Научная статья на тему 'The characteristics of physical upbringing among students and cadets under the influence of integration processes in the spheres of education and economy'

The characteristics of physical upbringing among students and cadets under the influence of integration processes in the spheres of education and economy Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
physical upbringing / student / cadet / training / the integration of educational environment / “Physical Culture” discipline

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Yurij A. Yanovich, Yuliya I. Maslovskaya, Ludmila V. Kudina

One of the features of the integration processes in the spheres of education and economy is the amount of international educational programs increase for students, projects for the exchange of labor resources related to migration issues. The analysis of scientific information sources proves the actualization of physical education (in the context of the mentioned circumstances), pedagogical technologies that make it possible to form future graduates’ competitive qualities, as well as objective methods of observation over their physical condition, health, working capacity, dynamics of adaptive potential indices. These are the fundamental components of professional-applied physical fitness. It is significantly influenced by such factors as activity mode changes, time zones and climatic conditions. Materials and Research Methods. Through the prism of integration processes, which happen in educational and economic environment, we consider some questions of students physical upbringing in the Republic of Belarus and foreign countries. We used theoretical research methods: information sources and methodical literature, documents, the results of the finished scientific work analysis fulfilled by physical upbringing and sport department at Belorussian State University (20162020). Results. We revealed the main characteristics of physical upbringing among students of the Republic of Belarus and foreign countries. One of the distinctive features is a real use of integration processes in education and economy as an approach to students’ physical upbringing development in particular marketing strategy of the educational establishment in general. Conclusion. In terms of economic and educational spheres integration the role of innovation, creative and educational parts of “Physical culture” educational subject increases. In the context of the mentioned integration processes increases the need for a regular, active and successful participation of students and cadets in sports mass events, their motivation strengthening for self-development, social experience gaining and transfer, which was received in physical culturesports activity and provided partnership, team interaction and competition. It is necessary to improve the methodologies of pedagogical control over the indices, which characterize adaptive potential of the organism of a student in the process of training for professional activity.

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Текст научной работы на тему «The characteristics of physical upbringing among students and cadets under the influence of integration processes in the spheres of education and economy»

DOI: 10.14526/2070-4798-2021-16-2-62-69

The characteristics of physical upbringing among students and cadets under the influence of integration processes in the spheres of education and


Yurij A. Yanovich*, Yuliya I. Maslovskaya, Ludmila V. Kudina

Belorussian State University Minsk, the Republic of Belarus ORCID: 0000-0003-2243-0194, yanovich@tut.by* ORCID: 0000-0003-3777-5048, julia.maslovskaya@gmail.com ORCID: 0000-0002-1735-867X, lyudmila.kudina@mail.ru

Abstract: One of the features of the integration processes in the spheres of education and economy is the amount of international educational programs increase for students, projects for the exchange of labor resources related to migration issues. The analysis of scientific information sources proves the actualization of physical education (in the context of the mentioned circumstances), pedagogical technologies that make it possible to form future graduates' competitive qualities, as well as objective methods of observation over their physical condition, health, working capacity, dynamics of adaptive potential indices. These are the fundamental components of professional-applied physical fitness. It is significantly influenced by such factors as activity mode changes, time zones and climatic conditions. Materials and Research Methods. Through the prism of integration processes, which happen in educational and economic environment, we consider some questions of students physical upbringing in the Republic of Belarus and foreign countries. We used theoretical research methods: information sources and methodical literature, documents, the results of the finished scientific work analysis fulfilled by physical upbringing and sport department at Belorussian State University (20162020). Results. We revealed the main characteristics of physical upbringing among students of the Republic of Belarus and foreign countries. One of the distinctive features is a real use of integration processes in education and economy as an approach to students' physical upbringing development in particular marketing strategy of the educational establishment in general. Conclusion. In terms of economic and educational spheres integration the role of innovation, creative and educational parts of "Physical culture" educational subject increases. In the context of the mentioned integration processes increases the need for a regular, active and successful participation of students and cadets in sports mass events, their motivation strengthening for self-development, social experience gaining and transfer, which was received in physical culture-sports activity and provided partnership, team interaction and competition. It is necessary to improve the methodologies of pedagogical control over the indices, which characterize adaptive potential of the organism of a student in the process of training for professional activity. Keywords: physical upbringing, student, cadet, training, the integration of educational environment, "Physical Culture" discipline

