The achamity of the managed independent work of students in the process of teaching phthisiology
Nargiza Toirjonovna Mamatova Zafar Xakimovich Jumaev Shirin Khayrulloevna Akhtamova Samarkand State Medical University
Abstract: The assimilation of knowledge by students is a process of transforming the foundations of science, that is, the systematized experience of mankind, into personal property, into a tool of thinking and practical activity. Since the main goal of education is the acquisition by students of deep knowledge, skills, and abilities and the maximum development of their cognitive abilities, the identification of conditions that allow solving these problems becomes an urgent problem in higher education pedagogy. In other words, an important problem is to determine methods and forms of organizing student learning that make it possible to increase its effectiveness.
Keywords: knowledge, education, student, framework.
In the literature, there are various approaches to the interpretation of the concept of "independent work" and related definitions, so we will make a small terminological digression. By independent work of students, we mean purposeful, internally motivated, activities of students to master their chosen specialty, organized in a higher educational institution. Thus, this activity is distinguished by the presence of two components:
1. Individual work of students due to the motivation, value systems, and personality guidelines of each student;
2. A system for controlling the cognitive process on the part of teachers.
The assimilation of knowledge by students is a process of transforming the foundations of science, that is, the systematized experience of mankind, into personal property, into a tool of thinking and practical activity. Since the main goal of education is the acquisition by students of deep knowledge, skills, and abilities and the maximum development of their cognitive abilities, the identification of conditions that allow solving these problems becomes an urgent problem in higher education pedagogy [12,15,19,37]. In other words, an important problem is to determine methods and forms of organizing student learning that make it possible to increase its effectiveness. Guided independent work of students is an organizational form of the educational process (along with lectures, laboratory, and practical classes), carried
out by the student under the guidance, but without the direct participation of the teacher, in time specially allocated for this purpose (classroom and extracurricular). The peculiarity of students' independent educational work is that it sets itself two tasks at the same time: 1. Formation of teaching methods (for example, different types of work with literature, etc.);
2. Application of these techniques to master professional knowledge, skills, and abilities. At the same time, it must be borne in mind that the assimilation of educational techniques must precede the use of these techniques to acquire professional experience. Independent work is not the independence of students in mastering educational material, but a special system of learning conditions, which must be organized by the teacher. One of the principles of organizing this form of work is that as students learn, their independence should increase [1,17,22,38]. If at the initial stages of training a comprehensive and complete organization of students' independent work is necessary, then at subsequent stages such regulation is reduced and management becomes a function of the student himself. Independent work of students has its own goals, subordinated to the general goals of learning. For this, the teacher selects special literature, determines appropriate scientifically based methods and techniques of educational work, and, finally, reasonable time must be allocated. Planned and organized independent work should be carried out in direct connection with forms of training under the direct supervision of the teacher. An important means of activating independent work is the variety of its types. You cannot limit tasks to mechanical repetition of material from a textbook or study guide. To give independent work a creative character, it should include preparing independent conclusions, studying additional literature, and solving problems in several ways. This organizational form provides the teacher with ample opportunity to individualize teaching to the characteristics of individual students. Taking into account the didactic purpose of various types of independent work and the nature of student's cognitive activity when performing work independently, all tasks for independent work can be divided into three groups:
1.Tasks to understand new knowledge and actions;
2. Assignments to practice and consolidate new knowledge and actions;
3. Assignments to monitor the quality of assimilation of knowledge, skills, and abilities.
There are several general requirements that a teacher should follow when planning a system for students' independent work:
1.The system must take into account the specifics of the subject being studied;
2. The system of independent work should be a combination of various types of student work;
3. Each type of independent work included in the system must be uniquely defined and be a link in the overall chain of tasks;
4. Tasks for independent work should be constructed in order of increasing complexity as you move through the stages of training; this complication can go along the lines of increasing volume, complicating content, changing sources of knowledge, and methods of management and control;
5. Independent work should be combined with types of work under the direct supervision of a teacher, who should prepare students and equip them with the means for independent work;
6. The system of tasks for independent work should be built to consistently increase independence.
Organizing independent work for students under the guidance of a teacher is one of the most effective areas of the educational process, developing independent creative activity, which greatly stimulates the acquisition and consolidation of knowledge.
Guided independent work of students acquires particular relevance when studying special disciplines since it stimulates students to work with the necessary literature and develops decision-making skills. Managed independent work of students at the Department of Phthisiology is independent work performed by students on the instructions and with the methodological guidance of the teacher and controlled by him during classroom assignments, as well as using a remote form of control. The quantitative results of students' supervised independent work are taken into account as an integral part of the grade in the discipline within the framework of the rating system. Guided independent work of students in an academic discipline is recorded in the teacher's educational journal, indicating: the topic, date, and number of academic hours allocated for study in accordance with the curriculum.
The department of phthisiology uses the following type of organization of independent work, such as controlled independent work of students in the 5th year of the pediatric faculty when studying the academic discipline of "Phthisiology". Form of independent work: elaboration of questions on a topic submitted for independent study, writing an essay, preparing a multimedia presentation. Form of control: oral and/or written questioning, defense of an abstract, presentation.
Students are prepared to complete assignments during classroom (usually practical) sessions. It consists of explaining the content and methods of completing tasks, and developing skills in academic work (working with educational and reference literature, self-tests). Therefore, the task for self-preparation is not limited to just indicating the literature that needs to be mastered, the number of tasks and test tasks that need to be solved, and the methodology for preparing the presentation.
In conclusion, we can conclude that the effective use of guided independent work of students makes an important contribution to the learning process of students, the development of the main points of clinical thinking, the ability to use their knowledge and skills in further medical practice, the ability to work with literature, develop an order of analysis and action when making decisions specific diagnostic and treatment tasks.
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