through the technique and tactics of the game. The transformation zone is formed by such a concept as" cozy", according to the players, this is compliance with the rules, which in turn is manifested through: the cleanliness of the court, a flat grid and honest referees. The periphery expresses the ideas of a few students, for example, through such a phrase as" the calmness of a person "or" a playground".

Badminton: The core of social representations of badminton players is the rules. As with tennis players, for badminton players, the rules are the cleanliness of the court, the grid, etc. The difference between representatives of these sports is only in the place where they rated the rules in terms of importance. This similarity of projections is not surprising, because these sports are similar to each other. The convenient and light inventory category is the transformation zone, and the beauty of the game is the periphery.

Handball: The most important thing for handball players, and as mentioned above, tennis players, is their own team, but unlike tennis players, students who play handball, under the team I understand an interconnected and supportive family, and also put the third place in their projections - rivals. In second place among the representatives of these sports are the rules, and here they have almost the same understanding of this term, with the only difference that tennis players, in addition to the external manifestations of the rules, also distinguish the internal ones.

Basketball: There are two trends regarding basketball players. For some, this is a beautiful and popular sport, intended not for everyone, but for example, for tall people. And others highlight in the first place such characteristics as the convenience of playing with your hands, in the second-protection from attack and getting into the ring (all sides of the house are surrounded), and in the third-the position of your team members. This difference is caused by the motives for choosing this sport, so for some it is important to its external manifestation, popularity, beauty, etc., for others - the internal content, i.e. the game itself as such.

Volleyball: Volleyball players have a grid that they associate with the rules of the game in the first place, and the beauty of their sport in the last place. There is a discrepancy with respect to the transformation zone. For some, the second place in importance is occupied by the playground (a large house is also a large playground), for others, protection from rivals.

Analyzing the structure of the projections we have established that:

- I note the importance of my team: handball players, tennis players and some basketball players, however, the understanding of such a phrase as "my team" and the place assigned to it is different for everyone. Some understand it as a family, others the position of their team members and the techniques and tactics they use during the game. For tennis and handball players, their own team is in the first place, and for basketball players it is in the last;

- the opposing team is given second place by some basketball players and volleyball players, understanding as rivals those from whom you need to defend, and handball players assign an insignificant role to rivals, since, unlike basketball players, they have their own team in the foreground;

- rules are in second place for tennis and handball players, while for badminton and volleyball players they are in first place. Almost everyone has the same understanding of this term, with the only difference that tennis players, in addition to external manifestations of the rules (high, even net, field; cleanliness of the court), also distinguish internal ones (honesty of the judge);

- the importance of the convenience of the game is noted by some basketball players, and badminton players give the second place to this quality;

- since students are engaged in their favorite activity, they celebrate its beauty. The absence of this concept among tennis and handball players is most likely due to the fact that the respondents who took part in our study have a decrease in their interest in their sport as a game activity. They mark its structural components such as technique and tactics of the game, i.e. in fact, they are most often observers.

In conclusion, we note that in the course of the study, we found similarities and differences in the projections of their own sport among students. However, we could not explain this by the similarity and difference of sports, since among the representatives of one sport there were projections that brought the respondents closer, both with their own sport and with another. We also identified how important such elements of athletes' activities as their own team and the opposing team and rules are. Not all students evaluate the role of these elements in sports life equally, and some even ignore them. Perhaps the reason for this lies in the fact that their teams are not a close-knit team. To confirm this statement, we will conduct additional research in our next works. And if it is confirmed, we will develop a strategy to overcome this difficulty, which in turn can increase the effectiveness of teams.


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