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Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Bartashevich Daria A., Rebrikova Nadezhda V.

The paper discusses collaboration and how it can become an effective method of promotion for both sides. Also, the authors give examples of successful cooperation options and an action plan, according to which it is possible to build a successful development strategy. Using concrete examples related to the coffee industry, it is clearly considered how collaboration effectively helps to increase the audience and attract new consumers to the company. An important factor in modern collaboration is the use of social networks. The article provides evidence that the Internet is an excellent platform for both sales and the search for new partners. Collaborations, because of which there is an increase in the audience and interest in the product, are also an excellent way to increase the company’s profit.

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DOI: 10.26794/2226-7867-2022-12-4-114-117 УДК 339.138,004.738.5(045)

Сотрудничество компаний в сети Интернет для расширения аудитории и увеличения прибыли (на примере журнала о культуре кофе «Café Société Magazine»)

Д.А. Барташевич, Н. В. Ребрикова

Финансовый университет, Москва, Россия


В статье обсуждается, как сотрудничество может стать эффективным методом продвижения для обеих сторон. Приведены примеры продуктивных вариантов сотрудничества и план действий, в соответствии с которым можно выстроить успешную стратегию развития. На конкретных примерах, связанных с кофейной индустрией, рассматривается, как совместная деятельность помогает увеличить аудиторию и привлечь новых потребителей в компанию. Важным фактором современного сотрудничества является использование социальных сетей. В статье приводятся доказательства того, что интернет выступает отличной платформой как для знакомств, так и для поиска новых партнеров. Сотрудничество, в результате которого происходит расширение аудитории и повышается интерес к продукту,— отличный способ увеличить прибыль компании. Ключевые слова: сотрудничество; сеть; прибыль; аудитория; партнерство

Для цитирования: Барташевич Д.А., Ребрикова Н. В. Сотрудничество компаний в сети Интернет для расширения аудитории и увеличения прибыли (на примере журнала о культуре кофе «Café Société Magazine»). Гуманитарные науки. Вестник Финансового университета. 2022;12(4):114-117. DOI: 10.26794/2226-7867-2022-12-4-114-117


The Collaboration of the Companies on the internet to increase the Audience and Profit: (on the Example of Coffee Culture Magazine "Café Société")

D.A. Bartashevich, N.V. Rebrikova

Financial University, Moscow, Russia


The paper discusses collaboration and how it can become an effective method of promotion for both sides. Also, the authors give examples of successful cooperation options and an action plan, according to which it is possible to build a successful development strategy. Using concrete examples related to the coffee industry, it is clearly considered how collaboration effectively helps to increase the audience and attract new consumers to the company. An important factor in modern collaboration is the use of social networks. The article provides evidence that the Internet is an excellent platform for both sales and the search for new partners. Collaborations, because of which there is an increase in the audience and interest in the product, are also an excellent way to increase the company's profit.

Keywords: collaboration; network; profit; audience; partnership

For citation: Bartashevich D.A., Rebrikova N.V. The collaboration of the companies on the internet to increase the audience and profit: On the example of coffee culture magazine "Café Société". Gumanitarnye Nauki. VestnikFinasovogo Universiteta = Humanities and Social Sciences. Bulletin of the Financial University. 2022;12(4):114-117. (In Russ.). DOI: 10.26794/22267867-2022-12-4-114-117

© Барташевич Д.А., Ребрикова Н. В., 2022

fl.Á. Eapmaweeuv, H.B. Pe6puKoea

Modern marketing differs from the model that Kotler described in Classic Marketing and other books, which tells us what to share and how to identify your target audience, where to go and how to talk about your/someone else's product.

The model of the story about which product is cool, in a world teeming with goods, has passed into the system: what will the consumer like about this product and what his need he will cover. The market has become more of a consumer market than a corporate market, while companies are trying to find new ways to attract their customers.

The Internet has become a key factor in achieving success for many companies. Now it is one of the main platforms for many where they can talk about themselves and find partners with whom they can cooperate.

McKinsey predicts that by 2025 almost a third of company sales worldwide will be due to partner ecosystems.

Collaborations are one of the ways of promotion that is available to almost every company, regardless of its size, number of subscribers and turnover. It's just that collaborations will be different and at different levels.1

Let's figure out what a collaboration is. This is the creation of a product or project/service with partners close in spirit, values and audience.

Often, the brand attracts opinion leaders to create a product (Kanye West's Yeezy sneakers for Nike). It's even more interesting when companies in different business areas unite (for example, Uber and Spotify offered passengers to listen to their playlist in a taxi).

This kind of partnership is a barter and gainful case for everyone. You have a cool product and idea, intellectual assets, and your partner has the audience you need and a strong brand. Besides, this is a great opportunity to come up with some completely new creativity.

