THE CAMEROONIAN - RUSSIAN RELATION: MAIN DIRECTIONS AND PRIORITIES (1960-2022). Текст научной статьи по специальности «Политологические науки»

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Аннотация научной статьи по политологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Awah Jeremaih Acuro

This article examines the main directions and priorities of Cameroonian-Russian relations from 1960 to 2022. In recent years, Russia has sought to expand its presence in Africa, and Cameroon has become a key partner in the region. The author analyzes the historical background of the relationship, including key events and milestones that have shaped this partnership over time. It also examines the political, economic and cultural aspects of the relationship, highlighting the main areas of cooperation and the challenges both countries face. The author concludes with a discussion of the future prospects of Russian-Cameroonian relations. The historical background of the relationship has played a key role in the success of this partnership, and both countries have demonstrated a desire to strengthen cooperation. However, the relationship faces a number of challenges, including a lack of direct air service and limited knowledge of the Russian language and culture in Cameroon. As a net importer, Cameroon must explore the Russian market to increase its exports to ensure a trade balance. Looking ahead, Cameroonian-Russian relations are likely to continue to develop, and both countries will seek to expand cooperation and deepen their partnership in the coming years, as they both share the same ideological and moral values.

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Genesis: Historical research

Правильная ссылка на статью:

Awah J. — The Cameroonian - Russian Relation: Main Directions and Priorities (1960-2022). // Genesis: исторические исследования. - 2023. - № 5. DOI: 10.25136/2409-868X2023.5.40777 EDN: ORPZEI URL: https://nbpublish.comtoary_read_artide.php?id=40777

The Cameroonian - Russian Relation: Main Directions and Priorities (1960-2022). / Камерунско-российские отношения: Основные направления и приоритеты (19602022)

Ауа Джеремай Акуро

ORCID: 0000-0002-8085-0894

аспирант, кафедра Теории и истории международных отношений, Российский университет дружбы

народов имени Патриса Лумумбы

117198, Россия, г. Москва, ул. Миклухо-Маклая, 15, кв. 14 И acuro96@gmail.com Статья из рубрики "Исторические факты, события, феномены"





Дата направления статьи в редакцию:


Аннотация: В данной статье рассматриваются основные направления и приоритеты камеруно-российских отношений с 1960 по 2022 год. В последние годы Россия стремится расширить свое присутствие в Африке, и Камерун стал одним из ключевых партнеров в этом регионе. В статье анализируется исторический фон отношений, включая ключевые события и вехи, которые формировали это партнерство с течением времени. Также рассматриваются политические, экономические и культурные аспекты отношений, выделяются основные области сотрудничества и проблемы, с которыми сталкиваются обе страны. В заключении статьи обсуждаются будущие перспективы российско-камерунских отношений. Исторические основы отношений сыграли ключевую роль в успехе этого партнерства, и обе страны продемонстрировали стремление к укреплению сотрудничества. Однако отношения сталкиваются с рядом проблем, включая отсутствие прямого авиасообщения и ограниченное знание русского языка и культуры в Камеруне.Камерун, являясь нетто-импортером, должен изучить российский рынок, чтобы увеличить свой экспорт для обеспечения торгового баланса. В перспективе камерунско-российские отношения, вероятно, продолжат развиваться, и обе страны будут

стремиться к расширению сотрудничества и углублению партнерства в ближайшие годы,поскольку они обе имеют одинаковые идеологические и моральные ценности.

Ключевые слова:

Камеруно-российские отношения, Внешняя политика, культурные обмены, Советский Союз, Постсоветский период Дипломатия, соглашения, развитие образования

Theoretical Framework.

This paper is based on the theoretical framework of international relations, which seeks to understand the interactions between states and their impact on the global system. The study of international relations involves analyzing the political, economic, and cultural dimensions of state relationships and the factors that shape them. In this paper, we apply this theoretical framework to the Cameroonian-Russian relation, examining the main directions and priorities of this partnership and the challenges faced by both countries.


