THE CONSTITUTION IN THE NEW EDITION - IN PRACTICE Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Ergashev A.

This article analyzes the problem of competence, the history of its development and the results of the conducted research. Socially active citizenship is based on the content of competence, the need and conditions for its development in students. Also, the author's proposal and recommendations on developing a corporate system, stages and pedagogical model of developing socially active civic competence in students are presented in the article.

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Ergashev A.

head of the regional administration of justice 2nd level judicial consultant Uzbekistan, Jizzakh


Abstract. This article analyzes the problem of competence, the history of its development and the results of the conducted research. Socially active citizenship is based on the content of competence, the need and conditions for its development in students. Also, the author's proposal and recommendations on developing a corporate system, stages and pedagogical model of developing socially active civic competence in students are presented in the article.

Key words: competence, competence, professional competence, socially active civic competence, corporate system, qualification requirements, model, referendum.

Introduction: Any nation that intends to build a socially just society, where human dignity is great, where the business environment flourishes and has a solid guarantee, is a difficult and honorable path of statehood and legal development. must pass through the line.

In recent years, consistent reforms in the political, economic, social and legal spheres, which essentially require each other, have been implemented in our country. All reforms are aimed at ensuring people's well-being, honoring people and guaranteeing their rights.

Today, the new Uzbekistan is taking steady steps towards becoming a social state based on democratic principles, universally recognized principles and norms regarding human rights and freedoms, and the ultimate goal of which is to create a free, prosperous and prosperous life for the people.

The new version of the Constitution is significant in that it was developed based on the principles "The people are the only source and author of laws" and "All important decisions are made on the basis of direct dialogue with the people and taking into account public opinion."

It is no exaggeration to say that the new Constitution has literally become the shield of man and his rights and interests. The new Constitution provides about 10 important legal guarantees of human rights. In particular, human rights and freedoms belong to everyone from birth, human rights and freedoms are directly applicable and determine the essence and content of the activities of laws, state bodies and their officials, no one can be assigned an obligation that is not specified in the legislation without his consent, legal measures applied to a person are based on the principle of proportionality, everyone has the right to freely move around the country, to choose the place of residence and residence, the conviction of a person and the resulting legal consequences are the basis for limiting the rights of his relatives Guarantees such as the fact that it is impossible to have created the ground for the full realization of human rights. It is very gratifying that the new Constitution is in harmony with the people-oriented and humanitarian reforms carried out in our country in recent years, and at the same time, it reflects the wishes and goals of our people today.

In the first paragraph of Article 42, everyone has the right to work decently, to freely choose a profession and type of activity, to work in comfortable working conditions that meet the requirements of safety and hygiene, without any discrimination for their work, and in a way that is not less

than the specified minimum amount of remuneration for work. it is established that he has the right to receive wages, as well as to be protected from unemployment in accordance with the law.

Article 43 states that "the state shall take measures to ensure the employment of citizens, protect them from unemployment, and reduce poverty" is a clear proof of our opinion. In his speeches at the first "Central Asia-China" summit held on May 19 of this year in Xi'an, the President of the People's Republic of China emphasized the creation of necessary conditions for the sustainable development of the countries of the region, focusing on the effective fight against poverty. stopped.

Also, the new Constitution has become a real legal protector of entrepreneurs. In particular, Article 65 of the new Constitution stipulates that "The State creates conditions for the development of market relations and fair competition, guarantees freedom of economic activity, entrepreneurship and labor, taking into account the priority of consumers' rights", while Article 67 states "The State provides a favorable investment and business environment. "Entrepreneurs have the right to carry out any activity in accordance with the law and to independently choose the directions of their activity, monopolistic activity is regulated and limited by law" means that the legal guarantee for the activities of entrepreneurs and the business environment in our country has reached a new level.

Approved by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated March 8, 2023 "On the first priority measures for the implementation of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the new version" No. PF-67 "Uzbekistan in the new version In order to ensure the implementation of the program of measures for the implementation of the tasks arising from the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the regional justice department and the agencies of its system approved the programs for the implementation of the promotion of the new version of the Constitution in the regions, and the composition of the promotion groups was formed..

Conclusion: In close cooperation with all state bodies and organizations in the region, the first measures to explain the essence of the new Constitution to the employees of offices and organizations and representatives of the population have been determined and are being implemented.


1. The new version of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

2. Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated February 7, 2017 No. PF-4947 "On the strategy of actions for the further development of the Republic of Uzbekistan"


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