THE CONCEPT OF TEACHING METHODS, THEIR CLASSIFICATION Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Pavlovych L., Bilous I.

Objective. The question of choice of methods of conducting training sessions daily, practical. Scientific-pedagogical employees shall exercise maximum self-reliance, because no policy guidance on this issue to give the "top" is inappropriate.

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Pavlovych L.


HSEEU "Bukovinian State Medical University», Chernivtsi Department of Clinical Immunology, Allergology and Endocrinology

Bilous I. MD, PhD

Department of Nervous Diseases, Psychiatry and Medical Psychology HSEEU "Bukovinian State Medical University», Chernivtsi Higher State Educational Establishment "Bukovinian State Medical University"


Objective. The question of choice of methods of conducting training sessions daily, practical. Scientific-pedagogical employees shall exercise maximum self-reliance, because no policy guidance on this issue to give the "top" is inappropriate.

Keywords: teaching methods, higher education.

Traditionally, teaching method is defined as interrelated activities of teacher and students towards the implementation of learning objectives, or as a system of purposeful actions of the teacher that organizes cognitive and practical activity of students and providing a solution to the objectives of the study.

At the very definition of method inherent binary (dual) approach to its interpretation (N. I. Makhmutov, N. M. Levine, T. I. Shamova), which consists in the unity of the methods of teaching and methods of teaching. However, this definition still remains abstract, it gives an idea only of the overall activity model: the teacher talks - student listens to, comprehends, memorizes (explanation); teacher asks - students respond (the conversation).

This approach does not reveal the specific activities, method of leadership, and most importantly - the nature of the processes of learning and development. To expand the concept of method in detail, it is necessary to consider it at the level of techniques - specific ways of organizing student activities. Then the method of learning as method of education, becomes a "tool touch to the personality" (A. S. Makarenko), by way of inducement and regulation of races you governmental activities of the students.

The researchers counted up to 50 different methods of teaching: story, conversation, work on sources, demonstrations, exercises, independent work, educational game, debate, etc. But each method in a particular circumstance is realized in unique combinations of several techniques.

The reception is often defined as a component or a specific kind of method.

For example, the method of the story, depending on the purpose and the techniques that implement it, can be embodied in the description, narrative, explanation, evidence, reasoning, elements of dramatization. The thread can be in the nature of play or heuristic search. But if every method is implemented by even 23 distinctive techniques or combinations, the method or receiving the training really need to review more than a hundred options.Obviously, such a procedure is practically impossible, because a person, according to research by psychologists, can simultaneously store in his mind no more than 5 - 7 elements and operate on them.

There are currently no sound algorithms to transfer the choice to computer systems. That is why the teacher often resorted to spontaneous or accidental choice, due either to the limits of his own experience,

or "fashion" for a particular approach, or the principle of "little by little".

To implement pedagogically informed choices of methods, you must first know the capabilities and limitations of all methods of learning to understand what tasks and under what conditions can be successfully solved with the help of certain methods, and for which they are useless or ineffective.

Throughout the history of pedagogy and education theorists and practitioners have used two simple and highly attractive solution to the problem of selecting training methods. The first is to find a universal learning method, a kind of educational panacea. Then in the event of any complications the generic method will always help. Less categorical variant of this approach is expressed in the distribution methods for effective (active, intense) and ineffective, and recommend the use of only effective.

Life repeatedly to convince the teachers that such distribution is incorrect, because different learning tasks simply cannot be solved on the basis of one or a limited range of methods. I can't help but remember the statements of A. S. Makarenko about the fact that there is no learning methods at all bad or really good. It all depends on the circumstances of time and place, from a system in which the product is used.

Another way a saw is to borrow the best, someone used samples, ready-made methods, to use a kind of methodical "cheat sheet".

While not denying the particular use of such teaching materials, ready-made someone else's experience, it should be noted that for the teacher it is only blanks, semi-finished products, material for analysis, evaluation, selection, peregistrirovat. The teacher should still have a developed pedagogical thinking, the ability to self-assess upcoming training situation, the possibilities of methods and techniques, make your informed choice. So, we are back to the problem.

There are two real ways that lead to pedagogically reasonable choice of methods and techniques.

The first way - increase the units of selection and limiting their number, by combining methods in large groups on pre-selected criteria (indicators), in other words, the path associated with the classification of methods and oferowany the classification results. This way the conventional (in the positive sense of the term) and its most completed form, entered into the theory and methodology of optimization (Yu. K. Babanskiy, N. M. Potashnik). The second way is associated with

the use of larger, more holistic didactic structures -types or methodological systems of modern learning, especially information learning, programmed, problem-based, relaxopedic. In this approach, the method is not used in isolation from other elements of the system, but it is a means of implementing certain goals based on pre-known specific patterns and mechanisms.