The Cameroonian-Russian relationship dates back to the early 1960s when Cameroon gained independence from France. Since then, the two countries have maintained a close partnership, with cooperation in various fields such as politics, economics, military and culture. This partnership has gone through different phases, including the Soviet era, the post-Soviet period, and the current period of Russia's increased engagement with Africa.

The policy of Cameroon in Russia can be seen as a continuation of a historical legitimacy based on USSR involvement in the decolonization of various African countries, and the promotion of principles such as peace, democracy, and neutrality as the basis of partnership with Cameroon. Despite being geographically and culturally different, Russia and Cameroon share some common aspects in their foreign policy priorities, such as opposing hegemony and advocating global and regional security. Both countries believe that international conflicts should be resolved through dialogue based on trust, mutual benefit, equality, and cooperation, with the guiding principles being the primacy of international law, equality, and the independence of states-Ш. Cameroon's policy towards Europe is based on two main poles: the liberal western pole centered around France, and the Soviet-Russian one centered around Russia as the heir of the USSR. Cameroon, which gained independence during the military-ideological confrontation that divided Europe into two opposing blocs, pursued a policy of non-alignment and sought to establish diplomatic bridges between the

two communist and liberal worlds.-^2-

The historical background of the Cameroonian-Russian relation

The Cameroonian-Russian relationship started in 1960 when Cameroon gained independence from France. The Soviet Union recognized Cameroon's independence and established diplomatic relations with the country on February 20, 1964. During the Soviet era, the two countries maintained a close partnership, with cooperation in various fields such as education, health, and infrastructure.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Cameroonian-Russian relation went through a period of uncertainty. However, in recent years, Russia has increased its engagement with

Двусторонняя торговля, , военное сотрудничество,

Africa, including Cameroon. bilateral cooperation has been revitalized, with the recognition of the Russian Federation as the successor country to the former USSR on 14 January

199212!. Moscow and Yaounde have defined bilateral cooperation as a priority, with a Memorandum of Understanding signed in January 2011 between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Cameroon and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation to organize political consultations. Both countries are now cooperating in various fields, and their relationship is developing.

Political and diplomatic dimension of the Cameroonian-Russian relation

The Cameroonian-Russian relation has a strong political dimension, with both countries collaborating on various issues of mutual interest. The establishment of diplomatic relations between Cameroon and Russia occurred following Cameroon's attainment of international sovereignty. The year 1964 holds significant importance in this regard. From this date until 2022, the two countries will intensify exchanges of Ambassadors, as evidenced by those currently in positions, namely: HE Anatoly Gennadievitch Bashkin, eleventh Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation in Yaounde, appointed in 2017 and, HE Mahamat Paba Sale, Eleventh Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of

Cameroon in Moscow since 200814!.

Relations between Russia and Cameroon have witnessed several diplomatic visits in Moscow and in Cameroon. The major ones include the visit in Yaounde of His Excellency Mr. Alexandre Makarenko, Ambassador and Director of the Africa Department at the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in April 2007 as part of the 6th session of political consultations between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Cameroon. Similarly, in August 2007, Victor Vassilev, Deputy Director of the Department of International Organizations of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, visited Yaounde for Partial Consultations between the two countries. These visits were

productive.15! In February 2013, talks took place in Moscow involving S. Lavrov, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, and P.M. Mbonjo, the Minister of External

Relations of Cameroon.16!

In June 2014, a meeting was held in Yaounde which involved the Special Representative of the President of the Russian Federation for the Middle East, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, M.L. Bogdanov, who was also received by the Prime Minister of the Republic of Cameroon P. Yang. On October 16, 2017, further discussions were held in Moscow between M. Bogdanov and J. D.Ngute, the Minister Delegate to the Minister of External Relations of the Republic of Cameroon, responsible for relations with the Commonwealth.17

In general, the political and diplomatic interactions between Russia and Cameroon have been successful since the inception of their relationship. This is evidenced by the presence of diplomatic missions in both Yaounde and Moscow, as well as the continuation of diplomatic relations at the Ambassadorial level.

