Научная статья на тему 'The degree of production cytokines il‑8 and il‑12 in patients with extrinsic allergic alveolitis'

The degree of production cytokines il‑8 and il‑12 in patients with extrinsic allergic alveolitis Текст научной статьи по специальности «Фундаментальная медицина»

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Ключевые слова
Extrinsic allergic alveolitis / cytokines / immune response

Аннотация научной статьи по фундаментальной медицине, автор научной работы — Rakhimov Mirgolib Mansurovich, Aralov Nematilla Ravshanovich, Akhmedov Feruz Sayfullaevich, Ziyadullaev Shukhrat Khudayberdievich, Dushanova Gavkhar Abdukarimovna

The objective of the research was to examine the level of concentration of certain cytokines, involved in the regulation of immune response in patients with extrinsic allergic alveolitis (EAA), in particular production IL‑8 and IL‑12. To clarify the immunological bases of the pathogenesis EAA we studied the concentration of certain cytokines involved in the regulation of immune response in patients EAA in particular IL‑8 production and IL‑12. Analysis of the content of IL‑8 in the surveyed patients EAA showed that the level of it’s in the general group of patients studied was 38.4±2.5 pg/ml and greatly exceeds the values characteristic for healthy persons (18.1±1.8 pg/ml, p<0.01). Thus, the highest level studied parameter seen in the patients of chronic stage EAA that distinguishes this group among the total group studied patients with EAA, and distinguishes it from the two comparison groups with acute and subacute stage of the disease.

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Текст научной работы на тему «The degree of production cytokines il‑8 and il‑12 in patients with extrinsic allergic alveolitis»

10. Ng D. P., Tai B. C., Koh D., Tan K. W., Chia K. S. Angiotensin-I converting enzyme insertion/deletion polymorphism and its association with diabetic nephropathy: a meta-analysis of studies reported between - 1994 and - 2004 and comprising 14,727 subjects. Diabeto-logia. - 2005; 48 (5):1008-1016. - doi: 10.1007/s00125-005-1726-2

11. Shestakova M. V., Vikulova O. K., Gorashko N. M., Voronko O. E., Babunova N. B., Nosikov V. V., et al. The relationship between genetic and haemodynamic factors in diabetic nephropathy (DN): Case-control study in type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM). Diabetes Res Clin Pract. - 2006. - 74 (2): - P. 41-50. - doi: 10.1016/j.diabres. - 2006.06.013.

12. Hixson J. E., McMahan C. A., McGill H. C. Jr, Strong J. P. Apo B. insertion/deletion polymorphisms are associated with atherosclerosis in young black but not young white males. Pathobiological Determinants of Atherosclerosis in Youth (PDAY) Research Group. Arterioscler Thromb. - 1992. - 12 (9):1023-1029. - doi: 10.1161/01. ATV.12.9.1023.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.20534/ESR-17-1.2-108-110

Rakhimov Mirgolib Mansurovich, Samarkand State Medical Institute Department of Internal Diseases № 4 and Hematology

Resident of Master Degree E-mail: [email protected] Aralov Nematilla Ravshanovich, Samarkand State Medical Institute, Chief of the Department of Internal Diseases № 4 and Hematology

Associate Professor, E-mail: [email protected] Akhmedov Feruz Sayfullaevich, Doctor of Diagnostic Center "Doctor Aralov Medical" E-mail: [email protected] Ziyadullaev Shukhrat Khudayberdievich, Samarkand State Medical Institute, Chief of the Department of Internal Diseases, Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacology. Associate Professor, E-mail: [email protected] Dushanova Gavkhar Abdukarimovna, Samarkand State University, Department of Physiology, Genetics and Biochemistry,

Associate Professor, E-mail: [email protected]

The degree of production cytokines il-8 and il-12 in patients with extrinsic allergic alveolitis

Abstract: The objective of the research was to examine the level of concentration of certain cytokines, involved in the regulation of immune response in patients with extrinsic allergic alveolitis (EAA), in particular production IL-8 and IL-12. To clarify the immunological bases of the pathogenesis EAA we studied the concentration of certain cytokines involved in the regulation of immune response in patients EAA in particular IL-8 production and IL-12. Analysis of the content of IL-8 in the surveyed patients EAA showed that the level of it's in the general group of patients studied was 38.4±2.5 pg/ml and greatly exceeds the values characteristic for healthy persons (18.1±1.8 pg/ml, p<0.0l). Thus, the highest level studied parameter seen in the patients of chronic stage EAA that distinguishes this group among the total group studied patients with EAA, and distinguishes it from the two comparison groups with acute and subacute stage of the disease.

