THE ACTUALITY OF THE PRINCIPLE OF CONSISTENCY IN THE TEACHING OF PHYSICS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Kuchkarova Mukaddas

The article discusses the role of the principle of consistency in the teaching of physics and its importance. The application of the principle of consistency in the teaching of physics has been shown to form the core of important didactic research. It has been found that in the teaching process, it allows students to develop the skills to apply didactic principles appropriate to them. Since didactic principles apply to a common goal, it has been shown to be a key project that defines the content, form, and methods of the teaching process. The principle of coherence is given in the teaching of physics at different stages of education as the principle of correct distribution of teaching materials, the implementation of the necessary connections between them, and this is a step-by-step development.

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Section 1. Pedagogy


Kuchkarova Mukaddas, Teacher of Physical and mathematics faculty Andijan State University E-mail: prof_sirojiddin@mail.ru


Abstract. The article discusses the role of the principle of consistency in the teaching of physics and its importance. The application of the principle of consistency in the teaching of physics has been shown to form the core of important didactic research. It has been found that in the teaching process, it allows students to develop the skills to apply didactic principles appropriate to them. Since didactic principles apply to a common goal, it has been shown to be a key project that defines the content, form, and methods of the teaching process. The principle of coherence is given in the teaching of physics at different stages of education as the principle of correct distribution of teaching materials, the implementation of the necessary connections between them, and this is a step-by-step development.

Keywords: principle of consistency, didactics, consistency, system of continuous education, didactic principle.

As a result of the rapid development of science and technology in the republic due to the increasing flow of information, retention of information should be trained to deliver the consistent application of the principle of the educational process of the formation of theoretical knowledge, practical skills training q adoption of educational materials in various important factors in improving the efficiency of education is considered [1, 62-69]. The Action Strategy for the five priority areas of development of the Republic of Uzbekistan states: to stimulate research and innovation activities, to create an effective mechanism for the implementation of scientific and innovative practices, to establish specialized scientific and experimental laboratories, high-tech centers and technology parks at

universities and research institutes ..." is one of the important tasks [2, 18-26].

Updating the content of education, raising the level of knowledge, continuous improvement of teaching methods, increasing demands on the quality of knowledge of the trained staff require the teacher to constantly replenish and update their knowledge and methodological skills.

The purpose of teaching physics in the system of continuing education is to educate, nurture and develop students. At the same time, one of the most important methodological issues in physics is to identify the content, structure and program of the course, textbooks, manuals and tools related to its teaching and find ways to use them effectively in the teaching process.

Section 1. Pedagogy

Principles of teaching - teaching plans of the organization, management ideas. They will be in the form of general guidelines, requirements, plans, norms that regulate teaching. The principles of teaching are derived from the basic laws of teaching.

The laws of teaching - events in education are necessary and objective, meaningful and repetitive connections. They mainly represent the connections between the main elements of the teaching process: the teaching process and society demand, the purpose and theme of teaching, teaching technology and its elements and conditions, training outcome concentration and verification, etc. Training in the laws of the plants consists of [3, 98-106]:

The learning process: - the compliance of society with the needs of each student, the performance of the functions of education, upbringing and development, the suitability of students for real learning opportunities and external opportunities that affect the process.

The teaching and learning process must be in close connection with each other, subject to pedagogical laws:

- the content of teaching is directly related to the purpose of teaching, which in turn is determined by the needs of society, the development of science, the capabilities of students and external conditions;

- Forms of teaching organization depend on the purpose, content and methods of teaching;

- provides the correct connection and structured conditions between all components of the training process, its positive outcome;

- teaching should be carried out in accordance with the psychological characteristics of the student, personal comfort, the level of future development.

To enhance these laws in the teaching process, it is necessary to equip students with didactic principles appropriate to them. Since didactic principles apply to a common goal, they are a key project that defines the content, form, and methods of the teaching process. In other words, the didactic principle is a way of applying in practice the basic laws and laws of

the teaching process. This means that a clear project and clear plans emerge from each didactic principle.

Training should be carried out in accordance with the psychological characteristics of the demand, personal comfort, and the level of future development.

In the process of didactic development, didactic principles are analyzed, supplemented and modified. Some didactic principles are changed, some disappear, and new principles emerge instead. In particular, Comenius considered the principle of harmony with nature as the main didactic principle. At that time, he also established other principles. A. Dis-terveg, on the other hand, indicated that special requirements should be placed on didactic principles.

At present, all didactic principles have been analyzed and redesigned in accordance with the needs of society and pedagogical achievements.

They consist of the following effective didactic principles:

- the consciousness and activity;

- demonstration;

- systematic and sequential;

- durability;

- reliability;

- scientific;

- linking theory with practice;

- consistency;

- historical;

Among these principles, we will look at the content of the principle of consistency.

The training of highly qualified physics teachers in higher education institutions requires them to fully understand and comprehend the scientific basis of the physics course in secondary schools, academic lyceums and vocational colleges, the sequence between physics and its teaching at different stages. However, the row, this question was satisfactory wrong to say a little orange settings would be. This is because it is not possible to have a clear idea of how the theories being studied will be explained in terms of the stages of teaching. Dynamic laws occupy a central place in their physical worldview,

and there is almost no room for probable statistical laws. The reason for such shortcomings is the failure to take into account the principle of consistency, which is one of the important principles of didactics in the teaching of general physics, theoretical physics and methods of teaching physics in higher education.

In essence, the principle of consistency implies the correct distribution of teaching materials in the teaching of physics at different stages of education, the implementation of the necessary connections between them, and its gradual development.

The application of the principle of consistency in the learning process can be based on the following [4, 66-79]:

- the concept of continuity reflects the real existing development in nature, society and human thinking, describes the relationship in development and its development. Since didactics is a theory of teaching and learning, it is also a didactic principle relevant to this development;

since consistency is a philosophical category, it is also associated with other categories. For scientific work of didactic nature, the ability to analyze the interrelationships of the concepts of consistency and generalization, consistency and interdisciplinary connection, consistency and systematization is especially important;

- since development has quantitative and qualitative indicators, it is necessary to study the types of sequences in accordance with the level of development of knowledge, based on the relationship between the concepts of sequencing and generaliza-

tion. That is, this method can be applied to scientific research of didactic content;

- the principle of consistency is considered as an important methodological principle in pedagogical and didactic research. Summarizing all available ideas, consistency can be described as follows: "Consistency in teaching represents an important link between the stages of development of knowledge, skills and abilities, the knowledge gained in the previous stage of training is preserved and applied in the next stage. Old and new knowledge will unite and become one."

Thus, consistency in the teaching of physics should take into account not only the development of basic concepts and theories at different stages of teaching, but also the inverse relationship. This is the essence of involvement in the reverse - in various stages of physical concepts, laws and theories ofteaching students to study the consistency of the activities of the formation of their students would be able to apply it more effective. This, in turn, leads to a deeper mastery of the teaching material in the physical context, and in the future creates a solid foundation for a more perfect mastery of the physics course in higher education. In short, it will lead to a spiral growth of students 'knowledge of physics in the future.

The principle of consistency in the learning process is based on:

- qualitative formation of knowledge by changing the active work of students at the initial stage of acquisition of knowledge;

- ensure that all elements of knowledge and definitions of physical quantities are memorized at all stages of learning and used at the right time.


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