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Conceptual model / national resilience assessment / impact of coastal reclamation

Аннотация научной статьи по строительству и архитектуре, автор научной работы — Dewi Yustiana, Moh. Fadli, Adi Kusumaningrum, Solimun

In the context of regional development, coastal reclamation is expected to increase the overall carrying capacity and environmental carrying capacity of the area. However, along the way, the reclamation project did not always succeed as expected. Several cases of coastal reclamation, such as the reclamation of the north coast of Jakarta and Benoa Bali, have raised pros and cons and have had a significant impact on the lives of local communities, especially on environmental, economic, and socio-cultural aspects. This is very influential on the condition of the National Resilience of the Indonesian nation, especially the area. This study aims to analyze thoroughly the impact of coastal reclamation on National Resilience. Activities start from a comprehensive understanding of the system that occurs in the reclamation process and variables that affect national resilience. Based on preliminary observations and critical studies of previous research, the trend that occurs in significant aspects is the environmental, economic, and socio-cultural aspects. Each aspect is analyzed its role in the National Resilience system as a result of Reclamation. Identification of aspects in detail is needed to obtain variables and criteria that have a significant effect on National Resilience. Refinement is carried out on the assessment of Environmental, Economic, and Socio-cultural variables as an interacting system. Each variable is defined and assessed its role in the system of causal interactions (causal loop). The concept of system unity and variable idiosyncrasies is highlighted. The result of the research is a Conceptual Model of National Resilience Assessment as the Impact of Beach Reclamation with a Dynamic System Model. This model is expected to be able to conduct an assessment of the National Resilience of an area as a result of the systemic interaction process that occurs in environmental, economic, and socio-cultural aspects that affect the reclamation process. The reliability of the research result model is proven by the quantitative and qualitative validation and verification of the National Resilience value from the expert's assessment.

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DOI https://doi.org/10.18551/rjoas.2021-03.06



Dewi Yustiana, Moh. Fadli, Adi Kusumaningrum, Solimun

University of Brawijaya, Malang, Indonesia *E-mail: dewiyustiana@gmail.com


In the context of regional development, coastal reclamation is expected to increase the overall carrying capacity and environmental carrying capacity of the area. However, along the way, the reclamation project did not always succeed as expected. Several cases of coastal reclamation, such as the reclamation of the north coast of Jakarta and Benoa Bali, have raised pros and cons and have had a significant impact on the lives of local communities, especially on environmental, economic, and socio-cultural aspects. This is very influential on the condition of the National Resilience of the Indonesian nation, especially the area. This study aims to analyze thoroughly the impact of coastal reclamation on National Resilience. Activities start from a comprehensive understanding of the system that occurs in the reclamation process and variables that affect national resilience. Based on preliminary observations and critical studies of previous research, the trend that occurs in significant aspects is the environmental, economic, and socio-cultural aspects. Each aspect is analyzed its role in the National Resilience system as a result of Reclamation. Identification of aspects in detail is needed to obtain variables and criteria that have a significant effect on National Resilience. Refinement is carried out on the assessment of Environmental, Economic, and Socio-cultural variables as an interacting system. Each variable is defined and assessed its role in the system of causal interactions (causal loop). The concept of system unity and variable idiosyncrasies is highlighted. The result of the research is a Conceptual Model of National Resilience Assessment as the Impact of Beach Reclamation with a Dynamic System Model. This model is expected to be able to conduct an assessment of the National Resilience of an area as a result of the systemic interaction process that occurs in environmental, economic, and socio-cultural aspects that affect the reclamation process. The reliability of the research result model is proven by the quantitative and qualitative validation and verification of the National Resilience value from the expert's assessment.


Conceptual model, national resilience assessment, impact of coastal reclamation.

Coastal reclamation is an effort to establish a new land area in the coastal area. The main objective of reclamation is to turn the untapped coastal area into a new area that is better for a variety of community life, such as residential areas, industry, airports, waste and environmental management areas, tourist areas, and other strategic purposes. Reclamation activities are carried out by an authority either the state or the government whose land needs are increasing rapidly but have constraints on limited space and land. Reclamation is carried out to increase the benefits of land resources from an environmental, social, and economic point of view by utilizing the land to become more useful. In the context of regional development, coastal reclamation is expected to increase the overall carrying capacity and environmental carrying capacity for the area (Adharani, 2018).

