THE CASES IN THE DIFFERENT STRUCTURED LANGUAGES Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Ghiyosov Nurullo Ismatovic, Kuzieva Nodira Murodovna

The article under consideration is devoted to cases and the author tried to investigate the different structury languages.. Every language that has cases expresses grammatical meaning in different ways. In the course of the study of languages with different structures it turned out that all proto-languages had from 6 to 8 cases and in some languages cases still exist, including six cases in Russian, three cases in Arabic and four cases in German. Into the bargain, the authors of this article consider the existence of cases in the ancient Iranian languages.In the article Russian, Arabic, English, and Tajik languages with examples from the conjugation forms of the cases have been studies.

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T^y - 81.255.2 TKE - 4T r 57


Khujand State University named after Academician B. Gafurov

Introduction. It is common knowledge that case is considered to be a grammatical category of a noun (object, pronoun, numeral) expressing its syntactic relations with other words referring to the statement, or any separate grammatically relevant category, upon the whole. The system of cases is found in different languages of the world: in Russian, Arabic, in some Iranian, Germanic and a number of other languages. It is worth mentioning that they are declined differently that depends on syntactic relations between one word and other words.

There are six cases in Russian:

Nominative case - shkola;

Genitive case - shkolu;

Dative case - shkole;

Accusative case - shkola;

Instrumental case - shkoloy;

Prepositional case - o shkole.

Proceeding from «the above examples one can assert that» [2, p.123; 1, p.101-109] the word «shkola» possesses different inflexions in various cases, and the root morpheme is considered to be «shkol» - later on there is a declined morpheme. However, there is a developed system of triple declension in the Arabic language which is resorted to in all three states of the noun.

The object of the corpus of our study is to dwell on some considerations beset with case in languages of different grammatical structures. As it is considered to be a grammatical category of a noun; pronoun; numeral expressing its syntactic relations with other words.

The subject of the corpus of our study is to compare and canvass the system of cases found in different languages of the world, including Russian, Arabic, some Iranian ones, Germanic and a number of other ones.

The aim of the corpus of our study refers to:

- to carry out the role case in term of its function and semantics in a sentence;

- to compare the actualness of the topic in question with the correlative languages;

- to consider certain unique peculiarities of the letter under consideration.

The nominative case is used if the noun does not depend on any other word, and considers mainly the designation of the subject:

The genitive case is used if one noun depends on another or while combining the noun by dint of the preposition, but the majority of Arabic words which we equate with preposition in terms of their essence are

considered to be nouns in the form of accusative case expressing the circumstance of the place and time exactly. Thus, one can assume that the latter in Arabic expresses the dependence of the noun on another one, in general:

The accusative case is resorted to in order to express the dependence of the noun on the verb, and this dependence can be very diverse: from direct objects to various types of ones, specifying, limiting and explaining the action of the verb:

(jjjll IjJ

In Arabic, there is also a two-cases declension which occurs in indefinite states, in other states, two-cases nouns are inclined according to the general paradigm: p, ¿IS

In reference to it, the inflexions of cases in Semitic-Hamitic languages are different:

- in Arabic: u (j) is an inflexion of nominative case; -i - indirect;

- in Hebrew: -i is an inflexion of nominative case; -e - indirect.

Case inflexions of the correlative languages are presented with short vowels. However, in the early era they were «anceps» -ie could be pronounced both as long and briefly, but initially they were and should remain only long.

Apparently, case inflections are characteristic for all Semitic languages, and they are traced back to the early Semitic period, namely they were originally long or two-fold in Arabic consequently.

In this regard, Arabic case inflexions should not be considered in isolation from similar phenomena in other Semitic languages, and general Semitic facts show that initially in the Semitic languages and dialects there were long vowels in inflections which could also be preserved in some Arabic vernaculars [3, p. 322324].

