THE ESSENCE AND NECESSITY OF STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT IN HIGH-TECH ENTERPRISES Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Ключевые слова
strategy / development / operation / management / high-tech enterprise.

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Kulikova N.

The article clarifies the characteristics of the concepts of "functioning" and "development". The author of the article defines the importance of strategic management at high-tech enterprises and substantiates that the sustainable development of a high-tech enterprise in modern economic conditions can be realized only on the basis of strategic management.

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Kulikova N.

Ph.D., Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Innovation Management MIREA - Russian Technological University, Moscow


The article clarifies the characteristics of the concepts of "functioning" and "development". The author of the article defines the importance of strategic management at high-tech enterprises and substantiates that the sustainable development of a high-tech enterprise in modern economic conditions can be realized only on the basis of strategic management.

Keywords: strategy, development, operation, management, high-tech enterprise.

Modern enterprises must quickly and flexibly respond to changes in the external environment: respond to new developments in the industry by proposing innovations. This is especially true for industries where changes in the external environment occur with high frequency and are unpredictable, for example, the production of computer equipment, electronic and optical products.

Strategic management plays a key role in ensuring the adaptation of a high-tech enterprise to the conditions of the external environment, its development and competitiveness in the long term. Thus, Martin Starr in his work [14] emphasized that the use of the term "strategy" in economics was associated with a significant increase in competition in industry. Strategic management is aimed at the conscious development of the enterprise and is considered as the fundamental basis of its effective management system, ensuring the transformation of the economic system, its transfer to a new target state [11].

The term "strategic management" in the 60-70s. XX century outlined the differences between the levels of management: current management at the production level and management carried out at the highest level. The long-term goals of the enterprise have ceased to be a reflection of current activities, they have become the result of an analysis of changes in the external and internal environment of the enterprise, while it became possible to develop alternative versions of the development of the future enterprise.

Strategic management is based on the concept of "strategy", which became one of the management terms in the 50s of the XX century, when the timely response of the organization to unexpected changes in the external environment became of great importance [5].

Today the concept of "strategy" is central to management theory. A strategy is a pre-planned reaction of an organization to a change in the external environment, its line of behavior, chosen to achieve the desired result [15]. The objective of the strategy is to form the maximum possible sustainable competitive advantage not through tactical maneuvering, but based on the adoption of a common long-term perspective [1].

From the point of view of A.A. Thompson [16], a strategy is a set of actions and approaches to achieve specified performance indicators.

G. Kleiner [7] believes that strategy is a means of interaction with the external environment, "a thread of time that connects the past and the future, simultaneously indicating the path of development."

According to Gitelman A.D. strategy is "a general direction, a general line of development" [6].

The strategy should have two key components: the goal - the strategic course, that is, what the strategy intends to achieve; an action plan and internal factors, that is, the means by which the goals are supposed to be achieved (resources, managerial advantages, etc.) [4, 13]. "Goals" and "actions" to achieve them in the "future" depending on "resources" and "internal and external environment" are elements of the strategy. The choice of strategy and its implementation constitute the main part of the content of strategic management activities [18].

The essence of strategic management consists in the formation and implementation of an organization's development strategy based on continuous monitoring and assessment of ongoing changes in its activities in order to maintain the ability to survive and function effectively in an unstable external environment [2].

The result of strategic management is the formation of an integrated potential to achieve the goals of the system and the creation of an adaptive internal structure that provides sensitivity to changes in the external environment [5]. Thus, on the basis of strategic management, a high-tech enterprise is able to adapt to market conditions in a shorter time and respond in a timely manner to changes in the internal and external environment.

Today, the need for strategic management in the practice of high-tech enterprises is determined by:

integration processes that led to the acceleration of the innovative development of high-tech enterprises, ensuring the rapid transformation of knowledge into products and the accelerated and larger-scale attraction of investment resources;

r globalization of science and technology, which led to the intensification of the exchange of science-intensive products and high technologies;

r increasing the unpredictability and instability of the external environment, which increases the likelihood of unplanned strategic changes that necessitate a

response from the management of a high-tech enterprise.

In enterprise management, it is necessary to distinguish between the management of its functioning and the management of development. This is especially true for high-tech enterprises, since their activities are determined by scientific and technological progress.

To understand the content of strategic management of enterprise development, let us clarify the characteristics of the concepts of "functioning" and "development".

The concepts of "functioning" and "development" are associated with the concept of "system". Functioning and development - processes inherent in an effective organization, often these processes are combined into a single one [3].

