Научная статья на тему 'The Beginning of the 20th Century: Spelling Features and Punctuation in the Process of Approbation the Letter Usul-Sotie (Tote Zhazu) in the Newspaper “Kazakh” (1913–1918)'

The Beginning of the 20th Century: Spelling Features and Punctuation in the Process of Approbation the Letter Usul-Sotie (Tote Zhazu) in the Newspaper “Kazakh” (1913–1918) Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
usul-kadym / usul-sotie / spelling / newspaper language / literary Kazakh language / усул-кадым / усул-сотие / орфография / газетный язык / литературный казахский язык

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Bagdan K. Mamynova, Garifolla K. Anes, Umit G. Anessova

Changes and innovations in the language are normalized by writing. Writing is not only marks the sounds of a language, but is also a factor in determining the future of a language both in the past and in the present. The main goal of writing is to ensure the discreteness of the audible word and the uniform recognition of the word, even if it is repeated many times in different contexts using the alphabet. In the history of Kazakh culture, the reformed letter of A. Baitursunuly “usul-jadid” (tote zhazu) was very important. Writing or the so-called tote zhazu played a significant role in enlightenment, in writing the first textbooks and teaching guide in the Kazakh language, in the development of literacy, as well as in the development of periodicals. The reformed alphabet of A. Baitursynuly showed and introduced to the scientific community the entire Kazakh people, as well as the first bright minds of the Kazakh intelligentsia. With the help of the usul-jadid, the Kazakh intelligentsia under the leadership of A. Baitursunuly, at the beginning of the 20th century, published the newspaper of national importance “Kazakh”. In this regard, the article touches upon the issues of spelling, punctuation, problems of Kazakh writing in the early twentieth century. Moreover, launch of “Kazakh” newspaper is considered as a start of the systematization and codification of the literary Kazakh language and national journalistic style.

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Особенности правописания и пунктуации в процессе апробации письма усул-сотие (тотэ жазу) в газете «Казах» в начале XX в. (1913–1918 гг.)

Изменения и нововведения в языке нормализуются с помощью письменности. Письменность не только обозначает звуки языка, но и является фактором, определяющим будущее языка как в прошлом, так и в настоящем. Основная цель написания текста — обеспечить дискретность слышимого слова и единообразное распознавание слова, даже если оно повторяется много раз в разных контекстах с использованием алфавита. В истории казахской культуры большое значение имело реформированное письмо А. Байтурсунулы «Усул-джадид» (тотэ жазу). Письменность, или так называемый тотэ жазу, сыграла значительную роль в просвещении, в написании первых учебников и методических пособий на казахском языке, в развитии грамотности, а также в развитии периодических изданий. Реформированный алфавит А. Байтурсунулы показал и представил научному сообществу весь казахский народ, а также первые светлые умы казахской интеллигенции. С помощью усул-джадида казахская интеллигенция под руководством А. Байтурсунулы в начале ХХ в. издавал газету общегосударственного значения «Казах». В связи с этим в статье затрагиваются вопросы орфографии, пунктуации, проблемы казахской письменности в начале ХХ в. Более того, газета «Казах» считается началом систематизации и кодификации литературного казахского языка и национального журналистского стиля.

Текст научной работы на тему «The Beginning of the 20th Century: Spelling Features and Punctuation in the Process of Approbation the Letter Usul-Sotie (Tote Zhazu) in the Newspaper “Kazakh” (1913–1918)»

UDC 81

Вестник СПбГУ. Востоковедение и африканистика. 2023. Т. 15. Вып. 3

The Beginning of the 20th Century: Spelling Features and Punctuation in the Process of Approbation the Letter Usul-Sotie (Tote Zhazu) in the Newspaper "Kazakh" (1913-1918)*

B. Mamynova1, G. Anes2, U. Anessova3

1 The Institute of Linguistics named after A. Baitursunuly, 29, ul. Kurmangazy, Almaty, 050008, Kazakhstan

2 Museum of Victims of Political Repressions, 1/10, ul. Aisha Bibi, Zhanalyk, 080201, Kazakhstan

3 Al-Farabi Kazakh National University,

71, pr. Al-Farabi., Almaty, 050000, Kazakhstan

For citation: Mamynova B., Anes G., Anessova U. The Beginning of the 20th Century: Spelling Features and Punctuation in the Process of Approbation the Letter Usul-Sotie (Tote Zhazu) in the Newspaper "Kazakh" (1913-1918). Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Asian and African Studies, 2023, vol. 15, issue 3, pp. 568-587. https://doi.org/10.21638/spbu13.2023.308

Changes and innovations in the language are normalized by writing. Writing is not only marks the sounds of a language, but is also a factor in determining the future of a language both in the past and in the present. The main goal of writing is to ensure the discreteness of the audible word and the uniform recognition of the word, even if it is repeated many times in different contexts using the alphabet. In the history of Kazakh culture, the reformed letter of A. Baitursunuly "usul-jadid" (tote zhazu) was very important. Writing or the so-called tote zhazu played a significant role in enlightenment, in writing the first textbooks and teaching guide in the Kazakh language, in the development of literacy, as well as in the development of periodicals. The reformed alphabet of A. Baitursynuly showed and introduced to the scientific community the entire Kazakh people, as well as the first bright minds of the Kazakh intelligentsia. With the help of the usul-jadid, the Kazakh intelligentsia under the leadership of A. Baitur-sunuly, at the beginning of the 20th century, published the newspaper of national importance "Kazakh". In this regard, the article touches upon the issues of spelling, punctuation, problems of Kazakh writing in the early twentieth century. Moreover, launch of "Kazakh" newspaper is considered as a start of the systematization and codification of the literary Kazakh language and national journalistic style.

Keywords: usul-kadym, usul-sotie, spelling, newspaper language, literary Kazakh language. Introduction

In the history of a language, it is always important to touch upon the issues of writing and literary heritage.

According to Dehaene writing is a relatively recent discovery that can be traced back to its inventions several thousand years ago. Writing is more important than speaking and

* The article was published as part of a scientific project to be completed in 2021-2023. Project theme: "Written heritage and text analysis: spelling, word formation and linguistic poetics of a literary text in journalism of the early 20th century" (AP09260734).

© St. Petersburg State University, 2023

requires precision in teaching and reporting, and it requires thought and effort. While spoken language relies on hearing, writing relies on a visual model. This inscription means that the characters must comply with the limitations of the human visual system [1].