Keywords: Extrinsic allergic alveolitis, cytokines, immune response.

Introduction. Extrinsic allergic alveolitis (EAA) — a group of detected in 3% of patients with pulmonary and reaches 42 cases diseases characterized by allergic diffuse lesions of alveolar and in- per 100,000 populations [2, 4]. EAA is rightly considered immune terstitial lung structures and emerging in response to the repeated in- disease, the development of which the leading role belongs to al-halation dust of antigens organic and inorganic origin and use of lergic reactions of the 3rd and 4th types [1]. Nowadays, one of the drugs. According to the WHO group of diseases under this name is most important areas of immunology has been the development of

The degree of production cytokines il-8 and il-12 in patients with extrinsic allergic alveolitis

the concept of cytokine network — a system of humoral mediators between immunocompetent and other cells involved in immune reactions, which carry out consecutive change of phases of immunological response, cooperation between the factors of nonspecific protection and immunity, reaction early and late phase inflammation, switching classes synthesis antibody [3, 5]. Among the most known cytokines important place is dedicated to cytokines Interleukin-8 and -12 affecting various kinds of active movement of leukocytes and other cells, as well as regulating cell-mediated immunity in various inflammatory processes.

The objective of the research examine the level of concentration of certain cytokines, involved in the regulation of immune response in patients with extrinsic allergic alveolitis (EAA), in particular production IL-8 and IL-12.

Material and methods of the research. To achieve the objective were examined 60 patients EAA with different course of disease who were hospitalized in the pulmonology department of the Sa-

markand city hospital. Verification of the diagnosis carried out in accordance with the International Classification WHO (ICD-10, J67). All patients EAA according to the stage were divided in 3 groups: Group 1 — acute, Group 2 — subacute, group 3 — the chronic stage of the disease. All clinical and biochemical laboratory tests conducted standardized methods. Determining the level of IL-8 and IL-12 in serum was performed by ELISA. The obtained data were subjected to statistical processing according to the standard methods of statistics using BIOSTAT programs.

Results of investigations. To clarify the immunological bases of the pathogenesis EAA we studied the concentration of certain cytokines involved in the regulation of immune response in patients EAA in particular IL-8 production and IL-12. Analysis of the content of IL-8 in the surveyed patients EAA showed that the level of it's in the general group of patients studied was 38.4±2.5 pg/ml (Figure 1) and greatly exceeds the values characteristic for healthy persons (18.1±1.8 pg/ml, p<0.01).


□control group inpatients with EAA S acute EAA E3 subacute EAA S chronic EAA

Figure 1. The level of IL-8 (pg/ml) in patients depending on the phase currents EAA Note: * - p <0.05 - significant differences in comparison with indicators of the group of healthy persons

When comparing of the studied parameters in groups of patients with different clinical course revealed that the highest levels of IL-8 is registered among patients with acute course EAA. In this group, the content of IL-8 was 48.1±4.31 pg/ml, more than 3 times higher than the control group. Conversely, the level of IL-8 was relatively low with chronic EAA, intermediate values was in patients with subacute EAA. Therefore, the results obtained indicate that

that all investigated clinical variants EAA characterized by an increase of serum of patients with IL-8, but at the same time, domination of humoral allergic mechanisms in the pathogenesis of the acute EAA (48.1±4.31 versus 18.1±1.81 pg/ml, p<0.05).

In studying of serum IL-12 in surveyed our population patients identified the following characteristics of this indicator, depending on the phase of the EAA (Table. 1).