It is important to understand what benefits one company can bring to a partner so that he can also participate in the development of a brand that needs such barter cooperation more.2

By creating unique products, each company receives new customers and additional sales. Brands exchange audiences, and often it is the most loyal and interested that is involved in the collaboration. If influencers (well-known bloggers or media personalities) participate in

1 How to promote brands through collaborations and special projects. URL: https://rb.ru/opinion/collaborations-special-projects/

2 Collaboration as a marketing tool. URL: https://blog.oy-li.ru/


the creation of a product, they may start hunting for a limit.3

It is worth noting that collaborations are especially important for small companies that do not have serious budgets for promotion. They have access to the partner's opinion leaders, which are not so easy to get to, even commercially. In addition, collaborations allow you to start working with a hard-to-reach audience and form loyalty to the product in another field.

Creating artificial demand for unique limited-edition products also attracts a new audience. Basically, it provides an additional information channel for both partners, which entails an increase in brand awareness and added value. It is often necessary to prepare an advertising campaign for collaboration. For each individual project, it is important to shoot photos and videos, broadcast them through media channels, launch flash mobs in social networks, organize events, produce joint promotional products [1].

When starting a project with a partner, it is important to consider several stages:

1. The development of a collaboration begins with the preparation of a strategy and understanding of the intersection of the audience of both partners, the goals, and objectives of each that they want to solve during the campaign. Brands agree on what their participation in the project will be, including financial, and stipulate other activities that they will have before and after the collaboration, so that inconvenient intersections do not happen.

2. It is important to fix all agreements and agree on a media plan for the coverage of the future campaign: when and what materials will be published, through which channels, what will be the budget for the promotion and coverage of the collaboration in the media.

3. After the media plan is defined, you can engage in content production: plan video shoots and photo shoots, product development and production, attract influencers, organize events, and prepare a PR plan for the future campaign.

4. When the campaign has started, it is important to monitor the reaction to it on the network and respond quickly. It is important to note the coverage in media and social networks, the number of sales and new customers, as well as overall engagement.

5. After completing the campaign, it is important to summarize: analyze the result and show whether the planned goals have been achieved.

3 9 successful business collaborations over the past six months. URL: https://vc.ru/services/306047-9-uspeshnyh-biznes-kollabov-za-poslednie-polgoda

Online projects work similarly: people are looking for options for mutually beneficial interaction, since sharing an audience online is a great opportunity to attract new people to the project. Small brands often resort to this. Instagram even has a feature that allows people to post the same post to different accounts, in fact, creating a collaboration. Thus, even different directions of the same project can collaborate. A striking example is the magazine about the life of Seasons and the Seasons School, where courses are held in various creative areas, such as design, subject photography, serving. Under one roof — two, in fact, different products, but, nevertheless, they constantly post Instagram posts under one

This kind of special projects is a creative process, so the approach should be non-standard. Companies in any field can create joint projects, strengthen each other, exchange audiences and offer interesting solutions for the market. The main thing, as in life — is to focus on common values and think bigger when choosing a partner.

It is possible to determine the following directions for concluding the best partnership option [2]:

1. Creating a joint unusual and unique product.

2. Combining and creating new trends.

3. Attracting media personalities to create a unique product.

4. Collaboration with contemporary artists.

5. Creating an artificial deficit (the success of the Birkin bag is, in fact, the result of one of the first and most famous strong collaborations).

6. Search for companies/people/brands for cooperation.

Here is one example related to coffee: the manufacturer of capsule coffee machines Tassimo offered its consumers coffee capsules not only under its own brand, but also together with well-known brands of custard and instant coffee L'OR, Jacobs, Carte Noir, as well as with world-famous brands of Baileys liqueur and Milka chocolate. This combination allowed Tassimo to switch to capsules for lovers of the listed coffee brands, and they, in turn, managed to retain some of the consumers switching to capsule coffee.

Consider a practical example: the coffee culture magazine Café Société Magazine4 is the most aesthetic magazine about coffee according to its readers.

Coffee is a lifestyle because a huge number of people relate to it. Coffee is in art, in painting, in music, in literature, in business, in politics, in economics, in travel, and just in everyone's life. Coffee is something

4 Café Société Magazine. URL: http://www.cafesociete.ru/

that unites people from all countries of the world, social positions, and any faiths. The magazine, like coffee, unites professionals and amateurs, artists and coffee makers, art historians and travelers.

The purpose of the magazine is to teach how to enjoy coffee, to introduce people to coffee culture, to create people around the community who are passionate and endlessly loving this magical drink.

Bloggers and opinion leaders whose audience is similar in audience to the magazine's audience are most suitable for magazine collaborations.

