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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Ivanova Inna Grigoryevna, Gilshtein Angelina, Byzova Vasilisa

The article presents approaches to the classification of industries by the degree of technological and knowledge-based and reflects the essence of the high-tech industry. The scientific novelty of the work is theoretical justification the concept of "high-tech enterprise" and the development of principles of organizational methods to ensure the effective management of high-tech enterprises.

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Tenover, F.C., McDougal, L.K. & Goering, R.V., (2006). Characterization of a strain of community-associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus widely disseminated in the United States. J Clin Microbiol 44(1): 108-118.



The article presents approaches to the classification of industries by the degree of technological and knowledge-based and reflects the essence of the high-tech industry. The scientific novelty of the work is theoretical justification the concept of "high-tech enterprise" and the development of principles of organizational methods to ensure the effective management of high-tech enterprises.


high-tech enterprise, organizational-economic mechanism, economic conditions, methodology of management


Inna Grigoryevna Ivanova

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Kuban State Agrarian University. 13, Kalinina Str., Krasnodar, 350004, Russia. E-mail: Inna_ivanova_2010@mail.ru

Angelina Gilshtein

Kuban State Agrarian University. 13, Kalinina Str., Krasnodar, 350004, Russia. E-mail: angelinagilshtein@yandex.ru

Vasilisa Byzova

Kuban State Agrarian University. 13, Kalinina Str., Krasnodar, 350004, Russia. E-mail: Vasilisabyzovaa@gmail.com


1.1 Relevance of a problem

Decision-making is a process of the analysis, forecasting and assessment of the situation, the choice and coordination of the best alternative option of achievement of an effective objective.

Decision making process is a selection process by the person making the decision, the most effective option from a set of alternatives.

These are the activities performed on a certain technology with use of various methods and technical means. In organizational aspect, this process represents set of the stages, which are naturally following one after another between which there are difficult straight lines and feedback. To each stage, there correspond the specific labor actions directed to development and implementation of the decision. It is an industry of economy

within which the entity functions, essentially influences management of this entity and all management decisions made by a management. (Zagorulko, 2016)

The single economic complex consists of the separate industries united by a community of products, the carried-out functions and engineering procedures.

Differentiate industries:

1)production sphere (industry, agricultural industry, etc.);

2)non-productive sphere (service, etc.)

3)it is accepted to call the lost system of actions technology of process of development and implementation of decisions.

Methodological Framework

2.1 Research problems

Now in world economy there is a weakening of traditional industries of production of goods and fixed increase of weight and influence of new knowledge-intensive productions, spheres of information, the industry of knowledge, service trades. Therefore, such transformations in economy objectively attract to themselves need of development of methodology of management of social and economic systems and large-scale scientific and technical programs, and projects for new conditions of managing. (Kobtseva, 2016)

In world statistics of an industry and the entity are subdivided on highly - so-so - and low technology. The significant role on classification of industries and the entities was undertaken by Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). Accurate classification does not exist therefore the knowledge-intensive industries have no fixed structure. Their list changes depending on degree of a maturity of applied.

However,itshould be noted that simultaneous application of approaches of differentiation of OECD by sectors of high technologies and for the made product to the same entity often is impossible. For example, the high-technology entity not always turns out the knowledge-intensive products and vice versa.

2.2 Analysis of the knowledge-intensive industries

Having made the analysis of criteria of reference of industries to knowledgeintensive, offered by various authors, it is possible to make the conclusion about volume that it is possible to refer set of the entities and productions which are characterized by high dynamics of development, products competitiveness level to the knowledge-intensive industries. They are carriers of progressive technologies and the traditional industries exerting complex impact on development and service trades, level of living and the sphere of dwelling, but, in turn, also phases of a cycle of development of an industry depend on extent of use of results of the developments thatare carried out in the integrated scientific directions. Moreover, one of the main characteristics of high-tech industries mass production of advanced technologies due to features of production process is considered. This typical thing is that, using qualitatively other resources, including the latest knowledge, high qualification working, progressive equipment, new technology, the knowledge-intensive industries are capable to act as catalysts of development of economy in general, and to influence in a complex traditional industries. (Tolmachev, 2016)

2.3 Literature research

As a result of a research of economic literature, focusing attention on management of intellectual property as a key factor of providing competitiveness of the knowledge-

intensive entity, authors offer the following determination of the knowledge-intensive entity.

The knowledge-intensive entity is represented as social and economic system which functioning is performed for the purpose of development of unique technologies due to use of intellectual property items and their implementation on internal and external environments.