For citation: Yurij A. Yanovich*, Yuliya I. Maslovskaya, Ludmila V. Kudina. The characteristics of physical upbringing among students and cadets under the influence of integration processes in the spheres of education and economy. Russian Journal of Physical Education and Sport. 2021$ 16(2): 54-59. DOI: 10.14526/2070-4798-2021-16-2-62-69


One of the social-economic transformations aspects in the world is an active international cooperation in the spheres of economics and education, the necessary condition for which is educational and economic spheres integration [1].

Taking into consideration state educational system recognition, which was formed during the

period of the Soviet Union, and the attempts of its improvement, which are made nowadays, many countries are ready to realize the international exchange of educational resources and sent to Belarus their students and accept students from Belarus. Other states, which don't have such a developed educational system, send students into the Universities of Belarus for fee-paying education

to study urgent civil and military specialties, starting form preparing faculties and ending in Master's degree program, postgraduate training program and etc.

Taking into account different geopolitical situations of countries-partners, the peculiarities of climatic conditions, character of nutrition, national traditions, religious beliefs, family and physical upbringing, general physical culture education of students and cadets should be formed taking into consideration mentioned above factors and social-economic transformations, unions, labor migration, the amount of modern programs and projects increase. They demand regular specialists transfer from one country to another.

It means that the role of objective methods of observation over students' physical state, their health and physical working capacity, professionalapplied physical training increases. It becomes urgent to create the theory and practice of climatic adaptation, adaptation to new time zones, physical activity regimen, available forms of physical training change and etc.

The problems of general quality of physical culture education increase and students' health improvement nowadays should be solved on the basis of a science using native and foreign experience and also using the achievements, which exist in professional sport, where the questions of an acclimatization, medical support, physical training for the future trips abroad are mainly considered [26].


Theoretical knowledge getting and adaptive abilities of an organism development, realized in the system of physical upbringing, nowadays become more urgent if a young specialist leaves usual conditions and has to work (study) in new conditions.

In accordance with the mentioned above information the aim of the held research work was the peculiarities of physical upbringing revelation among students and cadets under the influence of integration processes in educational and economic spheres.

For the set aim achievement the following objectives were realized:

- to define primary scientific and practical problems, which appear in physical upbringing, in the sphere of modern physical culture education and professionally-applied physical training of students and cadets in terms of economic and educational environments integration;

- to set the criteria in accordance with which it is necessary to estimate the quality of educational and upbringing process in physical culture in the context of the mentioned integration processes;

- to analyze native and foreign experience of students' physical upbringing organization.

We used the following theoretical research methods: pedagogical literature, documents, practical activity analysis, the final scientific-research work results (SRW) analysis, fulfilled by physical upbringing and sport department (PU&SD) at Belorussian State University (BSU) during the period since 2016 till 2020 and other methods.


Integration processes in educational and labor environment claim additional demands on adaptive potential of human organism. They make young people think about the resources of own health. That is why higher education establishments (HEE), in particular physical upbringing and sport department, and military faculties should take into account the existing tendencies and take care of native and foreign students' and cadets' health, prepare them for labor activity, including work abroad. Labor and military service become more natural, available in the international society in terms of joint enterprises and military unions, international projects and peace-support missions, good-neighborly cooperation, economic integration of the state and etc.. For example, the graduates of military faculty of BSU can be sent to some countries with consultative missions, can serve in the Army by contract in the Russian Federation. The specialists of civilian specialties, who graduated from BSU, can work at almost all continents.

