LINGUOPRAGMATIC AND LINGUOCULTUROLOGICAL RESEARCH OF ANTHROPOCENTRIC UNITS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Narzullayeva Z.A.

Anthropocentrism is derived from the Greek word "anthropos" - "man", Latin. "centrum" - "center" - in this scientific direction, its main problem is man, who is the center of the universe. In anthropocentric scientific research, a person and everything related to him (society, nature, culture, knowledge, etc.) are considered in close connection with each other. Nowadays, various sciences (philosophy, ecology, linguistics, logic) are studying man in connection with their research object. In this article, there are thoughts and comments about the linguopragmatic and linguocultural research of anthropocentric units.

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Narzullayeva Z.A., master Linguistics: the direction of the English language Uzbekistan State World Languages University


Annotation: Anthropocentrism is derived from the Greek word "anthropos" - "man", Latin. "centrum" - "center" - in this scientific direction, its main problem is man, who is the center of the universe. In anthropocentric scientific research, a person and everything related to him (society, nature, culture, knowledge, etc.) are considered in close connection with each other. Nowadays, various sciences (philosophy, ecology, linguistics, logic) are studying man in connection with their research object. In this article, there are thoughts and comments about the linguopragmatic and linguocultural research of anthropocentric units.

Key words: anthropocentric, units, linguopragmatic, linguocultural, language tool, human thinking, direction, linguistics, society, human activity.

Without language, which is the primary tool of human activity, it is difficult to comprehend the whole range and essence of human action, as well as their cognitive systems. Language is the foundation for all other forms of human action, making it the primary activity of human souls. The anthropocentric school of linguistics looks closely at the nature of man in relation to language. The eminent German scientist, philosopher, and linguist Wilhelm Humboldt, who is regarded as the father of the philosophy of language, is credited with having first proposed the connection between language and human nature. According to the scientist, language is considered to be a continuous process of spiritual creative work, which determines the spiritual attitude of mankind to the world.

He describes language one of the variables that determines a person's spiritual and creative identity, their self-determination and inner self-development, paying particular attention to the significance of language in human knowledge. In his linguistic-philosophical works, Humboldt advanced the concept that language and the human spirit are indivisible, identical, and intimately connected, unity of time, and that the evolution of language is related to the inner world of human nature. "Language is the external manifestation of the soul of nations: the language of a nation is its soul, the soul of a nation is its language, and it is difficult to imagine anything like that".

According to the scientist, the spirit of the people has a leading position in this unity, and the very principle of language formation depends on the spirit of the people. "We must see in the spirit of the people a definite determining principle and basis which determines the differences of languages, for the

spiritual strength of a nation is the only most important and independent basis, on which language depends." At the same time, he expresses the idea that the spirit of the nation is manifested only through language: "Among all the manifestations of the spirit and character of the nation, only the language can express it uniquely and elegantly. The spirit of the nation and the verb -characteristics and their inner secrets." The assumptions put forward by the scientist are related to the fact that the essence of a person, his soul is based on language, that the interpretation of the world by a person is carried out in it, therefore, language is a way of thinking of people. These postulates form the theoretical basis of the anthropocentric paradigm and are the methodological basis for many scientific studies.

In anthropocentric studies, the evolution of human nature is taken into account in connection to individuals' intellectual prowess, attitude, and worldview. Language is a prerequisite for thinking, even in the complete isolation of mankind, according to W. Humboldt. But, this kind of language typically only emerges in social contexts, and people typically don't become conscious of their own language until they are confident that others can understand them. With this, W. Humboldt restores the balance between language and thinking in his theory. The scientist's idea about the relationship between language and thinking is reflected in the research work of Kazakh linguists. Thus, according to F. Orazboyeva, "despite the fact that human thinking and consciousness are complex mechanisms, it is impossible to express thoughts without language. Therefore, language is a means of knowing social objective reality and realizing it in reality".

The nature of the culturally relevant lexicon, which contains details about the unique style and lifestyle of the country as well as the nation's values, can be revealed with the aid of anthropocentric approaches (cognitive analysis, ethnolinguistic analysis). Language, which is the primary indicator of the cultural-cognitive worldview of a given nation, is the object of the anthropocentric direction now being developed in the discipline of linguistics. Theoretical-cognitive studies of the modern linguistic paradigm are becoming relevant in the conditions of the current era and are the main condition of modern scientific research.