Based on preliminary observations in the field and based on a review of previous research, it is found that some people who are pros and cons of the coastal reclamation project show that the development of coastal reclamation areas in Benoa Bay and Jakarta Bay has had good and bad impacts on aspects of national security mainly the tendency is on the socio-cultural, economic and environmental aspects. These three aspects, namely socio-cultural aspects, economic aspects, and environmental aspects are aspects based on

preliminary data in the field and from the literature review of several previous studies, are very significant and tend to affect the coastal reclamation process which can affect the National Resilience of an area (Bastari, 2019).

The following are some of the reasons underlying that these three aspects (Socio-cultural, Economic, and Environmental) have a very significant effect on Coastal Reclamation activities which have an impact on the National Resilience of an area, which can be explained in the following matters:

a. The impact on the socio-cultural aspect, the reclamation project is predicted to result in negative changes to the social and cultural life of the Balinese people that have an impact on the value of the area's National Resilience. This is consistent with the research conducted by I Putu Gede Ardhana (2017) in his research entitled The Study of the Impact for Social Culture toward the Planning of Reclamation for Benoa Bay in Bali. This study examines the socio-cultural impact on the reclamation of Benoa Bay in Bali which affects aspects of national resilience starting with a discussion of the Benoa Bay reclamation process, and then its impact on the local socio-culture, especially for contamination of traditional holy places (places used to Balinese Hindu religious rituals and customs). Furthermore, the issue of the impact of reclamation on the socio-cultural aspects was also raised by Andharani et al (2019) with the title Jakarta Bay Reclamation: The Challenge Between Policy, Environmental and Social Culture Impacts.

b. The impact on the economic aspect, the coastal reclamation project is predicted to have an impact on the economic development of an area or even kill the economy or the livelihoods of the small community in the area so that it can affect aspects of the area's National Resilience. This is consistent with research conducted by SF. Zhan et al (2011) with a study entitled Dynamic Modeling For Ecological And Economic Sustainability In A Rapid Urbanizing Region, as well as research conducted by S. Onaka et al (2013) with a study entitled Bali Beach Conservation Project And Issues Related to Beach Maintenance After Completion of Project. The problems raised in this research are issues related to conservation projects on the coast of Bali and how to manage them after the project is completed, from economic, environmental as well as social, and cultural aspects so that they do not kill the economy of fishermen in the poor category, and on the contrary, they raise the economy of investors who is well established.

c. The Impact on environmental aspects, it is feared that the reclamation project will damage the ecosystem and coastal environment along with social, cultural, and economic changes that can have a systemic impact on the decline in the ecosystem and coastal environment. If that happens it will systemically have an impact on the aspects of the area's National Resilience. This is following research conducted by Bradley War (2013) Understanding And Managing Marine Protected Areas Through Integrating Ecosystem-Based Management Within Maritime Cultural Landscapes Moving, as well as research by Asri Kenyo (2018) in his research entitled Marine And Coastal Resources Sustainability Index of Benoa Coastal, Bay Reclamation Site.

Based on preliminary field studies and previous research literature studies, the three aspects mentioned above which include: Socio-cultural aspects, economic aspects, and environmental aspects have a very significant influence on Coastal Reclamation activities that have an impact on National Resilience, although they do not close other possible aspects that affect the National Resilience of the Indonesian nation such as aspects of ideology, politics and defense and security, which are not included in this study in the context of the Coastal Reclamation Project.

In regulating and carrying out their life, the Indonesian nation cannot be separated from the influence of interactions with its environment, both in the national, regional, and global scope in maintaining and increasing the value of its National Resilience (Bradley, 2013). Predictions in the form of perceptions that develop in the community about the impact of reclamation on National Resilience on the Socio-Cultural, Economic, and Environmental aspects are a reflection of hypotheses that must be verified, so more in-depth research is needed to assess whether there is an impact on Reclamation development. Coast to National Resilience in these aspects.

