Научная статья на тему 'Territorial aspects of development the industrial sectors in the regions of Uzbekistan'

Territorial aspects of development the industrial sectors in the regions of Uzbekistan Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Zhumaniyazova Sharifa

In this paper analyzed modern condition and basic factors of development of industrial potential of Khorezm region. Now a day the in Khorezm region main part of competitive, export-oriented industrial products comes from innovative enterprises, which actively using modern methods and technologies in their activities, new managerial and organizational solutions. It should be noted, that not only the production capacity and new technologies solving the competitiveness and success of the products in the world market, but also the business environment, innovation, investment climate and comprehensive organizational and legal conditions created by the state are very crucial in ensuring competitiveness and sustainability of goods and services in the world market.

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Территориальные аспекты развития отраслей промышленности в регионах Узбекистана

В статье анализируется современное состояние и основные факторы развития промышленного потенциала Хорезмского региона. В настоящее время в Хорезмской области основная часть произведенных конкурентоспособных, экспортоориентированной промышленной продукций приходится на долю инновационных предприятий, которые в своей деятельности активно используют современные методы и технологии, новые управленческие и организационные решения. Следует отметить, что не только производственные мощности и новые технологии определяют конкурентоспособность и успех продукции на мировом рынке, но и бизнес-среда, инновационный и инвестиционный климат. Организационно-правовые условия, созданные государством, также имеют решающее значение в обеспечении конкурентоспособности, устойчивости товаров и услуг на мировом рынке.

Текст научной работы на тему «Territorial aspects of development the industrial sectors in the regions of Uzbekistan»

UDC 332.142.4




©Zhumaniyazova Sh.

Urgench State University Urgench, Uzbekistan, [email protected]

©Жуманиязова Ш. Р.

Ургенчский государственный университет Ургенч, Узбекистан, [email protected]

Abstract. In this paper analyzed modern condition and basic factors of development of industrial potential of Khorezm region.

Now a day the in Khorezm region main part of competitive, export-oriented industrial products comes from innovative enterprises, which actively using modern methods and technologies in their activities, new managerial and organizational solutions.

It should be noted, that not only the production capacity and new technologies solving the competitiveness and success of the products in the world market, but also the business environment, innovation, investment climate and comprehensive organizational and legal conditions created by the state are very crucial in ensuring competitiveness and sustainability of goods and services in the world market.

Аннотация. В статье анализируется современное состояние и основные факторы развития промышленного потенциала Хорезмского региона.

В настоящее время в Хорезмской области основная часть произведенных конкурентоспособных, экспортоориентированной промышленной продукций приходится на долю инновационных предприятий, которые в своей деятельности активно используют современные методы и технологии, новые управленческие и организационные решения.

Следует отметить, что не только производственные мощности и новые технологии определяют конкурентоспособность и успех продукции на мировом рынке, но и бизнес-среда, инновационный и инвестиционный климат. Организационно-правовые условия, созданные государством, также имеют решающее значение в обеспечении конкурентоспособности, устойчивости товаров и услуг на мировом рынке.

Keywords: industrial complex, level of in industrial production, light industry, modernization of production.

Ключевые слова: промышленный комплекс, уровень промышленного производства, легкая промышленность, модернизация производства.

After 25 years since the independence of our Republic, there has been significant attention paid to modernization of the sectors of economy of our country, deep implementation of democratic market reforms, liberalization, social and economic, political and legal areas, as well as structural change and making our economy more diversified, harmoniously develop economic branches and regions.

The main point among the sectors is considered to be the complex of industrial manufacturing. The main trait of industry is that the means of labor and consumer goods as well as

a large portion of national income are made in its all sectors while scientific and technical development is gained. At the same time majority of the population who are sustainable to labor in Uzbekistan are busy in industrial manufacturing. The industry supplies all fields of agriculture with manufacturing tools and labor instruments. The development of national economy, science, education, culture, health care, sports, tourism and other sectors depend on the level of industrial development.

It should be pointed out that infrastructural changes of any branch of industry complex are connected with other sectors in practice such as agriculture, agro industry and other mining industry branches. The sectors which serve the complex of agro industry and agricultural reproducing products among the industrial branches have historically gained leading reputation. They are the industrial enterprises of tinned products, oil, textile and cotton cleaning. Moreover, the industries of chemical and oil, engineering, electronics, energetics, metallurgy, light and construction materials are developing rapidly.

1. Data source and methodology

An intensive regional policy is being admitted all over the world and is being evaluated as an effective outcome. Nowadays the priorities of development have been identified in close connection with the sectors and several programs have been applied.

As our First President Islam Karimov emphasized: "Today, as in our whole country, in Khorezm, there are sustainable growth degree, big steps and goals that being achieved" at the subsequent session of the Government Council of Khorezm, which was held on October 9, 2012.

At that time, our President emphasized that was time to develop a certain program and perform them under our Government, considering them by taking into consideration all existing conditions of our region.

Thoroughly, "The program of developing industrial capacity of Khorezm region in 20132015" was accepted on the basis of the decree of our First President Islam Karimov on November 22, 2012. During this period, 432 industrial enterprises which were established came at the cost of investment worth more than 308 million US dollars. Especially, the enterprises, which make productions on the basis of high technologies such as automobiles namely Damas, Orlando and Labo, hydraulic excavators, bulldozers, commercial and home refrigerators were founded. We can realize these changes in the field of light industry. It can be exemplified by the sewing complexes which started its activities in the districts such as Bogot, Xazorasp, Shovot and Yangibozor. It is worth to mention that 15 of 34 joint ventures have been founded in the districts where such enterprises have not been existed over the last 5 years [1].