Economic and commercial dimension

The economic dimension of the Cameroonian-Russian relation has been characterized by cooperation in various fields, including energy, mining, and agriculture. In recent years, Russia has shown interest in investing in Cameroon's energy sector, particularly in the construction of a nuclear power plant.

The attraction of post-bipolar isolationism in Russia, which was acknowledged by Cameroon a year later in 1992, had significant negative effects on their relationship. This hindered their ability to maintain good economic and commercial relations. There were two primary reasons for the deterioration of the Russian-African relationship: the significant reduction of investments and the termination of Russian aid programs in Africa.-8-

The return of Russia to Africa has been marked by many economic cooperation with Sub-Saharan African states. Numerous Russian mining companies are leading the way in Africa. For instance, Alrosa Company, which is among the biggest international diamond producers, operates in multiple mines in Angola. In April 2019, the Russian company signed a memorandum of understanding with the Angolan government to expand its operations and conduct new joint explorations with British companies in Botswana and Zimbabwe to

discover additional diamond deposits.-9- The Russian company Lukoil is one of the most beneficiaries of Moscow's expansion into Africa. This oil and gas group also operates in Cameroon. In 2019, a delegation of Russian oil operator Lukoil's executives was received by the Cameroonian Minister of Water and Energy Gaston Eloundou Essomba to discuss about the reconstruction of the national refining company Sonara.-10-

In trade relations with Russia, Cameroon is a net importer according to a report published by the Cameroon's National Institute of Statistics (INS-11- Cameroon's primary imports from Russia are wheat, which constitutes 65% of the country's total imports. According to INS, Russia is the leading supplier of wheat to Cameroon. Fertilizers make up 17% of Cameroon's imports from Russia, with Russia being the leading supplier of fertilizers with a 43% market share, compared to China's 11%. Hydrocarbons account for 8% of imports, while iron, cast iron, and steel products make up 4%. Russia's highly active trade with Cameroon has established it as the 8th largest supplier to Cameroon in 2020, with 3% of the market share. Other major suppliers include China (17.5%), France (8.5%), Belgium

(5.6%), India (5%), and the United States (4.4%).[12] Technical and military dimension

The military cooperation between Russia and Cameroon is multifaceted. It includes the training of Cameroonian military personnel in Russian military academies, the supply of Russian military equipment and weapons to Cameroon, and joint military exercises.

An agreement pertaining to military cooperation between Russia and Cameroon was signed in 2015 under their bilateral framework. Under the agreement, both parties agreed to exchange opinions and information regarding defense policies and international security. They also committed to developing their relationship through joint training, medicine, topography, and military hydrography. Additionally, they agreed to share experiences and

collaborate in peace support operations under the United Nations' supervision.-^13-

Russia is one of Cameroon's primary suppliers of military equipment and weapons. In 2019, Cameroon signed a contract with Russian Rosoboronexport for the supply of twelve Mi-17 helicopters, which are used for troop transport and medical evacuation. Russia has also supplied Cameroon with T-72 and T-90 tanks and BMP-1 and BMP-2 infantry fighting vehicles. This can be justified by the need of Cameroon to overcome attackes from the terrorist group, Boko Haram.-14-

Training of Cameroonian military personnel is a significant component of military cooperation between Russia and Cameroon. The Russian government provides scholarships

to Cameroonian military officers to study in Russian military academies. Cameroonian officers have been trained in various fields, including engineering, aviation, and military


Joint military exercises between Russia and Cameroon have been held regularly. In 2016, joint military exercises were held in Cameroon, which involved Russian and Cameroonian special forces. The exercises focused on counterterrorism operations and the rescue of hostages.118

Scientific and cultural dimension

The Cameroonian-Russian relation has a strong cultural dimension, with both countries collaborating on various cultural projects. In the 1960s and 1970s, the Soviet Union provided aid to Cameroon in the form of infrastructure projects, including the construction of the Ngaoundere-Yaounde railway. The Soviet Union also provided technical assistance to Cameroon in the areas of agriculture, health, and education. On March 22, 1963, an agreement was reached between the two nations to facilitate and enhance their cultural and scientific interactions. This sector continues to play a crucial and meaningful role in the relationship between the two countries.

