Научная статья на тему 'Text-forming and cohesion features of English compound nouns - economic terms in the scientific-popular economic texts'

Text-forming and cohesion features of English compound nouns - economic terms in the scientific-popular economic texts Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Gunchenko Yu., Hnatenko Ya., Tanko N.

The article investigates the main functions of compound noun economic terms in modern English scientific-economic texts; the article also reviews their usage in the newspaper titles, gives examples.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Text-forming and cohesion features of English compound nouns - economic terms in the scientific-popular economic texts»

17. Тимченко £.К. Вокатив i шструменталь в украшсь-к1й мовi / £. К. Тимченко. — К. : З друкарш УАН, 1926. — 118 с.

18. Формановская Н. И. Речевой этикет и культура общения. - М.: Высш. шк., 1989. - 159 с.

19. Формановская Н.И. Русский речевой этикет: нормативный и социокультурный контекст. - М.: Русский язык, 2002. - 446 с.

20. Ющук 1.П. Похвала звертанню // Дивослово. - 2015. - № 1. - С. 27—31.

21. Яхныч М. А., Ионова С. В. Обращение как проявление речевой культуры в интернет-коммуникации / М. А. Яхнич, С. В. Ионова // Экология языка и коммуникативная практика. - 2013. - № 1. - С. 246-256.

22. Tomiczek E. Sy&em adresatywny wspolczesnego j^zyka polskiego i niemieckiego. - Wroclaw, 1983. - 240 s.



Gunchenko Yu.

Poltava National Technical Yury Kondratyuk University, Senior Teacher

Hnatenko Ya.

Poltava National Technical Yury Kondratyuk University, Lecturer

Tanko N.

Poltava National Technical Yury Kondratyuk University, Lecturer


The article invefligates the main functions of compound noun economic terms in modern English scientific-economic texts; the article also reviews their usage in the newspaper titles, gives examples.

Keywords:economic discourse, text-forming functions, compound noun economic terms, text cohesion, reiteration, antonymy, text compression

Conflant progress in the world economic sphere which includes markets globalization, innovation technologies implementation, and intense business development can be observed during the recent years. All these result in the widening of economic concept framework, leading to enrichment of English economic terminological syflem, which in turn causes huge linguifls' interefl to terminology.

Economic terminology occupies a special place among other terminologies due to specificity of the human activity sphere it supplies. English is also the language of the country, which was the firfl to form economic notions, and where the very science of economics got the language expression.

In the context of economic terminology the domain specific terminologies are marked out, among them the terminologies of marketing, auditing, finance, foreign exchange, market relations, trading, banking etc. Thus modern English economic terminology is an example of integration of several scientific fields, made up of economic terms aggregate, correlated with this science notion syflem and being regulated and controlled. Diversified fludy in the field of modern English economic terminology contributes to identification of its formation regularity, functioning, syflematization, and helps to predict the main tendencies of its further development. This is what determines the field of our research.

The terms functioning can be befl traced in the text, thereby making the text an object of numerous scientific researches. Though texts have already been the objects of invefligation, the mofl of attention have been paid to literary or journalese texts. Invefligation of scientific-popular texts seems to be of no less importance, especially nowadays, when conflant development of scientific knowledge makes them a verbal means of preserving and transferring human cognitive experience.

Scientific-popular economic texts have already been an object of linguiflic research. Thus the problem of English

economic texts is reflected in the works by K. Tarasova (fludy of economic discourse) [7]; K. Petushinskaya (English journalese texts as an example of economic discourse) [5]; I. Gumovska (English juridical terminology in economic texts) [2]; V. Artyuh (terminological verbal word-combinations in English economic texts) [1]; I. Kryvoruchko (text as a unit of business communication) [4]; S. Rybachok (means of cohesion of English economic texts) [6], and others. Though peculiarities of functioning compound nouns - economic terms in the scientific popular economic texts were not invefligated, determining the aim of our research, this is the following: defining the main functions of the terms being invefligated in the flated texts, and fludying their usage, particularly in the newspaper headings.

Scientific popular economic texts in periodical publications are considered to be secondary sphere of economic terms functioning. Using terms in the texts of this type is aimed at performing informative and educational tasks, and keeping intellectual contact with readers.

The current research of compound nouns - economic terms cohesion features in the popular-science English economic texts was based on the materials of recent economic periodic publication of The Economic, Financial Times Ta Business Week.

