THE ADVANTAGE OF A CREDIT-MODULAR SYSTEM OF TRAINING IN MEDICAL UNIVERSITIES Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
credit / credit-modular system / modular training / block / innovation / advanced standards / advantages and disadvantages / implementation / medical disciplines.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Oripov Firdavs Suratovich, Dexkanova Nilufar Tashpulatovna

this article is devoted to the introduction of credit-modular education in medical universities of the Republic of Uzbekistan; the advantages of the credit-modular system in the educational process of medical students are shown. In addition, the author provides information on the traditional curriculum development module, highlighting the advantages and disadvantages of modern and traditional curriculums for medical students.

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MEDICAL UNIVERSITIES Oripov F.S.1, Dexkanova N.T.2

1Oripov Firdavs Suratovich - Docent;


Abstract: this article is devoted to the introduction of credit-modular education in medical universities of the Republic of Uzbekistan; the advantages of the credit-modular system in the educational process of medical students are shown. In addition, the author provides information on the traditional curriculum development module, highlighting the advantages and disadvantages of modern and traditional curriculums for medical students.

Keywords: credit, credit-modular system, modular training, block, innovation, advanced standards, advantages and disadvantages, implementation, medical disciplines.

The education system in Uzbekistan is becoming dynamically developing and able to adequately respond to the accelerating global processes of globalization and informatization. In order to determine the priority directions of systemic reform of higher education in the Republic of Uzbekistan, raising to a qualitatively new level the process of training self-thinking highly qualified personnel with modern knowledge and high spiritual and moral qualities, modernization of higher education, development of the social sphere and economic sectors based on advanced educational technologies, a decree was adopted by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh.M.Mirziyoyev "On approval of the Concept of development of the higher education system of the Republic of Uzbekistan for the period up to 2030" dated October 8, 2019 №. DP-5847 provides for a phased transition to the introduction of advanced standards of higher education [1].

The objectives of implementing the credit-modular system are to expand access to higher education, increase the mobility of students and teachers and orientation of curricula and programs to obtain qualifications in demand in the labor market. This system is attractive because it ensures the comparability of curricula of various universities and contributes to the harmonization of education systems with European countries.

In our country, over the past years, the educational system has been gradually switching to a credit-modular system of education and there are already positive results. Examples are branches of foreign universities in the republic and domestic universities that carry out the educational process with the introduction of international standards. This experience is being gradually implemented in national universities. For example, in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan №. DP-5349 dated 19.02.2018. "On measures to further improve the sphere of information technologies and communications", the Tashkent Medical Academy is gradually transitioning to a credit education system from the 2018-2019 academic year [2]. Also, such universities as the National, Law Universities, the University of Oriental Studies and the Tashkent University of Information Technologies (TUIT) have started working in this direction. One of the advantages of introducing a credit system of education in these universities is that it complements and supports national standards of qualifications.

Modular training is the organization of the educational process in which educational information is divided into modules (completed and independent units, parts of information).

A module is a block of information that includes a logically completed unit of educational material, a target action program and methodological guidance that ensures the achievement of the set goals. The concept of a module contains "such a volume of educational material, thanks to which the initial acquisition of some theoretical and practical skills for performing any specific work is ensured." The essence of modular training is that the content of training is structured into autonomous organizational and methodological blocks-modules, the content and volume of which can vary depending on the didactic goals, profile and level differentiation of students, and the desires of students to choose an individual trajectory for the training course.

The credit-modular system of the educational process organization is a model of the educational process organization, which is based on the combination of modular learning technologies and credit credits or credit educational units. The organization and execution of the educational process is a multifaceted and complex system of action and interaction. Attention in the credit-modular system is focused on two of its characteristics:

- on the independent work of students;

- on the management of a credit-modular system for the organization of the educational process and a rating system for evaluating students' academic achievements.

A modular educational program is a set of modules aimed at mastering certain competencies necessary for the assignment of qualifications. Competence is the aggregate level of knowledge, skills and professional

training (competencies) acquired by a student in the course of training and for successful activity in a particular field. The purpose of introducing a credit-modular system is to create flexible educational structures, both in terms of content and organization of training, "guaranteeing satisfaction of the needs available at the moment and determining the vector of new interest." The main task of the credit-modular system of education is the selection of new forms and methods of teaching that allow not just to give the necessary knowledge, but to include the student in the system of continuing professional education and self-education. The purpose of the development of the educational program is the acquisition by the student of certain competencies, the means of their formation is the module as an independent unit of the educational program, and the system of accounting for the complexity of training is credits (credits) accrued for the development of each module.

In contrast to the traditional approach to learning, focused mainly on the transfer of knowledge, the modular approach is aimed at achieving a certain professional competence through independent activity.

With a credit-modular system of education, university students always have the opportunity to get help and advice, and, if necessary, an assessment of their activities from a teacher and other students. This will allow students to develop such a quality as collectivism, and will contribute to the acquisition of teamwork skills.

The main task that the credit-modular training system is designed to solve is the transition from information-informing training to modeling and shaping future professional activity, as well as the transition to active forms that allow training a doctor who is able to quickly adapt to changing conditions, see problems and directions of medical development, develop and professionally make optimal decisions.

The credit-modular training system provides the possibility of rapid and adequate correction of educational programs in accordance with the requirements of medical science, the possibility of creating new programs based on existing ones and their adaptation to the level of existing training of students. This system helps to increase the activity of not only students (increasing their motivation to acquire knowledge), but also teachers, forcing them to improve their pedagogical skills.