"Linguocultural science is a science that analyzes the human, or rather the cultural component in a person", writes Telia about this. Hence, a set of accomplishments unique to the anthropological concept of man as a cultural phenomenon forms the core of linguo-cultural studies. "Linguculturalology is focused on the human factor, specifically the cultural factor in a person", claims G. G. Slishkin. The Center of Linguistic Culture's status as a cultural phenomenon suggests that the study of man is an anthropological paradigm phenomenon. Although a consensus has been reached regarding the object of study of linguistic and cultural studies, there are still some controversial views. For instance, linguocultural examines solely the synchronic link between

language and culture, according to V. N. Telia. According to V. A. Maslova, this field examines language in both synchronous and diachronic ways. In addition, V. N. Teliya emphasizes the universal nature of the target of linguo-cultural studies, whereas V. A. Maslova emphasizes the need to study the linguo-cultural characteristics of the language of a specific nation or group of sister nations independently.

Linguistics is currently one of the most developed directions in world, especially Russian linguistics, and a number of educational manuals have been created in this regard. According to linguists, the most famous among them is the study guide created by V.A. Maslova. In this study guide, the methods, object and subject, directions of the field of linguo-cultural studies are explained, examples of lingu-cultural analysis of a specific language unit are shown.

Study of the expression of concepts through language and culture. The language of creative and prose works is mostly examined in this; works are compared. The main comparisons between the Russian language's linguistic and cultural components and those of English, German, and French are linguocultural features of teaching. The major objective is to develop in students the capacity to recognize and assess language and cultural units. Studies in the linguistic and cultural approach began to appear in Uzbek linguistics in recent decades. For example, Z.I. Solieva's candidacy thesis is dedicated to the study of the national-cultural features of sentences in the Uzbek and French languages, that is, texts of a moral and educational nature.

As a result, linguo-cultural studies' subject of study and the learning challenges associated with speech culture are very different." Regarding the component of linguistic culture that is specifically related to the text, it should be noted that the text, along with other language units, is one of the research objects of the language. According to "Lingvokulturology" author V. A. Maslova, this is true: "The genuine nexus is between textual studies and culture. After all, the text is a dialectic and its highest level, and at the same time it is also a form of action of cultural existence. Lingvokulturology studies language as an embodiment of cultural values.

V.A. Maslova's opinion about similes - texts, in particular, is noteworthy. The scientist once again dwells on the place of similes in the analysis of the text, and says that they perform a structural-compositional function in the text and have the status of a tool that ensures the coherence of the text. As a result of the observations, it can be said that similes and metaphors, which are its shortened form, acquire important cognitive-semantic importance in the text, and can also be a phenomenon that shows aspects specific to the national-cultural thinking of the speakers of the language.

Simile and metaphoric texts also give readers the chance to spot standardized text types in a given language (they can also be evaluated as precedent forms of the text). The problem of prior text is another text-related

subject in linguistics and culture. According to scholar Artemova, antecedent genres serve as "accumulators" of cultural knowledge.

It is well known that the idea of the world's linguistic landscape, introduced to linguistics by L. Weisgerber, holds a special place in the linguistic community. The world's linguistic landscape is a structure of reality perception imprinted in language and unique to a particular linguistic community. It is both a universal and simultaneously uniquely national way of perceiving and conceptualizing the world. Each natural language is a unique linguistic landscape of the world. In our opinion, the study of text-similes, text-metaphors, and texts containing precedent units, standards, and speech labels is the most important source for creating a scientific interpretation of the linguistic landscape of the world specific to a particular ethnic group.

One of the primary areas of study in linguo-cultural studies, one of the key fields in language system research, are precedent units. The term precedent was used for the first time in linguistics in an article written by N. Karaulov and published in Russian, according to the studies devoted to these units. Personal names, reliable expressions, sentences, and texts that are well-known to some speakers and are kept in their linguistic memory and are frequently referred to in speech activity are documented as antecedent units in Russian linguistics.

In conclusion, anthropocentric research based on the consideration of language as a dialectical phenomenon is aimed at determining the impact of language on human essence, its ability to think and lifestyle, and on the contrary, to determine the impact of man on language. Identifying the human factor in language. The experience gathered by each nation is currently organized with other scientific areas that confirm the interdisciplinary nature of modern scientific fields: "language and perception," "language and ethnos", as a way of experiencing the world and realizing the real world. Language and psychology; language and culture. The two fields of study were combined to create new fields of applied linguistics, such as cognitive linguistics, ethnolinguistics, psycholinguistics, sociolinguistics, etc. At the moment, each of these disciplines has a limited study aim and subject as well as its own unique scientific and disciplinary character.


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