Abstract. The author describes the use of methods for the formation of technical creativity scientific thinking of high school students and students of professional educational organizations. The author views the theory of inventive problem solving based on the algorithm of inventive problem solving (ARIZ) and simplified algorithms of creative tasks, which absorbed the basic steps of ARIZ. Keywords: TRIZ, creative pedagogics, open-type tasks, KIP
PhD in Pedagogics, Associate Professor at the chair of pedagogy, Moscow State Industrial University
Nowadays innovations in pedagogy are aimed at avoiding the reproductive scheme of students' cognitive activity at every level of traditionally established educational system, including school. The difficulty of avoiding the reproductive scheme in pedagogical practice is related to the false step, which researchers make, while choosing the investigation object. This fact entailed the grave methodological mistakes and later - the mistakes and miscalculations in the mass teaching practice. According to A. Novikov, for a long time the subject of didactic and methodological research was the formation of knowledge, skills and abilities, and " was the biggest blunder of all native pedagogy".
That is why, the large number of emerging innovations in modern pedagogy is justified, and its positive impact on the educational level of students is the goal of innovation. One of the innovations is the use of technical creativity methods, which form the natural and scientific thinking of high school students and students of professional educational organizations.
The key point in technical creativity is the theory of inventive problem solving (TRIZ or TIPS), based on the algorithm of inventive problem solving (ARIZ). The algorithm defines the sequence of actions with problem solver tools and includes 9 large parts, 40 steps, 44 notes, and 11 rules.
Classic ARIZ is intended for engineersm, who know the general ideas of TRIZ and the laws of natural sciences. Therefore, the use of ARIZ for solving problem situations, which do not belong to the technical world, is problematic. There are simplified algorithms of creative tasks, which include the basic steps of ARIZ.
As the industry, TRIZ has the stage of procurement of raw materials for future solvation - the analysis of the problem situation and identification of its components, their properties and the extent of their use. In industry, the image of the future product sets a "drawing". In TRIZ, the ideal final result (IFR) is the image (the ideal model) of future solutions.
Each industry has a place of raw materials transformation into a new product. In TRIZ, the steps of decision receiving algorithm perform this function.
In any shop, there is quality control of a manufactured product and total quality management system. TRIZ also have quality control solutions. G.S. Altshuller speaks of "the beautiful solution", "the strong solution". In the seventh part of ARIZ there is the check of the solution quality. The main contradiction should be eliminated practically "without anything". Identification and use of available resources (time, space, matter and energy, composition, structure and properties of objects) provide closeness to the ideal solution.
In the ninth part of ARIZ there is the analyses of the course of solving the problem, aimed at improvement of the decision-making process. The master of TRIZ understands the historical rule of human displacement in the production system:
- First, as a source of energy for propulsion of the tool;
- Then, as the source for the machine-gun commands;
- Finally, as a source of random solutions by the algorithm, accumulating the minds of many generations of engineers.
We affirm, TRIZ is an intellectual technology for solutions production in any field. Here are the main components of the "production process", carried out by a trained specialist:
1) section of "raw material" blanking - analysis of a problem situation, identifying the existing and missing components, as well as defects in them (in TRIZ terminology "adverse effects" and contradictions);
2) section of "design" of the image (model) of future solution - Ideal final result (IFR);
3) section of solution production from the components of the situation of resources, opportunities, existing in the system and around it;
4) section of quality control of obtained solution by using the laws of technical systems;
5) section of improvement of the production solution process.
Thus, the classical ARIZ, proposed by G.S. Altshuller, is intended for engineers, who are familiar with the general ideas of TRIZ and the laws of natural science disciplines. Therefore, the use of ARIZ for solution the problem situations, not taken from the engineering world, is difficult, and the development of ARIZ can be regarded as the highest stage of TRIZ application in practice [2-4].
There are simplified algorithms for creative tasks, which have incorporated the basic steps of ARIZ. [5]
Among the simplified algorithms of creative tasks we can consider the algorithm, consisting of ten steps. To solve this algorithm we should answer the following questions.
1. What is the ultimate goal of solving the problem?
2. What should be the ideal final result of the goal?
3. What can hinder the solvation?
4. What causes the hindrances?
5. What could be the ways of solving the problem?
6. What is the power to solve the problem?
7. What typical methods can be used?
If there is no solution after six steps, you need to search the parameter, negatively affecting the receipt of acceptable solutions, and choose it from the Altshuller tables of resolving contradictions [6].
Steps from 8 to 10 are used for the application of methods, which solve the physical contradictions, and system operators.
Thus, the simplified algorithm for solving the creative problems (as proposed above) can be used for targeted scientific thinking forming.
1. Novikov A.M. Methodology education. Second edition. - M.: "Egves", 2006. - 488 p.
2. Utemov V.V. Development of innovative thinking of students by solving open / / Concept. - 2012. - № 12 (December). - ART 12186. - URL:
3. Utemov V.V. Methodology development creativity basic school students / / Concept. - 2012. - № 1 (January). - ART 1202. -URL:
4. Utemov V.V. Adapted methods of scientific creativity in teaching mathematics / / Concept. - 2012. - № 7 (July). - ART 12095. - URL: 2012/12095.htm.
5. Mikhailov V.A. Gorev P., Utemov VV Scientific creativity: design methods for new ideas: studies. Allowance. - Kirov Univ MTSITO, 2014. - 88 p.
6. Zinovkina M.M., gArEEV R. T., P. Gorev, Utemov VV Scientific creativity: innovative methods in multilevel continuous creative education NFTM-TRIZ: Proc. allowance. - Kirov Univ VyatGGU, 2013. - 109 p.
Abstract. The authors present the activities of the chair of pedagogy at the specialists training and retraining department in Rostov State Medical University on the implementation of the modern approaches to the functioning of the system of continuous education and to the solvation of the problem of vocational and educational training of specialized universities teachers.
Keywords: continuous education, further education, professional standard of university teachers
PhD in Pedagogics, head of the chair of pedagogy, Rostov State Medical University
PhD in Pedagogics, Senior lecturer, the chair of pedagogy, Rostov State Medical University
The scale and pace of modern transformations determine the necessity of the society in the knowledge, and the higher education and researches act as the essential components of cultural, socio-economic and environmentally sustainable development of human, communities and nations.
issue 2 2014