We view the term as a word or word-combination used in professional language with the aim of denotation the special notions or objects characterised by informativity, syflematicity, definitivity, precision.

The research conducted at the material of English compound nouns - economic terms suggefls taking into account both terminological and world-building aspects. As far as compounding is considered to be one of the main areas in English lexis development, its fludy seems to be an important aspect in world-building invefligation process.

Terms in professional language have a number of functions, i.e. the role they play as a means of special notion denotation. As far as the term is a polyfunctional unit, it is necessary to consider its functions in their connections. Terms functioning syflem is much more complicated than the corresponding non-terms syflem, which is due to the fact that the term is used to express the complex general notion, e.g. scientific, technical, political etc.

Among the mofl significant terms functions the researches name the following ones: nominative, definitive, informative, communicative, text-forming, cohesion, thematic, pragmatic and heuriflic. One of the main term's functions is its nominative or representative function that is the denomination of a definite meaning. The special feature of the term as a nominative unit lies in the special knowledge fixation.

The term is a key element connecting the scientific-popular text.

Henry Widdowson defines the text as an "actual use of language, diflinct from a sentence which is an abflract unit of linguiflic analysis." [8; p.4].

Though the text has already been the object of numerous linguiflic fludies, the scientifls' primary attention was turned toward literary texts or publiciflic texts. Invefligations in the field of scientific-popular texts doesn't seem to be of the less importance, especially nowadays, when conflant development of newefl knowledge is being reflected in making dictionaries, work-books, fludy guides etc. In modern times of scientific-technical progress development, scientific text becomes a significant verbal means of preservation and communication of human experience, and as a means of scientific knowledge further development. Thus it deserves the same attention as the other types of the texts mentioned.

Among the main features of scientific text are its informativity, integrity, cohesion and ability to be articulated.

Cohesion, which is a text category allowing to transfer information through the syflem of interrelated and integrated elements in the complex of their flructural, semantic, cognitive and functional characteriflics, is one of the mofl important features of scientific text. [6; p. 5-6]. Cohesion can be of several types which are phonetic, morphemic, morphological, lexical or semantical. It also can be diflant or contact one. Such division is based on the placement of repeated elements.

The specificity of English scientific economical text, according to T.Drozdova, consifls in comparatively small amount of key concepts being used in it, which are in close connection with each other. Terms in such a text, together with terminological meaning can supply the elements of the common language meaning, while the nonterminological lexis can supply scientific information. [3; p. 8]. Combination of common, general scientific and terminological lexis is a method of flructural and semantic organization of economic text, which serves its integrality forming. The integrality of economic text is based on subsequence in the usage of common, general scientific and terminological lexis.

Professional text enables the mofl compete disclosing of the term's meaning. For that reason we have based our research on scientific-popular economic texts, which are periodical literature on economic subject, considered to be a secondary sphere of economic terms functioning [1; p. 13]. Terms usage in this texts type is directed toward implementation of informative and educational tasks, and keeping the intellectual contact with reader [6; p. 14].

Peculiar feature of scientific-popular texts is the inhomogenuity and inequality of terms placement in the text flructure, graduality of terms representation, usage of complete lexical repetitions, doublets, nonterminological elements, analogues and tropes [6; p. 14].

Deep linguifls' interefl to economic term and to scientific-popular economic texts is determined by integrative informative processes in the society, which in turn assifl activation researchers' interefl to economics as a professional discipline. Common mass readers' accessibility to such kind of texts, including those in English, is responsible for economic terms usage far beyond the boundaries of the pure professional usage, which in turn causes the necessity of undemanding economic terms by a wider auditory of readers.

Professional lexis has a special role among the lexical means of cohesion connection in professional texts. It is an important tool of actualization of identity, opposition, implication, particular and common, class, variety etc. [6; p. 6]. Terminological lexis is a syflem factor in the text and therefore contributes to its cohesion [3; p. 21].

The term's important feature is its ability to be the key cohesion component of professional texts [6; p. 7]. Term's cohesion function provides discursive cohesiveness of professional economic text organization. Discursive importunateness of cohesive lexis lies in its ability to connect both terms and common lexis into nominative contraction [6; p. 8]. The means of the terms' cohesive potential maintenance on semantic level include reiteration, general scientific notions, and antonyms.

Reiterations demonflrate a high cohesive ability. They contribute to easier underflanding of professional information in the text; keep reader's attention to the key data read. Cohesive nature of a text can be also realized through such forms of text composition as paragraphs [6; p. 11-12].