The knowledge-intensive entities are the economy engine. Therefore high technologies, perform jump, progressive break on a new step of development. It is shown in basic changes at all stages of production process. New approach - use of knowledge and innovations as economic resources is created. The knowledge-intensive industries actively influence technological level of traditional industries by updating of means of production, implementation of the latest technologies, and use of high-quality materials. All this promotes updating of products, improvement of its technical and economic characteristics in other industries. Means, the role of the knowledge-intensive industries in reproduction process is determined not by the cost of their products, but effectiveness of its productive consumption in other industries. (Pisarev, 2016)

Priority of development of the knowledge-intensive entities for national economy is fixed in legislative and regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation. Bases of forming of policy of the state in this area are determined in the federal law "About Science and the State Scientific and Technical Policy" according to which the President of the Russian Federation made the decision "On approval of the state program of the Russian Federation "Development of science and technologies" for 2013-2020". This document determines the major directions, the purposes, tasks and ways of implementation of state policy in the field of development of science and technologies, and also system of the economic and other measures stimulating scientific and scientific and technical activities.

2.4 Estimative indicators

Now economic problems of the knowledge-intensive productions are solved in process of their aggravation, without some serious attempts of forecasting and acceptance of the advancing measures considering results of the economic course conducted in the country, and also dynamics of general economic processes.

Belonging of industries of economy to the category of knowledge-intensive is characterized by an indicator of science intensity of the production determined by a ratio of amount of expenses on Research and Development (Vniokr) to amount of gross output of this industry (Vvp):

(Vniokr/Vvp) * 100%.

It is considered that for the knowledge-intensive industries this indicator shall exceed in 1, 2-1, 5 and more times average on processing industry.

In the USSR in the mid-eighties, the indicator of science intensity of industries of economy constituted 1-3%, and the most knowledge-intensive in the civil sphere were an instrument-making industry - 6, 3% and electro technical - 5, 1%.

In the USA the most knowledge-intensive industries appeared a space complex - 19%, a radio-electronic industry - 7%, instrument making - 4, 8%.

2.5 Features of the knowledge-intensive entities in the conditions of managing

The main specific features in the organization, management, conditions of managing

of the knowledge-intensive productions is the following:

1) Their complex nature allowing solving all problems of creation of the equipment from scientific research and developmental works before serial production and operation;

2) A combination of a target orientation of researches, developments and production on specific result with the perspective directions of works of system-wide, fundamental appointment;

3) High scientific and technical level of the products thatdo not have foreign analogs or not yielding to them;

4) The large volume of the Research and Development, whichare carried out by scientific research institute, CB and the plants therefore at the last considerable production capacities are loaded by accomplishment of experimental product samples, their operational development during the whole time of production because of constructive changes and modifications. Such nature of production requires establishment of strong communications between participants of creation of the equipment, their organic compound in single scientific-industrial complex;

5) Domination of process of change of technology over stationary production and the need of regular updating of the fixed business assets connected with it, development of experienced and experimental base;

6) The considerable duration of complete lifecycle of the equipment reaching for some of its types of 20 and more years that complicates production management because of delay in time of effect of corrective actions and increases the responsibility for the choice of the development strategy;

7) The high dynamism of development of production which is shown in fixed updating of its elements (objects of researches, developments and production, technologies, circuit and constructive decisions, information flows, etc.), change of quantitative and qualitative indexes, enhancement of research and production structure and management. Dynamism of production in time complicates a task of uniform loading and use of potential of production;

8) Branched out inside - and the cross-industry cooperation caused by complexity of the knowledge-intensive products and specialization of the entities and organizations;

9) Intensive investment process - the most important factor of goal achievement of researches and developments of high scientific and technical level accompanying implementation of large projects;

10) Availability of unique collectives with a big share of the scientific, highly skilled engineering employees and production and industrial personnel in total number occupied in developments and production.

2.6 Effective use of the knowledge-intensive industries

The order of the Government of the Russian Federation approved "The main directions of the state investment policy of the Russian Federation in the sphere of science and technologies" which provide effective use of the state and non-state investment resources for the purpose of implementation of strategic interests of the Russian Federation (improvement of quality of life of the population, achievement of economic growth, development of fundamental science, education, culture, ensuring defense and safety of the country).

