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Reclamation / Regulations / Land Rights

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Ilham Abbas, Syamsul Rijal, Sufirman Rahman, Syahruddin Nawi

The essence of coastal reclamation in obtaining land rights is the benefit of a just environment by turning the beach (sea water) into the land. Second, the registration of ownership to the Beach Reclamation land carried out by the reclamation executor to the atr/bin office is carried out in accordance with PP provisions No. 24 of 1997. Furthermore, the atr/bin office, in this case, is the relevant official authorized to determine the rights to the Beach Reclamation Land. Carried out by PP Number 18 of 2021, which produces documents as land rights certificates. Third, in acquiring rights to coastal reclamation land, there are influencing factors, namely legal substance, legal structure, legal culture, facilities, and infrastructure. Recommendations in this study, First, the government, as a policy maker in granting coastal reclamation permits and land rights for coastal reclamation, needs to carry out land law reforms consistently so that they are in line with the mandate of Article 33 paragraph (3) of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia. There must be policy harmonization rustic as a whole. Second, granting land rights to applicants can achieve its objectives as stated in Article 33 paragraph (3) of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia. The three governments involve the community, traditional institutions, community organizations, and non-governmental organizations to support the policy of granting land rights to coastal reclamation, in Indonesia.

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1Doctor Of Law Student, Universitas Muslim Indonesia 234Faculty Of Law, Universitas Muslim Indonesia, Indonesia Author Correspondent: Ilham.Abbas@Umi.Ac.Id

Abstract - The essence of coastal reclamation in obtaining land rights is the benefit of a just environment by turning the beach (sea water) into the land. Second, the registration of ownership to the Beach Reclamation land carried out by the reclamation executor to the atr/bin office is carried out in accordance with PP provisions No. 24 of 1997. Furthermore, the atr/bin office, in this case, is the relevant official authorized to determine the rights to the Beach Reclamation Land. Carried out by PP Number 18 of 2021, which produces documents as land rights certificates. Third, in acquiring rights to coastal reclamation land, there are influencing factors, namely legal substance, legal structure, legal culture, facilities, and infrastructure. Recommendations in this study, First, the government, as a policy maker in granting coastal reclamation permits and land rights for coastal reclamation, needs to carry out land law reforms consistently so that they are in line with the mandate of Article 33 paragraph (3) of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia. There must be policy harmonization rustic as a whole. Second, granting land rights to applicants can achieve its objectives as stated in Article 33 paragraph (3) of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia. The three governments involve the community, traditional institutions, community organizations, and non-governmental organizations to support the policy of granting land rights to coastal reclamation, in Indonesia. Keywords: Reclamation ; Regulations; Land Rights;


The progress of a city is based on the rate of population development, with urban infrastructure development making a city increasingly short of land, which is increasingly turning into settlements. The need for land has prompted the government to seek solutions to land fulfillment by utilizing areas considered less supportive of the growth and development of the region. One of them is the coastal zone which generally has low environmental quality.

The imbalance between land supply and human needs will cause land problems; land issues in Indonesia are a problem that occurs a lot because land in people's lives is a sensitive matter because it is related to sociological, political, juridical, psychological, cultural and religious issues, this can lead to things in the control of the land itself by the community. 1. In several countries, coastal reclamation is one of the solutions in the context of city expansion. Besides creating a new city, beach reclamation also provides aesthetic and economic value to increase a city's economy. Coastal reclamation is also known in Indonesia, several regions in Indonesia, massive cities have carried out, are currently, and will carry out coastal reclamation. In the context of the legal dimension, there are various laws and regulations governing land and reclamation, such as Law No. 5 of 1960 concerning Basic Agrarian Principles and Regulation of the Minister of Public Works Number: 40/Prt/M/2007 concerning Guidelines for Spatial Planning for Coastal Reclamation Areas. 2. In addition, Law Number 27 of 2007 concerning Management of Coastal Areas and Small Islands was promulgated, as amended by Law Number 1 of 2014 concerning Amendments to Law Number 27 of 2007 Management of Coastal Areas and Small Islands. Become a guideline for the implementation of coastal reclamation.

1 Siti Rofiah. "Control of Coastal Reclamation Land by Coastal Communities." Journal of Law and Notary Affairs, Vol. 4 No. 2, August 2020.

