Научная статья на тему 'The cognition of methodological potential of the medicine worldwiev as a foundation of the professional activity and medical education'

The cognition of methodological potential of the medicine worldwiev as a foundation of the professional activity and medical education Текст научной статьи по специальности «Фундаментальная медицина»

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Аннотация научной статьи по фундаментальной медицине, автор научной работы — Pesotskaya E.N.

In modern historical context, the following discussion of methodological problems of modern medicine and public health in addressing to the problem of a man became the most important. The analysis of philosophical worldview foundation of medicine allow to study deeply the laws of an organism in connection with surroundings to prognosis its condition and processes in the light of new medical technologies and competent point of view to teaching. In these conditions the worldview is researching during doctor's medicine preparing as the foundation of forming the principle of “methodological confidence” or conviction of a doctor in true of private presentations about the world, a man, taking concrete methods of diagnostic and treatment. It is one of the important skilled characters of a doctor, the foundation of the professional activity, and the forming of it begins from medical education.

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Текст научной работы на тему «The cognition of methodological potential of the medicine worldwiev as a foundation of the professional activity and medical education»

УДК 303.4:61




E.N. Pesotskaya

National Research Mordovia State University Saransk, Russia, 430005

Annotation. In modern historical context, the following discussion of methodological problems of modern medicine and public health in addressing to the problem of a man became the most important. The analysis of philosophical worldview foundation of medicine allow to study deeply the laws of an organism in connection with surroundings to prognosis its condition and processes in the light of new medical technologies and competent point of view to teaching. In these conditions the worldview is researching during doctor's medicine preparing as the foundation of forming the principle of "methodological confidence" or conviction of a doctor in true of private presentations about the world, a man, taking concrete methods of diagnostic and treatment. It is one of the important skilled characters of a doctor, the foundation of the professional activity, and the forming of it begins from medical education.

Key words: worldview's potential of medicine, philosophical and methodological questions of medicine, private scientific and philosophical levels of methodology, cognitive foundation of treatment, principle of "methodological confidence", medical education, GCP.

In totality with clinical present the medical knowledge represents methodological interest for philosophy, science and medical education in respect of the solution of a question how the concrete and scientific knowledge of the person and his potential is formed. The philosophy always applied for the status of the complete universal teaching about the person which is constantly deepening ideas of essence of medical knowledge, opportunities of medicine to design the theory of the person and his health as the subject of history and culture. As the object of medical knowledge and practice the person possesses not only a physical body, but also the sociocultural corporeality investigated as a substratum of its social and spiritual and personal properties. Object of medical knowledge and practical activities is also the worldview of the person possessing sanogenetic and therapeutic potential. The analysis of a philosophical foundation of medicine and human worldview allows to study more deeply

regularities of an organism in interrelations and the relations with environment, to predict its many states.

Medical worldview, being a cognitive basis of medical procedures, at the same time as theories, beliefs and views acts as the instrument of therapeutic influence, i.e. is direct "a remedy" with various efficiency in various directions of medicine [3]. In training of the doctor the worldview acts as the basis of formation of the principle of "methodological confidence" or convictions in adequacy of own ideas of the world, the person, "correctness" of the applied methods of diagnostics and treatment which is one of important qualification characteristics of the doctor [1, p. 404]. "Medical worldview" or "worldview of the doctor" — a basis of clinical thinking. This term designates complete set of the representations used in professional medical activity or concrete school of medicine. The complex unites ideas of essence, mechanisms of development of an illness and treatment within that pic-

Pesotskaya E.N. The cognition of methodological potential of the medicine worldwiev as a foundation...


lure of the world which is available at communication of the doctor and patient. In general, it representations — from all-philosophical to specialised. The medical worldview as one of direct instruments of medical impact on the patient's organism, has the extreme importance, and for representatives of some specialties and schools of medicine in general is the main thing. For example, in psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, in a number of Asian and a set of other directions of medicine treatment is realized only by impact of medical worldview on ordinary worldview. It occurs in all cases when a factor of treatment is the word and information in system of its recognition and perception.