The inflexions of cases in Germanic languages are different. For instance, the words hester - horse, kinn

Case Singular Plural Singular Plural Singular Plural

Nom.c. hest -ur -ar kinn -# -ar aug -a -u

Gen.c. hest -a -a kinn -ar -a aug -a -na

Dat.c. hest -i -um kinn -# -um aug -a -um

Accu.c. hest -# -a kinn -# -ar aug -a -u

In German, the declension of the following nouns: Strahl - beam, das Auge - eye and die Uhr - watches are declined in cases like this:

Case Singular Plural Singular Plural Singular Plural

Nom.c. Strahl -# -en Aug -e -en Uhr -# -en

Gen.c. Strahl -es -en Aug -es -en Uhr -# -en

Dat.c. Strahl -# -en Aug -e -en Uhr -# -en

Accu.c. Strahl -# -en Aug -e -en Uhr -# -en

So, the differences between Icelandic and German nominal word-morphs are especially evident while comparing the plural paradigmatic numbers. In spite of the almost complete unification of inflections of the genitive and dative cases, the structure of the paradigm still allows partial recognition of the gender of the noun in the Icelandic language. Owing to the presence of differing inflections in plural case their meaning is clearly expressed.

In German, gender differences are leveled: plural foundations of all genera are connected with such suffixes as -e and -en, and the suffix -er can only mark non-female genders.

At the same time, the case system can be found in Scandinavian languages which distinguishes two

№ Case Swedish/indefinite. Danish/indefinite.

General en pojke (a boy) en bog (a book)

2 Genitive en pojke -s en bog -s

However, there are two cases in English language [6, p.253-258]:

№ Case General Possessive

1 Singular Boy Boys

2 Plural Boy -s Boy -s

Clearly, in English, all nouns are divided into two classes: firstly, words denoting unanimated objects that do not have the case category; secondly, words denoting living objects and those having two cases -common and possessive. The seven possessive cases are as follows: objectivity, animation, possessiveness, subjectivity and objectivity.

The declension of nouns by dint of cases is also found in Iranian languages, for example: there are two types of declension in Khotanosak language:

1) declension of masculine names in two varieties - based on the consonant and pine on the vowel - a;

2) declension of feminine names is also in two varieties - based on nouns with cases in singular form in - a and in - a;

Adducing an analysis beset with case inflexions shows that the first type in its basic variety (and with the basis for the consonant) directly traces back to the ancient masculine - a declension, and the second one to the ancient feminine - a declension. Therefore, we adduce Khotanosaki case inflexion in the main types of declension and their historical correspondences._

Case Singular

Masculine Gender Feminine Gender

Nom. -a < -ah (avas.-o; ancient Persian -a) -a < -a (avas. -a, -a; ancient Persian -a)

Accu. -u < -am (avas.-am; ancient Persian -am) -o < -am (avas.-am; ancient Persian - am)

Gen. -i < -ahya (avas.-ahe, -ahya; ancient Persian -ahya) -e < -yah (avas.-aya; ancient Persian - aya)

Pro. -a (avas.; ancient Persian -a) -a < -iya (avas.-aya; ancient Persian -aya)

Thus, such kind of grammatical peculiarities of the former we can find in Manichean, Buddhist and Sugdian languages which in the masculine and feminine of the ancient declension promote the Khotanosaki case inflexions - a (in masculine gender) and -a (and feminine gender) [7, p. 115].

Despite the fact that in some Iranian languages nouns are declensive, in the Tajik language declensions of cases disappeared at a certain historic time, but we can encounter the ways to express them as well. In order to identify the ways to express the case in the Tajik language, we decided to «adduce examples» [2, p. 123; 1, p.101-109] comparing them with other languages: The caravan of life shall pass Beware that isfresh as sweet young grass Let's not worry about what tomorrow will amass

Fill my cup again, this night will pass, alas [4]. ***

In qofilai umr ajab meguzarad, Daryob dame, ki bo tarab meguzarad. Soqi, ghami fardoi qiyomat chi khuri?

Pesh orpiyolaero, ki shab meguzarad[8,p.44] ***

Chto zhizni caravan!On_proch uhodit, Nam, schastya uderzhat nevmoch uhodit, O nas ti ne pechalsya, vinocherpiy, Skorei napolni chashu - noch uhodit [8, p. 44]

Ibriqi mayi maro shikasti, Rabbi, Bar man dari ayshro bubasti, Rabbi. Bar hok birehti mayi nobi maro,

Khokam ba dahon, magar tu masti, Rabbi? [8, p. 196]


¿jjflj ^Jhc.

sijjc. ^a Cjj (J«J ^jj [6f- ¿J j^ <J$a CiJa jj J jitj


Ti Kuvshin moy razbil, vsemogushy gospod, V ray mne dver zatvoril, vsemogushy gospod. Dragotsennuyu vlagu ti prolil na kamni -Ti, vidat, perepil, vsemogushy gospod? [8, p. 196].