2 Adi Suriadi. 2020. "Potential Conflicts and Legal Aspects of Land Reclamation Resulting from Coastal

Embankments in Jakarta." Journal of Sosek Public Works, Vol. 12 No. 1. April 2020.


Linguistically, reclamation comes from the English vocabulary to reclaim, which means repairing something damaged, specifically in the English-Indonesian Dictionary published by PT. Gramedia mentions the meaning of reclaim as making land ( from the sea ). Still, in the same dictionary, the purpose of the word reclamation is translated as work to acquire land. Not many experts have defined or provided an understanding of coastal reclamation. Beach reclamation activities are technological efforts made by humans to change a natural environment into an artificial environment, a typology of estuary ecosystems, mangroves, and coral reefs into a land landscape.3

Reclamation is an activity carried out by people to increase the benefits of land resources in terms of the socio-economic environment using confinement, land drying, or drainage. Reclamation in Law Number 27 of 2007 concerning the Management of Coastal Areas and Small Islands, as in article 34, reads:

1. Reclamation of Coastal Zone and Small Islands is carried out to increase the benefits and/or added value of the Coastal Zone and Small Islands viewed from the technical, environmental, and socioeconomic aspects.

2. Reclamation implementation, as referred to in paragraph (1), must maintain and notice:

a. Sustainability of community life and livelihood ;

b. balance between utilization interests and conservation interests, an environmental function of Coastal and Small Islands; and a

c. technical requirements for taking, dredging, and stockpiling material.

3. Presidential Regulation further regulates reclamation planning and implementation.

Beach reclamation activities are carried out by taking into account the contents of the provisions according to the Minister of Public Works Regulation No. 40/PRT/M/2007 concerning Guidelines for Spatial Planning for Coastal Reclamation Areas that is :

a. It is a need to develop cultivation areas that already exist on the land side;

b. Is part of an urban area that is quite dense and requires land area development to accommodate existing needs ;

c. Located outside the mangrove forest area, which is part of a protected area or national park, nature reserve, and wildlife reserve;

d. Not an area that borders or is used as a reference for territorial boundaries with other regions/countries.

There are three objectives of the reclamation program are:

a. To get back the lost land due to the brunt of the sea waves;

b. To acquire new land in the area in front of the coastline to construct a building that will function as a fort to protect the coastline ;

c. For economic reasons, construction or construction of buildings on a larger scale.

The needs and benefits of reclamation can be seen from land use, coastal management, and economic aspects. Spatial planning of a particular area is sometimes required for reclamation to be efficient and effective. For beaches that are oriented towards ports, industry, tourism, or for the public interest with shallow coastal waters, it is best to be reclaimed so that they can be utilized.5 In general, beach reclamation activities are carried out in coastal areas. Coastal areas are transitional areas between land and sea ecosystems that are affected by changes in land and sea. The scope of regulation of the coastal area includes transitional areas between land and sea ecosystems that are affected by changes in land and sea, inland covering the sub-district administration area and seaward as far as 12 (twelve) nautical miles measured from the coastline.

The management of coastal areas, which are usually used as objects of implementing coastal reclamation, includes planning, utilization, supervision, and control of human interaction in their

3 Maskur A, Reconstruction of Legal Arrangements for Beach Reclamation in the City of Semarang Thesis Master of Law Program Postgraduate Program at Diponegoro University Semarang 2008.

4 Law Number 27 of 2007 concerning management of coastal areas and small islands

5 Muh. Iqbal, Abrar Saleng, Sri Susyanti Nur. "Analysis of Legal Aspects Granting Building Use Rights to PT. Yasmin Bumi Asri on the Center Point Area Reclamation Project of Indonesia." Scientific Journal of the World of Law, Vol. 4 No. 2. April 2020.


utilization and natural processes in an ongoing manner to improve people's welfare and maintain the integrity of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. It must also maintain environmental sustainability, and every beach reclamation activity should be based on an Environmental Impact Analysis (AMDAL).