Classification of teaching methods in higher education.

A single universal classification of teaching methods didactical and the Methodists could not be established. But it seems that this classification of methods is impossible in principle - through a variety of and functions of methods. Common classification methods cannot create as well as, say, a single classification of people.

For assessment and selection methods will have to use a number of existing classifications, based on different principles (see table. 3.1.).

I propose to classify the methods based on these principles:

■ the source of knowledge (emit verbal, visual and practical methods, because other sources, but the word, image and experience, does not exist);

■ at the appropriate stage of training, each of which is solving specific problems (orientation to methods of preparation of students to study material that suggests a revival of interest, educational needs, actualization of the basic knowledge necessary and skills; methods of learning new material; methods of refining and deepening of knowledge, acquisition of practical skills that promote the use of knowledge; on methods of monitoring and evaluation of learning outcomes);

■ according to the method of management of training activities direct or indirect (allocate methods explanation of the teacher and a variety of methods of organization of independent work of students);

■ the logic of the educational process (based on inductive and deductive, analytic and synthetic methods);

■ with a didactic purpose distinguish methods of organization of activity of students, methods of stimulation of activity, for example, competitions, contests, games, incentives and other methods of verification and assessment (10. K. Babanskii).

There is a position according to which it is advisable to select a group of methods of stimulation and relaxation, as for the modern techniques of intensive learning is characterized by such a mandatory element of relaxation (relaxation) after a period of active service.

Let us consider another classification of the methods according to nature (autonomy and creativity) activities of the students. This very productive classification in 1965, suggested I. Y. Lerner and M. M. SKAT-kin. They rightly noted that many of the previous approaches to teaching methods based on differences in their external structures or sources.

Since the success of learning in General depends on the internal activity of trainees, from the nature of their activities, it is the nature of the activity, the degree of autonomy and creativity should be an important criteria in choosing a method. I. Y. Lerner and M. M. Skatkin proposed to distinguish five learning methods, and in each subsequent level of activity and independence in activities of trainees increases.

The explanatory-illustrative method. Students gain knowledge, listening to the story, lecture, or from the educational methodical literature, using on-screen guide in the "ready" form. Perceiving and comprehending the facts, evaluations, conclusions, they remain within the reproductive (reproductive) thinking. This method is widely used for transmitting significant data. It can be used for the presentation and assimilation of facts, approaches, assessments and conclusions.

Reproductive method. We are talking about the application of learning on the basis of sample or rules. Activity of trainees is algorithmic, that is, corresponds to the instructions, regulations, rules similar to those shown in sample situations.

Method of a problem statement. Using any sources and means, the teacher, before presenting the material, poses the problem, formulating cognitive tasks, and then, revealing the system of evidence, comparing the views of various approaches, shows how to solve the problem. Students become like witnesses and accomplices of scientific research.

Partially search or heuristic method. Its core is the active solver nominated teacher (or self-formulated) or cognitive tasks under the guidance of a teacher or based on heuristic programs and guidelines. The process of thinking becomes productive nature, but it gradually directs and supervises the teacher or the students themselves on the basis of work programs (including computer) and manuals. Such a method, one form of which is heuristic conversation - a proven way of enhanced thinking, motivation to learning.

The research method. After analyzing the material, production problems and tasks and short oral or written instruction, those who teach, self-study literature, sources, conduct observations and measurements and perform other search operations. Initiative, independence, creativity manifested in research activities more fully. Methods of educational work directly to develop into techniques which mimic and sometimes carry out scientific research.

So, we considered six approaches to classification of teaching methods and six criteria to select them. But what to recommend to the teacher? To use all approaches or only some? Which one to take as a basis?

We have already seen the advantages of the latter approach. However, depending on specific goals as a basis we can take another approach. If you are preparing classes with the use of videos or film extracts used, it is useful to start with the first group of methods, that is, by identifying the ratio of visual, verbal and practical methods. If we are talking about training the introductory training course or section, then the basis it is prudent to consider the second approach and so on.

However, in all situations you need to evaluate the selection method on the basis of many, if not all of the criteria. The essence of this multidimensional approach to training methods. Is it possible not to consider at what stage of training will be implemented a method, by which logic it will "work", what are the learning objectives to decide on what level of independence brings the one who learns? In fact, the selected method (or rather set of techniques in which it is expressed) should be deployed to characterize, for example: problem statement, self-study exploratory nature, a reproductive story, problem lecture with elements of discussion. Only with this approach will be "enlightened" from all sides, will play all their faces.

