Научная статья на тему 'The benefits of using gamification in English lessons'

The benefits of using gamification in English lessons Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Jumagaliyeva Zhanna Maratovna, Dukembay Gulzhannat Nazymbekkyzy

This article considers the main advantages of using various applications for learning English in a playful way. The game in the best way allows students to achieve metasubjective results of learning a foreign language, such as the ability to memorize new material without much effort, the ability to choose speech means for successfully solving a communicative task. The article involves the teacher in the search for the most interesting, informative, effective teaching platforms.

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В этой статье рассматриваются основные преимущества использования различных приложений для обучения английскому языку игровым способом. Игра наилучшим образом позволяет ученикам достигать метопредметных результатов изучения иностранного языка, таких как умение запоминать новый материал без особых усилий, способность выбирать речевые средства для успешного решения коммуникативной задачи. Статья вовлекает учителя в поиск наиболее интересных, познавательных и эффективных обучающих платформ.

Текст научной работы на тему «The benefits of using gamification in English lessons»



LESSONS 1 2 Jumagaliyeva Zh.M. , Dukembay G.N. (Republic of Kazakhstan)

Email: Jumagaliyeva441 @scientifictext.ru

1Jumagaliyeva Zhanna Maratovna - Student; 2Dukembay Gulzhannat Nazymbekkyzy - Candidate of philological sciences, Associate Professor,


Abstract: this article considers the main advantages of using various applications for learning English in a playful way. The game in the best way allows students to achieve metasubjective results of learning a foreign language, such as the ability to memorize new material without much effort, the ability to choose speech means for successfully solving a communicative task. The article involves the teacher in the search for the most interesting, informative, effective teaching platforms.

Keywords: gamification, applications, advantages, platforms, learning.


УРОКАХ АНГЛИЙСКОГО ЯЗЫКА 12 Джумагалиева Ж.М. , Дукембай Г.Н. (Республика Казахстан)

1 Джумагалиева Жанна Маратовна - студент; 2Дукембай Гулжаннат Назымбеккызы - кандидат филологических наук, и.о. доцента,

филологический факультет, Евразийский национальный университет им. Л.Н. Гумилева, г. Астана, Республика Казахстан

Аннотация: в этой статье рассматриваются основные преимущества использования различных приложений для обучения английскому языку игровым способом. Игра наилучшим образом позволяет ученикам достигать метопредметных результатов изучения иностранного языка, таких как умение запоминать новый материал без особых усилий, способность выбирать речевые средства для успешного решения коммуникативной задачи. Статья вовлекает учителя в поиск наиболее интересных, познавательных и эффективных обучающих платформ.

Ключевые слова: геймификация, приложения, преимущества, платформы, обучение.

At the present time, due to the development of globalization and the significant progress of high technologies, the importance of learning English is increasing even from an early age.

President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A.Nazarbaev, in his annual missive to the people of Kazakhstan, considered the state program "Digital Kazakhstan". The Head of State noted that it is essential to continue work on the development of digital educational resources, connecting to the broadband Internet and equipping our schools with video equipment.

"Moreover, it is absolutely important to improve the skills of people. We must learn how to use smartphones, as it should. Therefore, here we have a huge field of work, and we need

to explicate and learn more", - the Head of States believes.- "All Kazakhstanis, from schoolchildren to pensioners, need to sit back at the books and learn new technologies" [1].

In any kind of activity there is particular importance how students are motivated to perform actions in the classroom. As applied to teaching English in order to create sustained interest and motivate students to achieve results, allow gaming educational technologies or gamification.

Gamification is the application of game-design elements and game principles in nongame context [2]. [3]. Gamification commonly employs game design elements [4], [5] to improve user engagement, organizational productivity [6], [7], [8], [9] flow, learning, crowdsourcing, employee recruitment and evaluation, ease of use, usefulness of systems, physical exercise, traffic violations, voter apathy, and more [10], [11].

The main discrepancy between gamification and other educational technologies based on the principles of the game is the use of high-tech approaches, such as IPhones, laptops, smartphones, tablets, in education with the aim of increasing students' involvement in the learning process.

