Научная статья на тему 'Mobile testing in the system of higher medical education'

Mobile testing in the system of higher medical education Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Science and Education
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Ключевые слова
test / student / medical personnel / knowledge / education

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Nargiza Toirjonovna Mamatova, Baxrombek Abduvaliyevich Abduhakimov, Abduvaliy Abduhakimovich Ashurov

In recent years, innovative technologies have been increasingly used in the education system. This probably applies to a greater extent to the distance learning system. In some cases, a good distance learning program can almost completely replace the process of full-time education. At the same time, medical education is unique, and characterized by significant conservatism. Indeed, replacing practical training in a clinical specialty with correspondence courses is almost impossible today. However, this does not mean that certain parts of such training cannot be used in the preparation of a medical student with good efficiency. In this regard, there are various possibilities, but the testing function is most in demand. The emergence of distance learning, and in particular the MOODLE system, made it possible to approach the solution of these problems. The second important condition for fulfilling this task was the fact that students widely use mobile computing devices (smartphones, tablets, and laptops) in everyday life, and in particular in their studies.

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Похожие темы научных работ по наукам об образовании , автор научной работы — Nargiza Toirjonovna Mamatova, Baxrombek Abduvaliyevich Abduhakimov, Abduvaliy Abduhakimovich Ashurov

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Текст научной работы на тему «Mobile testing in the system of higher medical education»

Mobile testing in the system of higher medical education

Nargiza Toirjonovna Mamatova Baxrombek Abduvaliyevich Abduhakimov Samarkand State Medical University Abduvaliy Abduhakimovich Ashurov Samarkand regional Center for Phthisiology and Pulmonology

Abstract: In recent years, innovative technologies have been increasingly used in the education system. This probably applies to a greater extent to the distance learning system. In some cases, a good distance learning program can almost completely replace the process of full-time education. At the same time, medical education is unique, and characterized by significant conservatism. Indeed, replacing practical training in a clinical specialty with correspondence courses is almost impossible today. However, this does not mean that certain parts of such training cannot be used in the preparation of a medical student with good efficiency. In this regard, there are various possibilities, but the testing function is most in demand. The emergence of distance learning, and in particular the MOODLE system, made it possible to approach the solution of these problems. The second important condition for fulfilling this task was the fact that students widely use mobile computing devices (smartphones, tablets, and laptops) in everyday life, and in particular in their studies.

Keywords: test, student, medical personnel, knowledge, education

Introduction. In recent years, innovative technologies have been increasingly used in the education system. This probably applies to a greater extent to the distance learning system. In some cases, a good distance learning program can almost completely replace the process of full-time education. At the same time, medical education is unique, and characterized by significant conservatism. Indeed, replacing practical training in a clinical specialty with correspondence courses is almost impossible today. However, this does not mean that certain parts of such training cannot be used in the preparation of a medical student with good efficiency. In this regard, there are various possibilities, but the testing function is most in demand. In general, testing is the most important component of the educational process and is widely used in education, including medical education, both to control students' knowledge and for training. At the same time, testing in a study group has certain difficulties. First of all, there must be a computer lab, which is not available at every clinical department. But even if there is a computer lab, the teacher does not always have the opportunity to conduct testing at the time he needs.

The emergence of distance learning, and in particular the MOODLE (Modular

Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment) system, made it possible to approach the solution of these problems. The second important condition for fulfilling this task was the fact that students widely use mobile computing devices (smartphones, tablets, and laptops) in everyday life, and in particular in their studies. The reality is that you can rarely see a student with educational literature in class, it has been replaced by modern gadgets. We can discuss whether this is good or bad, but that is how it is. On the other hand, this made it possible to test students independently of the computer at any time during the lesson (and naturally after, if necessary).

It must be said that positive expectations were met: yes, all of this is real, it all works, it is convenient, interesting and one can even say creative. It was curious to observe the students' reaction to the offer to conduct testing "right here and now" - it was unexpected for them. In general, the students' attitude to this form of conducting classes was quite positive. We consider the optimal number of test questions (considering the current test control) from 15 to 20, with a time limit of up to 20 minutes. The set of test tasks is standard, consisting of tests of different forms (mainly single or multiple choice) and varying degrees of difficulty. However, not everything can go smoothly in this process and several difficulties can arise. This is, first of all, a technical issue: no smartphone, no traffic, battery is discharged, etc. Indeed, it is difficult to imagine a modern student without mobile computer devices, but all this can happen. In reality, contrary to expectations, such cases took place, but they were rare. Moreover, these issues can be largely resolved by providing internet traffic, or by providing a written version of the tests to the student, or some kind of assignment (you need to be prepared for this).

Conclusion. On the other hand, it is necessary to pay attention to certain problems of a methodological nature. First of all, this method of conducting classes should be methodically permitted (approved) as one of the options for conducting classes. The student should know that such a method of conducting classes officially exists (is included in the curriculum) and should be ready for this type of conducting classes, and also understand the responsibility for refusing it. This also applies to the assessment of student's knowledge obtained in this way. In general, once again we can note the fairly good possibilities of this method of monitoring the knowledge of students of a medical university. This method has obvious advantages, is effective, and is not complicated (of course, with a certain level of training). Its use in educational work allows us to get away from the known shortcomings of traditional computer testing. At the same time, the widespread use of this method requires solving certain methodological issues. Without solving these issues, the use of this method in conducting final forms of certification is not sufficiently justified and can be limited only to current knowledge monitoring.


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