Helena Miton and Olivier Morin also see writing as relatively new: it can be traced back to several inventions that happened several thousand years ago. Writing has a much higher degree than speech, and its study and transmission require precision and awareness. While spoken languages make extensive use of the ear, written language relies on the visual model [2].

"The formation of writing and spelling is associated with the alphabet. The principle of the formation of the alphabet was developed by the West Semitic peoples in the history of mankind in 3000 BC, there is evidence that it was made in Northern Syria" [3, p. 295].

The American Assyriologist of Polish origin, Ignace Gelb, considers the evolution of writing, dividing it into four stages, starting with painting a picture that directly expresses an idea; a system of derivational writing; then systems of syllabic writing based on sound, including a system of writing by consonant syllables or a system of consonants, and all this follows in invention of the Greek alphabet [4].

This proves that the universal principle of writing, based on grammatology, was formed depending on ideography from phonography (phonemography), that is, in accordance with the grapheme and phoneme. The first evidence of an alphabet similar to the one we know today was the Phoenician alphabet. The system used symbols to represent consonants and was spread throughout the Mediterranean by travelers who used it to keep records. Based on this alphabet, the Aramaic script and the Greek alphabet were created, thanks to which the Latin alphabet was born today with the designations of consonants and vowels. The next big development in the history of writing was technological development. Beginning with the ink pen, the invention of pencils and pens allowed people to move away from writing text on clay tablets or carving it into stone, making writing much more efficient [5].

It is common in research on alphabet learning to refer to a grapheme, namely one or more letters corresponding to a single phoneme, as the basic unit of writing. The universality of such a definition is also lacking (for example, Chinese characters do not correspond to phonemes), and also depart from the logic of linguistic characteristics. Parallel to the description of a phoneme and a morpheme, the definition of a grapheme, corresponding to linguistic analysis, is that the grapheme is a functional unit of writing, abstracting variations in graphs — allographs; for example, all the fonts for the letter b that are available in that language. The unit is functional because the grapheme is the minimal graphic unit that distinguishes a doubly written morpheme and is thus similar to a phoneme that distinguishes two word morphemes [6].

Unlike the writing system, it is an alphabetic-sound writing, which means that the system, developing along with the human mind, has moved to formation according to the syllabic, alphabetical principle, and meets these requirements and perfection.

It is obvious that political censorship prohibited the use of the names and works of the intellectuals who published the mass media of the beginning of the 20th century. This article is relevant with the study of A. Baitursynuly's reformed alphabet, spelling, lexico-gram-mar, punctuations in the "Kazakh" newspaper (1913-1918), which was forbidden to be studied by political censorship. The purpose of the study is to determine the difficulties of spelling and punctuation marks in the written language during the approbation period

when A. Baitursynuly's alphabet was first introduced, and to show that it is a key period in the history of Kazakh writing. According to the research, the following tasks were fulfilled: 1) it was determined that punctuation marks were named and placed, their function was explained for the first time in "Kazakh" newspaper; 2) the letters for vowels and consonants of A. Baitursynuly's alphabet in the history of writing were analyzed.

Phonetic writing is a convenient form of writing for the countries of the world. The main feature of this writing is that it is considered the most accurate transmission of sound, even with a small number of characters. This type of writing contains from 20 to 40 characters, today this inscription differs in that it adheres to the principle of "individual phoneme — individual grapheme". "The perfect type of writing, the root of the spelling in question, associated with the emergence of phonemographic writing, lies in the common origin of writing" [7, p. 8]. The state of modern perfect writing is as follows: "75 percent of the people of the world use phonetic writing. The most common types of phonetic writing are: Latin (30 percent), Slavic Cyrillic (10 percent), Arabic (10 percent) and Indian script (20 percent)" [8, p. 5]. One of these scripts used in the Kazakh steppe is the Arabic script usul-kadym.

Material and methodology

Information and materials for the study are taken from articles published in the newspaper "Kazakh", which means that newspaper articles published in these years are considered the object of study. In other words, the article examines the language units used by authors, the features of spelling and various factors when using writing. Formation of arguments, reasoning, transformations in order to identify directions, stages and features of the development of the Kazakh literary language and Kazakh writing, including adapted Arabic alphabet to the Kazakh sound system (tote zhazu), that is also called usul-sotie according to the old literary language of the Turkic peoples, introduced by A. Baitursy-nuly. Qualitative methods used to analyze the spelling of Kazakh writing, the role of the newspaper "Kazakh" in the history of the Kazakh language, the formation of punctuation marks in the norm of the literary language, a study was conducted using the methods of collecting evidence, reasoning, explaining changes, interpretation, linguistic analysis, grouping. This research provides qualitative methods and inductive research.

Literature review

In the course of writing the article, the works of foreign researchers L. Y. Chang, Y. C. Chen and C. A. Perfetti; S. Dehaene "Reading in the brain: The new science of how we read", H. Miton, O. Morin, as well as the "History of Linguistics" by the researcher of Russian linguistics I. P. Susov, the study "Repressed Turkology" by such linguistic researchers as F. D. Ashnin, V. M. Alpatov, D. M. Nasilov and studies of domestic researchers involved in the theory of writing in Kazakh linguistics, in particular, S. Sh. Khasanova, K. Kuderi-nova, etc. The article also uses the research of A. Turgaraeva, B. Momynova, who studied the life and work of A. Baitursynuly. In these works, opinions are expressed about the reformation of the so called the old usul-kadym, the old Arabic script used in old written texts, by the father of Kazakh writing A. Baitursynuly and the introduction of tote zhazu. However, the language, spelling, orthography and punctuation marks of the newspaper

"Kazakh", where this writing was first tested, were not targeted and analysed in any of the named works. The article pays attention and analyzes the problems that remained outside the scope of this source.

Results and Discussions

The article dealt with the activities of the first nationwide edition of the newspaper "Kazakh" on the systematization of spelling, journalistic style in the history of the Kazakh literary language, based on the written language. Part of the spelling associated with writing was expressed in the fact that punctuation marks in the newspaper "Kazakh" were transmitted within linguistic texts, reflected by specific linguistic facts. The first punctuation marks and spelling marks were distinguished on the basis of the name of A. Baitursynuly and the explanation of their function. Evidence, facts were selected, the most significant linguistic signs of tote zhazu and spelling, including punctuation, were identified. It was noted that the approach to the problem raised from this point of view is important for conducting scientific research on the history of the literary language and the history of spelling and writing.