Consider the advantages of this approach:

1. Gamification allows teachers to make the process of learning a foreign language bright, interesting, colorful;

2. The game is capable of almost every student, even one who does not have sufficiently strong knowledge of the language;

3. During the game, the material is remembered easier, without unnecessary volitional efforts;

4. During the game, additional positive emotions appear that not only improve the process of memorization, but also increase motivation;

5. A student who is weak in language can be the first in the game: resourcefulness and ingenuity here are more important than knowledge in the subject;

6. A sense of equality, an atmosphere of enthusiasm and joy, a sense of feasibility of the tasks- all this enables the student to overcome his shyness, which prevents student from using the words of foreign language in speech, reduces the fear of mistakes, and has a beneficial effect on learning outcomes;

7. Quietly assimilated linguistic material, and with it a feeling of satisfaction arises; the student can already speak on a par with everyone.

Thus, a lesson built with the use of gamification allows teachers to keep students' attention, leaves no one indifferent in the class, "infects" with a positive and emotionally adjusts to a useful mood. The basic principle of gamification is constant feedback with the learner. The teacher always has the opportunity to adjust the learning process, keeping the attention of the class. Elements of gamification are easily applicable for both group and individual activities suitable for all ages.

We list several educational platforms that are actively used by millions of users and can be used in English lessons:

1. Lingualeo is an educational platform for the study and practice of a foreign language [12], built on game mechanics [13]. Lingualeo calls its approach "seven secrets of learning a foreign language". This is an understanding of the purpose of learning, the pleasure of regular classes, working with a living language, imitating native speakers and bringing skills to automatism through the use of visual, auditory and motor memory [14]. The user starts by passing a language test and fills out a list of his interests. Based on them, Lingualeo draws up a personalized learning plan, performance of which in various categories of skills, from speech perception to vocabulary growth and the number of grammatical errors, the user sees all this in the personal account [15].

Lingualeo suggests learning the language on materials that are interesting to the user: audio books and songs, video records or texts posted in open sources or downloaded by other participants [16]. The sources of the original text and audio include speeches at TED

conferences and courses on the educational website Coursera, thematic lessons published in Evernote Notepad [17].

2. Mondly Languages is a language-learning app that integrates chatbot and speech recognition technologies to help users learn any of the 33 languages it offers [18]. The company also offers lessons in virtual and augmented reality [19]. MondlyAR features an avatar "teacher" who brings virtual objects-planets, animals, musical instruments, etc.- into the room as teaching tools, engages the user in conversations and gives instant feedback on pronunciation using the chatbot technology [20].

3. Puzzle English is an online platform for independent learning of English language. It develops the practice of listening comprehension, reading, writing and speaking. The basis of the learning format in Puzzle English is training perception of English by ear. Phrases voiced by English and American speakers are presented in the form of audio and video puzzles that need to be collected. In addition, the site has grammar video lessons and tasks for consolidating the skills developed. Before starting, the training service offers to pass a test to determine the level of all language skills. The site also offers a study on video clips, TV shows and musical compositions [21].

It will be useful for a teacher to be acquainted with such a wrapper as "Hot Potatoes", with the help of which a teacher can diversify the lessons of the English language with various interactive tasks.

The "Hot Potatoes" suite includes six applications, enabling a teacher to create interactive multiple-choice, short-answer, jumbled-sentence, crossword, matching/ordering and gap-fill exercises for the World Wide Web [22]. Let us try to develop an interactive game lesson in English language using the educational program "Hot Potatoes" and relying on a calendar-themed plan. For example, we chose the theme "Family" from the 1st grade curriculum based on the book Smiles. Materials that pupils have to learn are lexical (What colour is it? Red, blue, green, yellow, purple, stop, go) and grammatical (imperative mood). Since first graders at this age perceive new material better visually, through pictures, we will try to develop a lesson in the form of a game using more colour and vivid pictures to attract their attention.

The first task. Using the match function in "Hot Potatoes", we can insert a picture where family members will be depicted and students will have to correctly match the English words, such as daddy, mummy, sister, brother, uncle, aunt with the pictures.

The second task. We can also create a crossword puzzle for studying colours in English, but instead of questions, we can insert various pictures where objects of a certain colour will be depicted.