2. Results and discussion

The amount of the industrial products constituted 2351684,1 million sums in 2015 as a result of carrying out the projects on the program. 1504242,0 million sums consumer goods were produced in 2015. 501216,7 million sums food stuff and 976747,0 million sums non-products stuff have been produced.

It is known that the light industry is one of the traditional sectors of the region and plays an important role in the activity of regional manufacturing. The regions of Bogot, Gurlan, Kushkupir, Khazorasp, Khanka, Shovot and Yangiariq is considered as a main light industry. There are available conditions of planting the agricultural goods of the region such as cotton. To reproduce these goods as well as carrying out the programs to increase the industry is very important.

There is possibility of manufacturing the ready-made products from silk and wool in this region, which has had a certain opportunities on producing caterpillar and producing wool.

Khorezm region is famous for producing carpets and the gained experience and traditions have been handed down from generation to generation during such a long period. The Khorezm's carpets differ with its high quality, and being in high demand on in internal and external market.

There have been a lot of emphasize on the task of bringing the experience of the field of science and techniques of foreign countries and implement them into the industry of Uzbekistan. The statistical data shows that, new enterprises in cooperation with 503 foreign capitals in 2016 have been recorded in the Republic of Uzbekistan. 351 of these enterprises have been established in Tashkent city, 48 in Tashkent, 19 in Samarkand, 18 in Andijon as well as 14 in Fergana, 9 in Bukhara, 9 in Sirdaryo, 7 in Surxandarya, 5 in Khorezm regions and 10 in the Republic of Karakalpakistan. 237 of these newly built enterprises funded with foreign capital are considered industrial enterprises [2].




2014 million. Sum 2015 million. Sum change in percent

total: 1651707,4 2351684,1 121,9

for instance:

electric power 69706,3 122789,1 139,8

full 10577,4

mountain metallurgy 595,3 146,1 87,2

chemistry and petro chemistry 14254,3 42411,5 155,6

automobile industry 541572,5 728605,3 134,5

raw materials 94372,8 117088,0 134,7

light industry 469233,1 639220,3 105,7

food industry 196386,3 415194,6 124,2

consumer products 1011691,3 1504242,0 124,8

for instance:

food stuff products 305448,9 501216,7 123,2

nonfood stuff products 657083,1 976747,0 125,9

The measures on the development of the industry of Uzbekistan have been instantly carried out. Furthermore, the decree of the president of Republic of Uzbekistan on January 12, 2017 says that the organization of free economic zones "Urgut", "Gijduvon", "Kokan" and "Xazarasp" have been appointed the following tasks and requirements:

- to provide the involvement of investments of both foreign and local investors for organizing an up-to-date manufacturing on producing substitutive productions which are in high demand in foreign market and can be replaced with import;

- to maintain an effective usage of the manufacturing and resource capacities of the regions such as Samarkand, Bukhara, Fergana and Khorezm;

- to implement the production of fruit, vegetables and other agricultural goods, the storage and packaging, the sewing and carpet weaving as well as shoe demanding, production of ecologically friendly pharmaceuticals, raw materials, electrical engineering and other modern productions;

- to develop the localization of production of highly technological goods on the basis of development of industrial cooperation and under material-raw materials to establish cooperation communications between independent economic zone companies [4].

3. Conclusion

In conclusion, one of today's most important economic characteristics is the development of science and technology in all the sectors of national economy. Thus, it is very important to improve the core instruments of science and technology - to automate the production, enhance mechanical and engineering as well as chemistry and new technologies. In order for the economy to blossom in a stable way, it is mandatory to take full advantage of these capabilities, to improve the efficiency and quality of industrial production. Because, the higher the rate of industrial production, the stronger the economy of our country will be and results in higher living standards among the population. In this regard, Uzbekistan has a greater capabilities to and potential to succeed.

Source: /Источники

1. http://www.xorazm.uz

2. http://www.stat.uz

3. Regional Department of Statistics in Khorezm: industrial Indicators for Khorezm, Urgench.


4. The decree of the President of Republic of Uzbekistan "About the organization free economic zones such as "Urgut", "Gijduvon", "Kukan" and "Khazarasp". Xalq so'zi. January 14, 2017.

Работа поступила Принята к публикации

в редакцию 20.02.2017 г. 24.02.2017 г.

Cite as (APA):

Zhumaniyazova, Sh. (2017). Territorial aspects of development the industrial sectors in the regions of Uzbekistan. Bulletin of Science and Practice, (3), 192-195. Available at: http://www.bulletennauki.com/zhumaniyazova, accessed 15.03.2017.

Ссылка для цитирования:

Жуманиязова Ш. Р. Территориальные аспекты развития отраслей промышленности в регионах Узбекистана // Бюллетень науки и практики. Электрон. журн. 2017. №3 (16). С. 192-195. Режим доступа: http://www.bulletennauki.com/zhumaniyazova (дата обращения 15.03.2017). (На англ.).

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