The old Kazakh script with Arabic script (usul-kadym), introduced earlier with Islam, had a quasi-alphabetic character, since only consonants were designated, that is, in a consonantal alphabet. The Old Arabic script was written from right to left and had 28 characters (28 consonants), each character representing one consonant. Vowels were designated by special diacritics, which were placed below and above the letters. (As in the word it is placed above the main consonants.) Signs are additional characters separate from letters. Since vowels in Arabic are divided into long (prolonged) and short, some consonants marked long (prolonged) vowels when written. Short consonants are written with additional signs, they are called harakats, in some scientific works, karakets, karekels. In fact, the early kadym writing contributed to the promotion of the spiritual life of the Kazakh people, expanded the knowledge of the people at a certain level, and tote zhazu expanded and deepened this function of the old writing. Tote zhazu played a significant role in writing, education, writing the first Kazakh-language textbooks and teaching aids, revealing the literacy of Kazakh children. The reformed alphabet of A. Baitursynuly presented the Kazakh people and the first Kazakh intelligentsia to the scientific community, many talented representatives of linguistics recognized the alphabet of A. Baitursynuly. The main feature of A. Baitursynuly's alphabet is that he presented special letters to both consonants and vowels. How did the teacher of the nation A. Baitursynuly come to this path?

Baitursynuly, a graduate of the full course of the teacher's school, on the basis of the Decree approved by His Highness on November 27, 1880, and in accordance with Article 27 of the Regulation approved by His Highness on March 27, 1872, on the basis of the Regulation on the Tatar Teacher's School and the Kyrgyz Teacher's School in the cities of Ufa, Simferopol, by decision of the Pedagogical Council of the school, to award the title of Teacher of Primary Schools [9, p. 52].

This certificate was accompanied by an order indicating that he was required to work for 6 years in the Kyrgyz elementary school. In accordance with order No. 116 of June 9, 1895, he was sent to the Aryngazy rural school of the Aktobe district, where he got with the help of the regional trustee of the educational department E. A. Alektorov [9, p. 52], and continued his teaching activities in 1895-1909 in Aktobe, Kostanay, Karkaraly

counties. Therefore, A. Baitursynuly did not take a great step in compiling the alphabet by chance. In the process of working as a teacher for several years (in Orynbor, Tashkent, Almaty, Torgai), he understood a lot and delved into the essence, saw that the Kazakh school had reached a dead end due to the lack of a system in teaching, and the way out of the impasse was to put the alphabet in order and introduce the system of "correct study" that he saw. On the other hand, time itself forced him to take on such a significant task, namely, to introduce a new script based on the phonetic system of the Kazakh language, instead of the old Kazakh script based on the Arabic script.

"Til-Kuraly" was the book, which presented A. Baitursynuly as an educator. He showed that among the types of Muslim education taught by Russian or Tatar and Nogai mullahs, the most necessary for a Kazakh child is education in the native language and its obligatory nature, and determined the direction for the further development of the Kazakh language. "The second issue that particularly worried A. Baitursynuly as a teacher and educator was the structure of the school, the third was the improvement of the education system (ideally, the elimination of lack of system), drawing the attention of teachers to compliance with pedagogical requirements" [10, p. 14].

A. Baitursynuly admitted the education system on that period as following:

Today there are many shortcomings in the study of the Kazakh language. First, there are no textbooks or books. Nogai textbooks are not suitable for Kazakhs. Secondly, there is no program adapted to the Kazakh school, without which it is impossible to study. Thirdly, there are few teachers who know the science of raising children [11].

In general, educational activities became the duty of every enlightened citizen of that time, and each published book and periodical was the duty of any of them. It can be seen that these problems prompted him to create an alphabet. Thus, A. Baitursynu-ly transformed the Kazakh alphabet based on the Arabic script. The famous turkologist E. D. Polivanov classified the A. Baitursynuly's alphabet as one of the great discoveries. Foreign scientists, such as N. F. Yakovlev, K. Menges, B. Comrie, recognized that the "Bai-tursynuly's alphabet" is a perfect alphabet. Russian scholars assessed the significance of the alphabet as follows: "It should be noted that Baitursynuly, who did not receive a higher education and only towards the end of his active work, established contact with Russian linguists, was able to stand on a par with advanced science" [12, p. 185].

So, A. Baitursynuly worked as a teacher in rural and municipal elementary schools and five-six-year two-class schools in the period 1895-1909, improving the system of teaching in his native language, preparing native textbooks and phrasebooks. He realized the lack of "Alippe" and other textbooks in the Kazakh language for Kazakh children and tried to create them himself. For this purpose, first of all, he studied the sound composition of the Kazakh language. After that, he creates a new alphabet and a writing model based on the phonetic and other grammatical laws of the Kazakh language that he determined. He proved that the Arabic script, which had been used and consumed by the Kazakh people before his variant, was inconvenient for the Kazakh language. Late he improved the alphabet, introduced apostrophe. A. Baitursynuly published "Oku kuraly" ("Textbook") in 1912 [13, p. 40]. Until 1929, this alphabet served the needs of the people, it was used in schools, books were published, periodicals were printed, etc. In his work "Til-kural", consisting of three books, he introduced many terms of Kazakh linguistics that are currently used, for example: subject, predicate, function words, noun, verb, etc.,

mother tongue, closed meeting, open letter. This book has been published several times. On the meaning of writing in this book: "Our time is the time of writing: a time when written communication is superior to oral communication. You cannot speak from a distance. Through writing, a person on one side of the world communicates with a person on the other side. Therefore, writing is even more necessary than speaking" — he says [13, p. 13]. In those days, articles were published on this controversial issue, such as "Zhazu tartibi" ("The Order of Writing") [14], "Zhazu maselesi" ("The Problem of Writing") [15], etc.

The Kazakh public, especially the teaching public, well received the enlightener's version, which adapted the Arabic script to the Kazakh language. Because his alphabetical reform was maximally focused on the nature of the Kazakh language and built on a more scientific basis. So, since 1912, A. Baitursynuly's new writing based on this alphabet has been used in practice (it is called "Zhana emle" ("New Orthography")) [16, p. 45]. This is how the newspaper "Kazakh" (Fig. 1, 2) was published with this "new spelling" system, and at that time the question of the need for spelling and fixing spelling was not raised.