The approach in question, well summarized in the algorithm of choosing the optimal method of training, it was proposed by Y. K. Babanskiy. It consists of seven steps:

• the decision on whether to learn the material on their own or under the teacher's guidance. If the student can, without undue effort and expenditure of time deep enough to learn the material yourself, then the help of a teacher he needs. Otherwise - in one form or another it is necessary;

■ the ratio of reproductive and productive methods. If there are conditions, preference should be given to production techniques;

• determination of the ratio of inductive and deductive logic, analytical and synthetic ways of knowing. If the empirical basis for the deduction and analysis is prepared to use them appropriate. Deductive and synthetic methods are quite capable high school students and especially students.In this case, such methods are usually more like a scientific statement;

■ choice of ways to combine verbal, visual, practical methods;

■ decision on the need to introduce methods of stimulating educational activities;

■ definition of "points", intervals, methods of control and self-control;

■ thinking of alternatives in case of deviation of the actual learning process from the planned one.

Learning types.

Under type (methodical system) education to understand the unity of aims, content, internal mechanisms, methods and means specific method of training.

Of methodological systems, which are now introduced and fixed, can be called similar, but not identical system of gymnopedies, relaxed and sitescope.

Gpropecia - learning in your sleep exists in two forms: training in a state of natural sleep and learning in artificial (hypnotic) sleep. Accumulated in our country and abroad the experience of studying in a dream of foreign languages shows a considerable mastery of the information through listening in the dream, tape-recorded texts.

The main factor hampering the implementation of it, is the prohibition of physicians: they need to further explore the nature and the phase state of the sleep to give a reasonable conclusion on what phases of sleep, and in what quantities, you can enter information without compromising human health.

There is a certain experience in the use of hypnosis in the training and education of children and adults, in particular for the suggestion of higher self-esteem, increased level of claims, elimination of psychological barriers, opening of creative potential of personality. However, moral and medical constraints in this form it is stronger.

Much more opportunities today for use in training of a different kind of relaxation (relaxation).

Relaxeda - training in the state of relaxation, release from constraining conventions, from fear to give a wrong answer to the low rating. A special role belongs to creation of game situations, simulation search and educational games.

Suggestopedia - training by means of suggestion. This type of learning is associated with extensive use of effects, involvement of the senses, intuition, experience, influence of authority and tradition. Most often, the techniques sheshomer become part of other training, contributes to the enhancement of their emotional

impact, but sometimes these techniques are leading, and then we can talk about a special type of learning -learning through suggestion.

Leading choice of methodological system of teaching is very individual and variable. Some teachers in the first place start from the goals, learning outcomes; others from the content of the studied material and its opportunities; third, from the analysis of projected learning situations, ways of communication, systems of evidence. Implementing the idea, some scholars mostly rely on experience, analogy, direct life-empirical intuition. Others combine experience with analysis of options for using some pedagogical provision (principles, laws, approaches).

However, all scholars who succeed in the job, be sure to take into account the three main factors and additional. The main factors include: i) leading goal of training and education, and specific learning objectives topics this section; 2) the nature of the material being studied, his educational opportunities; C) the level of preparedness of the interest to learn among students.

Additional factors and conditions may include: a time limit, the level of development of students, the so-called intellectual climate of the team, availability of equipment and didactic tools, capabilities and preferences of the teacher.

Consider the stages of decision making about the choice of the leading methodical system of training, the approximate selection algorithm-

The first is the realization or actualization of purpose and tasks of the study course, section, topic.

The second stage is the analysis of the nature and possibilities of the studied material. The material is logical to evaluate on different parameters:

■ the level of significance: philosophical, General scientific, mipramine, subject, theme and local (limited);

■ character: theoretical and practical material; in the first, respectively, it is necessary to allocate the logical structure of integral and discrete material; the preference of those or other informative elements (evidence-logical, descriptive-factual and emotional-shaped);

■ complexity: high, medium and low levels.

The result is a substantial analysis, we can say that this is visokosnoe (scientific level) holistic theoretical material that is evidence-based-logical character. However, practically take into account all the parameters difficult. Therefore, we can identify two leading parameters: the logical structure (integrated or discrete) and the nature of the content (descriptive and factual, imaginative and emotional, logical evidence).

