THE ANTHROPOCENTRIC ESSENCE OF LANGUAGE Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
discourse / anthropocentric / text / language / paradigm / anthropolinguistics.

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Yuldasheva D.A.

In this article, the concept of discourse is considered as an object, and an attempt is made to explain the anthropocentric essence of language. In addition, the article mentions the opinions of a number of scientists who conducted scientific research on this topic.

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Yuldasheva D.A.


Kokand state pedagogical institute THE ANTHROPOCENTRIC ESSENCE OF LANGUAGE

Abstract. In this article, the concept of discourse is considered as an object, and an attempt is made to explain the anthropocentric essence of language. In addition, the article mentions the opinions of a number of scientists who conducted scientific research on this topic.

Key words: discourse, anthropocentric, text, language, paradigm, anthropolinguistics.

The fields of linguistics and literary studies are considered to be the most comprehensive areas of life, and they are closely related to many areas. every word and concept is studied in the field of linguistics. Also, the specific power of these words and concepts can be manifested in fiction and discourse. First of all, let's pay attention to the small differences between the meanings of the words discourse and text. Discourse is the subject of interdisciplinary research. In addition to theoretical linguistics, computational linguistics and artificial intelligence, psychology, philosophy and logic, sociology, anthropology and ethnology, literature, semiotics, historiography, theology, law, pedagogy, translation theory and practice, politics and other discourse-related science and is the main object of study of research fields.


The history of the creation of the theory of the interpretation of the world by language in linguistics requires new studies that put forward the main view, trends and hypotheses in its theoretical study. Because the subject's forms of existence, the analysis of their functional-semantic and linguistic-cultural features are among the less studied problems. Certain works have been carried out on the study of the subject category and the means and methods of its expression in German languages, and their linguistic and cultural research using the linguistic interpretation approach. L.S. Barkhudarov, L.N. Murzin, M.A. Prasolov, V.S. Khrakovskiy, B.A.Il.ish, B.S. S. Haimovich, B. E. Rogovskaya, M. Ya. Bloch, V. Ya. Plotkin, K. A. Srebryakova, A. L. Sharandin, S. E. Yakhontov and other Russian linguists conducted scientific research in Europe and linguists Ya. Swartvik, O'. Espersen, R. MXerts, A. G. Hatcher, E. Kreisinga, R. Lakov, L. F. Don Nielsen, K. Haseava, M. G. Hoshimoto, D. Ziegel, G. In the studies of P. Stanley, F.T.Visser, issues related to the ratio category are covered. The term anthropocentrism was introduced into scientific circulation by the famous Greek philosopher Socrates. The primary meaning of this term is "man is the center and goal of the universe." "Anthropocentrism is a scientific view closely related to

consciousness and faith, according to which man is the center of existence and the ultimate goal of worldview."


Linguistics, pragmalinguistics, which are considered as the main directions of the anthropocentric paradigm, play the main role of language and its owner. Cognitive linguistics, one of the main directions of the anthropocentric paradigm, is associated with the word "cognire" (compare: cognize - to perceive, to become aware of, or to know - cognition - mental action, process - knowledge, menthol activity). Knowing and perceiving the world and reality is not a simple phenomenon. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account all kinds of social and cultural events related to the person and his activity in the activity of thinking. But it should be noted that imagining these processes of a person without language is a difficult phenomenon, at the root of which is definitely the process of cognition and acquired knowledge of a person. The reason is that a person's linguistic reserve is enriched in close connection with the existence that surrounds him. The study of the national culture of languages is actually the study of the knowledge on which the languages being compared were formed and refined. In pragmalinguistics, the mutually beneficial speech of the addressee and the addressee is understood. Effective speech means that interlocutors understand each other and engage in communication. A person does not use all the knowledge he has learned during his life in the speech act, but verbalizes the concepts and categories related to the conversation based on the purpose of the conversation. Therefore, it is not an exaggeration to say that cognitive linguistics is the basis of the above-mentioned areas of linguistics.

Wilhelm von Humboldt, in order to establish linguistics as a science, explained the existence of language concepts such as language and speech, language and society, language and culture as antinomies: "Who is the speaker of this language, what kind of people, where do they live, how do they live, what religion do they believe in, what is their social life like?" brought in the likes. In short, Wilhelm von Humboldt introduced the basic concept of "human factor in language" into linguistics and explained his theory on the example of the Kawa language of the Javanese islands. There are also several aphorisms about the relationship between language and thought, including the limit of my language defines the limit of my world Ludwig Wittgenstein, who has a language, also has a world. Hans Georg Gadamer, language changes the clothes of thinking Ludwig Wittgenstein, language is the clothes of thinking Samuel Johnson.

At this point, we would not be wrong to say that the definition given by Jalaluddin Rumi has become an actual issue. Recognizing a person as the "axis of the universe", observing and explaining all the movements, events, changes and updates in the world through a person. The total inner conflict in nature and the miracles of development, growth and development of the soul are in man [1:200]

Anthropolinguistics as a science, according to experts, appeared in the world in June 2004 after the discussion at the international conference "Language

and Culture" in Bialystok, Poland. His mission was to restore the lost forms of human evolution. [2:128] In the West, William A. Foley's book "Anthropological Linguistics" [3:1997] was published, in which the main focus was on the theory of relativity in linguistics, sociolinguistics, cognitive aspects of metaphor. The scientist put forward the idea that "language as a cultural resource and speech as a cultural practice should be studied."

Speaking about the anthropocentric nature of the language, Sh. Safarov interprets it as follows: "The system-structural paradigm eliminates the defects that arose as a result of the "atomistic" analysis of language phenomena separately and separately from the comparative-historical paradigm that arose before it. took the way to do. The main result of the system-structural approach is to prove that language is a systematic phenomenon. Nevertheless, it also became clear that these two paradigms have a common flaw: in these directions, language has become separated from its owner - man. Attempts to overcome this deficiency led to the creation of pragmatic and cognitive linguistics paradigms" [4:35] Yu.N. Speaking about language and man, Karaulov states that "behind any text is a specific person who owns linguistic systems" [5:72]. In modern linguistics, the concept of "Language owner" is used in the following meanings: a person who performs speech activity in a specific language, that is, speech; a person who has the ability to compose and understand it, a person who uses language as a means of communication, a communicator, a person who has a vocabulary that reflects the national-cultural, spiritual values of his nation, and who manifests it; representative of a particular language. CONCLUSION

When a person is born, the process of knowing the world begins. The initial stages of knowledge of the world are mainly carried out non-verbally. For example, a child cannot have knowledge about a hot object without holding it, or a person who is ignorant of horticulture does not know which branch has fruit and which one has no fruit when shaping the trees in the garden. Therefore, a person learns about the world with the existence that surrounds him and acquires certain knowledge. History, culture, religion and, of course, geographical location play an important role in his knowledge of the world. As a result, his conceptual world is formed. Many scientists have explained in their research that the conceptual picture of the world is a dynamic phenomenon. Its dynamism is that its conceptual system expands as a result of constant striving and development throughout human life. And it categorizes and conceptualizes knowledge in its thinking. As a result, a conceptual picture of the universe is formed. The conceptual picture of the world will have a general and a specific character. The conceptual landscape of the world is verbalized and shows the linguistic landscape of the world.


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