The new alphabet was approved in 1924 at the first congress of the Kazakh-Kyrgyz enlighteners (Orynbor, June 12), and a group of the Kazakh intelligentsia defended it during the transition to the Latin alphabet. Cyrillic versions of several books by A. Baitursy-nuly were included in the volume dedicated to A. Baitursynuly in the series "Anthology of the Education of the Kazakh Language" of the International Society "Kazakh Language", Institute of Linguistics named after A. Baitursynuly [17, p. 45].

And in the following copies (Fig. 3-5), the original copy was presented, since the system of sounds of the Kazakh language was assigned the classification of A. Baitursynuly.

In any social environment, there are two norms that determine oral and written speech in this environment: orthographic and orthoepic norms. The first formation of spelling was manifested in the book "Til-zhasar" ("The first book reflecting the language of speech, reading, writing from experience"), published in 1928 under the great authorship of Akymet Baitursynuly from the city of Kyzylorda. It was a book that the school decided to teach in the first elementary school. It was published in an educational institution of the "Kazakh educational commissariat". Published with the permission of the State Administration of the Supreme Economic Council of Kazakhstan [18, p. 10].

On the title page of this book (Fig. 6), in the lower left corner, the old Latin script says "Baiturcbn ulb a. til jumsar 1-ncb kbtab". On this inscription in parallel with Cyrillic letters is written "А. Байтурсунов. Практическая грамматика ч. 1" ('A. Baitursunov. Practical Grammar Part 1"). On the next page of the book, on "Dayekteme", it says: "The knowledge in this book ('Dayekteme') is also in another handbook ('Til-kural'), but the way this knowledge is taught there is different". He showed the difference from "Til-kural" by listing several signs (Fig. 7). The description of these 4 listed features and the functions of language units testify to the formation of spelling. The book gives names to symbols other than letters, and suggests terms denoting concepts: "The marks used in writing, other than letters, have not been named until today. Looking at the image, someone would call it like that, someone like that. <...> The name here is based not only on its image, but also on the place of its use. For example: tynystyk — dot (.), zhapsarlyk — comma (,), kosarlyk — hyphen (-), tastarlyk — dash (—), daldeulik — quotation mark («»), surau-lyk — question mark (?), lepteulik — exclamation mark (!)" [18, p. 5-6]. In my opinion, the explanation for the hyphen is as follows: "Hyphen (-) — A mark to be placed where two words are to be joined, where two parts of one word are to be joined, or where two

Fig. 1. The first page of the first issue of the newspaper "Kazakh" in 19131

words are spoken together in rapid succession, or where one word is repeated in rapid succession" [18, p. 5-6].

In this sequence, orthographic features are emphasized. Towards the end: "Finally, I will say that the practical material in the two sections of 'Til-zhumsar' is enough to teach spelling. If kids use them all right, they can learn about 90 % of the spelling", he says [18, p. 7].

1 Photocopies of all illustrations in this article are from the fund of the National Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Fig. 2. The first page of the issue 213 of the newspaper "Kazakh" in 1917. After the first 3 issues of 1913, the issue with the emblem of the yurt began with issue 4 and continued until the publication was discontinued

This means how and at what level the problem of the alphabet and spelling was posed in a book published in 1928, and the regulation of spelling was taken seriously. The mentioned book is a witness of the time when vowels were written without dropping and were systematized as much as possible, the use of punctuation marks was regulated, each concept was "given a name", that is, a system of terms was created, it was the first book in the history of spelling.

¿bjU-f* ¿Ь*

С 3 j л ZL £ ° V V

с( Л 3 о f J ii ^ ii

* \ • A J

* j 1 :

V •а» J—jb

,0 f j • X S 4 o t ^ j j J 5. jL-j-r- ¿V—


Fig. 3. A. Baitursynuly Textbook (Kazakh alphabet). 1st year book. 4th edition. Tashkent, State Publishing House of the Republic of Turkestan, 1922, p. 94 (alphabet on page 30)


JJa^ft^jljJ jli

i ^ ^ O ,_i Li JiJs—ii

•d ^ J «-f" (3 £ J> -T

I L- J__^

.<_5j^LvZjI o' ¿wJLvX j 1 (¿j} ''

Fig. 4. Copy. A. Baitursynuly. Handbook (Kazakh alphabet). 7th edition. Orynbor, Kazakh State Publishing House, 1925, p. 74

Fig. 5. Copy. Akhmet Baytursynov. Alphabet (new handbook). Kyzylorda, KazSSR State Publishing House, 1926, p. 119 (alphabet on page 76)

Fig. 6. A copy of the title page of the book "Til-zhumsar" (Kyzylorda, 1928)

Fig. 7. The fifth page of A. Baitursynuly's book "Til-zhumsar", which describes non-

alphabetic characters

However, when the newspaper "Kazakh" came out, it was too early to talk about spelling, but the time had come for the first steps of systematics. In the newspaper "Kazakh" in 1913-1918, although the writing of usul-jadid was first tested, since there was no fixed spelling (more details in the Table 1), it began to use spelling spontaneously or at the level of perception, this was an important historical period in the formation of the literary language and spelling, the time when the first steps were taken towards criticism, testing. Spelling was the reason for eliminating difficult issues and solving complex problems. Therefore, A. Baitursynuly's book "Til-zhumsar", published in 1928, is a unique work

based on experience, the first spelling guide in which the author in his own words "expresses the language of speech, reading, writing through work experience".

An invaluable contribution to the cultural life of A. Baitursynuly and his associates was the publication of the newspaper "Kazakh" (1913-1918, Orynbor) using tote zhazu. In the first years of publication, the newspaper spread to Omby, Kyzylzhar, Kereku, Kok-shetau, Atbasar, Akmola, Turkestan, Shymkent, Aulie-Ata, Tashkent. The newspaper was published by the publishing house of the partnership "K. Khusainov & Co" and was approved for sale at a price of 4 soms for a year, 2 soms and 50 coins for six months. "Lieutenant General Sukhomlinov" [9, p. 124-126] stamped the permit. When a lack of funds became an obstacle to the publication of the newspaper, by the end of 1913 he decided that it would be beneficial to create the "Azamat" partnership and created it. The editorial office of the newspaper "Kazakh" was located in Dmitrieva's house on Grishkovskaya Street in the city of Orynbor. The publishers of the "Kazakh" from the very beginning intended to buy a printing house and with the help of readers, wealthy people and Kazakhs in China, they opened the first printing house in the Kazakh steppe for 40,000 soms [9, p. 128].