The third task. Using the function of filling in the gaps, we will draw the attention of pupils to grammatical material, also with the help of pictures, which will depict any action of family members, and pupils will have to fill the missing words in imperative sentences. These sentences may be as follows:

1. Daddy says: "Do not_in the street!" (play).

2. Daughter,_the dishes,-said mummy. (wash).

3. Brother, do not_here, - said the Lili (sit).

We assume that this kind of assignments will improve the memory of students, increase their acumen and develop their interest in the lesson. Thus, we came to the conclusion that gamification in English lessons has recently gained popularity, it allows teachers to create a gaming atmosphere that engages the imagination, creative and critical thinking and all kinds of memory: visual, auditory, mechanical, which allows students to memorize both lexical and grammatical material.

Gamification has many advantages in the use of the lesson, the essence of which is to clothe difficulties in fun game missions. With this approach, monsters are homework, boss fights- tests. For each "victory" the player gains experience, which, for example, affects the score.

References in English / Список литературы на английском языке

1. Message from the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.Nazarbayev to the people of Kazakhstan dated October 5, 2018.

2. Huotari K. & Hamari J., 2012. "Defining Gamification- A Service Marketing Perspective" (PDF). Proceedings of the 16th International Academic MindTrek Conference, 2012. Tampere, Finland. October 3-5.

3. Robson K., Plangger K., Kietzmann J., McCarthy I. & Pitt L, 2015. "Is it all a game? Understanding the principles of gamification". Business Horizons. 58 (4): 411-420.

4. Hamari J., Koivisto J., Sarsa H., 2014. "Does Gamification Work? A Literature Review of Empirical Studies on Gamification". Proceedings of the 47th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Hawaii, USA, January 6-9: 3025. ISBN 978-1-47992504-9.

5. "Gamification Design Elements". Enterprise-Gamification.com. Retrieved, 2014-10-07.

6. Hamari J., 2013. "Transforming Homo Economicus into Homo Ludens: A Field Experiment on Gamification in a Utilitarian Peer- To-Peer Trading Service". Electronic Commerce Research and Applications. 12 (4): 236-245.

7. Hamari J., 2015. "Do badges increase user activity? A field experiment on the effects of gamification". Computers in Human Behavior.

8. Ruhi U., 2015-01-01. "Level Up Your Strategy: Towards a Descriptive Framework for Meaningful Enterprise Gamification". Technology Innovation Management Review. 5(8). ISSN 1927-0321.

9. Zichermann G., Cunningham Ch. August, 2011. "Introduction" Gamification by Design: Implementing Game Mechanics in Web and Mobile Apps (1st ed.). Sebastopol, California: O'Reilly Media. P. 14. ISBN 1-4493-1539-9. Retrieved 2012-12-10.

10. Hamari J., Shernoff D., Rowe E., Coller B., Asbell-Clarke J. & Edwards T., 2014. "Challenging games help students learn: An empirical study on engagement, flow and immersion in game-based learning". Computers in Human Behavior. 54: 133-134.

11. Hamari J., Koivisto J., 2015. "Why do people use gamification services?" International Journal of Information Management. 35 (4): 419-431.

12. "LinguaLeo- the electronic key to mutual understanding." BFM.ru. November 21, 2013.

13. Arzumanov Ilya. "Where the curve took." Kommersant. October 18, 2011.

14. Purim Marina. "LinguaLeo- learn English words on the road." Arguments and Facts. April 4, 2012.

15. "LinguaLeo is launching a new online English learning system." RBC. December 22, 2014.

16. Shamakina Ksenia, Mamedova Dinara. "Jungle name is". The Secret of the Firm. September 1, 2012.

17.Murakhovsky Alexander. "The joint project of Evernote and Lingualeo will make learning English more interesting". Lifehacher.ru. May 21, 2014.

18. Brown Eileen. "Mondly releases language-learning voice chatbot|ZDNet".

19. "Bonjour, mon ami! Mondly uses VR to teach new languages". Digital Trends, 2017-03-10.

20. "Learn a new Language With Your Mobile Using MondlyAR". VRFocus.

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22. [Electronic resource]. URL: http://hotpot.uvic.ca/ (date of access: 17.11.2018).

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