The management of coastal areas contained in Law Number 27 of 2007, in conjunction with Law Number 1 of 2014, stipulates that the utilization of coastal waters can only be granted in the form of Coastal Waters Concession Rights ("HP-3"). While the rights that can be granted cover the exploitation of the sea level and the water column up to the seabed level. HP-3 is provided in the form of an HP-3 certificate and is given to the following parties:

1. Individual Indonesian citizens.

2. A legal entity established under Indonesian law.

3. Culture.

From a formal juridical perspective, government policies regarding the use of coastal areas are primarily prioritized for the following interests:

1. Conservation.

2. Education and training.

3. Research and development.

4. Mariculture.

5. Tourist.

6. Marine fishery business and fishery industry in a sustainable manner.

7. Organic agriculture.

8. Farm.

The existence of coastal reclamation relates to the allocation of priorities for managing coastal areas to beach reclamation activities; of course, several legal norms still give rise to legal issues, so it is interesting to discuss. While the legal standards contained in these various regulations, ideally if they, are not merely used as lip decoration or mere complementary rules ( ius contituendum ) but really must be implemented as they should ( ius constituted). Implementing all legal norms related to coastal reclamation activities is integral to law enforcement activities. While law enforcement itself is one of the characteristics of the rule of law.

In carrying out the reclamation of coastal areas, it is only natural and proper that the parties carrying out coastal reclamation must pay attention to various (social) aspects, especially the impacts that will be caused so as not to harm the people. At the same time, the word must here contain juridical consequences in the form of criminal liability as a form of law enforcement. As for the impacts that will arise from beach reclamation activities, for example, environmental, sociocultural, and economic effects. The results of the coastal reclamation cannot be separated from the accountability of the reclamation implementing party.

Beach reclamation can be done by private companies in the form of a Company Limited (PT), Regency/City Government, State Owned Enterprises, cooperation between companies private sector and Regency/Municipal Government, or collaboration between private companies and agencies State Owned Enterprises. Coastal reclamation land can later be used to construct commercial or public buildings. Based on a reclamation permit, the land reclamation results need to obtain legal certainty regarding what rights can be obtained on the land reclamation.

As in South Sulawesi, several city districts have carried out beach reclamation with different land uses; the land from the reclamation results has become state land as stated in the Ministerial Decree of ATR/BPN Number 18 Year Article 4, namely:

State Land, as referred to in Article 3 paragraph (2) letter a, may come from:

a. land stipulated by law or government stipulation;

b. Land Reclamation;

c. embossed ground;

d. land originating from the relinquishment or transfer of rights;

e. land arising from forest area release;

f. Wasteland;


g. Land Rights whose term has expired and no Extension and/or Renewal has been requested;

h. Land Rights whose time has ended and due to Central Government policies cannot be extended and/or renewed; And

i. land that has previously been classified as State Land.

Legal issues regarding land that occur in Indonesia are indeed a susceptible matter. 6, for this reason, land resulting from coastal reclamation, which becomes State land needs to receive legal certainty and protection for those who have carried out the reclamation in achieving the objectives of the seaside reclamation party. Many cases of expropriation and deprivation of land ownership resulting from coastal reclamation have resulted in losses for the reclamation parties and delays in the construction/development of the penal reclamation site.

Therefore, the authors conducted this study entitled "the essence of coastal reclamation in obtaining land rights" to analyze the problems in land reclamation results of the coast to create the objectives of coastal reclamation expected by the parties carrying out the coastal reclamation.


The land is one of the primary needs for humans; even to death, humans still need land. The human need for land today is increasing. This is due to the increasing population, while on the other hand, the land area does not increase. The increasingly limited availability of land has prompted the government to seek solutions to meet the expanding demand for land by utilizing sites that are considered less supportive of the growth and development of the region. One of them is the coastal zone which generally has low environmental quality. So that coastal reclamation is one of the solutions in solving this problem

According to its linguistic meaning, reclamation comes from the vocabulary in English to reclaim, which means to repair something damaged, specifically in the English-Indonesian Dictionary published by PT. Gramedia mentions the meaning of reclaim as making land ( from the sea ). Still, in the same dictionary, the purpose of the word reclamation is translated as work to acquire land. According to Mulyanto 7Reclamation is an effort to increase natural land resources from economic, social, and environmental aspects by draining land or landfill by adding a specific volume of land to the sea and coastal areas. However, coastal reclamation, which is mainly carried out in Indonesia, does not meet these criteria. Meanwhile, according to Harriman 8Reclamation is the formation of land by mechanization, not naturally.

Based on some of the definitions above, reclamation itself aims to make damaged or useless water areas more useful. The site is usually used for residential spaces, industry, business and shops, agriculture and tourist attractions.

