Научная статья на тему 'The awareness of autonomy learners'

The awareness of autonomy learners Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Kuvandikova Khadicha Bazarovna

The article discusses features characterizing the autonomy learner, strategies which can be used by learners, approaches and procedures for optimal learning. It also deals with important points of autonomous learning. The author pays attention to the characteristics of “an autonomous learner”.

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Текст научной работы на тему «The awareness of autonomy learners»

Ready-to-Use games and activities help students become more versatile and intelligent learners and test-takers. Students also perform tasks similar to those found on typical standardized tests.

Brainstormers can also be used at teaching students to writing and discussion. Here students work on activities that include poetry interpretation, literary and character analysis, creative thinking, idioms, expository writing, creative story writing, and discussion. Students also compare their views on many interesting topics and issues [2, 54].

Effective results can be gained by applying brainstormers at developing students' critical-thinking skills. Here they do exercises involving word origins, word play, spoonerisms, imagination, logic application, character analysis, examining evidence, associative thinking, creative thinking, and other interesting real-world applications.

With the help of ready-to-use activities we can direct students to researching and remembering. At this students enjoy games and activities grouping pieces of biographical, literary, historical, or geographical information, researching elements of the English language, comparing and contrasting different literary genres, working with quotations, finding information about famous people, and assessing a literary situation. By doing such tasks students learn to write reports and deliver speeches on various topics.

In conclusion I want to remember William Butler's words, "Education is not filling a pail, but lighting a fire." We will light that fire, and our students will be filled with enthusiasm as they do these activities.


1. Umstatter Jack. English Brainstormers. USA. John Wiley & Sons, 2002. P. 66-80.

2. Galskova N.D. Modern methods of teaching foreign languages. M. ARKTI, 2003. P. 54.



Abstract: the article discusses features characterizing the autonomy learner, strategies which can be used by learners, approaches and procedures for optimal learning. It also deals with important points of autonomous learning. The author pays attention to the characteristics of "an autonomous learner".

Keywords: autonomous learner, self-directed learning, personality of autonomy learner, self-access, self education.

The development of technology put forward new demands to all members of society and sped up their education so that they were not bemused by the speed of events and newness happening in our life. Most young people are engaged in self-education trying not to fail to keep pace with life. In such situations we can observe the ability of learners to take charge of their learning. Many scientists gave definition to this process as 'autonomous learner'. The term "The autonomous learner" became frequent in our country also and we are happy that number of people learning languages doubled. Of course this term is used respectively to all learners regardless of what they are learning but I'm as a teacher of English as a foreign language want to stress autonomy language learners. During my long experience of teaching English I observed different learners of various ages trying to motivate them to learn independently. As each leaner is individual it demanded great efforts to reveal their

abilities and a set of skills which can be learned and applied in self-directed learning, to determine the direction of their own learning.

It gave me possibility to discover the characteristics of "an autonomous learner" which is so important for him/her:

1. Autonomous learners have clear and exact targets of learning;

2. Possess high sense of responsibility;

3. They can take risks, don't create any barrier while speaking a foreign language;

4. They are able to understand complex situations;

5. They are very patient and persistent;

6. Well-organized.

Many scientist gave different definitions to the personality of autonomy learners. For example, in David Little's terms, learner autonomy is 'essentially a matter of the learner's psychological relation to the process and content of learning--a capacity for detachment, critical reflection, decision-making, and independent action' [1, 22]. It is not something done to learners; therefore, it is far from being another teaching method (ibid.). In the same vein, Leni Dam cited in Gathercole [2, 16], drawing upon Holec [3, 33], defines autonomy in terms of the learner's willingness and capacity to control or oversee her own learning. More specifically, she, like Holec, holds that someone qualifies as an autonomous learner when he independently chooses aims and purposes and sets goals; chooses materials, methods and tasks; exercises choice and purpose in organizing and carrying out the chosen tasks; and chooses criteria for evaluation.

In spite to all the definitions given above I think that teachers play a crucial role in launching learners into self-access and in lending them a regular helping hand during self-education.