At the same time the specificity of the objectives, which are set before physical culture teachers, who work at different faculties, officers, who are in charge of physical training of cadets, demands the search for different approaches to general physical culture education organization, purposeful

practical lessons, testing organization and special emphasis to adaptive abilities and professionally necessary physical qualities development.

Scientific and methodical sources analysis showed that the peculiarities of students and cadets physical upbringing in terms of economic and educational environment integration are not studied enough. At the same time many specialists acknowledge the importance of successive and purposeful research works organized for the effectiveness of educational and sports-training process increase. Many specialists consider the progress in physical upbringing of students and cadets impossible without taking into account integration displays in the sphere of education.

In Western Europe countries physical culture lessons are considered important for students. This subject takes a central position in curriculum of all secondary schools and higher educational establishments [7].

Nowadays scientific work in the sphere of sport and health-improving activity became intensive in the Russian Federation, Poland, the Ukraine, Baltic countries and the Republic of Belarus. Many conferences, seminars, qualification improvement courses, master-classes are held. New collections of research works, journals, text-books, monographs are published. This activity is supported by government. It understands economic, social and political importance of scientific-research work.

Taking into account the similarity of physical culture education objectives among students in these countries, social problems, which appear as a result of the increasing hypodynamia, scientists carry out cooperative research works, realize international socially oriented projects. It is proved by many scientific and inter-state programs, European Union programs, which developed humanitarian sciences. It is obvious that the developed pedagogical technologies and students' health improving methodologies, training students for the future professional labor can have the international character, can be introduced into different systems of education. That is why the international exchange of educational technologies is valuable for any country and its own achievements in the sphere of a person's physical abilities study, a

person's adaptive potential development, life energy and working capacity increase become the objects of the protected intellectual property, commercial base for cooperation and participation in the programs.

Scientists of physical upbringing and sport department of BSU study the problems of a personality's physical culture formation, the quality of educational process improvement of "Physical culture" discipline, pedagogical technologies development, program-technical means creation of health and physical working capacity monitoring, students' motivation for physical culture and sport activity increase and etc.

The results of theoretical and empiric research works analysis, held by the teaching staff of PU&SD within 5 years, and also scientific-methodical literature and Internet resources analysis, showed that it is urgent to search for the ways of the future specialists involvement into physical culture values, to realize modern priorities of the society, developing in terms of economic and educational environment integration.

In the finished SRW there are the priorities and results of educational process on the basis of interdisciplinary sciences interaction. Interdisciplinary approach use in educational process of students and cadets of BSU provides methodical support improvement and more complete "Physical culture" discipline and the discipline in the sphere of other studied sciences mastering and also students' interest in them increase [8].

In the context of educational and economic environment integration processes we define the principles of an effective physical upbringing. They provide the future specialists training, who are able to compete after job placement on the territory of the Republic of Belarus and abroad: principles of playing and competitive methods [9], of professional-applied orientation, sports and general preparatory directions of "Physical culture" discipline integration. The basis of these principles are the following: active kind of sport mastering, sports readiness and the dynamics of sports results increase, taking part in competitive activity as an obligatory component of an educational process


Taking into account the quintessence of the mentioned above principles of an effective students' physical upbringing, one of the criteria, which should be taken into account while estimating the quality of educational and upbringing process in physical culture in the context of the mentioned integration processes, is "...the parameter, which characterizes activity of taking part in physical culture-sports events, which provides competition and desire for self-improvement" [11].

Pedagogical literature and the most significant research activity of PU&SD BSU analysis showed that in modern society, which develops in terms of educational and economic environment integration, physical culture is one of the leading components of students socialization (in HEE and in the future professional activity). The main factors are favorable conditions for the level of physical fitness, health level increase of those, who do sports, for the experience of collective interaction, communicative inclusion and other socially and professionally significant personality's qualities gaining [7-13].