In the above-mentioned rubais belonging to the pen of Omar Khayyam translated in Tajik, Arabic and Russian languages we can determine and discern the cases of Arabic and Russian languages and their glimpses in Tajik. Those words which are printed in italics refer to the subject and bold words indicate the predicate. The words in italics define indirect cases. Such kinds of examples can be defined in sentences:

Case Russian Arabic Tajik English

Nom.c. Student prishel na fakultet. Яр Jl ФШ1 Donishju ba fakultet omad. The student came to the university.

Ge.c. Ya vzyal knigu u studenta. &A Cjfc&ll ¿¿¿J Man az donishju kitob giriftam. I took a book from the student

Dat.c. Ya otdal knigu student Man kitobro ba donishju dodam. I gave the book to the student

Accu.c. Ya uvidel studenta v biblioteke fcSJ ¿Jj Man dar kitobkhona donishju-ro didam. I saw the student in the library

Instr.c. Uchitelnitsa dovolna svoim studentom Muallima az donishjuyash rozi ast The teacher has agree with her student

Prep.c. Rector universitete besedoval s uchitelyami o razvitie obrazovanie Я» /J-vti Л1лС. Rectori donishgoh bo muallimon dar borai peshrafti ta'lim suhbat orost The President of the University discussed the improvement of education

From the above-mentioned table we can see how the selected words are inflected by cases and how the case in the Russian language is declined in Arabic, Tajik and English languages. As it is «stated in the given table» [2, p.123; 1, p.101-109], the declined cases in different languages possess their own morphological and syntactic inflexions and the ways of their own expressions as well.

Conclusion. Having analyzed the case systems one can come to the conclusion that cases in the abovestated languages are different. For instance, there are three cases in Arabic language, and their meanings in the relevant language are transmitted by morphological and syntactic means which correspond to the cases of the Russian language, although there are six cases in it. Into the bargain, in the Tajik language, the case categories are not distinguished, while transmitting the grammatical meanings of the Arabic ones into the Tajik language we resort to syntactic means, on the whole.


1. Ashrapov, B. P. Consideration on the place and role of subordinate conjunctions in «Tuhfat- ul-khoni» by Muhammad Vafo Karminagi / B. P. Ashrapov // Bulletin of Tajik State University of Law, Business and Politics. Series of Humanitarian Sciences. - 2017. - No 4(73). -P. 101-109.

2. Ashrapov, B. P. The Place of Poly-Affixes in the Tajik Literary Language of the XVH-th Century / B. P. Ashrapov // Bulletin of Tajik State University of Law, Business and Politics. Series of Humanitarian Sciences. - 2015. - No 3(64). - P. 122-131.

3. Grande B.M. Arabic Grammar Course in Comparative Historical Illumination. - M.: Eastern Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2001. - 596 pp

4. Internet resource: www.sattor.com. (Date of appeal: 28.10.2014).

5. Internet resource: www.wikiwic.com (Date of appeal: 02.02.2021).

6. Kubryakova E.S. Grounds of Morphological Analysis (based on the Germanic languages). - M.: Science, 1974. - 319 pp.

7. Rastorgueva V.S., Edelman D.I. Experience of the Historical-Typological Study of Iranian Languages. Volume 1. Phonology. Evolution of the morphological type. - M.: Science, 1975. - 238 pp.

8. Umari Khayyom. Ruboyet. - Dushanbe: Enlightenment and Culture, 2010. - 236 pp.


The article under consideration is devoted to cases and the author tried to investigate the different structury languages.. Every language that has cases expresses grammatical meaning in different ways. In the course of the study of languages with different structures it turned out that all proto-languages hadfrom 6 to 8 cases and in some languages cases still exist, including six cases in Russian, three cases in Arabic and four cases in German. Into the bargain, the authors of this article consider the existence of cases in the ancient Iranian languages.In the article Russian, Arabic, English, and Tajik languages with examples from the conjugation forms of the cases have been studies.