The system dynamics approach is a combination of theory, method and philosophy to analyze behavior (Yang Song, 2015). As a dynamic system, this model builds a general (generic model) starting from symptom identification to producing problem structures for evaluation simulation/policy analysis in making decisions, both for evaluating strategic steps that have been taken in producing system performance, as well as for evaluation. / analysis in achieving the desired goals. The Dynamic System Model is a comprehensive policy evaluation model that views every problem holistically, systematically, and integratively. By using a dynamic system model, it is hoped that the process and results of problem-solving in the form of policy scenarios can be implemented effectively and efficiently (J.W. Forrester, 1995)

This study aims to create a conceptual model for analyzing the impact of Coastal Reclamation on National Resilience with socio-cultural, economic, and environmental aspects, as aspects that interact with one another, as a developing holistic and dynamic system to influence National Resilience.

Based on this background, a Problem Statement or problem can be formulated as follows: "What is a model that can analyze the impact of coastal reclamation on National Resilience". Furthermore, based on the formulation of the problem that has been compiled, the objectives of this research are as follows:

a. Finding and analyzing what factors affect National Resilience as the impact of Coastal Reclamation, especially on the socio-cultural, economic, and environmental aspects.

b. Find an analysis model that can represent the value of National Resilience as an impact on environmental, economic, and socio-cultural aspects of coastal reclamation.


According to the meaning in language, reclamation comes from English, to reclaim which means repairing something that is damaged. The English-Indonesian Dictionary specifically states the meaning of reclaim as to make land (from the sea). Still, in the same dictionary, the meaning of the word reclamation is translated as the work of acquiring land. Not many experts have defined or provided an understanding of coastal reclamation (Buwono, 2014).

Coastal reclamation activities are technological efforts made by humans to transform a natural environment into an artificial environment, a typology of the estuary, and mangrove and coral reef ecosystems into a land landscape. Reclamation is an activity carried out by people to increase the benefits of land resources from an environmental and socio-economic point of view by filling, draining the land or drainage (Law No. 27 of 2007).

Another definition of reclamation is a work/effort to make use of an area of land that is relatively useless or is still empty and watery to become useful land by drying it. For example in coastal areas, swamps, offshore / in the sea, in the middle of a wide river, or a lake (C. Ma, 2012). Reclamation is an activity to convert coastal waters into the land. Reclamation is intended as an effort to change the low land surface (usually affected by standing water) to be higher (usually not affected by standing water).

By definition, the main purpose of reclamation is to make water areas that are damaged or useless better and more useful. These new areas are usually used for residential, industrial, business, and shopping areas, agriculture, and tourist attractions. In urban planning, coastal reclamation is one step of urban expansion. Reclamation is practiced by the state or large cities whose growth rates and land requirements are increasing rapidly but experiencing obstacles due to the narrowing of land (limited land). Under these conditions, it is no longer possible to expand the city towards the mainland, so that new land is needed. The method of reclamation provides benefits and can assist the state/city in the provision of land for various purposes (city expansion), structuring coastal areas, developing marine tourism, and others (Juma, 2015).

Reclamation of water areas is an effort to establish a new land area either in the coastal area or in the middle of the ocean. The main purpose of this reclamation is to turn the

damaged or untapped water area into a new area that is better and useful for various economic needs as well as for other strategic purposes. The new land area can be used for residential, industrial, business and shopping areas, airports, cities, agriculture, alternative transportation routes, freshwater reservoirs on the coast, integrated waste and environmental management areas, and as embankments to protect the old land from the threat of abrasion. as well as to become an integrated tourist area. Usually, this reclamation activity is carried out by an authority (state, big city, area manager) which has a high growth rate and the need for land is increasing rapidly, but experiences limitations or availability of space and land to support the existing growth rate, so it is necessary to develop an area. new land (Hidayah, 2017).