Resource providing the knowledge-intensive industries can be performed due to attraction of both budget, and extra budgetary funds, including:

1) allocation of budgetary funds to the state customers of the knowledge-intensive products rightfully orders the allocated funds within the corresponding budget items;

2) attraction and use by state bodies of the centralized off-budget funds formed for an acquisition account from the entities when accounting centralized contributions to cost values of the corresponding products, other non-budgetary sources;

3) attraction of own enterprise assets received including due to the depreciation charges and the preferential taxation or tax exemption in case of their target use on technical development, creation of new workplaces, etc.;

4) attraction of financial resources of foreign customers of products of the entities;

5) attraction commercial (including foreign) investments and the credits, including on the basis of the state guarantees to investors;

6) attraction of financial resources of the Russian individual entrepreneurs;

7) involvement of others, the established legislation of the Russian Federation, borrowed funds.

Achievement of effective objectives is performed on the basis of integration of efforts of the state and an economic business sector of economy, acceleration of implementation of modern investment and financial and motivational mechanisms of attraction of the Russian and foreign equity into the sphere of science and technologies. Along with enhancement of forming of federal target programs in the sphere of science and technologies development of system of measures of economic and other stimulation of investors. First of all the entities of the material sphere and credit institutes, due to increase in the volume of investment into scientific research and innovative process, for the purpose of implementation of the innovative projects which are based on world-class scientific results is provided.

In 1984 the American scientists M. Maydik and R. Heys proved that effective management of high technology production is impossible without concentration of production or researches only on one or on two products, flexibility (including organizational), organizational unity, entrepreneurial culture (creation of scientific divisions in firm with separate financing from several sources), feelings of integrity with workers, suppliers, partners, etc., active top management. But this list already quite obsolete, modern American scientists consider that factors of strong partner connections and a cooperation, tolerance to defeat, riskiness, awareness on opportunities of the market, competence of marketing and highly skilled personnel shall be added. The American scientists also emphasize need of creation of advanced tools of risk management for the high-technology sphere which, unlike tools in other industries, insufficiently effective and efficient. Unlike Japanese, the American models consider basic researches, system integration, design of a new product, etc.

The Japanese researchers determine other elements of effective management of innovative activities: independent monitoring of technological trends in the world, independent studying of technology, and independent creation of technology. The Russian scientist Romanov Yu. R. considers that shall be priority tasks in management of the high-technology entity: development of forecasts for production specialization, reasons for the directions of researches, routine planning of product development, training of highly qualified personnel and advanced training of heads. Structural divisions, inherent only for the high-technology entities, which are integrated into an organizational structure, shall implement these tasks. Other scientists also suggest dividing for optimization of management production into subsystems, each of which within the orientation would achieve the objectives of the organization of high technology production. (Ivanova, 2016.)


3.1 Acceptance of management decisions

Effective management of the high-technology entity consists in search of acceptable options of acceptance of management decisions for ensuring steady functioning and competitiveness of the high-technology entity. Considering specific features of such production in management, the organizational problem resolution of decision making in high technology production, which is carried out by tools of the organizational and economic mechanism of decision making, becomes a considerable task.

Acceptance of management decisions in high technology production is the difficult and systematized process, which consists of consecutive stages and depends on results of the previous decisions. (Bugaeva, 2016)

In literature on management of high and knowledge-intensive technology production, the term "organizational and economic mechanism" meets very often in different aspects. However, definitions it is given quite seldom and if it is given, then in a confined sense, that the mechanism of this phenomenon or process is researched. In addition, if in spheres of production of low technological ways the system of the organizational and economic mechanism is more or less debugged, and its components are clear and known: authors divide them into organizational and economic subsystems or social, economic, and organization-legal subsystems. That in the innovative sphere of high technology production is not present experience of development and sale of such mechanism.

The organizational and economic mechanism of decision making in high technology production is a component of manufacturing execution system, which shall provide productive implementation of all stages of decision making on production of a high-technology product and, as a result, increase production efficiency.

3.2 Principles of decision-making

Based on generalization of developments of scientists and the analysis of the mechanism of decision-making, we will mark out the following principles of management of the knowledge-intensive entities:

1) Orientation to the innovative processes connected with development and development of technological innovations, production and promotion to the consumer of the knowledge-intensive products. Taking into account the innovative potential which is available now the competitive strategy of the domestic knowledge-intensive enterprises shall be directed to development and implementation of the technological innovations including new products (product innovations) and new production technologies of these products (process innovations);

2) Priority of development and deployment of investment projects of an innovative orientation. Innovative processes in market economy are characterized by high risk level and require attraction of large volume of financial resources, as a rule, on the basis of use of nonconventional financial instruments and development of non-standard schemes of financial engineering (venture and project financing, financial leasing, etc.);

3) Orientation to creation of "breakthrough" technological innovations. With such technologies, the domestic knowledge-intensive enterprises with the still remained traditions and the developed infrastructure of fundamental science have an opportunity to take the worthy place in world economy;