Terms occupy a special place among lexical means of the professional text cohesion coherence, being an important inflrument of maintenance of identity, opposition, involvement, a part and a whole, a class and plurality etc [6; p. 6]. Terms in the text serve as a syflem factor, i.e. serve cohesion [3; p. 21].

According to the results of our research, compound nouns -economic terms mainly serve the actualization of such means of cohesion as lexical reiteration, general scientific words, and antonymic means. Lexical reiteration cohesion ability contributes to accentuation and keeping the addressee's attention and consequently to better text underflanding. Examples of lexical reiteration in scientific-popular economic texts are the following:

VW's management defended the payout, emphasizing the carmaker's achievements lafl year - when it sold more than 8m vehicles and made €11.3bn in operating profit - while pointing out that much of the payout was geared towards rewarding multiyear profitability.

However, the payout threatens to flir up the debate in Europe about levels of executive pay.(Financial Times Tuesday March 13 2012 p.13)

Unfortunately little has been done about the underlying flructural problems. Indeed, the downturn, during which wages have not kept pace with inflation, has in many ways made US inequality worse. Today the American economy faces three big risks. Firfl, a fleeper European downturn, as a result of the excessive auflerity and the euro crisis. Second, complacency that the economy will recover quickly without government support.

Though every downturn comes to an end, that should not be of much comfort.

(Financial Times, Tuesday, March 13 2012, p.9) The research conducted revealed examples of synonymic lexical reiteration of compound economic terms in scientific-popular economic texts:

Governments mufl also combat joblessness without ossifying their labour markets. High unemployment can do lading damage, as people lose their skills or their ties to the world of work. This danger juflifies efforts to slow lay-offs or encourage hiring. (The Economic, October 2 2009, p.12)

The given example demonflrates the synonymic row joblessness - unemployment - lay-offs, one of the elements of which is represented by the compound noun - economic term lay-offs.

It should be noted that text cohesion maintenance is more often met through complete lexical reiteration of compound terms rather than synonymic reiterations. This is due to the higher information value of a compound term comparing to a simple term.

Antonymy as a means of cohesion can also by actualized by compound nouns - economic terms:

After 41 weeks of consecutive downgrades, net earnings per share revisions for next year turned positive powered by a surge in upgrades of Japanese companies and induflrial groups, according to data compiled by Citigroup.

But the fact that there are now more upgrades than downgrades should provide succour to market bulls, they added.(Financial Times, Tuesday, March 13 2012, p.13)

Standard Chartered offers proper retail- and corporate-banking services in a number of countries and also enjoys access to global capital markets.

(The Economic, Mar 2nd 2013 )

"We've seen a seesaw between risk-on and risk-off, but there's really a compelling case appetite has been fleady," said Samarjit Shankar, managing director for the foreign- exchange group in Boflon at Bank of New York Mellon Corp., the world's largefl cuflodial bank with more than $20 trillion in assets under adminiflration.(Business Week, February 26, 2010,)

The usage of antonymic compound terms in the scientific-popular economic text also contributes to text cohesion ability actualization as far as it emphasizes reader's attention with the help of opposition.

As for the contiguous and diflant peculiarities of compound terms positioning in the text, we should note that both types of positioning can be seen in the invefligated texts, though contiguous position is more frequent. Contiguous and diflant terms positioning in the scientific popular economic text enables gradual actualization with flep-by-flep widening of a term's semantic meaning [6; p. 10].

Text compression function is among the main text-forming functions of compound nouns economic terms in the scientific popular economic texts. It is due to the fact that a compound

term main &yMic-&ructure feature is its ability to combine two full meaning &ems. Semantic meaning of such compound term is usually bigger than simply a sum of two terms meanings included into a compound, therefore a compound or parasyntheton term is more informative compared to a simplex, enabling it to perform a text compression function. That is why compound nouns terms are often used in the scientific popular economic articles headings, for example:

Portugal's out-of-work advised to emigrate (Financial Times, Wednesday, July 4 2012 p.4) CSU leader warns Merkel over eurozone bailouts (Financial Times, Wednesday, July 4 2012 p.4) Shareholders will play a decisive role in bankers' pay (Financial Times Wednesday, July 2 2012 p.16) Therefore the conducted inve^igation of compound nouns -economic terms in scientific-popular economic texts has shown that compound terms contribute to text cohesion actualization mainly by the means of lexical reiteration, synonymic reiterations, antonymy, contiguous and di^ant positioning.


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