The purpose of reclamation is to improve unused or useless areas or areas into areas that can be used for various human needs, including agricultural land, housing, recreation, and industrial areas. Meanwhile, according to Max Wagiu (2011), the objectives of the reclamation program are:

a. To regain land lost due to sea waves;

b. To acquire new land in the area in front of the coastline to build a building that will function as a fortress for the protection of the coastline;

c. For economic reasons, construction or to erect building constructions on a larger


Furthermore, it can be understood that coastal reclamation has become a national case that has a significant impact on all aspects of the life of the nation and state (Singgih, 2014). Some of the coastal reclamation cases above, such as the reclamation of the North Coast of Jakarta and the Reclamation of the Benoa Bay Beach in Bali, have raised pros and cons and have had a significant impact on all aspects of the life of the local community in the fields of law, economy, and socio-culture so that further discussion needs to be made about the impact of coastal reclamation against the National Resilience of the Indonesian nation

The coastal city area tends to undergo rapid changes, causing various problems such as the increasing need for land for housing, industry, trade and services, ports, warehousing, marine tourism, as well as facilities and infrastructure, so it is necessary to expand through coastal reclamation. The coastal reclamation area is an area resulting from the expansion of the coastal area through technical engineering for the development of new areas. The coastal reclamation area is included in the category of areas that are located on the coast, where growth and development both socially, economically, and physically are strongly influenced by seawater (Loren, 2015).

The rapid growth and development of coastal cities will have an impact on the surrounding areas including the coastal reclamation area as an expansion of the city. This of course will cause various complex problems so that it is necessary to regulate the said coastal reclamation area (Maurommati Bithas, 2013). To organize the development of coastal reclamation areas, operational technical guidelines for the government, the public, and the private sector are needed in the implementation of spatial planning in the coastal reclamation area. Some of the positive and negative impacts that can occur with Coastal Reclamation are as follows:

a. Positive Impact of Reclamation.

The positive impact of reclamation is the creation of new land for a city or country for urban expansion, coastal planning, tourism development, and others. From an economic standpoint, reclamation will help increase the quality and economic value of communities around the coast, increase employment, and increase productive land. Meanwhile, from an environmental perspective, reclamation can prevent sustainable erosion and help improve aquatic habitats (Erlandson, 2015).

b. Negative Impact of Reclamation.

Apart from positive impacts, reclamation also has negative impacts. Some of the negative impacts of reclamation are (SF. Zhan, 2012):

1. The occurrence of hydro-oceanographic changes;

2. Potential for sedimentation;

3. Increased water turbidity;

4. The occurrence of marine pollution;

5. Potential flooding and inundation in coastal areas;

6. Damage to marine habitats and ecosystems;

7. Community access to the beach is limited;

8. Potential for air pollution.

In regulating and organizing their life, the Indonesian nation cannot be separated from the influence of interactions with its environment, both in the national, regional, and global scope. To develop their lives and realize their various national interests, the Indonesian nation has a perspective, a way of reviewing, a way of sensory responsiveness, which is called the Archipelago as a national insight (Supriyatna, 2013). Archipelago insight serves as a guideline, guidance, and guidance so that all efforts of the nation continue to lead to the realization of national ideals and the achievement of its national goals. A goal which has been a pledge or agreement with all the Indonesian people, to form a state government that protects the entire Indonesian nation and all Indonesian blood, promotes the general welfare, educates the nation's life, and participates in implementing world order based on independence, eternal peace, and social justice.

The Indonesian National Resilience Concept is the conception of National Resilience or the development of national strength through the regulation and implementation of balanced, harmonious, and harmonious welfare and security in all aspects of life as a whole and integrated based on Pancasila, the 1945 Constitution, and the Archipelago's Insight. The conception of Indonesian National Resilience is a guideline (means) to increase (method) the resilience of the nation which contains the ability to develop national strength, with a welfare and security approach. The condition of national life is a reflection of national resilience based on the ideal foundation of Pancasila, the constitutional foundation of the 1945 Constitution, and the conceptual foundation of the Archipelago Concept (Wibawa, 2017). The essence of Indonesia's national resilience is the resilience and resilience of the nation which contains the ability to develop national strength, to ensure the survival of the nation and state in achieving national goals. Meanwhile, the essence of the conception of Indonesia's national resilience is the regulation and implementation of welfare and security in a balanced, harmonious, and harmonious manner in all aspects of national life (Supriyatna, 2014).