In the theory of systems analysis, functioning is the current work, the performance of mandatory functions, standard operations in relatively unchanging conditions. Functioning is the manifestation of the functions of a system in time; activity, operation of the system without changing the (main) goal of the system. Development is the activity of a system with a change in the goal of the system.

Development means growth, expansion, improvement, improvement of the object. The development of any enterprise is considered from the point of view of its future, goals, objectives, mechanisms and actions. The development of an enterprise, for example, can mean sustainable changes in activities, organizational structure, efficiency and quality of products, etc. Development is a process in which the capabilities and desires of an enterprise increase to satisfy their desires and the needs of consumers. Today, development is the result of targeted efforts by the company's management.

Management of functioning differs from management of development, since they have different objects, which means that the tasks to be solved and the methods of their solution will be different [3].

Operations management is the management of existing, ongoing functions and processes. The object is the production process and the processes supporting it, i.e. processes of material and technical, personnel, financial and other support.

In turn, the management of the development of the enterprise is designed to provide capacity building and the development of new ones. The object is the transformation process and the processes of its provision. Management of the development of a high-tech enterprise is a part of the management activity in which, through planning, organization, management and control of processes, development and development of innovations, the purposefulness and organization of the activities of the personnel of the enterprise is ensured to increase production potential, increase the level of its use and, as a result, obtain high-quality new results of activity. Development management is about timely response and adaptation to changing external conditions and environment in the future and has a strategic character.

N.I. Novikov [12] under the strategic management of enterprise development means "the process of making and implementing strategic decisions based on

comparing the economic potential of the enterprise with the conditions of the external environment and perspective, the implementation of the mission of the enterprise and the creation of competitive advantages ".

For a high-tech enterprise, innovative development management is the essence of strategic development management. High-tech enterprises mainly carry out applied research and are oriented towards experimental and production activities. Therefore, compliance with the conditions for the continuous adaptation of a high-tech enterprise to the requirements of the external environment is of key importance. Strategic management of the development of a high-tech enterprise should be ensured through the long-term orientation of research and production activities towards the creation of a competitive and unique product or the introduction of advanced production technologies. That is, effective strategic management of the development of a hightech enterprise is ensured through a target orientation towards achieving market success and competitive advantages of future research results and turning them into unique products.

The essence of strategic management of the development of enterprises in high-tech industries is as follows.

First, a high-tech enterprise is viewed as an organizational system, the external environment of which in some cases is more important than the internal one. The external environment of a high-tech enterprise is a source that feeds the enterprise with intellectual, material, marketing, financial resources, capacities and technologies necessary to maintain its internal potential at the proper level.

Secondly, in order to survive in the competition and develop, as well as to reduce the risks of the external environment, it is necessary to develop an image of the desired future for a high-tech enterprise and ways to achieve it, i.e. strategy. At the same time, the goals of a high-tech enterprise correlate with the available resources, capabilities, potential, capacities and technologies of it and other market participants.

Thirdly, the behavior of a high-tech enterprise as an organizational system is aimed not only at responding after what happened (after the fact) and eliminating the consequences, but rather at adapting to the environment, i.e. foresight, proactive action. Thus, the behavior of a high-tech enterprise should be not only proactive, but proactive.

Fourthly, strategic management, providing qualitative changes in the management of the development of a high-tech enterprise, makes it possible to determine, firstly, the position of the enterprise in the market at the present time, and secondly, the position in which the enterprise would like to be in three, five, ten years and thirdly, ways to achieve the desired position.

Therefore, effective management of a high-tech enterprise in modern conditions can be realized only with the availability of the necessary resources, mainly financial. Venture and project financing, financial leasing will ensure the attraction of financial resources to finance investment projects of high-tech enterprises.

High-tech enterprises have at their disposal an extensive fleet of technological equipment, which is intensively used. It is necessary to introduce management methods for the innovative development of infrastructure aimed at developing and mastering technological innovations: the latest products (product innovations) and the latest production technologies for these products (process innovations).

In addition, the specificity of a high-tech enterprise is associated with the management of intangible assets, including intellectual ones. It is necessary to pay great attention to the tasks of forming the optimal structure of intellectual assets. Knowledge management should be allocated in a separate direction, since the management of the enterprise should evaluate not only processes, but also employees. The problem arises of assessing the effectiveness of scientific units in terms of innovation (education, training, professionalism, scientific literacy, explicit and implicit knowledge). It is necessary to improve the methods of motivating creative work, for example, on the basis of methods for determining the contribution of specific structural units and individual employees to the overall result [10].