Another important point of autonomous learning is strategies which can be used by learners:

- must have enough resources like bilingual dictionaries and other materials;

- must be able to translate from his/her native language in order to understand (e.g. from English into Uzbek and vice versa). (This is very important because some languages including in Uzbek the word order is not the same as in English, which courses definite difficulties while translation);

- repeating (is also essential). There are many dictionaries like ABBY Lingvo with the help of which an autonomous learner can repeat word pronounced by audio record;

- making notes;

- logical inference (when he/she can draw about something by using information that he/she already has about it);

- undivided attention (to concentrate on general or specific aspects of the material or task);

The best way of checking how students go about a learning task and helping them

become aware of their own strategies is to assign a task and have them report what they are thinking while they are performing it. This task can be based on four skills as writing, reading, speaking and listening .Such kind of task can reflect the learner's attitude toward learning and reveal his/her shortcomings. It also can provide information on the strategies learners are using at the time of the task. Another type of self-report is what has been dubbed as retroactive self-report, since learners are asked to think back or retrospect on their learning. Retroactive self-reports are quite open ended, in that there is no limit put on what students say in response to a question or statement that points to a topic in a general way. There are two kinds of retroactive self-reports: interviews and questionnaires. Interview may focus on a specific skill with a view to extracting information about learners' feelings towards particular skills (reading, listening, etc.), problems encountered, techniques resorted to in order to tackle these problems, and learners' views on optimal strategies or ways of acquiring specific skills or dealing with learning tasks. A questionnaire seeks the same information but in a different way: by dint of explicit questions and statements, and then asking learners to agree or disagree, write true or false, and so forth. Of course it is not


enough to raise awareness of learners' strategies and the need for constant evaluation of techniques, targets, and consequences.

This study is not final, as we have only discussed the surface of the subject called learner autonomy. Many points are missing. For example, I didn't mention the role of the curriculum in promoting learner autonomy, because the relationship between classroom practice and autonomy learner is great.

At any rate, the main point of departure for this study has been the notion that there are degrees of learner autonomy and that it is not an absolute concept Learner autonomy consists in becoming aware of, and identifying, one's strategies, needs, and goals as a learner, and having the opportunity to reconsider and refashion approaches and procedures for optimal learning.


1. Little D. Learner Autonomy. 1: Definitions, Issues and Problems. Dublin: Authentic, 1991. P. 22.

2. Dam L. Learner Autonomy in Practice. In Gathercole, I. (ed.). CILT. Great Britain: Bourne Press, 1990. P. 16.

3. HolecH. Autonomy in Foreign Language Learning. Oxford: OUP, 1981. P. 33.


Курбанова Ширин Хикматовна - старший преподаватель, кафедра английского языка, Бухарский инженерно-технологический институт, г. Бухара, Республика Узбекистан

Аннотация: в данной статье речь идет о роле и особенности просмотрового чтения при обучении профессионально-ориентированному иностранному языку. Так же автор утверждает, что просмотровое чтение имеет огромное значение, являясь одним из средств коммуникативной деятельности человека. Здесь особое внимание уделяется вопросам обучения иностранному языку как языку профессионального взаимодействия, при котором чтение оригинальной литературы рассматривается как основной источник получения новейшей информации специального характера. Ключевые слова: профессионально-ориентированный иностранный язык, просмотровое чтение, профессиональная компетентность.

Владение иностранным языком становится неким ключом к профессиональному успеху современного специалиста. При обучении профессионально-ориентированному иностранному языку чтение имеет огромное значение, являясь одним из средств коммуникативной деятельности человека. Проблема обучения чтению в неязыковых вузах исследовалась многими авторами (А.Я. Багрова, Л.С. Банникова, Е. С. Давиденко), однако ее актуальность не утрачивается и в настоящее время в связи с тем, что уровень владения данным умением выпускниками неязыковых вузов, не соответствует современным требованиям и не является в полном объеме профессионально-значимым компонентом подготовки будущего специалиста [1, 97].

Многообразие и сложность задач обучения чтению заставляют в практике работы выделять различные группы и системы приемов, которые по И. В. Карпову получили в методике название «видов чтения». В настоящее время общепризнанной является классификация видов чтения в зависимости от цели чтения. Согласно классификации


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