The combination of the two selected factors gives five possible options, because imagery and emotional material almost never discrete (see table 3-2).

The results of this stage can usually choose several options - the type of training systems and corresponding methods that are in General suitable for studying the material.

The third stage - the analysis of the learning capabilities of students. Studying the level of their knowledge and skills, the nature of experience, it is important to consider the level of preparedness for the study of the material. The material can be relatively complex, but more familiar, and conversely, less complex but also less familiar. A comparison of the level of complexity of the studied level, gives an idea of the anticipated complexity of subjects.

Found that problem-based learning is more suitable for material of medium complexity. Material is easier to study the basis of reproductive and programmable methods, and the most difficult productive way.

Another important factor in the readiness of those being taught is the degree of interest. The lower the rate of awareness of significance, personal content, the more, other things being equal, prevail problem-based learning options.

The fourth stage - the definition of specific tasks of the lesson. In our opinion, only after studying the conditions of the educational situation (objective and subjective) it is possible to determine educational, in particular developmental, tasks that focus on a certain level of activity that needs to be formed (reproductive, algorithmic, productive activities).

The fifth stage is the adoption of a preliminary decision on the dominant type of training.

The sixth stage - adjustment and concretization of the made decision taking into account available time, means, the equipment, opportunities and advantages of the teacher.

The described procedure is a method of gradual limitation of possible options taking into account the factors that are consistently taken into account in the learning situation. Of course, other selection procedures are possible; focus on the analogue, a concise intuitive choice, review of the main options.

The chosen as the dominant (mostly, the basic) type of training, first, is specified in the corresponding methods and receptions belonging to this system; secondly, they supplement and enrich elements of other types (systems) of learning whenever necessary.


1. Aleksyuk A.A., Pedagogy of higher education in Ukraine, history. Theory. - K., 1998.

2. Variy M.Y., Ortinsky V.L. Fundamentals of Psychology and Pedagogy: Textbook. - Kyiv: Center for Educational Literature, 2007.

3. Vyshnevsky O.I. Theoretical foundations of modern Ukrainian pedagogy: Textbook. - Drohobych: Kolo, 2003. Vitvytska S.S. Fundamentals of higher school pedagogy: A guide for graduate students. -Kyiv: Center for Educational Literature, 2003.

4. Zaichenko I.V. Pedagogy. A textbook for students of higher pedagogical educational institutions. -Chernihiv, 2003.

5. Kuzminsky A.I., Omelyanenko V.L. Pedagogy: Textbook -K.: Knowledge-Press, 2003.

6. Kuzminsky A. and. Higher school pedagogy: Textbook. way. - Kyiv: Knowledge, 2005.

7. Mazukha D.S., Opanasenko N. and. Pedagogy: Textbook. manual. - K.: Center for Educational Literature 2005.



Pavlovych L.


HSEEU "Bukovinian State Medical University», Chernivtsi Department of Clinical Immunology, Allergology and Endocrinology

Bilous I. MD, PhD

Department of Nervous Diseases, Psychiatry and Medical Psychology HSEEU "Bukovinian State Medical University», Chernivtsi Higher State Educational Establishment "Bukovinian State Medical University"


Objective. The readiness of the research and pedagogical worker for professional pedagogical activity consists in mastering the full range of special knowledge (subject, discipline, course) of psychological and pedagogical actions in higher education and social relations, in the formation and maturity of professionally significant and social personal qualities.

Keywords: Professional qualification, pedagogical activity.

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To be professionally pedagogically competent means to have a multicomponent structure of integrative professional knowledge and skills that provides awareness of volitional decisions, performance of creative actions on designing of process of training and modeling of communicative communications.

Thus, the professional readiness of the scientific and pedagogical worker for pedagogical activity presupposes his professional qualification and a certain set of personal qualities and properties.

The professional qualification of a research and pedagogical worker contains the following components:

■ special subject competence;

■ psychological and pedagogical competence;

■ communicative competence;

■ socio-cultural competence. Special subject competence - deep

and comprehensive knowledge of the discipline (course) taught by a researcher and pedagogue, as well as extensive erudition in this subject area.

Psychological and pedagogical competence of a research and pedagogical worker reveals his deep theoretical knowledge of psychology and pedagogy, as well as the ability to implement them in the practice of the educational process in higher education.

Psychological and pedagogical competence consists of the following groups of skills:

■ psychological (psychodiagnostic, cognitive, motivational, psychocorrectional, emotional, consultative);

■ operational and methodical;

■ constructive and projective;

■ evaluation and control;

■ expert-analytical;

■ research;

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