4) Management of innovative changes of competitive strategy. Change management is meant as process of forecasting of future changes and their planning. In case of change management in the competitive strategy of the entity their monitoring for the purpose of coordination of separate functional strategy and activities of the relevant structural divisions of the entity is performed;

5) Forming of optimum structure of assets of the entity. First, it concerns that part of intangible assets of the entity that is created on the basis of accounting of intellectual property rights;

6) Orientation to modern methods of automation of production processes and use of high-technology organizational production structures, including flexible production systems complexes. When forming the business strategy of the knowledge-intensive entities there is a task of management of organizational innovations, including

optimization of structure of production systems and an efficiency evaluation of their functioning;

7) Use of nonlinear organizational management models innovative activities of the knowledge-intensive entity. Transition to such models (the system integrated and network models) is connected with globalization of the processes covering the knowledge-intensive entities, reducing terms of lifecycle of product innovations, variety of sources of innovations;

8) Use of methods and controls investment projects;

3.3 Features of the knowledge-intensive production

Features of the knowledge-intensive production:

1)high uncertainty of accomplishment scientific and production processes and a resulting effect with the set or expected characteristics that results in need of decision making in the conditions of risk;

2) simultaneity of implementation of innovative processes of creation of a product, technology and the organization, their coherence in case of release of new knowledgeintensive Products (especially in the electronic industry);

3) availability of the planned technological losses in production of the knowledgeintensive products;

4) high requirements to qualification and experience of the employees involved in Research and Development;

5) difficulties of control of creative process;

6) need of use of special methods of motivation and stimulation of developers;

7) need of development of special tools and evaluation methods of a contribution of specialists to development and production of the knowledge-intensive products;

8) high rates, annual increase in production;

9) continuous growth of the nomenclature, new products;

10) high intensity of updating of products;


Process of forming and implementation of competitive strategy of the knowledgeintensive entity can be characterized as set of investment projects. Application of methodology of project management in activities of the high-technology entity allows to build a hierarchical structure of project objectives, to develop business plans, to perform system resource planning, to plan and consider different types of risks, to organize effective control of quality of performance of works. (Shmakova, 2016 )

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The scale and condition of modern Russian technologies and the industry are that that budget financing is not able to solve this main economic problem. The entities for ensuring own survival and effective functioning are interested in variety of sources of investment providing.


Main goal of the entities of the knowledge-intensive industries in the developed economic situation is search and effective placement of resources, and, mainly, investments.

Summing up the result, it should be noted that management of the knowledgeintensive entities, is a complex challenge, but its implementation will allow the domestic companies of high-technology business to gain a steady position in the Russian and world markets.


Bugaeva, A.S. and Kobtseva, O.N. (2016). The impact on the public consciousness as a form of power / In: Economics and Management: Current Theory and Practice Proceedings of the III International Scientific and Practical Conference. S.3-57.

Ivanova, I.G. and Tolmachev, A.V. (2016) Organization Management (now). Krasnodar. Contemporary theory, methodology and practice of collection of scientific papers based on the I International scientific-practical conference. S.52-57.

Ivanova, I.G., Pisarev, V.S. and Zagorulko, M.V. (2016) Peculiarities of Russian corporate governance model. In: Economic and legal problems of sustainable development of industries and enterprises collection of scientific works based on the II International Scientific and Practical Conference. S.50-55.

Kobtseva, O.N. and Shmakova, A.V. (2016) Social communications as an integral part of the management company. In: 21 Age: basic science and technology Materials of the VIII International scientific-practical conference. n.-i. c. "Academic". S.74-76.



This article is devoted to the formation of business reputation and image of the company. The image of the company is always associated with his trademark and, of course, depends on advertising, you also need to remember about the positive feedback from customers. The good reputation of the company has to earn for years, but thanks to her income is improving, new opportunities, and on the part of customers and partners more confidence.


image, business reputation, goodwill, competition, advertisement, company, consumer


Inna Grigoryevna Ivanova

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Kuban State Agrarian University. 13, Kalinina Str., Krasnodar, 350004, Russia. E-mail: Inna_ivanova_2010@mail.ru

Tatyana Valeriyevna Metelskaya

Kuban State Agrarian University. 13, Kalinina Str., Krasnodar, 350004, Russia. E-mail: metelskaya.1997@mail.ru

Alina Mikhaylovna Leonovich

Kuban State Agrarian University. 13, Kalinina Str., Krasnodar, 350004, Russia. E-mail: alinaleonovich@mail.ru


1.1 Urgency of the problem

In today's world the problem of image and business reputation of the company is very crucial. In the business world, this topic is very popular and so it becomes the subject of

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