The activities of all periodicals of that time for the Kazakh people were encyclopedic in nature. Although they all had one common type of activity, it is the educational activity. The newspaper "Kazakh" was in this respect much more advanced than others. After all, the newspaper was the first to use and practice the tote zhazu of A. Baitursynuly in practice, made a great contribution to the systematization and streamlining of writing, and widely spread the usul-jadid movement to the Kazakh steppe. Relevant for that time was the movement "Usul jadid" and its influence on the Kazakh steppe, which contributed to the reflection of the problem in the newspaper "Kazakh". For example, in No. 153 of the newspaper "Kazakh" for 1915, a small article-announcement by Nugman Manaev was published under the title "The Problem of Usul jadid" [11].

A. Baitursynuly, who became famous as a reformer of Kazakh writing, reduced superscript and subscript diacritical marks in his tote zhazu, but still it was not possible to completely get rid of them in the newspaper, they had to be introduced.

Letters have their own characteristics depending on whether they are written along the line, written out of the line (marked), written down the line. For instance, "letters are written along the line — 6 — m, d —J, e — ») '¿), u — >s, h — a, n — v, m — ^, $ — u — j, i — a — h, 3 — % ,j* includes sound symbols. These (notebook line, or when writing) are not written either above or below the line. The following letters go along the line (except for these letters: g — J, e —'» ).

The letters denoting the sounds a — I, 9 — I*, r — k — n — ^ — r , J, are written twice as high as those which are written along the line, and are displayed (raised) above the line. For example, when the words KiTan (book) — ^HMÓaT (expensive) — are written in Arabic letters, the letters k — a — I are written more out of the line than others.

In addition, the word has letters that are written (marked) below the line. It includes b — j, m — 3 — j, m — o — j, p — j, c — y — j, x — c, h — g, rn — & z — & Y — j, y — 3, 0 — J alphabetic symbols of sounds", claims S. Khasanova. The name of A. Baitursynuly is not mentioned in tote zhazu [19, p. 134].

Arabic letters do not all connect to each other when writing a word. This is a feature. 'Alphabet contains those that do not match with the letters after it. It includes: a — I, a — I*, e — j, d — J, e —'<>, 3 — j, o — j, p — j, y — J — 0,3 — y ,j — Y ,j. The letters (symbols) of these sounds are written in a word without coming into contact with the letters that come af-

ter them (For example, адам (human) — jUlj — заман (period), ^зын (long) — ¿OJ, Yлкен (big) — j аяныш (pity) — ^У, айна (mirror) — lyl etc.)" [19, p. 135].

When the letter A is written in the form I, it means that the compound a in the word is a one-way (reverse) compound. At the beginning of a word, a symbol (I) is written in the form of an oblique dash. The auxiliary symbol (diacritic) 0) above the letter A is called madd. A dash written without a madd is called a pivot stick or alif.

In texts of tote zhazu, it is often found that the letter J in words like балалы — having children ( JWj) is marked with this type of writing, i. e., the combination of the letter л (L) followed by "a" in the form of an oblique V. And the spelling of the word ^ ^¿л ,JI (muftilk) is not like the spelling of the previous "L", that is, the spelling of the continuing "L", combined with the previous and last letter. This spelling can be seen in many words, such as бала (Vb), балалы ( JWj), where "L and L do not combine, because the previous L is connected to A". Such examples indicate a change in the symbol of the letters when they are connected.

The most remarkable novelty of A. Baitursynuly's alphabet is the apostrophe /*/, where the vowels are necessarily pronounced softly. So, if the apostrophe I* is placed in the upper right corner of the character "a", then "9" is read as I*. So, double sounds, softly pronounced (read) through an apostrophe, include (а) — I* (э), ^ (ы) — i ,(y) 3 — (y) ,J j (о) — e) j) influenced by the apostrophe /*/, the hard sounds j ,(y) J ,(f) t ,(к) 3 (о), ^ (ы) soften, and read like this, ^ — (к) 3 (к), ^ — (г) t (г), j (о) — y) 3 — (y) J ,(e) j). In general, words with an apostrophe should be read softly.

Subsequently, in Kazakh linguistics, a set of spelling norms was published — "Spelling Dictionary of the Kazakh Language" and "Handbook of the Kazakh Language". The dictionary is updated every time. In 1941, under the leadership of S. Amanzholov, in 1946, the history of the spelling of the Kazakh language is created according to dictionaries edited by M. Balakaev and updated in 1963, 1978, 1988, 2008, 2013.

Punctuation and spelling in the newspaper "Kazakh"

In the newspaper "Kazakh" there are all kinds of punctuation marks. For example, a hyphen in the sentence below (К^апал-Жалайырдыц — i^jj^U. — Jbla), and in the sentence "50-60дьщ" we can see a pattern where a hyphen is placed between the numbers and, on the contrary, the hyphen is not written before the ending. A hyphen is a spelling mark, a type of mark separate from letters, and in the newspaper "Kazakh" of the early 20th century, punctuation marks and spelling marks are arranged as follows:

^iUlla in ^¿jjji j oJjj^. 400 jb 60-50 j1\;Li'jIjj 16 ^jj^W- — JIjH

ISaU. ^JIAII ("Kazakh", 213 issue) £ .£.

And the samples below show an example of writing abbreviated words. In the newspaper, abbreviation occurs when abbreviating people's names, abbreviating terms. The letter abbreviation in the newspaper "Kazakh" an example of the abbreviated spelling of the compound word (1) (£ .£.) and I^Jj (Г. Дума) (2) is as follows:

("Kazakh", 213 issue) -E -&1 ("Kazakh", 145 issue)

In "Til-Zhumsar" (1928): "The characters used in the letter, except for the letter, have not had a definite name until now. Looking at the picture, someone would call it like that. Here they were given a name. Here the name was called not only by its appearance, but also by the place where it will be used" says A. Baitursynuly [18, p. 4].