The National Resilience Assessment can be approached through two approaches, namely the engineering approach and the social approach. The engineering approach sees national resilience as a value of the ability to quickly return to its original shape and position in the event of pressure, collision, or bending and can make quantitative and qualitative mathematical assessments. The social approach views national resilience as the ability to respond, adapt and interact with the environment and can be assessed both quantitatively and qualitatively based on the social realities of society (Roi Durana, 2016). Based on this, the National Defense of an area or location can be assessed and measured both quantitatively and qualitatively based on the assumptions of the aspects that influence it. So that we need a model that can represent the measurement and assessment of the National Resilience of a region.

Assessment of national resilience can be carried out by conducting policy simulations related to four main things (Reference to the Banten Province National Resilience Assessment, Lemhanas 2014), namely; a. Measurement dimensions, b. Determination of score (index), and c. model simulation, with the following explanation:

a. Measurement of Dimensions.

Measurement of national resilience includes 3 dimensions, namely (1) Aspect dimensions, (2) regional / spatial dimensions, and (3) time dimensions.

(1) Aspect Dimension is a measurement of national resilience through measurement of the resistance of each factor, then aggregated into national resilience. Based on this dimension, national resilience is the resultant and comprehensive aggregation of the resilience of each factor. Each factor is broken down into several aspects, aspects are

broken down into several variables, and variables are further broken down into several indicators.

(2) The regional/spatial dimension is a measure of national resilience through measurement of resilience in each region within the national or state scope. National resilience is the overall result of resilience in each region. In this dissertation research, the discussion of the dimensions of the Regional / Spatial aspects of Beach Reclamation in Lamongan, Surabaya, and Benoa Bali.

(3) The dimension of time. Measurement through this approach means that the condition of national resilience is very dependent on the timing of the measurement of national resilience. Therefore, the measurement of national resilience needs to be carried out periodically to determine the position of national resilience at that time and its trends.

b. Determination of the National Resilience Score (Index).

Each indicator is assessed and given a score (index), namely: (1) Prone, (2) Less resilient, (3) Fairly resilient, (4) Tough, and (5) Very resilient by using measured parameters. The scoring is performed using benchmarks with "competitors", norms or comparisons with the past. Resilience ratings at the variable, graphical, and aggregated level are carried out by mathematical calculations so that the index and color symbol conversions are obtained as shown in Table 1 below:

Table 1 - National Resilience Index

National Resilience Index Conversion of Index Strategic Meanings

Prone 1,0 - 1,8 Alert

Less Tough > 1,8 - 2,6 Warning

Enough Tough > 2,6 - 3,4 Moderate

Toughness > 3,4 - 4,2

Very Tough > 4,2 - 5,0 Sustainable

The meanings of the five National Resilience scores are as follows:

Prone. National resilience is said to be vulnerable if the dynamic national conditions which contain the nation's resilience and resilience in facing and overcoming all challenges, threats, obstacles, and disturbances, both coming from outside and from within, are in a very weak condition. In this condition, the slightest threat can endanger the integrity, identity, and survival of the nation and state. This condition is also called an alert.

Less Tough. National resilience is said to be less resilient if the nation's resilience and resilience are in a weak condition. The meaning is that in the short term the country can still withstand various kinds of challenges, threats, obstacles, and disturbances, both from outside and inside. However, if there is no immediate improvement in this weak dynamic condition, in the long term these threats and disturbances will destabilize national stability. This condition is also called a warning.

Enough Tough. National resilience is said to be quite resilient if the nation's resilience and resilience are in a sufficient condition in facing challenges, threats, obstacles, and disturbances both from outside and from within. Every pillar of national and state life is also sufficient in responding to various things demands for change that arise. However, several internal weaknesses need to be corrected immediately so that threats and disturbances do not weaken national stability and integrity. This condition is the initial stage of the moderate condition.

Toughness. National resilience is said to be tough if the nation's tenacity and resilience are in good condition. In this condition, all challenges, threats, obstacles, and disturbances both from outside and from within can be overcome. Every pillar of the life of the nation and state is in a good position to respond to the various demands for change that arise. However, it must remain vigilant of any disruption and prolonged threats both from outside and from within, which will weaken national stability and integrity. This condition is better than the tough condition, still in the moderate group, in the strengthening towards sustainability.