A beach is a geographical form which consists of sea sand and is found in coastal areas of the sea 9. Meanwhile, according to the Regulation of the Minister of Public Works Number 09/PRT/M/2010 concerning guidelines for coastal protection, it is stated that the beach is an area where the sea and land meet, measured at the highest tide and lowest ebb. While both land and sea activities still influence the coastal area island and its waters.10

In fulfilling the formal legality of coastal reclamation, it is necessary to obtain a permit. In general, Licensing is a form of implementation of the regulatory function and is like control owned by the government over activities carried out by the community. The birth of post-coastal reclamation land will give birth to State land on which it will be utilized by its designation, residential buildings, hotels, restaurants, education, offices, and so on. Juridical evidence is required for land/land resulting from

6 Rabiatul Adawiyah. "The Legal Position of Land Ownership Rights Derived from the Sedimentation Process of River Flows (Delta) in the Perspective of Land Law in Indonesia." Nolaj: Notary Law Journal, Vol. 1 Issue 1, January 2022.

7 Mulyanto, Low Land Reclamation, Graha Ilmu, Yogyakarta 2010

8Harjiman, interview attr/bpn Makassar City, Makassar 17 September 2022

9Id.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/beach. accessed on 5 September 2022 at 15.00 pm

10 Minister of Public Works Regulation Number 09/PRT/M/2010


land reclamation with land rights. According to Boedi Harsono, land rights are the right to a particular portion of the earth's surface that is bounded, two-dimensional with length, and comprehensive.11 The right to control the state is stipulated in Article 2 paragraph (1) UUPA, namely the state as an organization, the power of all the people at the highest level to master the earth, water, and space, incl natural wealth contained therein. The authority in land rights is determined in Article 4 paragraph (2) UUPA, namely using the land concerned, including the body the earth and space and space that is on it simply necessary for the sake of that directly related to land use it is within the limits according to the law these and other legal regulations more tall.

Soedikno Mertokusumo stated that authority possessed by the holder of land rights the land is divided into 2 (two), namely:

1. general authority, namely the authority that is general, namely the use of land that concerned, including the body of the earth and space and the space above it is simply necessary for related purposes with the help of the land within the limits according to this Law and regulations higher law.

2. special authority, namely authority that is specifically, namely the holder of land rights authority to use the land accordingly to various land rights, such as authority on the right of ownership can be for purposes of farming and/or constructing buildings, the authority on Building Use Rights is to use the land for building purposes only authority on Building Utilization Right is use the land for agricultural purposes, fisheries, animal husbandry, and plantations.12

Rights to the surface of the earth or rights to the land mentioned in Article 4 paragraph (1) UUPA is described in various ways in Article 16 paragraph (1) UUPA and Article 53 paragraph (1) UUPA. Sri Hajat states that land rights are differentiated into 3 (three) groups, namely:

1. right on permanent land. Land rights that endless are land rights that remain in place as long as the BAL is still valid or not repealed by the new law. Type land rights that are permanent are property rights, Cultivation Rights, Building Utilization Rights, Use Rights, Lease Rights for Buildings, Land Opening Rights, and the right to collect forest products.

2. right on land that law Invite will determine. Land rights to be determined by law are land rights that will be born then and established by law. Kinds of land rights this doesn't exist yet.

Temporary land rights is a land right within which short will be deleted because it contains extortion traits and feudal traits contrary to the spirit of the UUPA. Such rights this land is Liens, Profit Sharing Business Rights, Hitchhiking Rights, and Agricultural Land Lease Rights.13

The occurrence of land rights by individuals or legal entities can be through 2 (two) ways, that is:

1. original. Land rights are acquired for the first time through Assignment Government or because of the provisions of the law (Conversion affirmation). Birth of land rights through Government Determination is Property Right originating from state land, Cultivation Rights, Building use rights over state land, use rights Building on land Management Right, Use Right over state land, and usage rights over land rights Management, land rights born because provisions of the Act (affirmation of conversion) is a property right originating from the conversion of former customary land.

2. derivative. Acquisition of rights on this land occurs from land owned or controlled by another party through the transfer of rights above ground. Land rights can be acquired through the transfer of land rights in the form of buying and selling, exchange, grants, internal income company capital (inbred), and auctions.