In the text above, a dot (.) is placed after each sentence. A. Baitursynuly, who called a dot (.) "tynystyk", explains its meaning as follows: "Tynystyk (dot) (.) is a mark that is placed at the place where the voice ends" [18, p. 5]. That is, the end of the sentence is indicated by intonation, it is said that the dot is placed at the end of the breath. Besides:

1. Colon (:) is placed in several places with different logic: (>''- Л-«:), etc. Although the newspaper used colon, not even in 1913, nor in 1928, did anyone explain this mark.

2. After a clarifying significant word:.

Jj^jj (4 ¿1H (3 (2 (1 t^jjj ijjj* & fii* j-*jt. — Швмен

aniMniy inici hdM терт руга бвлтеди 1.тоца; 2. конек; 3. аспан; 4. бозцул (Shomen is the younger brother of Alim and is divided into four clans: 1. toka; 2. konek; 3. aspan; 4. bozkul).

3. Colon after quotation mark (two identical punctuation marks — quotation mark and colon): :«<^ ¿Vs j"""^»; — Кемсаз келт тYcпейдi (There are no daughters-in-law without flaws).

4. Location of quotation mark: «^jj^lj^» & « jlji» etc. "Daldeulik (quotation mark) («») is a sign that is affixed in a place where quotation marks can be unmistakably written", explains A. Baitursynuly [18, p. 5].

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

5. Location of dash: — — элiм — шемен (alim — shomen) etc.

6. Currently, the spelling of complex verbs (the main verb and the auxiliary verb) with a hyphen is as follows: ^ЬЛ- ajj-£ — кете-алмай (cannot go).

The hyphen was called "Kosarlyk" (-) in "Til-zhumsar". "Kosarlyk (hyphen) (-) is a mark that is placed where two words must be added, where two parts of one word must be added, or where two words are pronounced together, or where one word is repeated many times" [18, p. 5]. In fact, it is known from experience of writing that some words that are first written with a hyphen are combined. The hyphen is used to indicate the process before combining words. In the newspaper "Kazakh": енер кэсш — енер-кэсш — енеркэсш (modern writing model) — this means that there is a gradual unification that precedes the merger, i. e. "adds when two words need to be added". Although here are the complex verbs written with a hyphen in the newspaper "Kazakh", in the modern Kazakh language they are written separately: келе-алмайды — келе алмайды.

7. A comma is placed between homogeneous members:

d e^l t^ile t^JUl^i ^Aj'jj — ^jS JJI t^^. til aj^ ^Ljl ^^ C-jS u^j

— Буган ШаН Крим чжреа таги Yйлеcцкремейдi: ат, жыл, ел кеб-тутас саналб с,

здет, зац сарац cейлеnедi (Shah Karim's genealogy does not agree with this: name, year,

country are considered as a whole, customs, laws, and miserly are spoken).

A comma is placed in the upper left corner of the word negative or facing up "'" (with an upward slope). A. Baitursynuly calls the comma "zhapsarlyk" and gives it the following interpretation: "Zhapsarlyk (comma) «'» is a mark placed in the place where the intonation does not stop, but only the verbal gap is revealed more. Such a gap between

words often occurs at the place of a comma at the end of a sentence" [18, p. 5]. The name "zhapsarlyk" (comma) was given because in tote zhazu it is placed in the upper left part of the word. In this definition, the place where "the gap between words expands more" is, of course, between homogeneous members, pronounced with a delay.

8. This comma pattern (in subparagraph 7) is followed everywhere. And in the above definition with a comma, "the place of contiguity where sentences are connected" no doubt refers to the types of sentences. For example, a comma between the components of a compound sentence is placed in the following example:

IjjJii UiLjLw t^jj-j Via

.(■¿i« ^jJj ^j oj^ — K,ana 6epdi, eKimi Mapmya myypa Kenyyi KepeK

edi: ca^su ммpeцinepгe Mspdeum 6onyyu muucmi (Remained, but the second condition had to be fulfilled: there should be an assistant for the last genealogists).

9. A comma is placed on both sides of parenthesis in a sentence:

4ii_±j ^jj^jJajl t^iji'e jj« jj« jjlj ^^i't^jl** j ASjJ^ ^jj" ^j

(aU^ j 45'ilSj ^ tl^jliljli jj« tji — fflMpewunepdiy Kma6mapunda mY3i6 MYpгen мsnмamдц 6apuH de Wah KspiM 6p 6p Kma6ya m36, a^yMU^ 6eunemn, 6p Kapazanba, Me^mKen cuaymu (Shah Karim listed all the information in the books of genealogists in one book, and it seems to simplify the image of the student).

If the parenthesis is at the beginning of the sentence, a comma is placed after the parenthesis:

IjjJi' tjlj^ilj tlc-jJiiiJi ojij (JljJa jjSjl (^i oj^^ fjj^ tljjlcljla ^VJj. — Eynau 6omanba, Wah KpUM MMpeci MKm6de o^yy yypanw ece6Hde mymmyysa, eKi 6acban,myypa KenMeudi (In this case, it is not necessary to use it as a teaching tool in the school of Shah Karim's genealogy).

10. Ellipsis (...): l^jljU. ... in such a sample. In the first book of "Til-zhumsar" nothing is mentioned about the ellipsis.

11. Brackets are often noted in the newspaper (double brackets "()" and single brackets (1)). Single brackets or parentheses, as well as other previous punctuation marks, is turned negatively to the left side the word or number and placed in front: 1) (2 laji jt^ (3

— 1) To;a 2) KeHeK 3) acnaH) (1) tokha 2) konek 3) aspan).

The poem below is called "My native language" — fli« jt^JJ-i, the author is Baikaushy. It is known that A. Baitursynuly wrote under the nickname "Baikaushy" — . There

are other types of punctuation marks in this poem.

fli'« jlc-JJJ

t^ »jlitj« ¿^IjjjJjj jU^jj

AxJjj jj«« jl^H j-*5 »^li'J^« tjliSc-Lilj Aji'jl »jlila« f]jS tjj« fJj^

("Kazakh", 167 issue)

In the lines of the poem, there is a line with a semicolon:

ii a^jj jtiLi.<<sj£ A^ljj JJf>> ul^j^ Uf^

With an exclamation mark:

<<^\jja.>> Aiijl

There is no definition or explanation about "Lepteulik (exclamation mark) (!)" in A. Baitursynuly's "Til-zhumsar".