The credit-modular training system is aimed at achieving the most effective result in the assimilation of knowledge, the formation of professional and personal qualities of future specialists and should be considered as a prospect for improving the educational process in higher educational institutions.

The implementation of a credit-modular system will contribute to the resolution of important tasks of higher education in Uzbekistan:

> adaptation of the ideas of ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) to the higher education system of Uzbekistan in order to ensure the mobility of students in the learning process and the flexibility of training specialists depending on the rapidly changing requirements of the national and international labor market;

> providing students with the opportunity to receive education according to an individual program formed according to the requirements of customers and the wishes of students, which contributes to their self-development and preparation for life in a free democratic state;

> stimulating participants in the educational process in order to achieve high quality higher education;

> standardize the procedure for obtaining a professional qualification by a student in accordance with the labor market.

With a credit-modular training system, a student, having a work plan and a bank of information, as well as methodological recommendations for achieving the set learning goals, can independently master certain sections of the curriculum. Thus, during the transition to a credit-modular system of education at a higher technical educational institution, there will be an increase in the importance of independent work in the educational process, and this, in turn, will require increased independence, creative initiative and activity of future specialists.

"In our opinion, one of the most important features of the Ministry of Higher Education is that the basis of personal education is not a pedagogical, but an educational process. This means that a student can and should acquire and comprehend the necessary information himself, by all means, from any source" [3].

The fundamental principles of the organization of student training in a higher medical institution include the study by students of a large number of theoretical and clinical disciplines, which are taught at various departments of the higher educational institution. The traditional model of building a curriculum has both its disadvantages and advantages.

The disadvantages of traditional training of medical university students include the following: overly detailed study of fundamental disciplines; overload of curricula (teachers of all departments strive to give the student as much as possible in-depth knowledge of each discipline studied); lack of holistic knowledge about the physiological and pathological characteristics of a person by the end of their studies at a higher medical institution.

The advantages of traditional student education include: teaching students various disciplines at special departments; students' training begins with basic disciplines and ends with applied, begins with theoretical and fundamental disciplines and ends with clinical.

The advantage of the traditional higher medical school has always been that it is aimed at in-depth clinical training of students. With the traditional method, a lot of time is devoted to teaching students "at the bedside"; to demonstrating and analyzing clinical cases; to mastering practical skills; to conducting classes with specialized patients and in the operating room, which contributes to the formation of the basics of clinical thinking in a graduate of a medical university.

Modern teaching of medical disciplines has approached the moment when there was a need to create modern technologies that ensure the development of the personality of each student and his activity. There was a need to create such learning conditions so that the student aspired to get new results of his work. The student's creative activity depends on his rethinking of his activities, which should lead him to change his attitude to study and set higher goals. The training should be purposeful, i.e. pedagogical technologies should provide stimulation of the student's inner activity, the ability to assimilate a large amount of material in accordance with his interests and abilities. At the same time, the process of studying educational disciplines according to module programs in each academic period should provide for an intermediate or final control of the level of knowledge of students [6]. The main goal of the modern higher medical school is to create a training system that would satisfy the educational needs of each student in accordance with his inclinations, abilities, interests and opportunities.

Due to the rapid development of medical science, the development and introduction of new technologies into clinical practice in modern conditions, there are increased requirements for the quality of training of graduates of medical higher educational institutions.

An important incentive for the modernization of higher medical education is the increasing competition between various educational and medical institutions. There is a need for further improvement of the educational process at the higher medical school in order to train competitive doctors who are able to work in modern conditions.

Currently, more and more teachers believe that a credit modular system can be used to achieve a higher quality of education in a higher medical educational institution.

The practical and scientific significance of the modular learning system is as follows:

• it combines both new approaches to learning and traditions of combined classes;

• it has integrated many of the experience of pedagogical theory and practice;

• allows students to avoid severe stress; with a modular learning system, the student himself operates with the educational content of the material being studied, which leads to a conscious and deeper assimilation of the material; this training system has a wide range of internal development, and also provides flexibility and adaptation to individual needs, support the level of basic training and creates conditions for the development of thinking, memory, creative abilities of students.

• in the modular system, students have the right to choose their own selected subjects, because the selected consists of subjects (2 subjects) and students can choose one subject of their choice.

The advantages of the modular learning system include the following:

- a clear structure of the course and its ordering;

- students are directed from their first year to a profession in their chosen field

- an individual approach to the training of the listener;

- the development of productive thinking; activation of cognitive activity;

- flexibility in providing information;

- the possibility of self-control of learning by the student;

- the cumulative principle of evaluating the student's work;

- the possibility of not only self-control, but also self-assessment;

- the formation of independence;

- the formation of a subjective position in educational activities;

- the possibility of adapting the content to qualification requirements;

- flexible schedule of assimilation of the content of the studied disciplines;

- on the cumulative principle in self-assessment.

The implementation of a credit modular system will contribute to the improvement of the educational process at a medical university, as it will allow for the transition from information-informing training to modeling and formative training, which determines the future professional activity of a doctor. The transition to active forms will allow training a doctor who will be able to quickly adapt to changing conditions (improvement of information medical technologies).

The use of a credit modular training system in the educational activities of medical universities will contribute to improving the quality of doctor training, because it will enable teachers to better manage the activities of students in the process of training, and students to work more independently (if necessary, you can get advice from teachers) and master the studied material themselves when working with the primary source and additional literature.


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