When managing the personnel of a high-tech enterprise, it must be remembered that each employee is initially included in the process of creating new knowledge of the enterprise; that innovation, initiative and competence are the foundations of a high-tech enterprise, and tacit knowledge is the incentive for value creation. Therefore, the focus on the development of intellectual activity and intellectual capital for the exchange and expansion of knowledge should determine the essence of personnel management in a high-tech enterprise.

Strategic management of the development of a high-tech enterprise involves the coordinated development and implementation of strategic plans, including the product (assortment) policy. Product policy significantly depends on the characteristics of the products manufactured. The product policy of a high-tech enterprise involves the formation of a product (assortment) portfolio, which includes a set of different product categories.

The selection of projects, the formation and adjustment of the R&D portfolio of a high-tech enterprise is of great importance. R&D management is carried out in a constantly changing environment. The product portfolio of a high-tech enterprise should be formed taking into account the needs of market participants who determine products and services that provide the required level of competitiveness. Planning and adjusting an R&D portfolio is an ongoing process. The number of projects will depend on the total R&D budget and the size of the projects currently in the portfolio. The portfolio of R&D projects is the innovative potential of the enterprise. It is necessary to analyze the product portfolio of the enterprise. Such an analysis is an important method of strategic management of a high-tech enterprise, helping the management of the enterprise to remember about the rational allocation of resources and to invest, taking into account the demand by the market and the prospects for further development in the market.

That is, the relevance of R&D portfolio management over time is due to resource and financial optimization [17]. When selecting projects and forming a balanced R&D portfolio of a high-tech enterprise, it is necessary to focus on maximizing the scientific and technical result of performing R&D under resource constraints at different periods of time. In practice, when forming an R&D portfolio, it is very important to efficiently manage the resources and capabilities of a high-tech enterprise, as well as transform the company's distinctive advantages into competitive ones.

High-tech enterprises must meet the challenges of inter-organizational relationships. The relationship of high-tech enterprises is of the nature of horizontal or intra-industry cooperation and vertical or cross-industry cooperation. Subcontracting has become very popular as a kind of business partnership among high-tech enterprises [9]. On the basis of subcontracting, hightech enterprises expand and deepen production and technological ties, share limited resources and create favorable conditions for each other to carry out economic activities, as well as remove mutual barriers [8]. Subcontracting involves interaction with both small and large enterprises.

Thus, the strategic management of the development of a high-tech enterprise is gaining in importance and is distinguished by its complexity and complexity. It is necessary to understand what a high-tech enterprise needs to take to achieve sustainable development in order to meet the constantly changing requirements of the external competitive environment and internal conditions of functioning.


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Бримбетова Н.Ж.

Институт экономики Комитета науки Министерства образования и науки Республики Казахстан

ведущий научный сотрудник, к.э.н., доцент

Чуланова З.К.

Институт экономики Комитета науки Министерства образования и науки Республики Казахстан

ведущий научный сотрудник, к.э.н.


Brimbetova N.

Institute of Economics of the Science Committee of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of


Leading Researcher, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Docent

Chulanova Z.

Institute of Economics of the Science Committee of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of


Leading Researcher, Candidate of Economic Sciences


Целью статьи является обоснование методологии анализа системы расселения населения по территории разных рангов и определение основных трендов воспроизводства и размещения населения в разрезе регионов. В исследовании обосновано, что одним из элементов сбалансированного развития регионов является размещение населения, обусловленное социально-экономическими различиями на территории. В этой связи определены индикаторы, касающиеся региональных различий в структуре жизнеобеспечения населения. Обозначены принципы анализа системы расселения населения, которые впоследствии могут быть использованы при разработке механизмов реализации Концепции размещения населения.

Исследование проведено в рамках программно-целевого финансирования Комитетом науки Министерства образования и науки Республики Казахстан («Разработка концепции и механизмов сбалансированного территориального развития экономики и общества Казахстана»)


The purpose of the article is to substantiate the methodology for analyzing the system of population settlement across territories of different ranks and to determine the main trends in reproduction and distribution of the population in the context of regions. The study substantiates that one of the elements of the balanced development of regions is the distribution of the population, due to socio-economic differences in the territory. In this regard, indicators have been identified concerning regional differences in the structure of the population's life support. The principles of the analysis of the population settlement system are outlined, which can subsequently be used in the development of mechanisms for the implementation of the Concept of population placement.

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