On some pages of the newspaper in the issues there are places where an asterisk (*) is affixed. Links are located at the bottom of the newspaper column, marked with an asterisk. For example:

<^yj ^jjl ¿Jljjtt (*)

(*) »J Aj-jj 163 '161 '158 '148 '147 '146 '145

("Kazakh", 167 issue)

There is also a question mark facing negative / ? /, that is, from right to left. Of course, it is always placed after interrogative sentences, and not just in one place.

The name of A. Baitursynuly — "suraulyk" is not entered in the question mark — "?", perhaps because the essence is already clear in the title, and therefore the explanation is not written.

The last example given is devoted to a written sample of tote zhazu, the example clearly shows which punctuation marks are put. Here, only a dash is missing at the punctuation mark belonging to direct speech. But in other places, when direct speech is written, you can put a dash. The dash is called "Tastarlyk" (—) in "Til-zhumsar" by A. Baitursynuly. The given definition is as follows: "Tastarlyk (—) is a symbol that is put in place of a word that has remained unwritten" [18, p. 5]. Of course, putting a dash in place of a word that was neither written nor spoken is just one function of the mark, the function of which has changed since then. The spelling rules of 1924 and 1928 were compiled from the use of tote zhazu and later linguistic experience. Samples of those punctuation marks and the rules for their placement, which originate from the newspaper "Kazakh", were used in Kazakh linguistics for almost a century, and subsequently came in handy, and the ability to intuitively feel and accurately form the places where the rules and punctuation marks are placed means that Akhmet Baitursynuly scientifically understood and substantiated the mysteries of language, words, reading and writing. In the history of the Kazakh language, the spelling was approved in 1924, and in 1929 the "Decree on the new Kazakh spelling" was adopted [11].

Writing and reading words in the newspaper "Kazakh" (1913-1918) and their comparative use with modern words: osda- yasda, hemp- enep, hapm -apm, hYH- yh, hdp-3p, Kenm- Kenm etc.

Table 1. Writing and reading of words in the newspaper "Kazakh" (1913-1918)

Writing Reading

(4>Kpi) — fkri фiкiрi — fikiri

li« (m^th) — mfti муфти — mufti

^l* (c) — s ic — is

l^jj' (ay3Hga) — auzynda аузында — auzynda

(•a (hM) — hm hsM — ham

j^ (x6p) — hbr хабар — khabar

— chzhre шежiре — shezhire

jJjjU JjI (en TapTyy) — el tartuu ел тарту — el tartu

^jj^jJSj! (oKyymbiHH,) — okuushynn окушынын, — okushynyn

jljuUIji (a3aMaTgap) — azamatdar азаматтар — azamattar

(Kmi xy3) — kshi zhuz Kmi жуз — kishi zhuz

(H* (shm) — alm элiм — alim

j«* (6p) — br 6ip — bir

6anacH — balasy (The letter "n" (L) was given to indicate that it is difficult to recognize when written in continuation with the letter "a".) баласы — balasy

jjj (pyy) — ruu ру — ru

JjI (en) — el ел — el

l-^ jO (eKeyH) — ekeun екеуш — ekeuin

«Oj-^Jt» (moMeH) — showmen шемен — showmen

i^yjl' (Hici) — nisi iHici — inisi

«¿■¿jlJ (Tapwxbi) — tarihy тарихи — tarihi

(Ma;anbi) — makaly маралы — makaly

^ijjjJ^, (cancTwp6) — salstirb салысытырып — salystyryp

i^juUi — -ekS (KHTe-anMawflH) — kite-almaidy кете-алмайды — kete-almaidy

liijuUjk« (MFnoMaTflH,) — mglomatdn маглуматдын, — maglumatdyn

OjS (KenH) — keln келiн — kelin

^jj 4jluijj jnini«j S (KeMicc3 KenH Tyc6eftgi) — Kemissz keln tusbeidi Кемгсаз келш тYcпейдi — Kemissiz kelin tuspeidi

O a-j-jjj^s« (Myxcon6wH) — muhsodbin ма;сутпен — maksutpen

M^« (mkt6) — mktb мактаб — maktab

Oj«jl° (eMpH) — omrn емiрiн — omirin

O^jl' (Y^h) — uchn Yшiн — ushin

<]|jja jjSji (o;yy ;ypanbi) — okuu kuraly оку ;уралы — oku kuraly

ijlu (mapT) — shart шарт — shart

O^ (;mmh) — kiin ;иын — kiyn


In conclusion, we would like to note that even if A. Baytursynuly marked vowel sounds in his alphabet (usul jadid), consonant letters were most often used in the newspaper. Vowels were written in some positions in words (at the absolute end of the word, on the 3rd side of the dependent conjunction, at the absolute beginning of the word, in the last syllable of the word, in some open syllables).

In "Kazakh" newspaper, we found out that for the first time A. Baitursynuly gave the place, function and term of punctuation marks. During the publication of this newspaper, we proved that new spelling rules were formed and implemented based on the A. Baiturs-ynuly's alphabet.

Speaking about the stability of spelling or norms in a newspaper, the following points were defined. Firstly, the newspaper took only the first steps in the development of the Kazakh written language, that is, the norms of the literary language. Naturally, there were mistakes at the first stage. Therefore, it was superfluous to talk about an established, systematized norm at that time. Secondly, there was a time when it was not possible to completely get rid of the influence of the old script (kadym). The same effect is manifested not only in the preservation of individual characters in tote zhazu (jadid), but also in the introduction of words into a single whole. Thirdly, there is no information that during the period of publication of the newspaper the question of the official approval of spelling rules was raised. But the entry of the jadid stream into the educational system contributed to the introduction of the usul jadid into the written language. Fourthly, there was not enough potential (strength, knowledge, insight) and labor for the immediate implementation of a complete systematization of spelling. It was not until decades later that "experts" came to the fore looking at the complex, hard-to-solve problems in writing, and conscious discussions unfolded. And the fact that the newspaper "Kazakh" involved the usul jadid in cultural life and gave it an impetus to the work of the intelligentsia to improve the literacy of the population is a historical truth. It is also a historical fact that the newspaper "Kazakh" is a sign of an unforgettable, indelible period in cultural life, is a powerful tool for improving learning and knowledge, developing written communication and normalizing norms.