Keywords: case, inflection, ways of case expression, morphology, syntax, analysis and comparison.


Статья посвящена падежам, и авторы старались исследовать падежи в разноструктурных языках. Каждый язык, который имеет падежи, выражает грамматическое значение разными способами. Во время исследования разноструктурных языков выяснилось, что все праязыки имели от 6 до 8 падежей и в некоторых языках падежи до сих пор существуют, в том числе, в русском

языке - шесть падежей, в арабском языке - три падежа и в немецком языке - четыре падежа. Также в исследовании рассматривается существование падежей в древнеиранских языках. На примерах анализируется изменение слов по падежам в русском, арабском, английском и таджикском языках.

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Ключевые слова: падеж, флексия, способы выражение падежа, морфология, синтаксис, анализ и сравнение.


Мацола ба падежуо - уамчун ифодагари маънщои грамматики бахшида шуда, муаллифон кушиш ба хару додаанд, ки забощои аз циуати сохт гуногунро мавриди тщциц царор дищнд. Хар як забоне, ки падеж дорад, бо воситщои гуногун маънщои грамматикиро ифода мекунад. Хини та^лилу баррасии забощои гуногунсохт маълум гардид, ки уамаи забощои даврщои бостон падежи худро доштаанд ва мицдори ощо тацрибан аз 6 то 8 падеж будааст. То имруз он дар бархе аз забощо устувор боци мондааст, аз цумла дар забощои руси - шаш падеж, араби - се падеж, олмони - чор падеж. Инчунин, дар ин тщцицот оид ба мавцудияти падеж дар забощои эронии цадим иттилоъ дода шудааст. Дар мацола забощои руси, араби, англиси ва тоцики бо мисощо аз руи тасрифи падеж%о ба риштаи та^лил кашида шудааст.

Калидвожа: падеж, бандак, воситахри ифодаи падеж, морфология, синтаксис, та^лил ва муцоиса. Information about authors:

Ghiyosov Nurullo Ismatovic - candidate of philological sciences, Associate Professor of the department of Arabic grammar, Khujand State University named after academician Bobojon Gafurov, Address: 735700, Tajikistan Republic, Khujand-city, Mavlonbekova 1. E-mail: nur-1954@mail.ru Тел.: (+992) 927739641 Kuzieva Nodira Murodovna - candidate of philological sciences, Associate Professor of the department of Arabic grammar, Khujand State University named after academician Bobojon Gafurov, Address: 735700, Tajikistan Republic, Khujand-city, Mavlonbekova 1. E-mail: grammatika-arab@mail.ru Tel.: (+992) 927613244 Сведения об авторах:

Гиёсов Нурулло Исматович - кандидат филологических наук, доцент кафедры грамматики арабского языка, Худжандского государственного университета имени академика Б.Гафурова, Адрес: 735700, Республика Таджикистану. Худжанд, Мавлонбекова 1. E-mail: nur-1954@mail.ru Тел.: (+992) 927739641

Кузиева Нодира Муродовна - кандидат филологических наук, доцент кафедры грамматики арабского языка, Худжандского государственного университета имени академика Б.Гафурова, Адрес: 735700, Республика Таджикистан, гХуджанд, Мавлонбекова 1. E-mail: grammatika-arab@mail.ru Тел.: (+992) 927613244 Маълумот дар бораи муаллифон:

Гиёсов Нурулло Исматович - номзади илщои филологи, дотсенти кафедраи грамматикаи забони араби, Донишго%и давлатии Хуцанд ба номи академик Бобоцон Гафуров, Сурога: 735700, Чумхурии Тоцикистон, ш. Хуцанд, гузар. Мавлонбеков 1. E-mail: nur-1954@mail.ru Тел.: (+992) 927739641

Кузиева Нодира Муродовна - номзади илщои филологи, дотсенти кафедраи грамматикаи забони араби, Донишго%и давлатии Хуцанд ба номи академик Бобоцон Гафуров, Сурога: 735700, Чумхурии Тоцикистон, ш. Хуцанд, гузар. Мавлонбеков 1. E-mail: grammatika-arab@mail.ru Тел.: (+992) 927613244

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