In 1992, the Russian Center of Science and Culture was established in Yaounde, the capital of Cameroon. The center promotes Russian language and culture in Cameroon through a variety of programs, including language courses, cultural events, and exhibitions.117 In addition to the Russian Center of Science and Culture, there are also a number of Cameroonian-Russian cultural exchange programs. For example, the Cameroonian Association of Russian Language and Culture (CARLC) was established in 2007 to promote cultural exchange between Cameroon and Russia. The association organizes cultural events, language courses, and other activities to promote Russian language and culture in Cameroon.118

Russia and Cameroon have also collaborated on a number of scientific projects over the years. In the 1960s and 1970s, the Soviet Union provided technical assistance to Cameroon in the areas of agriculture, health, and education. More recently, Russia has provided

technical assistance to Cameroon in the areas of energy and mining.119-

In 2018, Russia and Cameroon signed a cooperation agreement in the field of science and technology. The agreement aims to promote scientific and technological cooperation between the two countries through joint research projects, exchange programs, and other

initiatives.128 In addition to the cooperation agreement, there are also a number of bilateral scientific exchange programs between Russia and Cameroon. For example, the Russian Academy of Sciences has established partnerships with a number of Cameroonian universities and research institutions to promote scientific exchange and collaboration.

Russia has been successful in establishing a credible reputation in the realm of higher education, which is a crucial aspect of its soft power in Cameroon. Since 1990, the Russian government, through Rossotrudnichestvo, has provided an average of 20 scholarships annually to Cameroonian students. The primary objective of these scholarships is to produce a substantial number of individuals who are proficient in Russian language and possess expertise in various fields, which they can then disseminate upon their return to Cameroon. The reception of Cameroonian students in Russia is facilitated by a coordinated effort between the governments of Cameroon and Russia. The table below gives an illustrative directory:

Year 1990/ 1991 1996/ 1997 1997/ 1998 1998/ 1999 1999/ 2000 2000/ 2001 2001/ 2002 2002/ 2003 2003/ 2004

Number of Scholarships 32 15 25 25 30 25 25 25 25

2004/ 2005/ 2006 2007/ 2008/ 2009/ 2010/ 2011/ 2012/ 2013/

2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

35 20 20 20 20 20 / / 08 11

2014/ 2015 2015/ 2016 2016/ 2017 2017/2018 2018/ 2019 2019/2020 2020/ 2021 2021/ 2022 2022/ 2023 2023/ 2024

20 20 25 40 45 47 40 100

Source: Ministry of Higher Education of Cameroon

Russia maintained its scholarship program with Cameroon, but was reluctant to finance it during 1992, 1993, 1994 and 1995 due to economic problems. On behalf of the 2023/2024 Academic year, 100 scholarships are allocated for Cameroon under the budget of the Russian Federation, indicating the intensity of their cooperation

Challenges faced by the Cameroonian-Russian relation

Despite the strong partnership between Cameroon and Russia, the relationship has faced several challenges. One of the main challenges is the lack of a direct air link between the two countries, which hinders trade and tourism. Another challenge is the limited knowledge of the Russian language and culture in Cameroon, which limits the scope of cultural exchanges between the two countries.


The Cameroonian-Russian relation has been characterized by a strong partnership in various fields such as politics, economics, and culture. The historical background of the relationship has played a crucial role in the success of this partnership, and both countries have demonstrated a commitment to strengthening their cooperation. However, the relationship has faced several challenges, including the lack of a direct air link and the limited knowledge of the Russian language and culture in Cameroon. The future prospects of the Cameroonian-Russian relation are promising, particularly with Russia's increased engagement with Africa. However, both countries need to address the challenges facing their partnership to ensure its long-term sustainability. The upcoming Russia-Africa summit and economic forum schedule for July 2023 in Saint Petersburg are generating significant interest, and it is crucial that they serve a more significant purpose than a mere ceremonial event. Rather than a formality, this summit should act as a catalyst to expand the Russian-Cameroonian relations.