Land rights can also be acquired through switching in the form of inheritance.14

11 Boedi Harsono, 2003, Indonesian Agrarian Law History of the Establishment of the Basic Agrarian Law, Content and Implementation , Dj running,

12 Sudikno Mertokusumo, 1988, Agrarian Law and Politics , Open University - Karunika, Jakarta, p. 445.

13 Sri Hajati, "Restructuring Land Rights in the Context of Reforming National Agrarian Law", Speech Text, presented at the event

14 Urip Santoso, 2011, Acquisition of Land Rights , Revka Petra Media, Surabaya, p. 19-20.


In Government Regulation 18 of 2021, reclamation land can be given Management Rights and/or Land Rights with the condition that it has obtained a reclamation permit. In the case of a reclamation permit granted to the agency Central government, state-owned enterprises and agencies regionally-owned enterprises, state-owned legal entities, regional property law, Land Bank Agency, or entity law appointed by the Central Government .15

Reclamation land is given management rights or land rights, considering the conditions as the subject of rights.

If a Reclamation Permit is granted to a Central Government agency, BUMN/BUMD, Land Bank Agency, or a legal entity appointed by the Central Government, Reclamation Land is granted:

a. Management Rights; or

b. Land rights in the form of building use rights or usufructuary rights,

Meanwhile, if a Reclamation Permit is granted to a private legal entity or an individual Indonesian Citizen, the Reclamation Land is granted Land Rights and/or Management Rights with the following provisions:

a. for reclamation permit holders, land rights over state land and/or land rights over management rights are granted in the form of building use rights and usage rights for some time;

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b. for the Central Government or Regional Government who provide Reclamation Permit, granted Management Right ;

There are 4 (four) ways to acquire land rights regulated in laws and regulations, that is:

1. government determination. Acquisition of this land right comes from state land or Hak Management through Government Determination in the form of a Decree on the Granting of Rights.

2. statutory provisions (affirmation of conversion). Acquisition of land rights is due to: provisions of the law through application affirmation of conversion originating from former land customary property.

3. transfer of rights, acquisition of rights above ground,. This occurs through switching through inheritance and transferred through buying and selling, exchange, grants, internal income company capital (inbred), and auctions.

4. grant of rights. Acquisition of Building Use Rights or Proof of ownership rights over land with the Deed of Granting Right to Build or Right of Use over the Land of Property Rights made by Land Deed Making Officer (PPAT).

Provisions regarding the procedures for assigning management rights and those for granting land rights apply mutatis mutandis to the determination of management rights and granting of land rights over reclamation lands.16 a. Management Rights

The view of some experts and legal experts is that management rights are not recognized in the UUPA, but management rights can be equated with concession rights ( beheersrecht ). Management rights are the control rights of the State whose implementation authority is partly delegated to the holders of management rights.

Utilization of Management Right Land for Management Right Holders is given authority For:

a. prepare a plan for the allocation, use, and utilization of the land by the spatial layout plan ;

b. use and utilize all or part of the Land with Management Rights to be used alone or in cooperation with other parties; And

c. determine the rate and/or annual mandatory fees from other parties by the agreement. Management rights that use and utilization of all or part of the land for use alone or in cooperation with other parties can be given land rights in the form of usufructuary rights business, building use rights, and/or usufructuary rights above Management Rights by its nature and function, to:

a. the holder of Management Rights insofar as it is regulated in a Government Regulation; or

b. other party, if the Land Management Right is cooperated with the Land utilization agreement.

15 Government Regulation Number 18 of 2021

16 ATR/BPN Regulation Number 18 of 2021


Encumbrance, Transfer and Release of Management Rights and Land Rights above Management Rights , namely:

1. Management Rights cannot be collateral for debts burdened with mortgage rights.

2. Management Rights cannot be transferred and transferred to other parties.

3. Management rights can only be released in the event that ownership rights are granted, released in the public interest, or other provisions stipulated in laws and regulations.

4. In the event that the released Management Right is state-owned land belonging to the region, the relinquishment/deletion of the Management Right shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations.