Some participants of the research mentioned the necessity to create a new direction of students' physical upbringing - social-correctional, in the context of which a healthy life style as an interacting component would correspond with generally adopted norms of social life. In terms of educational and economic environment integration social-correctional direction of physical upbringing would provide students involvement into an adequate motor regimen. It would compensate the deficiency of an active muscle activity, provide functional detraining elimination [12].

During the research we revealed the curriculum effectiveness of "Physical culture" discipline for students of the main and preparatory departments, created by PU&SD BSU on the basis of modular-competence based approach. It helps to realize educational-upbringing process with the stress in the context of educational and economic environment integration for practical experience gaining of physical, sports, health-improving activity in order to use it in further life during personalprofessional problems solution. The effectiveness is proved by a positive dynamics of physical fitness

indices and a functional state of students of the ist-3rd courses of the main and preparatory departments of BSU (p<0,05), set according to the results of three-years period monitoring [13,14,15].

At the same time we revealed the necessity to pay special attention to the quality of an educational process in a special educational department, which is attended by the students with poor health state and chronic illnesses and also in sports educational department in which students and cadets are under the influence of the increased physical loads. For the first department it is necessary to consider thoroughly the norms of physical loads and the complexes of exercises, which correspond with medical diagnoses. For the second department it is necessary to combine the volumes of sports, intellectual work and educational progress in order to reach a compromise in training for the competitions and the future professional activity.

On the basis of scientific information analysis we revealed the range of physical upbringing organization peculiarities among students of foreign countries in the context of integration processes, which happen in educational and economic environments:

- physical upbringing departments, sport and recreation departments and sport clubs are organized at the Universities;

- in economically developed countries (the USA, Japan, France, Germany, Italy, Great Britain, Canada, Switzerland, Belgium, Netherlands, Austria and others) students have more opportunities for differently directed interests realization. More than 100 sport courses are available (diving, horseracing, martial arts, cheerleading, golf, rugby, cricket, baseball, fencing, dancing kinds of sport, sports fishing and many others);

- educational establishments independently define the programs of physical upbringing for students;

- at the end of some educational-sports courses the graduate gets a certificate and the opportunity to take a job as one of the results of the approach realization to students' physical upbringing development in the context of integration processes in educational and economic environments;

- sponsors engagement, taking part in

tournaments for money and other demonstrations of this approach help Universities to earn money from competitions held among students of different educational establishments, set up sports scholarship for the members of University teams.


Theoretical analysis showed that the most significant differences between native process of students physical upbringing and foreign one are the following: insufficient innovative, creative and educational parts of "Physical culture" discipline, the absence of University teams in several most popular among students kinds of sport.

In spite of insufficient material-technical base for valid physical upbringing among students at many HEE, especially not big towns of our republic, nowadays the kind of sport choice becomes more diverse.

One of the evaluation criteria for physical upbringing estimation at HEE, which is influenced by integration processes of educational and economic spheres, is an active and successful participation of students and cadets in sports-mass events.

The main peculiarities of students and cadets physical upbringing in terms of economic and educational environments integration are demonstrated in the necessity to improve motivation for self-development, social experience gaining and transfer, including the experience based on an active involvement of students into physical culture-sports activity. It provides competition, partnership, team interaction and also in the necessity to develop pedagogical control over the changes in physical and functional state. They reflect the dynamics of a future specialist adaptive potential indices with a higher education.


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Submitted: 18.05.2021 Author's information:

Yurij A. Yanovich - Candidate of Pedagogics, Associate Professor, Belorussian State University, 220030, the Republic of Belarus, Minsk, Oktyabrskaya str., House 8a, e-mail: yanovich@tut.by Yuliya I. Maslovskaya - Candidate of Pedagogics, Associate Professor, Belorussian State University, 220030, the Republic of Belarus, Minsk, Oktyabrskaya str., House 8a, e-mail: julia.maslovskaya@gmail.

Ludmila V. Kudina - Senior Lecturer, Belorussian State University, 220030, the Republic of Belarus, Minsk, Oktyabrskaya str., House 8a, e-mail: lyudmila.kudina@mail.ru

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