The content of medical worldview consists in its ratio with truth. As a rule, efficiency of medical world-view is subject to an assessment generally. "It is possible to claim that efficiency of psychotherapeutic influence of the doctor materialist who is carried out on the basis of a scientific picture of the world, practically the same, as psychotherapeutic influence of the Chinese acupuncture's specialist curing within a Buddhist power picture of the world".

Important elements of qualification of the doctor belongs also intensity of medical worldview, that is conviction degree in correctness and adequacy of medical actions. It is formed on the basis of ideas of the mechanism of functioning of an organism, the mechanism of development, recognition and diagnosis of diseases within this picture of the world.

Process of formation of outlook of the doctor is closely connected with scientific practical activities. At the first stages it is caused by training, orientation to authorities, later — practical activities which are capable to transform the worldview of the doctor received by it when training. In case of easing or change of the last efficiency of results of professional activity decreases and often comes to an end with change of worldview's system (at first in narrowly professional, and then and in the philosophical sphere.) Today this phenomenon is often observed in the course of transition of doctors from area of classical medicine to other spheres of medicine (for example, homeopathy, acupuncture, etc.). The medical worldview is under constant pressure of a large number of the facts delivered by experimental biology and practice medicine which possess multi directional world outlook potential. Therefore the medical worldview has to possess resistance to external influences, and at the same time to be flexible for assimilation of new scientific infor-

mation. Besides, considering that procedure of treatment is two subject process, the worldview and its components act and as the only conceptual language, that is as the instrument of communication. Thus, the medical worldview as a basis of clinical thinking has to possess such professionally necessary characteristics as intensity (conviction in correctness of medical action), stability and flexibility. Use of tool properties of outlook in applied medicine, direct use of philosophical cognitive designs as therapy factors, the real competition of the different directions of medicine having various methodological base do necessary essential increase of level of methodological training of the doctor formed in training. It concerns as the general philosophical readiness and the sphere of concrete scientific methodology, fuller possession with which will allow the doctor to use more effectively the potential in practical work.

Today use in medicine specific "tools" is necessary philosophy and psychology that is obvious concerning reflection methods which use in diagnostics and treatment increases their efficiency. The worldview possesses a certain therapeutic potential. One of its components is process of formation of the doctor.

Specifics of medical preparation significantly differ from genesis of any other expert. The doctor is an specialist who professionally works with mentality of the patient that demands, first, a certain equipment, and secondly, acquisitions of specific personal characteristics. The last are described most precisely by the term "finding of the medical power", "the curing power" which has special character and is realized in the sphere of mentality and the patient's body. This power is present in a varying degree always, acting as the instrument of medical influence. In psychoanalysis, psychotherapy, in some Asian and many other directions of medicine treatment is realized practically only by verbal influences in line with the accepted world-view. Not only the word, but also properties of the identity makes medical impact of the doctor in total with technology of such verbal influence. "The salutary power" is formed during professional formation and results from feeling of completeness of knowledge and internal conviction in correctness of the diagnostic and medical actions. The progressive line which is dynamically changing each some years in the field of medicine acts as their standard. In turn, as a source of the curative power in applied medicine process of medical work on development of modern

The Journal of scientific articles "Health and Education Millennium", 2016. Vol. 18. No 7

medical theories acts and practical recommendations, i.e. professional aspects of worldview.

Feature of teaching methodological disciplines in structure of medical education is caused by two circumstances: specificity of a role of methodology in training of the doctor, and, features of a historical stage of evolution of the methodology. Teaching methodological disciplines to medical students has exclusive value for formation of thinking and adequate knowledge of the world, feelings of "methodological confidence" as important characteristic of professional qualification of the doctor. Gnoseological (cognitive) and prakseology aspects of medical theories and methodologies are still combined is rather contradictory, have various dynamics and sources of development. It is important to transform methodology to ideology because ideology as the form of not alternative understanding of the world becomes the basis of formation of methodological confidence of the doctor.