1. МФАРФ (2013а), «Концепция внешней политики Российской Федерации». Утверждена Президентом Российской Федерации В. Путиным 12 февраля 2013 г., «Министерство иностранных дел Российской Федерации, г. Москва.

2. Чуала, Ю.-А., Внешняя политика Камеруна. Доктрина, акторы, процессы и региональная динамика, Париж, Картала, 2014.

3. Посольство Российской Федерации в Республике Камерун. ссылка: https ://cameroun.mid.ru/ru/kamerun/

4. МИНРЕКС: http://www.diplocam.cm/

5. Жан Коттен Кума, Двусторонние отношения между Камеруном и Российской Федерацией, 2016 г.

6. О переговорах Министра иностранных дел России Сергея Лаврова с Министром иностранных дел Камеруна Пьером Мукоко Мбонжо. URL:

https ://archive.mid.ru/ru/web/guest/maps/cm/-

/asset_publisher/2xrrL7GWsmQ5/content/id/120518 (дата обращения: 21.05.2020).

7. Пресс-релиз о консультациях заместителя Министра иностранных дел Михаила Богданова с министром-делегатом Министерства иностранных дел Камеруна по делам Содружества Жозефом Дион-Нгуте. URL:

https ://archive.mid.ru/ru/web/guest/maps/cm/-

/asset_publisher/2xrrL7GWsmQ5/content/id/2904479 (дата обращения: 21.05.2020).

8. Диссертация Ндонго Нлате JM-PhD/ Внешняя политика Республики Камерун в 19602021 гг.: приоритеты и особенности.

9. Эльбасуси Ахмед; Растущая роль России в странах Африки к югу от Сахары: интересы, возможности и ограничения/ и Applied Social Sciences Volume 4 Issue 3. ссылка : https ://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/JHASS-11-2020-0210/полный/html

10. Бизнес в Камеруне: Российский Лукойл в Камеруне ведет переговоры о реконструкции Сонары. Ссылка: https://www.businessincameroon.com/economy/0702-9948-russian-lukoil-in-cameroon-to-negotiate-the-reconstruction-of-sonara.

11. Национальный институт статистики: https://ins-cameroun.cm/en/types-de-document/rapports/.

12. Национальный совет грузоотправителей Камеруна: ссылка:

https ://www.cncc.cm/en/article/cameroon-buys-a-lot-from-russia-and-ukraine-but-sells-them-almost-nothing-273.

13. Жан Коттен Кума, Книга: Le bilaterisme Russo-Camerounais. ССЫЛКА: https ://www.editions-harmattan.fr/livre-

le_bilateralisme_russo_camerounais_vers_un_veritable_partenariat_strategique_jean_c ottin_gelin_kouma-9782140277573-73772.html.

14. Гелин К. Дж. К. Камерун борется с Боко Харам. Вестник Российского университета дружбы народов. Серия: Международные отношения. 2017. Том. 17, № 4. С. 727737.

15. «Камерунские военные офицеры прошли обучение в России». ЗащитаВеб. 28 сентября 2018 г.

16. «Россия и Камерун проводят совместные антитеррористические учения». ТАСС. 16 ноября 2016 г.

17. «Россия и Камерун подписали Соглашение о сотрудничестве в области науки и технологий». ТАСС, 2018. https://tass.com/science/1030381.

18. «Камерун-Россия: CARLC для продвижения русского языка и культуры». Cameroon Tribune, 2007. https://www.cameroon-tribune.cm/article.html/3263/en.html.

19. «Россия и Камерун укрепляют связи в области энергетики и горнодобывающей промышленности». Синьхуа, 2019. http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/2019-10/09/c_138459979.htm.