Very Tough. National resilience is said to be very resilient if the nation's tenacity and resilience are in excellent and prime condition. In this condition, all challenges, threats,

obstacles, and disturbances both from outside and from within that threaten the integrity, identity, and survival of the nation and state can be properly resolved. These threats and disturbances will not shake national resilience, they can even be turned into opportunities. This condition is also called sustainable.

c. System Dynamics Model Simulation.

Simulation is the imitation of the behavior of a symptom or process. The simulation aims to understand these symptoms or processes, analyze and predict the behavior of these symptoms or processes to a model (Zagonel, 2002). The simulation is carried out through several stages, including conceptualization, modeling, simulation, and validation of simulation results. The simulation stages can simply be seen in Figure 1.

The first stage of the simulation is conceptualization. Symptoms or processes to be imitated need to be understood, among others, by determining the elements that play a role in the symptoms or processes. These elements interact, relate, and are dependent and unite in carrying out activities. From the elements and their relationships, ideas or concepts about the symptoms or processes to be simulated can be formulated.

Process symptoms


Develop Model


Model making

Process symptoms

Figure 1 - Stages of Model Simulation (Researcher's analysis, 2021)

In Figure 1. A model is a form made to mimic a symptom or process. Models can be grouped into qualitative-quantitative models and iconic models. A quantitative model is a model in the form of mathematical, statistical, or computer formulas. Qualitative models are models in the form of images, diagrams, or matrices that state the relationships between elements.

Steps and Procedures The research uses the System Dynamic Methods approach to solve the problem of evaluating the policy of implementing coastal reclamation and its impact on professional performance, the discipline of soldiers, welfare, and public service by soldiers. Some of the reasons underlying researchers to use and develop the System Dynamic methods in this study are as follows:

a. Analysis and studies on the evaluation of coastal reclamation policies need to be carried out by considering the dynamics of the upcoming system on all interacting variables, (Environmental, Economic, and Socio-Cultural), to get real results and impacts on the best policy determination.

b. The use of this method (System Dynamic) is very suitable to be applied and developed further because the principle of this method in solving problems uses systemic logic so that each problem can be identified and solved in a holistic and integrated manner.

c. The System Dynamic Method approach is a model for analyzing the behavior of an interacting system, such as a coastal reclamation policy system that is dynamic and interacts with the variables within it. The review process starts from symptom identification to producing a problem structure, the simulation, evaluation, and policy analysis are carried out in decision making (Steinberg, 2015).

The first step in conceptualizing a coastal reclamation system is the identification of the aspect variables and criteria that influence the system. The purpose of identifying this variable is to deepen knowledge of the system to be studied. The variables identified are those related to the parameters that influence and interact with the determination of coastal reclamation.



Figure 2 - Model of Interaction Relationship of Coastal Reclamation Aspects on National Resilience

(Researcher's analysis, 2021)

In Figure 2. The Interaction Relationship of the Main Aspects of Coastal Reclamation on National Resilience, each of the main variables in the environmental, economic, and socio-cultural aspects forms an interaction relationship as a system that affects the value of National Resilience systemically.

Figure 3 - Stock Flow Model for National Resilience Assessment (Researcher's analysis, 2021)

Figure 3. Stock Flow model measuring National Resilience from aspects that have a significant effect, which consists of environmental, economic, and socio-cultural aspects. Furthermore, the aspect and criteria variables in this study were obtained from initial observations and understanding of the coastal reclamation system, initial discussions with experts, followed by literature review activities, and critical studies of previous research. These things underlie the main breakdown in the arrangement of the variable aspects and components that affect systemically on the coastal reclamation system. Until in the end 3 (three) main aspect variables and sub-component aspects that affect the Coastal Reclamation System can be broken down, namely:

a. Environmental / Environmental Aspects:

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- Regional Spatial Planning;

- Continuity Land Environment;

- Continuity Marine Environment;

- Environmental Sustainability;

- Coastal Environment;

- Impact Environment.

b. Economic Aspects:

- Continuity life;

- Income of Public;

- Livelihood Guarantee;

- Settlement Public;

- Social Status.

c. Socio-Cultural Aspects:

- Culture Public;

- Social Public;

- Local culture;

- Religious Culture;

- Relationships Public;

- Integration Culture.