Critical evaluation of the medical knowledge which collected by the end of the XX century led to the birth of the concept of evidential medicine [6; 7]. Today the worldview of the doctor changes, we have to influence emergence of the new medical code based on proofs. Changing of medical worldview is connected with emergence of the medicine based on carrying out large-scale clinical investigation with verification of the theory and results of experiments on rules of Appropriate clinical practice (Good Clinical Practice; GCP). "GCP" — represents the international ethical and scientific standard of planning and carrying out researches with participation of the person in quality of the subject, and also documentary registration and representation of results of such researches.

The collected volume of medical information, acceleration of rates of data collection, inadequacy and delay of knowledge from traditional sources, a variety and ambiguity of clinical situations became the reason of emergence of evidential medicine. The clinical physician is obliged to be guided in information streams, whenever possible — to operate them, it is rational to use often limited resources of health care. For maintaining the patient is admissible to use only technologies which usefulness is proved by good-quality researches. The evidential medicine changes world-view., "turning medical practice from art into science" [2]. The formation of clinical thinking on the basis of

knowledge of the evidential to medicine becomes necessary.

Approaching of convergent technologies as new stage of integration of scientific knowledge to natural-science processes is the basis for the movement of natural sciences and medical science in the direction of creation of a technosphere as the organic part of the nature, new commercial and nontechnical culture changing borders of the metaphysical world of the person, uniting alternative approaches and methodologies — natural-science and socio-humanistic [4, p. 339; 5, р. 21] — to knowledge of its features and states. So, modern medical professionalism is possible only in unity from its philosophical component forming integrity of worldview and moral of consciousness in modern social conditions. For this reason the medical knowledge combines as natural-science, and its humanitarian elements and in modern conditions is considered as interrelation natural-science, humanitarian and technological elements.


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5. Pesotskaya E.N. Estestvenno-nauchnie osnovania teorii sotsialnoi aktivnosti lichnosti. Monographia. Ed. prof. А.А. Gagaev. Saransk: Isd-vo Mordov. un-ta, 2002. (In Russian)

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Pesotskaya E.N. The cognition of methodological potential of the medicine worldwiev as a foundation..




Е.Н. Песоцкая

ФГБОУ ВО «Национальный исследовательский Мордовский государственный университет имени Н.П. Огарёва» г. Саранск, Россия, 430005

Аннотация. В современном историческом контексте последовательное рассмотрение методологических проблем современной медицины и здравоохранения в обращении к проблеме человека стала наиболее приоритетной. Анализ философско-мировоззренческой основы медицины позволяет глубже изучать закономерности организма во взаимоотношениях со средой, прогнозировать его состояния и процессы в свете новых медицинских технологий и ком-петентностного подхода в обучении. В этих условиях мировоззрение в ходе врачебной подготовки исследуется как ключевое основание формирования принципа "методологической уверенности" или убежденности врача в адекватности собственных представлений о мире, человеке, применимости конкретных методов диагностики и лечения. Это является одной из важных квалификационных характеристик медика, основанием его профессиональной активности, формирование которой начинается с медицинского образования.

Ключевые слова: мировоззренческий потенциал медицины, философские и методологические вопросы медицины, частнонаучный и философский уровни методологии, когнитивная основа лечения, принцип «методологической уверенности» врача, медицинское образование, GCP.


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4. Песоцкая Е.Н. К вопросу об этническом менталитете как факторе сохранения культурных и национальных традиций в условиях процесса глобализации (социально-философский анализ) // Вестник Нижегородского университета им. Н.И. Лобачевского. № 1. Н. Новгород: Изд-во ННГУ им. Н.И. Лобачевского, 2009. С. 338—343.

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