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20. «Россия и Камерун подписали соглашение о сотрудничестве в области науки и

технологий». ТАСС, 2018. https://tass.com/science/103038. Результаты процедуры рецензирования статьи

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Событиях последних лет различные аналитики - философы, политологи, социологи -называют ключевым моментом в переходе от монополярного мира во главе с США к миру многополярному, в котором ведущие позиции будет играть целый ряд акторов, среди которых Пекин, Москва, Нью-Дели, Тегеран. Вместе с тем данный переход не может быть простым, для него характерно временное обострение международной обстановки, что нашло отражение в целой череде кризисов: это и расползание зон локальных конфликтов, и усиление деятельности различных экстремистских и радикальных групп, и разрастание противоречий между «Севером» и «Югом». Важная роль в формировании многополярного мира принадлежит России, что отмечают и зарубежные наблюдатели. В этой связи вызывает важность изучение различных аспектов отношений между Россией и отдельными странами Азии, Африки, Латинской Америки.

Указанные обстоятельства определяют актуальность представленной на рецензирование статьи, предметом которой являются камеруно-российские отношения. Автор ставит своими задачами показать исторический фон отношений двух стран, проанализировать политическое, культурное и экономическое взаимодействие между ними, а также определить имеющие проблему в сотрудничестве Москвы и Яунде.

Работа основана на принципах анализа и синтеза, достоверности, объективности, методологической базой исследования выступает системный подход, в основе которого находится рассмотрение объекта как целостного комплекса взаимосвязанных элементов. Научная новизна статьи заключается в самой постановке темы: автор на основе различных источников стремится охарактеризовать основные направления и приоритеты российско-камерунского просмотра.

Рассматривая библиографический список статьи, как позитивный момент следует отметить его масштабность и разносторонность: всего список литературы включает в себя 20 различных источников и исследований. Из привлекаемых автором источников укажем прежде всего на интернет-источники, представляющие материал для последующих обобщений. Из используемых автором исследований отметим труды ряда зарубежных авторов, раскрывающих различные аспекты внешнеполитической деятельности Камеруна. Заметим, что библиография статьи обладает важностью как с научной, так и с просветительской точки зрения: после прочтения текста статьи читатели могут обратиться к другим материалам по ее теме. В целом, на наш взгляд, комплексное использование различных источников и исследований способствовало решению стоящих пе ре д а в тором з а да ч.

Стиль написания статьи можно отнести к научному, вместе с тем доступному для понимания не только специалистам, но и широкой читательской аудитории, всем, кто интересуется как международными отношениями, в целом, так и взаимодействием России и стран «Юга», в частности. Аппеляция к оппонентам представлена на уровне собранной информации, полученной автором в ходе работы над темой статьи. Структура работы отличается определенной логичностью и последовательностью, в ней можно выделить введение, основную часть, заключение. В начале автор определяет актуальность темы, показывает, что «политику Камеруна к России можно рассматривать как продолжение исторической легитимности, основанной на участии СССР в деколонизации различных африканских стран, и продвижении таких принципов, как мир,

демократия и нейтралитет». Автор раскрывает различные грани сотрудничества между двумя акторами, в том числе и в советский период. Примечательно, что как отмечается в рецензируемой статье, одним из аспектов «мягкой силы» России является сотрудничество в сфере образования: «на 2023/2024 учебный год Камеруну выделено 100 стипендий в рамках бюджета Российской Федерации». Говоря о проблемах взаимоотношений двух стран, автор обращает внимание на отсутствие прямого авиасообщения, а также на ограниченное знание русского языка и культуры в Камеруне.

Главным выводом статьи является то, что предстоящий летом 2023 г. второй саммит Россия - Африка должен стать катализатором отношений между Москвой и Яунде. Представленная на рецензирование статья посвящена актуальной теме, написана на английском языке, снабжена таблицей, вызовет читательский интерес, а ее материалы могут быть использованы как в учебных курсах, так и в рамках формирования стратегий российско-камерунских отношений.

К статье есть отдельные замечания: так, можно было бы показать взгляды экспертного сообщества на сотрудничество двух стран, что вызовет читательский интерес. Однако, в целом, на наш взгляд, статья может быть рекомендована для публикации «Genesis: историческое исследование».

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