- etc.

Figure 4 - Conceptualization of the Relationship Model for Coastal Reclamation and National

Resilience (Researcher's analysis, 2021)

Furthermore, the three main aspects mentioned above along with the sub-aspects of the criteria or components that influence them are identified in the form of a conceptualization of the coastal reclamation system which affects the National Resilience Value (National Resilience) in the form of a cause and effect diagram as in Figure 4.

Data are only meaningful if analyzed accurately and thoroughly. Data analysis is a process of descriptions and preparation of interview transcripts and other collected materials. Qualitative analysis is an analysis that is used to discuss and explain the results of research regarding various symptoms or cases that can be described using words that cannot be measured by numbers but require a clear explanation (S. Onaka, 2013).

The data obtained is only to provide information and explanation. The data analysis and data processing stages in this study are shown which include:

a. Understanding the complexities in the Coastal Reclamation system that affects

National Resilience;

b. Identification and definition of problems in the system;

c. The conceptualization of the Coastal Reclamation system which affects National


d. Formulation of evaluation models and policies in the system;

e. Perform stakeholder simulation and validation;

f. Analyze and evaluate policy outputs and improvements;

g. Determine the best policy.

The data analysis process is based on simplification and interpretation of data carried out before, during, and after the data collection process. This process consists of three interrelated sub-processes, namely data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing/verification. In this study, data processing was carried out continuously, namely during the course of the research and after research in the field. This is intended to select the data that is needed and to support the problems and topics that are the focus of the research.

Triangulation is a technique of combining data collection to test the credibility of the data, through various data collection techniques and various data sources (Sugiyono, 2009). Triangulation is a data validity checking technique that uses something other than the data, for checking purposes or as a comparison to the data that has been obtained. Denzin and Patton in Unaids suggest that there are four basic types of triangulation, namely: 1) triangulation of data, 2) investigator triangulation, 3) theory triangulation and 4) a methodological triangulation (Ulung, 2017). There are two types of triangulation, namely technical triangulation, and source triangulation. Technical triangulation means that researchers use different data collection techniques to get data from the same source, while source triangulation means getting data from different sources using the same technique (Zohrabi, 2013).


This research has produced a Conceptual Model of National Resilience Assessment as the Impact of Coastal Reclamation with a Dynamic Systems Model approach. Identification of aspects in detail is needed to obtain variables and criteria that have a significant effect on National Resilience as a result of coastal reclamation. Refinement is carried out on the assessment of Environmental, Economic, and Socio-cultural variables as an interacting system. Each variable is defined and assessed its role in the system of causal interactions (causal loop). The concept of system unity and variable idiosyncrasies is highlighted. The results of the research are in the form of a conceptual model that can perform a National Resilience test as the impact of coastal reclamation. This conceptual model is expected to be able to conduct an assessment of the National Resilience of an area as a result of the systemic interaction process that occurs in environmental, economic, and socio-cultural aspects that affect the reclamation process. The reliability of the research result model is proven by the quantitative and qualitative validation and verification of the National Resilience value from the expert's assessment.

The output of this research is limited to the formulation of a Conceptual Model for the Assessment of National Resilience as the Impact of Coastal Reclamation with a Dynamic System approach. This research can be continued and can be developed further towards a more detailed calculation of formulations to assess the relationship between variables and indicators that influence in more detail, by considering the sustainability factor of National Resilience. It also requires simulations and scenarios for government policies as an interacting system to achieve the expected value of national resilience. The advanced method used is modeling with the Dynamic System Model which will be detailed by the author in the next research.


The authors greatly acknowledge the support from the University of Brawijaya, Malang, Indonesia, for providing the necessary resources to carry out this research work. The authors are also grateful to the anonymous reviewers and journal editorial board for their many insightful comments, which have significantly improved this article.


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