Научная статья на тему 'The analysis of ecological safety of inorganic nitrogen-containing compounds in drinking water and in crop products'

The analysis of ecological safety of inorganic nitrogen-containing compounds in drinking water and in crop products Текст научной статьи по специальности «Химические науки»

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Ключевые слова
hydrochemical analysis / standarts / nitrates / nitrogen-containing compounds / concentration / foodstuff / drinking water / fluoride ion
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The hydrochemical analysis of ecological safety of inorganic nitrogen-containing compounds in drinking water and the chemical analysis of ecological safety of inorganic nitrogen-containing compounds in crop products were carried.

Текст научной работы на тему «The analysis of ecological safety of inorganic nitrogen-containing compounds in drinking water and in crop products»

YflK 621.863.2


Bespalova M. V., master of KHNADU, Voronova E. M., ass. prof., Jurchenko V. O.,


Summery. The hydrochemical analysis of ecological safety of inorganic nitrogen-containing compounds in drinking water and the chemical analysis of ecological safety of inorganic nitrogen-containing compounds in crop products were carried.

Keywords. Hydrochemical analysis, standarts, nitrates, nitrogen-containing compounds, concentration, foodstuff, drinking water, fluoride ion.


Water and foodstuff quality influence on the population health. The presence of different admixtures namely elements and compounds is limited by water standards. The excess of these concentrations leads to abnormalities of men's health. Inorganic nitrogen compounds contained both in drinking water and foodstuff consumed everyday harm a human organism most of all. That is why the monitoring of nitrates, nitrites and ammonium nitrogen as well as the developing of methods of decreasing the content of nitrogen- containing compounds in drinking water and foodstuff is necessary for safeguarding and supporting population health.

The aim of the work was to study the content of inorganic nitrogen compounds of drinking water consumption and in crop products in Kharkiv according to seasons. The analysis of water and crop production samples was carried out by methods recommended in normative documents. Drinking water quality assessment was carried out in accordance with State Standards Specification No. 2874-82 and State Sanitary Rules and Standards «Fresh water...» (1997). Nitrates concentration in crop products (in terms of quantity) was determined with sodium sulfosalicylate and nitrites concentration (in

terms of quality) was determined with a naphthylamine after the prior samples preparation in accordance with standard methods.

The tasks of the work were as follows:

- To analyze the ecology toxic danger caused by inorganic nitrogen compounds at their heightened content in drinking waters and crop products;

- To carry out a chemical analysis of drinking waters (water from wells, water of central water supply system and bottled water) and crop products of different seasons (spring and autumn cucumbers, spring parsley, spring tomato and cabbage) consumed by Kharkivites;

- To estimale the ecological danger level of the studied drinking water and crop products;

- To develope recommendations for increasing of ecological safety level of fresh waters and crop production consumed by Kharkivites.

The hydrochemical analysis of drinking water

For the object of research the following items have been chosen: water from central water supply system, water from wells in Kharkiv,

bottled waters («Bonaqua», «Morshinska», «Staryi Myrgorod»), vegetable foodstuffs: spring and autumn cucumbers, spring parsley, spring tomatoes and cabbage.

As a result of the hydrochemical analysis of tap water (tab.1) the following results were obtained: according to water hardness and alkalinity it conforms to State Standards Specification No. 2874-82 and State Sanitary Rules and Standards «Fresh water...» (1997). Nitrogen compounds (nitrates, nitrites and ammonium nitrogen) are not found in any sample of the examined water.

The Hydrochemical analysis of ground waters showed that water «721» which was popular in Kharkiv contained a rather low concentration of calcium and magnesium controlled by the index of «hardness». Alkalinity of this water is also low but is in the normalizing index range. Fluorides concentration is at the top of the norm. The water of a confined well of 50 m deep does not respond to State Sanitary Rules and Standards «Fresh water.»: alkalinity here is very low and fluorides are not found. In water of the well nitrates concentration is at the top of permissible limit, fluorides are not found so violating the requirements. Inorganic nitrogen-containing compounds are not found in any sample of the tested waters.

The analysis showed that according to the alkalinity index it conformed to the requirements of regulations but its value approached the inferior limit of the norm. Hardness is lower than the inferior limit especially in «Staryi Myrgorod» however fluoride ion concentration conforms to the norm. Nitrogen-containing compounds are not found in any tested bottled water.

At the deficiency of calcium content in a human organism such illness as caries progresses but high fluoride ions content such illness as fluorosis progresses.

The chemical analysis of crop products

The chemical analysis of crop products showed the following: exceeding of permissible limit of concentrations in spring cucumbers constitutes 12,9 times, in autumn cucumbers - 1,4 times. Nitrites were found in spring cucumbers.

Exceeding of the permissible limit of nitrates concentrations in spring parsley constitutes 25,9. Nitrites have not been found.

Exceeding of permissible limit of nitrates concentrations in autumn cabbage is by 15 times, and in autumn tomatoes - 5,3 times. Nitrites have not been found.

The principal disease caused by high concentrations of nitrogen-containing compounds in vegetable foodstuffs is methemoflobinemia.

Table 1 - Results of the hydrochemical analysis of drinking water

Drinking waters

c^ Tap water Bottled waters

o C3 PH s dnat J3 v e e s o Saltivka «Bonaqua» «Morshinska» Myrgorod»«Staryi

Hardness, mg-ekv/dm3 1,57 2,4 2,3 1,3 1,2 0,5

Alkalinity, mg-ekv/dm3 0,56,5 4,7 6,2 1,6 2,6 1,9

Nitrates, mg/dm3 45,0 0 0 0 0 0

Nitrites, mg/dm3 - 0 0 0 0 0

Ammonium nitrogen, mg/dm3 0 0 0 0 0

Fluoride ion, mg/dm3 0,71,5 0 0 0,7 0 8,5


As a result of the work done the following

conclusions were drawn:

1. In waters of central water supply system of Kharkiv inorganic nitrogen compounds are not found.

2. In ground waters from wells inorganic nitrogen compounds are not found, in waters from wells nitrogen content is at the top limit of the norm.

3. In examined bottled waters inorganic nitrogen compounds are not found but a high content of fluoride ions is found in water «Staryi Myrgorod», hardness of all

bottled waters and waters from wells is lower than the inferior limit.

4. Nitrates nitrogen content in spring vegetable foodstuff as well as in autumn vegetable foodstuff exceeds the permissible values considerably. High exceeding of nitrates is found in spring parsley (25,44 times).

5. Nitrates are found in spring cucumbers.

6. On the basis of the obtained results it is necessary to recommend:

- To compensate calcium deficiency that can be caused by permanent consumption of waters from wells and bottled waters a correcting diet is necessary (dairy products, special medicines) or dilution with drinking waters reach in calcium;

- To avoid fluorosis (heightened content of fluoride ions in organism that can be caused by permanent usage of drinking water «Staryi Myrgorod») it is recommended to dilute this water with drinking water free of fluorides for example «Morshinska» or tap water;

- To decrease high nitrates concentrations it is necessary to provide the following measures: while consuming vegetables accumulating nitrates it is important to dilute nitrates and if to consume only in small doses. Nitrates content can be decreased by means of soaking, boiling products (if broth is not used) that helping to remove a great quantity of nitrates.


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Рецензент: Анисимова , Статья поступила в редакцию

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