5. Release of Management Rights is made by and before the authorized official and reported to the Minister.

b. usufructuary rights

In a piece of land, there are two inherent rights, namely primary rights and secondary rights. Primary rights are property rights ( individuals) and/or state control rights. While secondary rights are usage rights, management rights, building use rights, and usufructuary rights. Usage rights are one of the other land rights regulated in Article 41 of the BAL, namely:

1. Right to Use is the right to use and/or collect produce from land that is directly controlled by the State or land belonging to another person, which gives the authority and obligations specified in the decision to grant it by the official authorized to give it or in an agreement with the owner of the land, which is not a lease agreement renting or land processing agreements, everything as long as it does not conflict with the spirit and provisions of this Law.

2. Right of Use can be granted:

a. For a certain period of time or as long as the land is used for certain purposes;

b. Free of charge, with payment or provision of services in any form.

3. The granting of usage rights may not be accompanied by conditions that contain elements of extortion.

c. Building rights

The right to build is a type of land right that is normatively regulated in the formulation of Articles 35 to 40 of the UUPA, while the right to build is meant as a right to construct and own buildings on land parcels that are not his own. Building use rights referred to here, namely building use rights contained in the data of land parcels located around the coast and have the opportunity to become objects of coastal reclamation. Meanwhile, in order to avoid potential losses for holders of building use rights, the law itself confirms that building use rights can be defended against anyone. Land reclamation results are recognized in the national land law as land controlled by the state. This can be known by the circular letter of the State Minister for Agrarian Affairs/Head of BPN No.410-1293 Regarding Controlling the Status of Emerging Land and Reclamation Land; it is stated that; "Reclaimed lands are declared as lands controlled by the state and the arrangement is carried out by the State Minister for Agrarian Affairs/Head of the National Land Agency. The party carrying out the reclamation can be given first priority to apply for rights to the reclamation land".17


Based on the results of the research above, it can be concluded that the nature of coastal reclamation in acquiring land rights is a just environmental benefit by turning the coast (seawater) into land. In Government Regulation No. 18 of 2021, reclamation land can be given management rights and/or Land Rights with the condition that it has obtained a reclamation permit. In the case of a reclamation permit granted to the agency Central government, state-owned enterprises and agencies regionally-owned enterprises, state-owned legal entities, regional property law, Land Bank Agency, or entity law appointed by the Central Government.

17 Juliati M. Japar. "Acquisition of Land Rights by a Limited Liability Company." Clavia: Journal of Law , Vol. 17 No. 1, April 2019.




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[2] Mask A. 2008 . Reconstruction of Legal Arrangements for Beach Reclamation in the City of Semarang . Thesis Master of Law Program Postgraduate Program at Diponegoro University Semarang.

[3] Mertokusumo, Sudikno. 1988. Agrarian Law and Politics . Karunika Open University, Jakarta.

[4] Mulyanto. 2010. Low Land Reclamation . Science Graha, Yogyakarta.

[5] Santos, Urip. 2011. Acquisition of Land Rights. Revka Petra Media, Surabaya.


[1] Adawiyah, Rabiatul. "The Legal Position of Land Ownership Rights Derived from the Sedimentation Process of River Flows (Delta) in the Perspective of Land Law in Indonesia." Nolaj: Notary Law Journal, Vol. 1 Issue 1, January 2022.

[2] Juliati M. Japar. "Acquisition of Land Rights by a Limited Liability Company." Clavia: Journal of Law , Vol. 17 No. 1, April 2019.

[3] Iqbal, Muh ., Abrar Saleng, Sri Susyanti Nur. "Analysis of Legal Aspects Granting Building Use Rights to PT. Yasmin Bumi Asri on the Center Point Area Reclamation Project of Indonesia." Scientific Journal of the World of Law , Vol. 4 No. 2. April 2020.

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[6] Suriadi, Adi. 2020. "Potential Conflicts and Legal Aspects of Land Reclamation Resulting from Coastal Embankments in Jakarta." Journal of Sosek Public Works, Vol. 12 No. 1. April 2020.

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Id.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/beach. accessed on 5 September 2022 at 15.00 WITA.


Law Number 27 of 2007 concerning Management of Coastal Areas and Small Islands.

Government Regulation Number 18 of 2021 concerning Management Rights, Land Rights, Flats Units

, and Land Registration.

Minister of Public Works Number 09/PRT/M/2010 concerning Guidelines for Coast Guard.

Ministerial Regulation of ATR/BPN Number 18 of 2021 concerning Management Rights on Methods of

Determining Management Rights and Land Rights.


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