1. Dehaene S. Reading in the brain: The new science of how we read. Penguin, 2010. 400 p.

2. Miton H., Morin O. Graphic complexity in writing systems. Cognition, 2021, vol. 214. https://doi. org/10.1016/j.cognition.2021.104771

3. Susov I. P. History of linguistics. Moscow, Vostok — Zapad Publ., 2006. 295 p. (In Russian)

4. Writing — Scripts, Alphabets, Cuneiform. Britannica. Available at: https://www.britannica.Com/top-ic/writing/History-of-writing-systems (accessed: 16.03.2023).

5. A short history of writing. Language Insight. Available at: https://www.languageinsight.com/ blog/2019/a-short-history-of-writing/ (accessed: 16.03.2023).

6. Chang L. Y., Chen Y. C., Perfetti C. A. A multidimensional measure of graphic complexity applied to 131 written languages. Behavior Research Methods, 2018, vol. 50, pp. 427-449. https://doi.org/10.3758/ s13428-017-0881-y

7. Kuderinova K. Spelling of individual signed words and basis of their codification. PhD abstract. Almaty,

2000. 23 p. (In Kazakh)

8. Amirzhanova N. Historical lessons of Latin writing in Kazakhstan. Almaty, Institute for the Development of the State Language, 2012. 300 p. (In Kazakh)

9. Turgharaeva G. M. Wave of destiny of Ahmet. Almaty, Kazakh University, 2021. 317 p. (In Kazakh)

10. Momynova B. Social and political vocabulary in the newspaper "Kazakh". Almaty, Arys Publ., 1998. 109 p. (In Kazakh)

11. Question of usul zhadid. Kazakh, 1915, no. 153, p. 4. (In Kazakh)

12. Ashnin F. D., Alpatov V. M., Nasilov D. M. Repressed Turkology. Moscow, Vostochnaia literatura Publ., 2002. 294 p. (In Russian)

13. Bajtursynuly A. Tutorial (Kazakh alphabet, ordered by usul sotie). Book 1. Orynbor, 1912. 348 p. (In Kazakh)

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16. Bajtursynov A. Turkologist's constituent. Zhana mektep, 1926, no. 7-8, p. 45. (In Kazakh)

17. Bajtursynuly A. Language tool. Sound system and types. 5th edition with amendments by the resolution of the 1st group of Kazakh-Kyrgyz intelligence. Kazakhstan State Printing House. Kyzyl Orda. 1925. In: A. Bajtursynuly. Kazakh til biliminin maseleleri. Kazakh til biliminin antologiyasy (seriya). Designed by Gh. Anes. Almaty, Abzal-aj Publ., 2013. 640 p. (In Kazakh)

18. Bajtursynuly A. "Language use" (speaking, reading, writing practice, book 1). Kyzylorda, 1928. (In Kazakh)

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

19. Hasanova S. Sh. Ancient Turkic and Arabic-Latin writings. Almaty, Republican Press Office, 1994. 288 p. (In Kazakh)

Received: March 16, 2023 Accepted: June 30, 2023

Authors' information:

Bagdan K. Mamynova — Dr. Sci. in Philology, Professor; momynova_b@mail.ru Garifolla K. Anes — Dr. Sci. in Philology, Professor; anes_gk@mail.ru Umit G. Anessova — PhD in Philology; a_ymit@mail.ru

Особенности правописания и пунктуации в процессе апробации письма усул-сотие (тотэ жазу) в газете «Казах» в начале XX в. (1913-1918 гг.)*

Б. Г. Мамынова1, Г. К. Анес2, У. Г. Анессова3

1 Институт лингвистики им. А. Байтурсынулы, Казахстан, 050008, Алматы, ул. Курмангазы, 29

2 Музей жертв политических репрессий, Казахстан, 080201, с. Жаналык, ул. Айша Биби, 1/10

3 Казахский национальный университет имени Аль-Фараби, Казахстан, 050000, Алматы, пр. Аль-Фараби, 71

Для цитирования: Mamynova B., Anes G., Anessova U. The Beginning of the 20th Century: Spelling Features and Punctuation in the Process of Approbation the Letter Usul-Sotie (Tote Zhazu) in the Newspaper "Kazakh" (1913-1918) // Вестник Санкт-Петербургского университета. Востоковедение и африканистика. 2023. Т. 15. Вып. 3. С. 568-587. https://doi.org/10.21638/spbu13.2023.308

Изменения и нововведения в языке нормализуются с помощью письменности. Письменность не только обозначает звуки языка, но и является фактором, определяющим

* Статья опубликована в рамках научного проекта, реализованного в 2021-2023 годах. Тема проекта: «Письменное наследие и анализ текста: орфография, словообразование и лингвистическая поэтика художественного текста в журналистике начала XX века» (ARO9260734).

будущее языка как в прошлом, так и в настоящем. Основная цель написания текста — обеспечить дискретность слышимого слова и единообразное распознавание слова, даже если оно повторяется много раз в разных контекстах с использованием алфавита. В истории казахской культуры большое значение имело реформированное письмо А. Байтурсунулы «Усул-джадид» (тотэ жазу). Письменность, или так называемый тотэ жазу, сыграла значительную роль в просвещении, в написании первых учебников и методических пособий на казахском языке, в развитии грамотности, а также в развитии периодических изданий. Реформированный алфавит А. Байтурсунулы показал и представил научному сообществу весь казахский народ, а также первые светлые умы казахской интеллигенции. С помощью усул-джадида казахская интеллигенция под руководством А. Байтурсунулы в начале ХХ в. издавал газету общегосударственного значения «Казах». В связи с этим в статье затрагиваются вопросы орфографии, пунктуации, проблемы казахской письменности в начале ХХ в. Более того, газета «Казах» считается началом систематизации и кодификации литературного казахского языка и национального журналистского стиля.

Ключевые слова: усул-кадым, усул-сотие, орфография, газетный язык, литературный казахский язык.

Статья поступила в редакцию 16 марта 2023 г., рекомендована к печати 30 июня 2023 г.

Контактная информация:

Мамынова Багдан Катайкызы — д-р филол. наук, проф.; momynova_b@mail.ru Анес Гарифолла Кабдолкайирулы — д-р филол. наук, проф.; anes_gk@mail.ru Аннесова Умит Гарифоллаевна — канд. филол. наук; a_ymit@mail.ru

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