Table 1. - Levels of IL-12 depending on the stage EAA

№ Group of surveyed IL-12 (pg/ml)

1 Practically healthy (n=15) 64,8 ± 8,7

2 General group (n= 45) 97,9±4,31*

3 Acute Form EAA (n=17) 111,6±10,2*

4 Subacute Form EAA (n=11) 141,6±10,2*

5 Chronic Form EAA (n=17) 159,9±12.0*

Note: * - p <0.05 - significant differences in comparison with indicators of the group of healthy persons

So, when analyzing ofthe results obtained established, that patients with EAA level IL-12 amounts to 97,9±4,31 pg/ml, significantly higher than the indicators of the group of healthy persons (64,8±8,7 pg/ml, p<0.01). As it turned out, level IL-12 varies considerably our groups of patients with different stages of the EAA. The highest this parameter recorded in patients in the chronic stage ofEAA (159,9±12.0 pg/mL)

significantly differs from that of the healthy group (64,8±8,7 pg/ml, p<0.01), and patients with acute EAA (111,6±10,2 pg/ml, p<0.01). Also in patients with subacute EAA level of IL-12 is more than two times higher than in control group (p <0.02).

Thus, the highest level studied parameter seen in the patients of chronic stage EAA that distinguishes this group among the total


group studied patients with EAA, and distinguishes it from the two comparison groups with acute and subacute stage of the disease.

Taking into account described in the literature familial cases of the susceptibility to the disease, we studied the immunological

changes in 19 patients with a family history on EAA. As can be seen from Table 2 when analyzing immunological parameters in patients of the study group there is an increase of IL-8 to 35,2±4,12 pg/ml by comparison with the group of healthy (18,1±1,81 pg/ml, p<0.02).

Table 2. - The cytokine status in patients with a family burdened EAA

№ Groups of surveyed IL-12 (pg/ml) IL-8 (pg/ml)

1 Practically healthy (n=15) 64,8±8,7 18,1±1,81

2 General group (n=45) 97,9±4,31* 38,4±2,5*

3 Patients with a family burdened EAA (n=19) 60,9±6,8 35,2±4,12*

4 Patients without a family EAA burdeness (n=26) 62,2±5,8 28,1±4,9*

Note: * - p <0.05 - significant differences in comparison with indicators of the group of healthy persons

Levels ofIL-8 in patients EAA with family history constituting production IL-8 and IL-12 have shown that EAA during acute

35.2 ± 4.12 pg/ml exceeded (28,1 ± 4,9 pg/ml) and IL-12 level was course accompanied most pronounced changes in the proinflam-

60.9 ± 6.8 pg/ml had lower values compared with those without matory cytokine IL-8 that provides an active migration of various

family history (62,2 ± 5,8 pg/ml). When comparing patients with types of immune cells to the inflammatory focus, and the period of

EAA and the general group of patients without family history level subacute and chronic allergic inflammation accompanied by marked

of the studied parameters did not reach statistical significance. changes in cytokine production by regulating the cellular immune

Conclusion. Therefore, the results of the study the levels of response in particular IL-12 in patients with EAA.


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.20534/ESR-17-1.2-110-113

Ruzibakieva Malika Ruslanovna, Institute of Immunology UzAS, Senior researcher, MD, PhD E-mail: [email protected], Aripova Tamara, Institute of Immunology UzAS, Professor, Director of the Institute of Immunology UzAS,

Hegay Tatyana, Institute of Immunology UzAS Senior researcher, MD, PhD, Kasimov Abdumadjid, Institute of Immunology UzAS, Yuldashev Ulugbek, The Republican Specialized Center of Surgery n. a. Acad. V. Vakhidov

Gender differences in the distribution of HLA II markers in chronic glomerulonephritis and chronic kidney disease in Uzbek population

Abstract: Chronic kidney disease (CKD) leads in the majority of instances to end stage renal disease (ESRD) requiring renal replacement therapy. Our interest was to find the possible associations of HLA class II alleles with ESRD according to the gender specificity in Uzbek population.

Keywords: Chronic kidney disease, End Stage Renal Disease, HLA.

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