The target audience can be divided according to the following criteria [3]:

1. Coffee lovers.

1.1. Owners of coffee shops.

1.2. People who are just starting to study and get acquainted with coffee.

1.3. Coffee shop visitors.

1.4. Owners and directors of large companies, similar to Aeroflot or Nestle, for advertising on the pages of the magazine.

1.5. Students who usually study in coffee shops.

1.6. Professional baristas and roasters.

1.7. Freelancers, whose main platform of work is, just, coffee shops.

1.8. Entrepreneurs who hold business meetings over a cup of coffee.

1.9. Creative people (journalists, artists, writers), for whom coffee is the main quantity that helps them to live and create.

1.10. Visitors of older coffee shops, for whom going to a coffee shop is usually a consequence of visiting a theater or concert, can be designated as intelligentsia.

By age, the following groups can be distinguished:

1) 18-23


3) 36-45

4) 46-55

5) 55 +

The magazine entered the coffee media market a little less than a year ago [4], and during this time managed to cooperate with many opinion leaders in this market segment. So, he had a collaboration with several coffee bloggers who attracted new subscribers to the magazine on Instagram and increased the audience by 150 people (two coffee bloggers @coffeenation_ rus and @coffee_jeanne joined the magazine's account), also with the autumn issue there was a collaboration between the magazine and the brand of drip bags (special bags with coffee for easy brewing alternatives) Brai Gran, who supplied the drips for the entire autumn edition. At the moment, the magazine

Д.А. Барташевич, Н.В. Ребрикова

has several collaborations — with the brand of coffee jewelry — Saxar Jewerly (the company supplies us with jewelry, and we make it an advertising page in a printed magazine) and the bean-to-bar brand of chocolate Chocolate Choice (the company sponsors chocolates for the new spring edition, which will be presented at the coffee and chocolate exhibition — Coffee Tea Cacao Expo 2022). Coffee Tea Cacao Expo is, in fact, another partner with whom the magazine cooperates on barter terms: the company provides the magazine with a stand at the exhibition and the addition of the magazine with the "partners" section in information booklets and on the website, while the magazine places the press release of the exhibition in its issue and advertises the exhibition on Instagram. Now "Café Société" has a partnership with big news media called Inc News5 and

5 Inc News. URL: https://inc-news.ru/.

they publish different articles every week with a link to a website of the magazine. It is a good interaction: One gives original content, the other — advertising.

Collaboration is one of the best ways to attract a new audience, both to the product itself and to social media accounts. In the network, it is customary to repost each other, offering any mutually beneficial terms of advertising. In the coffee segment, this is a little easier to do, since the audience of coffee shops and those people who drink specialty coffee are still not as large as the main mass segment. For successful mutually beneficial interaction, it is important to determine the goals, audience, and benefits that both sides will receive, prepare creatives, and start talking about each other online in different formats. We will consider further results of collaborations in the following papers.


1. Berger J. Contagious. Psychology of word of mouth. How products and ideas become popular. Moscow: Mann, Ivanov and Ferber; 2017. 240 p.

2. Rosen E. The Anatomy of word of Mouth marketing. London: Harper Collins, Cop.; 2000. 303 p.

3. Bartashevich D. A. Creation and prospects for the development of the online magazine Café Société Magazine. Modern Management: Problems and Prospects — St. Petersburg: Publishing House of St. Petersburg State University of Economics; 2019.

4. Bartashevich D. A., Rebrikova N.V. Competitiveness of life-style magazines in the modern digital environment — Business management in the digital economy. Collection of abstracts of speeches of the 3rd International Conference, 2020.

информация об авторах / about the authors

Дарья Антоновна Барташевич — студентка 2-го курса магистратуры факультета социальных наук и массовых коммуникаций, Финансовый университет; главный редактор журнала о культуре кофе "Café Société Mag", Москва, Россия

Daria A. Bartashevich — 2nd year Master's student of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Mass Communications, Financial University; Editor-in-Chief of coffee culture magazine "Café Société Mag", Moscow, Russia https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3024-1492 dariabart@mail.ru

Надежда Владимировна Ребрикова — кандидат экономических наук, доцент департамента психологии и развития человеческого капитала, Финансовый университет; член Гильдии маркетологов, Москва, Россия Nadezhda V. Rebrikova — Cand. Sci. (Econ.), Associate Professor of the Department of Psychology and Human Capital Development, Financial University; member of the Marketing Guild, Moscow, Russia https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7280-7178 Rebrikovanv@mail.ru

Конфликт интересов: авторы заявляют об отсутствии конфликта интересов. Conflicts of Interest Statement: The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.

^атья поступила 19.05.2022; принята к публикации 10.06.2022. Авторы прочитали и одобрили окончательный вариант рукописи. The article was received on 19.05.2022; accepted for publication on 10.06.2022. The authors read and approved the final version of the manuscript.

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